How do native western Europeans feel?

If Muslims are unscrupulous, arrogant, domineering enough to expect more than a small fraction of what you've explained to be the way of things, then I must congratulate you on exposing just how retrograde, backward, mediaeval in the extreme, Muslim expectations are.

Such a cultist and cruel 'religion' has no place in the modern world, it seems to me. Western values in particular show way more respect to people and their individual rights than, by your own reckoning, Islam does.

Little wonder that they resort to terrorism to force their will on others. With so little basic decency in them, isn't it inevitable ?

I agree with what you've just said. However, I also agree with this below as to explaining 'some' of it.

Yes,because Western powers have brought nothing but good things to third world countries.
Its true. The voices in his head have told him so. He doesnt do links and his figures tend to be ones that he feels are right and support his rancid world view.
I am beginning to realize this, yes. I see he hasn't replied to my last response.

My forbears fought his sort in the War and would be appalled if they could see that fascism still survives in this form.
I no longer know which way is 'up'.
They dont have to do it in a mosque, in fact they can do it anywhere they want.

Made headline news in the UK when it happened. But they are forcing conversions in prisons and schools using threats of violence and guilt to force girls to convert.
This smells like a spin. You are telling me that children in prisons and in schools are being force converted to Islam? By what authority? And who will uphold such a conversion?

This reminds me of a story: A Jew decided to convert to Catholicism. The priest asked him why he wanted to convert and the Jew said, "It seems like a good religion". The priest asked if he believed that Jesus was the son of God. The Jew replies, "Yeah, why not!" So the priest put his hand on the Jew's head and says, "You're a Catholic, you're a Catholic, you're a Catholic." "That's it?" asked the Jew. "Yes", answered the priest, " ...... well and you are not allowed to eat meat on Fridays." The following Friday the priest was walking passed a restaurant on the High Street and through the window he saw his convert sitting at a table eating a thick, juicy, Salisbury steak. The priest stormed into the restaurant and demanded to know what the guy thought he was doing. "It's OK", said the convert, "I went into the kitchen and told the steak, you are a fish, you are a fish, you are a fish!"

So, I wonder how seriously these contrived school conversions are.

BTW: If a Catholic marries a non-Catholic, in the Catholic Church, they are compelled to sign a statement swearing to baptize all of their children Catholic, and that they (the bride and groom) can NEVER divorce. If they do ... and marry someone else, they are condemned to Hell with no reprieve.

Not just children in your offenders institutions but adults in mainstream prisons. In schools by the muslim gangs that hold power. By the authority of islamic law that will uphold such conversions

You need to read up on islam my friend and understand how it works
They dont have to do it in a mosque, in fact they can do it anywhere they want.

Made headline news in the UK when it happened. But they are forcing conversions in prisons and schools using threats of violence and guilt to force girls to convert.
This smells like a spin. You are telling me that children in prisons and in schools are being force converted to Islam? By what authority? And who will uphold such a conversion?

This reminds me of a story: A Jew decided to convert to Catholicism. The priest asked him why he wanted to convert and the Jew said, "It seems like a good religion". The priest asked if he believed that Jesus was the son of God. The Jew replies, "Yeah, why not!" So the priest put his hand on the Jew's head and says, "You're a Catholic, you're a Catholic, you're a Catholic." "That's it?" asked the Jew. "Yes", answered the priest, " ...... well and you are not allowed to eat meat on Fridays." The following Friday the priest was walking passed a restaurant on the High Street and through the window he saw his convert sitting at a table eating a thick, juicy, Salisbury steak. The priest stormed into the restaurant and demanded to know what the guy thought he was doing. "It's OK", said the convert, "I went into the kitchen and told the steak, you are a fish, you are a fish, you are a fish!"

So, I wonder how seriously these contrived school conversions are.

BTW: If a Catholic marries a non-Catholic, in the Catholic Church, they are compelled to sign a statement swearing to baptize all of their children Catholic, and that they (the bride and groom) can NEVER divorce. If they do ... and marry someone else, they are condemned to Hell with no reprieve.
He is a nutter, keep some distance.

Not me getting my jollies from pictures of men scantily clad
He is a nutter, keep some distance.
'Ere, Tommy! I thought we was mates! Unless you mean 'im? Tell me now, you're from there abouts, Wrexham and all that, have you heard of these prison and school conversions what he's talking about? It's first I've heard of it.
Its true. The voices in his head have told him so.

He doesnt do links and his figures tend to be ones that he feels are right and support his rancid world view.

My forbears fought his sort in the War and would be appalled if they could see that fascism still survives in this form.

