How Do I Get COVID-19 Medications?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Since the global elite cartel and the democrat propaganda wing are actively CENSORING any and all alternative treatments to their poison experimental jab, it has been harder than usual to find information on treatments other than their shot that's killing thousands of people.

Here is how...


How Do I Get COVID-19 Medication?


Click on the Contact A Physician button. Fill out the form and pay $90. The physician will call you typically within 24 to 48 hours. Please keep your phone with you. After your telemed appointment, the pharmacy will contact you for your payment information and mailing address to send the prescription to you. If you have questions for the pharmacy, please contact Ravkoo Pharmacy at 863-875-5700 or email them at [email protected].


Due to the extraordinarily high demand for AFLDS telemedicine services and medications, the pharmacy has been unable to meet demand as quickly as it would like. They are addressing this issue and it will be improved, however in the meantime please note the following.
  • First – patients with symptoms will be prioritized. If you do not have symptoms, please do not say you do – you have time to receive your meds and you will still receive them relatively quickly. We are asking everyone to act honorably knowing they will be able to get what they need.
  • Second – typically the physician is able to see you the same day or the next day, and the pharmacy typically sees you within 24 hours of that. Please be patient as it now may take up to 72 hours.
  • Third – as a reminder – our physician services are available for payment only because we still have a free market which is allowing you to buy something you want for a fair price. We have received thousands of emails from non-Americans who would pay exorbitant fees to stand where you freely stand: the ability to purchase something useful. So we do not answer any emails from people asking us about this service being covered by insurance. We are outside the insurance system specifically because the insurance system is blocking you from obtaining what you need for your good health.


Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications can be obtained by prescription in the USA in almost every state. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history. Almost all patients can safely take these medications.


If you miss the telemed call, you can either wait for the second call (which will come), send an email to [email protected], or call their customer service at (855) 503-2657.

Since the global elite cartel and the democrat propaganda wing are actively CENSORING any and all alternative treatments to their poison experimental jab, it has been harder than usual to find information on treatments other than their shot that's killing thousands of people.

Here is how...


How Do I Get COVID-19 Medication?


Click on the Contact A Physician button. Fill out the form and pay $90. The physician will call you typically within 24 to 48 hours. Please keep your phone with you. After your telemed appointment, the pharmacy will contact you for your payment information and mailing address to send the prescription to you. If you have questions for the pharmacy, please contact Ravkoo Pharmacy at 863-875-5700 or email them at [email protected].


Due to the extraordinarily high demand for AFLDS telemedicine services and medications, the pharmacy has been unable to meet demand as quickly as it would like. They are addressing this issue and it will be improved, however in the meantime please note the following.
  • First – patients with symptoms will be prioritized. If you do not have symptoms, please do not say you do – you have time to receive your meds and you will still receive them relatively quickly. We are asking everyone to act honorably knowing they will be able to get what they need.
  • Second – typically the physician is able to see you the same day or the next day, and the pharmacy typically sees you within 24 hours of that. Please be patient as it now may take up to 72 hours.
  • Third – as a reminder – our physician services are available for payment only because we still have a free market which is allowing you to buy something you want for a fair price. We have received thousands of emails from non-Americans who would pay exorbitant fees to stand where you freely stand: the ability to purchase something useful. So we do not answer any emails from people asking us about this service being covered by insurance. We are outside the insurance system specifically because the insurance system is blocking you from obtaining what you need for your good health.


Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications can be obtained by prescription in the USA in almost every state. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history. Almost all patients can safely take these medications.


If you miss the telemed call, you can either wait for the second call (which will come), send an email to [email protected], or call their customer service at (855) 503-2657.

You can't because the medical community wants people to die. I do not understand this exactly but there is no doubt that it is true
Damn those Trump vaccines!
Do you have to ruin EVERY THREAD on the board with your asinine crap?
Did I go off the script? Did I need to support your claim that you are pushing for alternative medicine distribution because of a hoax you claimed existed that was promulgated by Trump and his administration along with the US congress which was controlled by both parties that paid for certain vaccines to be developed and put out for distribution in a fast and expedient method for distribution?

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...

Remdesivir/Veklury is the first medication approved

Veklury is the first treatment for COVID-19 to receive FDA approval.Oct 22, 2020

Why didn't you just post that the FIRST TIME? Why did you have to just drop another one of your moronic little vapid TDS quips? The board is on overload with that kind of garbage, and it's from a few of you that we can count on one hand.

