How do you win a cultural war?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
You win by completely demolishing the enemy, breaking their will until they no longer want to fight, correct?

Do not be deceived: This country is now involved in a full-blown cultural war, and Donald Trump is our first "wartime" President. If you consider yourself a "conservative", a "Republican", or even a "libertarian", the left earnestly believes that you are the enemy. This war evolved throughout the 1960's when everything Americans believed in and held close to their hearts came under attack, and has intensified to a crescendo toward the end of the Obama Presidency.

The left has traditionally sought to destroy and still is savagely destroying every trace of American heritage, American nationality, American Christianity, American values, the American psyche, the American language, American traditions, American political beliefs, American culture, American icons, and the United States Constitution.

In addition to those, this cultural war of attrition is being waged against the personal control over one's own environment, one's individuality and privacy, the ability to help one's self, competition and free enterprise, and the freedom to be open and honest.

So how do you go about defending yourself against an onslaught like this? Simple: Use the exact same offensive weapons the left has been using against you for decades. These weapons were put to paper in 1971 by an un-American Marxist shithead named Saul Alinsky. His book was titled "Rules for Radicals", and contained thirteen explicit principles which which have become the key strategies of the DNC, the Democrat Party, liberalism, and the progressive movement...

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

For example, let's look at one of them and show how they have been used to attack a long-standing American tradition:

Rule #13 states: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Say for instance the target is chosen to be firearms ownership. You "freeze" it by focusing all of the attention on the dangers of firearms, and never allowing the positive aspects to see daylight. This of course is done with the help of a sympathetic media.

Next you "personalize" firearms ownership as being "evil", something attributed only to an unsavory segment of society, something to be afraid of, and something which must be controlled. You use terms like "gun nuts" to describe gun owners and using sensationalist media, you convince the public that guns should not be in the hands of civilians.

Then you "polarize" the target of firearms ownership by lobbying the government to enact more restrictive controls, creating anti-gun organizations, and further using the sympathetic media to drum up support for those controls. You also go after not only firearms owners, but the producers, manufacturers, importers, and exporters.

And that's how they did. Using that one single rule along with the twelve others, the left has been systematically attacking and destroying every aspect of American life which they deemed "offensive".

As a defense against these attacks, I suggest learning more about their offensive weapons, and turning them back against them. This would involve a number of things but the main strategy would be attacking everything the left holds dear. I would start by categorizing the targets into different groups such as institutions, traditions, businesses, information networks, organizations, groups, etc. The next step would be to go after those targets with campaigns of correcting the propaganda those targets promulgate, by boycotting, and by discrediting their legitimacy. Also by going after their financial support systems and their sponsors by means of protests, letters, emails, and further boycotts.

There are many resources you have available to survive the cultural war: Friends, family, co-workers, elected representatives, conservative media personalities, even the internet can provide a wealth of tools to use in this fight. Here's one page I just found a few seconds ago..

Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face

So good luck and God speed. Your country, your values, and your very existence depends on how well you engage the enemy in this culture war.

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In the past, when white supremacists and fascists have waged cultural war it's taken all out warfare to squash them out. It probably won't come to that this time, as Trump's total ineptitude is opening everybody's eyes, including his own followers, to how despicable his views are.
You win by completely demolishing the enemy, breaking their will until they no longer want to fight, correct?

Do not be deceived: This country is now involved in a full-blown cultural war, and Donald Trump is out first "wartime" President. If you consider yourself a "conservative", a "Republican", or even a "libertarian", the left earnestly believes that you are the enemy. This war evolved throughout the 1960's when everything Americans believed in and held close to their hearts came under attack, and has intensified to a crescendo toward the end of the Obama Presidency.

The left has traditionally sought to destroy and still is savagely destroying every trace of American heritage, American nationality, American Christianity, American values, the American psyche, the American language, American traditions, American political beliefs, American culture, American icons, and the United States Constitution.

In addition to those, this cultural war of attrition is being waged against the personal control over one's own environment, one's individuality and privacy, the ability to help one's self, competition and free enterprise, and the freedom to be open and honest.

So how do you go about defending yourself against an onslaught like this? Simple: Use the exact same offensive weapons the left has been using against you for decades. These weapons were put to paper in 1971 by an un-American Marxist shithead named Saul Alinsky. His book was titled "Rules for Radicals", and contained thirteen explicit principles which which have become the key strategies of the DNC, the Democrat Party, liberalism, and the progressive movement...