So you dont get any papers in wales

'Muslim extremists turn prison block into "no-go zone" for other inmates'

Prisoners under pressure to convert to Muslim 'gang'

British pupils ordered to ‘CONVERT TO ISLAM’ for bizarre homework assignment

UK: Cornwall school makes field trip to mosque MANDATORY for Christian and other non-Muslim students
Its true. The voices in his head have told him so. He doesnt do links and his figures tend to be ones that he feels are right and support his rancid world view.
I am beginning to realize this, yes. I see he hasn't replied to my last response.

My forbears fought his sort in the War and would be appalled if they could see that fascism still survives in this form.
I no longer know which way is 'up'.

Because I am not on 24/7 and need time on medical machines to assist my breathing.

As for tainted he is just a neo marxist stooge who has been wrong 100% of the time
Yesterday night i had a dream i saw lots of muslims praying in the streets, and they gave me a quran, after that they threatened that i need to be muslim and in the end they stabbed me with a knife and they tortured my mum (in the dream) i woke up and i realised this is the reality in many bigger European Cities like Paris and London and Brussels and Cologne etc already. Not that im against muslims, im totally no, just wanted to discuss, and see how others feel about the situation. Im actually neither right nor left, neither anti nor pro immigration. Its just a thought.

Well I was in London, Brussels and Cologne recently and didn't feel the slightest bit of danger, it's not like being in a US large city where you constantly feel alert.There were Muslims, but they didn't make me feel much at all.
Well I was in London, Brussels and Cologne recently and didn't feel the slightest bit of danger, it's not like being in a US large city where you constantly feel alert.There were Muslims, but they didn't make me feel much at all.
EXACTLY. Americans think that we are still shuffling along with the signs of the Nazis still fresh in our minds, as though everything we do is "because of the Second World War". And now (as has been witnessed by the OP) Americans think Muslims are running amok 24/7, raping, pillaging, and force-converting us to Islam. None of that is the Americans' fault, however. It's the media mostly to blame and American politicians who keep telling you that we'd "be speaking German if weren't for the US." Not to say that don't have a serious problem with this batch of migrants (I refuse to call them refugees) because hey .... we've got a serious problem! It's just not the over-sensationalist situation that the American news makes it out to be.

On the other hand, we've got it that we'll be shot dead within an hour of arriving in the US ..... if we're not packing a Kalashnikov, plus an assortment of hand guns.

I stopped reading newspapers and watching the 9 o'clock news about 10 years ago.
By the authority of islamic law that will uphold such conversions
Which means nothing.

You need to read up on islam my friend and understand how it works
I have been to about 20 Islamic states in the world and I live in a city that has been affected one of the worst by these hoards of Muslim degenerates. Chances are that I know far more about Islam than you.
Well I was in London, Brussels and Cologne recently and didn't feel the slightest bit of danger, it's not like being in a US large city where you constantly feel alert.There were Muslims, but they didn't make me feel much at all.
EXACTLY. Americans think that we are still shuffling along with the signs of the Nazis still fresh in our minds, as though everything we do is "because of the Second World War". And now (as has been witnessed by the OP) Americans think Muslims are running amok 24/7, raping, pillaging, and force-converting us to Islam. None of that is the Americans' fault, however. It's the media mostly to blame and American politicians who keep telling you that we'd "be speaking German if weren't for the US." Not to say that don't have a serious problem with this batch of migrants (I refuse to call them refugees) because hey .... we've got a serious problem! It's just not the over-sensationalist situation that the American news makes it out to be.

On the other hand, we've got it that we'll be shot dead within an hour of arriving in the US ..... if we're not packing a Kalashnikov, plus an assortment of hand guns.

I stopped reading newspapers and watching the 9 o'clock news about 10 years ago.

Both views would be inaccurate.The media do not seem to report on anything that isnt sensational and there is definitely a neo nazi element that are drip feeding crap to the gullible.

We can even see it on this forum.

I worked in Birmingham for several years. Americans think its a no go sharia area. It isnt. By and large people get on very well. I worked with a group of people from different backgrounds and it was a joy. There was mutual support over religious holidays and in fact religion, and politics, was never discussed in work.

Many years ago ,on a trip to the states, I got lost at night. There were no sat navs in those days.

I stopped at a petrol station and went in to ask for help. I was the only white guy in there and I thought that all sorts of bad things were going to happen to me.

I had seen all the movies and Hill St Blues and all that stuff.

What actually happened was that a few people worked out the best route to my hotel and one guy told me to follow him because he was going that way.

10 minutes later I was in the hotel lobby. Welcome to America.
By the authority of islamic law that will uphold such conversions
Which means nothing.

You need to read up on islam my friend and understand how it works
I have been to about 20 Islamic states in the world and I live in a city that has been affected one of the worst by these hoards of Muslim degenerates. Chances are that I know far more about Islam than you.

Dont bank on it
By the authority of islamic law that will uphold such conversions
Which means nothing.

