How do you define a national emergency?


VIP Member
Jan 8, 2019
How do you define a national emergency?

Don't be surprised if you agree with the President's definition.
An invasion of illegals that rob, murder and rape Americans.

An invasion of illegal aliens that cost Americans billions every.

An invasion of illegal aliens who bring illegal drugs across the border.

An invasion of illegals seeking questionable asylum at or border every year. They number in the thousands.

An invasion of illegal aliens that should have been dealt with decades ago.

That's my definition of a national emergency.
Just pick a pet issue that can sate your base’s impotent rage, and declare it an emergency. Bam. USA! USA!! USA!!!
How do you define a national emergency?

having Pelosi's foot buried in your ass
For me it's when I hear "Hey Honey, We're out of Buds!"

Declare a National Medicinal Emergency and reschedule it.
From what I've seen, any large-scale shit that slime-trailing liberal dinner-table-chestbursters manage to stir up manages to turn into a national emergency. Never have I seen a more rabid, sputtering self-loathing for one's own country.

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