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

For example, let's look at one of them and show how they have been used to attack a long-standing American tradition:

Rule #13 states: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Say for instance the target is chosen to be firearms ownership. You "freeze" it by focusing all of the attention on the dangers of firearms, and never allowing the positive aspects to see daylight. This of course is done with the help of a sympathetic media.

Next you "personalize" firearms ownership as being "evil", something attributed only to an unsavory segment of society, something to be afraid of, and something which must be controlled. You use terms like "gun nuts" to describe gun owners and using sensationalist media, you convince the public that guns should not be in the hands of civilians.

Then you "polarize" the target of firearms ownership by lobbying the government to enact more restrictive controls, creating anti-gun organizations, and further using the sympathetic media to drum up support for those controls. You also go after not only firearms owners, but the producers, manufacturers, importers, and exporters.

And that's how they did. Using that one single rule along with the twelve others, the left has been systematically attacking and destroying every aspect of American life which they deemed "offensive".

As a defense against these attacks, I suggest learning more about their offensive weapons, and turning them back against them. This would involve a number of things but the main strategy would be attacking everything the left holds dear. I would start by categorizing the targets into different groups such as institutions, traditions, businesses, information networks, organizations, groups, etc. The next step would be to go after those targets with campaigns of correcting the propaganda those targets promulgate, by boycotting, and by discrediting their legitimacy. Also by going after their financial support systems and their sponsors by means of protests, letters, emails, and further boycotts.

There are many resources you have available to survive the cultural war: Friends, family, co-workers, elected representatives, conservative media personalities, even the internet can provide a wealth of tools to use in this fight. Here's one page I just found a few seconds ago..

Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face

So good luck and God speed. Your country, your values, and your very existence depends on how well you engage the enemy in this culture war.

Thanks Vlad. 'Preciate it
You win by completely demolishing the enemy, breaking their will until they no longer want to fight, correct?

Do not be deceived: This country is now involved in a full-blown cultural war, and Donald Trump is out first "wartime" President. If you consider yourself a "conservative", a "Republican", or even a "libertarian", the left earnestly believes that you are the enemy. This war evolved throughout the 1960's when everything Americans believed in and held close to their hearts came under attack, and has intensified to a crescendo toward the end of the Obama Presidency.

The left has traditionally sought to destroy and still is savagely destroying every trace of American heritage, American nationality, American Christianity, American values, the American psyche, the American language, American traditions, American political beliefs, American culture, American icons, and the United States Constitution.

In addition to those, this cultural war of attrition is being waged against the personal control over one's own environment, one's individuality and privacy, the ability to help one's self, competition and free enterprise, and the freedom to be open and honest.

So how do you go about defending yourself against an onslaught like this? Simple: Use the exact same offensive weapons the left has been using against you for decades. These weapons were put to paper in 1971 by an un-American Marxist shithead named Saul Alinsky. His book was titled "Rules for Radicals", and contained thirteen explicit principles which which have become the key strategies of the DNC, the Democrat Party, liberalism, and the progressive movement...

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

For example, let's look at one of them and show how they have been used to attack a long-standing American tradition:

Rule #13 states: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Say for instance the target is chosen to be firearms ownership. You "freeze" it by focusing all of the attention on the dangers of firearms, and never allowing the positive aspects to see daylight. This of course is done with the help of a sympathetic media.

Next you "personalize" firearms ownership as being "evil", something attributed only to an unsavory segment of society, something to be afraid of, and something which must be controlled. You use terms like "gun nuts" to describe gun owners and using sensationalist media, you convince the public that guns should not be in the hands of civilians.

Then you "polarize" the target of firearms ownership by lobbying the government to enact more restrictive controls, creating anti-gun organizations, and further using the sympathetic media to drum up support for those controls. You also go after not only firearms owners, but the producers, manufacturers, importers, and exporters.

And that's how they did. Using that one single rule along with the twelve others, the left has been systematically attacking and destroying every aspect of American life which they deemed "offensive".

As a defense against these attacks, I suggest learning more about their offensive weapons, and turning them back against them. This would involve a number of things but the main strategy would be attacking everything the left holds dear. I would start by categorizing the targets into different groups such as institutions, traditions, businesses, information networks, organizations, groups, etc. The next step would be to go after those targets with campaigns of correcting the propaganda those targets promulgate, by boycotting, and by discrediting their legitimacy. Also by going after their financial support systems and their sponsors by means of protests, letters, emails, and further boycotts.

