How do you find it in your souls to kill a baby 28 days AFTER it is born?

Forget the 'maker' nonsense, it's time America started to consider a better way forward if it's now killing babies.

And yes we know, it's the left/right to blame.

Is there a socially responsible position to take on abortion that can suit all political priorities?
The US has allowed abortion before the quickening since colonial times.
Christ is not a God he said so himself.

90 Verses That Say: Jesus is Not God Nor the Literal Son of God › 90-verses-that-say-jesus-is-not-...

Bible says that God is not man. 'God is not a man' (Numbers 23:19). 'For I am God, and not man' (Hosea 11:9). Jesus is called a man many times in the Bible.

Because He is both. He is the Son of God, and the son of man. They called Him Emanuel, God with us.
He had to be born of man to qualify as the Kinsman Redeemer for the Jews.

If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
And your bill ——-is from 2001–2002 UPDATES happen

2. STATES have their own rights

3. States are doing what they want an dhow they want, wake up.

Not a single state has passed any law legalizing infanticide.

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