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Since the global elite cartel and the democrat propaganda wing are actively CENSORING any and all alternative treatments to their poison experimental jab, it has been harder than usual to find information on treatments other than their shot that's killing thousands of people.

Here is how...


How Do I Get COVID-19 Medication?


Click on the Contact A Physician button. Fill out the form and pay $90. The physician will call you typically within 24 to 48 hours. Please keep your phone with you. After your telemed appointment, the pharmacy will contact you for your payment information and mailing address to send the prescription to you. If you have questions for the pharmacy, please contact Ravkoo Pharmacy at 863-875-5700 or email them at [email protected].


Due to the extraordinarily high demand for AFLDS telemedicine services and medications, the pharmacy has been unable to meet demand as quickly as it would like. They are addressing this issue and it will be improved, however in the meantime please note the following.
  • First – patients with symptoms will be prioritized. If you do not have symptoms, please do not say you do – you have time to receive your meds and you will still receive them relatively quickly. We are asking everyone to act honorably knowing they will be able to get what they need.
  • Second – typically the physician is able to see you the same day or the next day, and the pharmacy typically sees you within 24 hours of that. Please be patient as it now may take up to 72 hours.
  • Third – as a reminder – our physician services are available for payment only because we still have a free market which is allowing you to buy something you want for a fair price. We have received thousands of emails from non-Americans who would pay exorbitant fees to stand where you freely stand: the ability to purchase something useful. So we do not answer any emails from people asking us about this service being covered by insurance. We are outside the insurance system specifically because the insurance system is blocking you from obtaining what you need for your good health.


Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications can be obtained by prescription in the USA in almost every state. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history. Almost all patients can safely take these medications.


If you miss the telemed call, you can either wait for the second call (which will come), send an email to [email protected], or call their customer service at (855) 503-2657.


Then after that you should check here:


Just in case, you know?

images (8).jpeg
Since the global elite cartel and the democrat propaganda wing are actively CENSORING any and all alternative treatments to their poison experimental jab, it has been harder than usual to find information on treatments other than their shot that's killing thousands of people.

Here is how...


How Do I Get COVID-19 Medication?


Click on the Contact A Physician button. Fill out the form and pay $90. The physician will call you typically within 24 to 48 hours. Please keep your phone with you. After your telemed appointment, the pharmacy will contact you for your payment information and mailing address to send the prescription to you. If you have questions for the pharmacy, please contact Ravkoo Pharmacy at 863-875-5700 or email them at [email protected].


Due to the extraordinarily high demand for AFLDS telemedicine services and medications, the pharmacy has been unable to meet demand as quickly as it would like. They are addressing this issue and it will be improved, however in the meantime please note the following.
  • First – patients with symptoms will be prioritized. If you do not have symptoms, please do not say you do – you have time to receive your meds and you will still receive them relatively quickly. We are asking everyone to act honorably knowing they will be able to get what they need.
  • Second – typically the physician is able to see you the same day or the next day, and the pharmacy typically sees you within 24 hours of that. Please be patient as it now may take up to 72 hours.
  • Third – as a reminder – our physician services are available for payment only because we still have a free market which is allowing you to buy something you want for a fair price. We have received thousands of emails from non-Americans who would pay exorbitant fees to stand where you freely stand: the ability to purchase something useful. So we do not answer any emails from people asking us about this service being covered by insurance. We are outside the insurance system specifically because the insurance system is blocking you from obtaining what you need for your good health.


Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications can be obtained by prescription in the USA in almost every state. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history. Almost all patients can safely take these medications.


If you miss the telemed call, you can either wait for the second call (which will come), send an email to [email protected], or call their customer service at (855) 503-2657.

You can't because the medical community wants people to die. I do not understand this exactly but there is no doubt that it is true
images (4).jpeg
Damn those Trump vaccines!
Do you have to ruin EVERY THREAD on the board with your asinine crap?
Did I go off the script? Did I need to support your claim that you are pushing for alternative medicine distribution because of a hoax you claimed existed that was promulgated by Trump and his administration along with the US congress which was controlled by both parties that paid for certain vaccines to be developed and put out for distribution in a fast and expedient method for distribution?

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...

Remdesivir/Veklury is the first medication approved

Veklury is the first treatment for COVID-19 to receive FDA approval.Oct 22, 2020

Why didn't you just post that the FIRST TIME? Why did you have to just drop another one of your moronic little vapid TDS quips? The board is on overload with that kind of garbage, and it's from a few of you that we can count on one hand.
Because you're posting stupid, debunked, conspiracy theory crap!
Damn those Trump vaccines!
Do you have to ruin EVERY THREAD on the board with your asinine crap?
Did I go off the script? Did I need to support your claim that you are pushing for alternative medicine distribution because of a hoax you claimed existed that was promulgated by Trump and his administration along with the US congress which was controlled by both parties that paid for certain vaccines to be developed and put out for distribution in a fast and expedient method for distribution?