There are many resources you have available to survive the cultural war: Friends, family, co-workers, elected representatives, conservative media personalities, even the internet can provide a wealth of tools to use in this fight. Here's one page I just found a few seconds ago..

Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face

So good luck and God speed. Your country, your values, and your very existence depends on how well you engage the enemy in this culture war.

Like we did the native peoples of North America then.
You win by completely demolishing the enemy, breaking their will until they no longer want to fight, correct?

Do not be deceived: This country is now involved in a full-blown cultural war, and Donald Trump is out first "wartime" President. If you consider yourself a "conservative", a "Republican", or even a "libertarian", the left earnestly believes that you are the enemy. This war evolved throughout the 1960's when everything Americans believed in and held close to their hearts came under attack, and has intensified to a crescendo toward the end of the Obama Presidency.

The left has traditionally sought to destroy and still is savagely destroying every trace of American heritage, American nationality, American Christianity, American values, the American psyche, the American language, American traditions, American political beliefs, American culture, American icons, and the United States Constitution.

In addition to those, this cultural war of attrition is being waged against the personal control over one's own environment, one's individuality and privacy, the ability to help one's self, competition and free enterprise, and the freedom to be open and honest.

So how do you go about defending yourself against an onslaught like this? Simple: Use the exact same offensive weapons the left has been using against you for decades. These weapons were put to paper in 1971 by an un-American Marxist shithead named Saul Alinsky. His book was titled "Rules for Radicals", and contained thirteen explicit principles which which have become the key strategies of the DNC, the Democrat Party, liberalism, and the progressive movement...

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

For example, let's look at one of them and show how they have been used to attack a long-standing American tradition:

Rule #13 states: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Say for instance the target is chosen to be firearms ownership. You "freeze" it by focusing all of the attention on the dangers of firearms, and never allowing the positive aspects to see daylight. This of course is done with the help of a sympathetic media.

Next you "personalize" firearms ownership as being "evil", something attributed only to an unsavory segment of society, something to be afraid of, and something which must be controlled. You use terms like "gun nuts" to describe gun owners and using sensationalist media, you convince the public that guns should not be in the hands of civilians.

Then you "polarize" the target of firearms ownership by lobbying the government to enact more restrictive controls, creating anti-gun organizations, and further using the sympathetic media to drum up support for those controls. You also go after not only firearms owners, but the producers, manufacturers, importers, and exporters.

And that's how they did. Using that one single rule along with the twelve others, the left has been systematically attacking and destroying every aspect of American life which they deemed "offensive".

As a defense against these attacks, I suggest learning more about their offensive weapons, and turning them back against them. This would involve a number of things but the main strategy would be attacking everything the left holds dear. I would start by categorizing the targets into different groups such as institutions, traditions, businesses, information networks, organizations, groups, etc. The next step would be to go after those targets with campaigns of correcting the propaganda those targets promulgate, by boycotting, and by discrediting their legitimacy. Also by going after their financial support systems and their sponsors by means of protests, letters, emails, and further boycotts.

There are many resources you have available to survive the cultural war: Friends, family, co-workers, elected representatives, conservative media personalities, even the internet can provide a wealth of tools to use in this fight. Here's one page I just found a few seconds ago..

Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face

So good luck and God speed. Your country, your values, and your very existence depends on how well you engage the enemy in this culture war.

Very profound question. Almost as profound as this one.
Ask Spain.

You win by completely demolishing the enemy, breaking their will until they no longer want to fight, correct?

Do not be deceived: This country is now involved in a full-blown cultural war, and Donald Trump is our first "wartime" President. If you consider yourself a "conservative", a "Republican", or even a "libertarian", the left earnestly believes that you are the enemy. This war evolved throughout the 1960's when everything Americans believed in and held close to their hearts came under attack, and has intensified to a crescendo toward the end of the Obama Presidency.

The left has traditionally sought to destroy and still is savagely destroying every trace of American heritage, American nationality, American Christianity, American values, the American psyche, the American language, American traditions, American political beliefs, American culture, American icons, and the United States Constitution.

In addition to those, this cultural war of attrition is being waged against the personal control over one's own environment, one's individuality and privacy, the ability to help one's self, competition and free enterprise, and the freedom to be open and honest.