You need to read up on islam my friend and understand how it works
I have been to about 20 Islamic states in the world and I live in a city that has been affected one of the worst by these hoards of Muslim degenerates. Chances are that I know far more about Islam than you.

Dont bank on it
I am trying to tell you that you don't know very much about Islam. In fact, most of what you think you know is false.
Yesterday night i had a dream i saw lots of muslims praying in the streets, and they gave me a quran, after that they threatened that i need to be muslim and in the end they stabbed me with a knife and they tortured my mum (in the dream) i woke up and i realised this is the reality in many bigger European Cities like Paris and London and Brussels and Cologne etc already. Not that im against muslims, im totally no, just wanted to discuss, and see how others feel about the situation. Im actually neither right nor left, neither anti nor pro immigration. Its just a thought.

Nothing is wrong with Western Europe and raises there even I am Communiste how like USA and hard rock and alcoholic and more things. Entertainment is funny with me humor and music is very funny and in spotify I like manny musics but no Rap style how is normalthinker species. Yes, U.K. have great football teams and players from world.

Easy best league with Spanish league then Champions League.
Yes,because Western powers have brought nothing but good things to third world countries.

You think so, Tommy ?

Well ... I'd say that we don't exactly have a spotless record ... though the level of 'blame game' you'd want to foist on us for our past really depends on just how far into the past you insist upon digging ... doesn't it ? What I truly DO say is that the present generations of people alive cannot be held responsible for things done before any of them were ever born .. to try is so ludicrous and offensive, as to bring into question WHY an effort would be made to revisit a past nobody can either help, OR hold responsibility for.

As for today ... Cameron, when PM, did a lot to ensure that a percentage of our total wealth was earmarked for foreign aid initiatives (even to a point where he was criticised for such generosity). I don't know what plans his successor might have in that regard, quite yet. Suffice it to say that our present-day record, though, is a pretty good one !
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Yesterday night i had a dream i saw lots of muslims praying in the streets, and they gave me a quran, after that they threatened that i need to be muslim and in the end they stabbed me with a knife and they tortured my mum (in the dream) i woke up and i realised this is the reality in many bigger European Cities like Paris and London and Brussels and Cologne etc already. Not that im against muslims, im totally no, just wanted to discuss, and see how others feel about the situation. Im actually neither right nor left, neither anti nor pro immigration. Its just a thought.

Nothing is wrong with Western Europe and raises there even I am Communiste how like USA and hard rock and alcoholic and more things. Entertainment is funny with me humor and music is very funny and in spotify I like manny musics but no Rap style how is normalthinker species. Yes, U.K. have great football teams and players from world.

Easy best league with Spanish league then Champions League.

If nothing was wrong with Western Europe, then our Brexit vote would never have happened. We'd all be united in our 'delight' to be in the EU ...

Something that's been wrong with Western Europe, comparatively recently, is its policy (led by Merkel's Germany) to let millions of refugees swarm across to Europe in the 'hope' that they're all bona fide, and in dire humanitarian need. BUT ... proper, comprehensive checks couldn't possibly have been carried out on more than a fraction of them (or is it possible to easily process background checks from millions of people fleeing a war zone, and ask OF that war zone that those checks are speedily and efficiently undertaken ??).

We see the result. Very noticeable increases in terrorist attacks in mainland Europe !! Now, who'd have ever guessed that outcome ?
..... the level of 'blame game' you'd want to foist on us for our past really depends on just how far into the past you insist upon digging ... doesn't it ? What I truly DO say is that the present generations of people alive cannot be held responsible for things done before any of them were ever born ..
I say! You must be dreadfully young!
But really ....... 'before ANY OF US were born'? I am on the edge of 70 and, well, Tony Blair and Geo. the Bush didn't leave number 10 Washington Street all that long ago. In fact, the same policies are in effect to this day with ... uh ... what are their names now? I wonder ... have you ever heard of a nation called 'Iraq'? How about 'Afghanistan'? No? Neither of them?
..... the level of 'blame game' you'd want to foist on us for our past really depends on just how far into the past you insist upon digging ... doesn't it ? What I truly DO say is that the present generations of people alive cannot be held responsible for things done before any of them were ever born ..
I say! You must be dreadfully young!
But really ....... 'before ANY OF US were born'? I am on the edge of 70 and, well, Tony Blair and Geo. the Bush didn't leave number 10 Washington Street all that long ago. In fact, the same policies are in effect to this day with ... uh ... what are their names now? I wonder ... have you ever heard of a nation called 'Iraq'? How about 'Afghanistan'? No? Neither of them?
Yes,its a good job those days are behind us.
..... the level of 'blame game' you'd want to foist on us for our past really depends on just how far into the past you insist upon digging ... doesn't it ? What I truly DO say is that the present generations of people alive cannot be held responsible for things done before any of them were ever born ..
I say! You must be dreadfully young!
But really ....... 'before ANY OF US were born'? I am on the edge of 70 and, well, Tony Blair and Geo. the Bush didn't leave number 10 Washington Street all that long ago. In fact, the same policies are in effect to this day with ... uh ... what are their names now? I wonder ... have you ever heard of a nation called 'Iraq'? How about 'Afghanistan'? No? Neither of them?
Yes,its a good job those days are behind us.
View attachment 86392

Yes, it is, isn't it?

