How do you feel about internet searches that turn up unexpected information?


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2023
I did a search on an old bandmate from the 1960's. He is in his mid 70's. I just wanted to know if he is still above ground. What I got was a mugshot from 2023. He was arrested for assault on a person over 65. I did not go to an arrest website. This information was right on the internet for anyone to access. I do not like this. What about you?
Arrests are considered public information.

If you don't want your mugshot posted publicly, don't get arrested.

I have issues with FALSE information coming up with google searches.
I didn't have TV or even read a newspaper for quite some time before i logged onto this soul s*cking device

Arrests are considered public information.

If you don't want your mugshot posted publicly, don't get arrested.

I have issues with FALSE information coming up with google searches.
I want the the internet to help me with information but I do not want it to tell me more than I need to know.
I did a search on an old bandmate from the 1960's. He is in his mid 70's. I just wanted to know if he is still above ground. What I got was a mugshot from 2023. He was arrested for assault on a person over 65. I did not go to an arrest website. This information was right on the internet for anyone to access. I do not like this. What about you?
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to?
I did a search on an old bandmate from the 1960's. He is in his mid 70's. I just wanted to know if he is still above ground. What I got was a mugshot from 2023. He was arrested for assault on a person over 65. I did not go to an arrest website. This information was right on the internet for anyone to access. I do not like this. What about you?

Well that's a coincidence. I found an old bandmate from the 70's by searching online too.

But he's just an old married guy with kids, no criminal stuff.
I did a search on an old bandmate from the 1960's. He is in his mid 70's. I just wanted to know if he is still above ground. What I got was a mugshot from 2023. He was arrested for assault on a person over 65. I did not go to an arrest website. This information was right on the internet for anyone to access. I do not like this. What about you?
Absent a conviction, a mere arrest is meaningless.

That said, all convictions of adults should have be fully available.
I did a search on an old bandmate from the 1960's. He is in his mid 70's. I just wanted to know if he is still above ground. What I got was a mugshot from 2023. He was arrested for assault on a person over 65. I did not go to an arrest website. This information was right on the internet for anyone to access. I do not like this. What about you?
What exactly is your problem?
I did a search on an old bandmate from the 1960's. He is in his mid 70's. I just wanted to know if he is still above ground. What I got was a mugshot from 2023. He was arrested for assault on a person over 65. I did not go to an arrest website. This information was right on the internet for anyone to access. I do not like this. What about you?
Public records are public records. If someone curates them and publishes them online so be it. There really is no privacy anymore with or without you having an online presence.
You can find out anything about a person these days no matter where they are in time or space. Just out of curiosity I typed the name of an old bandmate from the 1960’s into my computer. Sometimes you do not even know if the person is still above ground, so you might want to check the scorecard so to speak. What came back was unexpected. I got a mugshot. He was arrested last year for assaulting a person over age 65. I know this person is a few years younger than me so I will guess he is around 75 years old. I did not go to a criminal website and pay to get his criminal history. His mugshot was right on the internet with his name attached.

I wonder what is on the internet about me. I have never been arrested because I never got caught. I’m not here to confess anything, but sainthood, particularly before the age of 25, is out of the question. I will only say that my gutter-sniped friends and I pushed the envelope on many occasions. I know some people that ended up in the Army because they were at a party one night in Keene while my band had a gig. This was back in the 1970’s and let’s say things were a little different then. If I hadn’t been laying down licks on my guitar in another town, I would have been at the party.

Luck plays a role in our lives. Ladies in those days had reputations to protect so some of my exploits went unreported. The internet being what it is today, I sometimes worry about past encounters coming after me today. I imagine victims rolling up in wheelchairs or limping in walkers telling all kinds of tales about that guy with the guitar. I probably ruined their lives but as I said, those were different times and luck plays a role.

Anyway, I am not happy about seeing that mugshot. I have fond memories of this fellow and I do not look kindly on a society that allows his picture to be displayed like he is some kind of bad guy. Especially when illegal immigrants are burning people to death on subways. How many times was that creep let go while the press covered his crimes?

If I screw up in some way maybe my face will be one the internet or maybe yours as well. That is what we are living with today.

You better watch yourself!
You better watch yourself!
You better not call
You better not write
Better not text
I'm telling you why
NSA is coming to town

They're making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna record who's naughty and nice
NSA    is coming to town

they see you when you're posting
they know when you're unfit
they know if you've been bad or good
and your tin hat don't do

Your papers won’t do
The jackboots all lie
I’m telling you why

NSA is coming to town

~S~ (w/apologies to carolers everywhere)

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