So how do you go about defending yourself against an onslaught like this? Simple: Use the exact same offensive weapons the left has been using against you for decades. These weapons were put to paper in 1971 by an un-American Marxist shithead named Saul Alinsky. His book was titled "Rules for Radicals", and contained thirteen explicit principles which which have become the key strategies of the DNC, the Democrat Party, liberalism, and the progressive movement...

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

For example, let's look at one of them and show how they have been used to attack a long-standing American tradition:

Rule #13 states: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Say for instance the target is chosen to be firearms ownership. You "freeze" it by focusing all of the attention on the dangers of firearms, and never allowing the positive aspects to see daylight. This of course is done with the help of a sympathetic media.

Next you "personalize" firearms ownership as being "evil", something attributed only to an unsavory segment of society, something to be afraid of, and something which must be controlled. You use terms like "gun nuts" to describe gun owners and using sensationalist media, you convince the public that guns should not be in the hands of civilians.

Then you "polarize" the target of firearms ownership by lobbying the government to enact more restrictive controls, creating anti-gun organizations, and further using the sympathetic media to drum up support for those controls. You also go after not only firearms owners, but the producers, manufacturers, importers, and exporters.

And that's how they did. Using that one single rule along with the twelve others, the left has been systematically attacking and destroying every aspect of American life which they deemed "offensive".

As a defense against these attacks, I suggest learning more about their offensive weapons, and turning them back against them. This would involve a number of things but the main strategy would be attacking everything the left holds dear. I would start by categorizing the targets into different groups such as institutions, traditions, businesses, information networks, organizations, groups, etc. The next step would be to go after those targets with campaigns of correcting the propaganda those targets promulgate, by boycotting, and by discrediting their legitimacy. Also by going after their financial support systems and their sponsors by means of protests, letters, emails, and further boycotts.

There are many resources you have available to survive the cultural war: Friends, family, co-workers, elected representatives, conservative media personalities, even the internet can provide a wealth of tools to use in this fight. Here's one page I just found a few seconds ago..

Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face

So good luck and God speed. Your country, your values, and your very existence depends on how well you engage the enemy in this culture war.
Do not be deceived: This country is now involved in a full-blown cultural war, and Donald Trump is out first "wartime" President.

Hillary Clinton ran glaringly for the wartime president for the Dems. Yes, we are in a culture war, and it's heating up. Conservatives have been very slow to rally, except after distractions (like Iraq, you damn fools).

The stakes are high. Our heritage. Our freedom. Even our lives. (Check how many of their own people Communist countries killed in the 20th century.)
Cultural genocide occurs when you destroy the history and economy of a group of people, and then you convince the citizenry that they don't deserve the same rights that everybody else enjoys.
And the people who do it always are convinced that they're doing the right thing. The Germans were absolutely 100 percent convinced that Jews were evil, subhuman monsters, and the survival of humanity depended upon their eradication.

Their ghoulish masters convinced them of it, then encouraged them to kill and attack them, while the cops stood by.
The Germans were absolutely 100 percent convinced that Jews were evil

And, they were right. Even Jesus was moved to call Jews the children of the Devil. Just read the Talmud and see what a Jew is.

Their ghoulish masters convinced them of it, then encouraged them to kill and attack them, while the cops stood by.

I'm not convinced of the Holocaust (calling me an anti-Semite is not a compelling argument, it just means the accuser is an ignorant bigot pointing three fingers at himself while he points to me). But, even if it were true, the common German people didn't know anything about the Holocaust while it was allegedly going on. And, it was the socialist government that was behind the Holocaust, not the common people.
In the past, when white supremacists and fascists have waged cultural war it's taken all out warfare to squash them out. It probably won't come to that this time, as Trump's total ineptitude is opening everybody's eyes, including his own followers, to how despicable his views are.
Your avatar alone disqualifies you from even pretending that you fit in civilized society.

Go get impaled by a gas pipe, retard.
I will also say, any contemptuous commentators will be immediately added to the "ignore" list. I can't stifle your voices like you've taken on the task of doing to others, but I can sure as hell ignore any of the garbage you spew.

Enjoy your gag because your First Amendment rights no longer bring filth to my monitor. :finger3:
And the people who do it always are convinced that they're doing the right thing. The Germans were absolutely 100 percent convinced that Jews were evil, subhuman monsters, and the survival of humanity depended upon their eradication.

Their ghoulish masters convinced them of it, then encouraged them to kill and attack them, while the cops stood by.
And now Jews are killing the Germans for the same reason....
You win by completely demolishing the enemy, breaking their will until they no longer want to fight, correct?