..... the level of 'blame game' you'd want to foist on us for our past really depends on just how far into the past you insist upon digging ... doesn't it ? What I truly DO say is that the present generations of people alive cannot be held responsible for things done before any of them were ever born ..
I say! You must be dreadfully young!
But really ....... 'before ANY OF US were born'? I am on the edge of 70 and, well, Tony Blair and Geo. the Bush didn't leave number 10 Washington Street all that long ago. In fact, the same policies are in effect to this day with ... uh ... what are their names now? I wonder ... have you ever heard of a nation called 'Iraq'? How about 'Afghanistan'? No? Neither of them?

I was referring to, and thinking of, the old days of the British Empire ... not the things you're talking about.

George Bush isn't British, and we Brits have had no control over what choices and decisions he came up with. '10 Washington Street' .. ? Where's that ?

As for Tony Blair ... Blair, since you refer to Afghanistan and Iraq, reacted to events on the world stage. Let me ask you in turn .. have you heard of 9/11 ? The attack on America, on 11th September, 2001 ?

If you have -- tell me. Do you think there should've been no countering reaction to that terrorist attack ?

Do you think that the terrorists responsible (Al Qaeda) should never have been attacked, in Afghanistan ? Should they have got away with it ? Should all the terrorist training camps dotted across Afghanistan have been left alone ??

As for Iraq - Saddam, contrary to some PC Leftie escapism, was actually NOT a nice man. He definitely did have a stock of WMD's .. he used one of them to gas the Kurds. He refused to be accountable for WMD stocks, so, ultimately, action had to be taken against his regime. Bush and Blair did the responsible thing and acted, rather than let that 'do they have them or don't they ?' farce continue on indefinitely.

Better to overturn rogue regimes, ones friendly with terrorists and brutal with it .. than bury one's head in the sand and hope the problem will just go away ... yes .. ??

Think Neville Chamberlain. And consider Hitler's behaviour. Tell me that history advises us to be soft on brutal dictators !
..... the level of 'blame game' you'd want to foist on us for our past really depends on just how far into the past you insist upon digging ... doesn't it ? What I truly DO say is that the present generations of people alive cannot be held responsible for things done before any of them were ever born ..
I say! You must be dreadfully young!
But really ....... 'before ANY OF US were born'? I am on the edge of 70 and, well, Tony Blair and Geo. the Bush didn't leave number 10 Washington Street all that long ago. In fact, the same policies are in effect to this day with ... uh ... what are their names now? I wonder ... have you ever heard of a nation called 'Iraq'? How about 'Afghanistan'? No? Neither of them?

I was referring to, and thinking of, the old days of the British Empire ... not the things you're talking about.

George Bush isn't British, and we Brits have had no control over what choices and decisions he came up with. '10 Washington Street' .. ? Where's that ?

As for Tony Blair ... Blair, since you refer to Afghanistan and Iraq, reacted to events on the world stage. Let me ask you in turn .. have you heard of 9/11 ? The attack on America, on 11th September, 2001 ?

If you have -- tell me. Do you think there should've been no countering reaction to that terrorist attack ?

Do you think that the terrorists responsible (Al Qaeda) should never have been attacked, in Afghanistan ? Should they have got away with it ? Should all the terrorist training camps dotted across Afghanistan have been left alone ??

As for Iraq - Saddam, contrary to some PC Leftie escapism, was actually NOT a nice man. He definitely did have a stock of WMD's .. he used one of them to gas the Kurds. He refused to be accountable for WMD stocks, so, ultimately, action had to be taken against his regime. Bush and Blair did the responsible thing and acted, rather than let that 'do they have them or don't they ?' farce continue on indefinitely.

Better to overturn rogue regimes, ones friendly with terrorists and brutal with it .. than bury one's head in the sand and hope the problem will just go away ... yes .. ??

Think Neville Chamberlain. And consider Hitler's behaviour. Tell me that history advises us to be soft on brutal dictators !
Breathtakingly dishonest.
Where is anyone saying that Sadaam was a good man ?
He was a monster but he was no threat to us.
If those idiots had gone into Iraq with a proper plan then it might have been justified.
But they didnt. And we are now left to pick up the pieces.
Blair and Bush are war criminals and should be in jail.

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