Do not be deceived: This country is now involved in a full-blown cultural war, and Donald Trump is our first "wartime" President. If you consider yourself a "conservative", a "Republican", or even a "libertarian", the left earnestly believes that you are the enemy. This war evolved throughout the 1960's when everything Americans believed in and held close to their hearts came under attack, and has intensified to a crescendo toward the end of the Obama Presidency.

Mao's "Cultural Revolution".
How do you win a culture war? By responding to the people and giving them what they want.

In the 1960s, we won the culture war by producing great music, art, films and literature. We won the culture war by providing freedom and equality to repressed groups.

What Conservatives fail to understand is culture, at least American culture, is in a constant state of flux. Holding your ground, digging in your heels in the face of this flux will get you nowhere. Might I suggest that today, everyone knows The Beatles. Who among you knows who Mich Miller was? Everyone has seen The Godfather. Show of hands, who has seen G Men with J. Edgar Hoover? Ever read Uncle Tom's Cabin? It's a difficult read for our modern eyes in language, syntax and structure. Ever read Catch-22? Of course you have. It's one of my favorite books

If you want to lock in a ridgid, non-conformist, static culture, you have not sufficiently surveyed the battlefield. Taking the high ground will be impossible if you don't understand the lay of the land.

If winning a culture war means repressing human rights to ensure conformity, you don't understand human nature. If you believe your culture is in actual danger, you're probably right.

Our language evolves. In 1789 when the constitution was written, very few Americans said "oy vey!" or "fergedaboudit!". In 1789, no one could conceive of pizza or tacos or cotton candy. Immigration gave us a richer cuisine and a far richer American English.

American culture, as it has evolved over the decades has conquered the western world. People from subSaharan Africa to the Mekong Delta saw American films, heard American music and modeled their military along American lines. They wear western uniforms, salute flags and, unfortunately, fire American weapons.

We impose American cultural values on our enemies, wondering why and how they could be so barbaric. From Phillpino insurgents at the turn of the 20th century, to Japanese banzai charges in the middle of the century, to ISIS suicide bombers at the end of the century, we measure warfare by a latitude of compassion and a longitude of fair play.

Holding on to some long lost ideal that never was will lead to perpetual heartbreak and disappointment. Ozzie and Harriet were never the norm in our society.

People desire freedom. That's why we had the civil rights movement, the women's movement, Gay liberation and a national disdain for repressive agendas

Culture, particularly American culture is in a constant state of flux. Jump on and enjoy the ride.
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How do you win a culture war? By responding to the people and giving them what they want.

In the 1960s, we won the culture war by producing great music, art, films and literature.

What Conservatives,fail to understand is culture, at least American culture, is in a constant state of flux. Holding your ground, digging in your heels in the face of this flux will get you nowhere. Might I suggest that today, everyone knows The Beatles. Who among you knows who Mich Miller was? Everyone has seen The Godfather. Show of hands, who has seen G Men with J. Edgar Hoover?

If you want to lock in a ridgid, non-conformist, static culture, you have not sufficiently surveyed the battlefield. Taking the high ground will be impossible if you don't understand the lay of the land.

If winning a culture war means repressing human rights to ensure conformity, you don't understand human nature. If you believe your culture is in actual danger, you're probably right.

Our language evolves. In 1789 when the constitution was written, very few A,Erica she said "oh vey!" or "fergedaboudit!". In 1789, no one could conceive of pizza or tacos or cotton candy. Immigration gave us a richer cuisine and a far richer American English.

Ever read Uncle ROM's Cabin? It's a difficult read for our modern eyes in language, syntax and structure. Ever read Catch-22? Of course you have. It's one of my favorite books.

American culture, as it has evolved over the decades has conquered the western world. We impose American cultural values on our enemies, wondering why and how they could be so barbaric. From Phillpino insurgents at the turn of the 20th century, to Japanese banzai charges in the middle of the century, to ISIS suicide bombers at the end of the century, we measure warfare by a latitude of compassion and a longitude of fair play.

Holding on to some long lost ideal that never was will lead to perpetual heartbreak and disappointment. Ozzie and Harriet were never the norm in our society.

People desire freedom. That's why we had the civil rights movement, the women's movement, Gay liberation and a national disdain for repressive agendas

Culture, particularly American culture is in a constant state of flux. Jump on and enjoy the ride.

Well said :)

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