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...

Remdesivir/Veklury is the first medication approved

Veklury is the first treatment for COVID-19 to receive FDA approval.Oct 22, 2020

Why didn't you just post that the FIRST TIME? Why did you have to just drop another one of your moronic little vapid TDS quips? The board is on overload with that kind of garbage, and it's from a few of you that we can count on one hand.
He’s lonely.
Damn those Trump vaccines!
Do you have to ruin EVERY THREAD on the board with your asinine crap?
Did I go off the script? Did I need to support your claim that you are pushing for alternative medicine distribution because of a hoax you claimed existed that was promulgated by Trump and his administration along with the US congress which was controlled by both parties that paid for certain vaccines to be developed and put out for distribution in a fast and expedient method for distribution?

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...

Remdesivir/Veklury is the first medication approved

Veklury is the first treatment for COVID-19 to receive FDA approval.Oct 22, 2020

Why didn't you just post that the FIRST TIME? Why did you have to just drop another one of your moronic little vapid TDS quips? The board is on overload with that kind of garbage, and it's from a few of you that we can count on one hand.
Because you're posting stupid, debunked, conspiracy theory crap!
We can always count on you to support the lying corrupt establishment.

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Did you know that Hydroxychloroquine increases you chances for a heart attack?

They use it in RH medicine, my sister died of a massive heart attack after using it for a year, they also put it into other arthritis meds and I stopped taking it because of that very reason.
Damn those Trump vaccines!
Do you have to ruin EVERY THREAD on the board with your asinine crap?
Wait, this is supposed to be a serious thread?
It was until you fuckin' clowns showed up.

You asked for it. More than a year later and you morons are still determined to siphon as much of these miracle cures as you can without a thought to the people that suffer from afflictions that these drugs have treated for decades. When their results on COVID are largely in dispute. But you're bound and determined to listen to a bunch of Trump supporting quacks. Why? Well, at first it was to satisfy your savior and try to rescue his re-election campaign. Now? It's to try and vindicate your savior. Perhaps you are hoping for a replay? Sorry, it's not coming. He's all done. :)
Since the global elite cartel and the democrat propaganda wing are actively CENSORING any and all alternative treatments to their poison experimental jab, it has been harder than usual to find information on treatments other than their shot that's killing thousands of people.

Here is how...


How Do I Get COVID-19 Medication?


Click on the Contact A Physician button. Fill out the form and pay $90. The physician will call you typically within 24 to 48 hours. Please keep your phone with you. After your telemed appointment, the pharmacy will contact you for your payment information and mailing address to send the prescription to you. If you have questions for the pharmacy, please contact Ravkoo Pharmacy at 863-875-5700 or email them at [email protected].


Due to the extraordinarily high demand for AFLDS telemedicine services and medications, the pharmacy has been unable to meet demand as quickly as it would like. They are addressing this issue and it will be improved, however in the meantime please note the following.
  • First – patients with symptoms will be prioritized. If you do not have symptoms, please do not say you do – you have time to receive your meds and you will still receive them relatively quickly. We are asking everyone to act honorably knowing they will be able to get what they need.
  • Second – typically the physician is able to see you the same day or the next day, and the pharmacy typically sees you within 24 hours of that. Please be patient as it now may take up to 72 hours.
  • Third – as a reminder – our physician services are available for payment only because we still have a free market which is allowing you to buy something you want for a fair price. We have received thousands of emails from non-Americans who would pay exorbitant fees to stand where you freely stand: the ability to purchase something useful. So we do not answer any emails from people asking us about this service being covered by insurance. We are outside the insurance system specifically because the insurance system is blocking you from obtaining what you need for your good health.


Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications can be obtained by prescription in the USA in almost every state. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history. Almost all patients can safely take these medications.


If you miss the telemed call, you can either wait for the second call (which will come), send an email to [email protected], or call their customer service at (855) 503-2657.

You can't because the medical community wants people to die. I do not understand this exactly but there is no doubt that it is true
View attachment 503934
Says the kid who believes everything that he hears on TV.

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Did you know that Hydroxychloroquine increases you chances for a heart attack?

They use it in RH medicine, my sister died of a massive heart attack after using it for a year, they also put it into other arthritis meds and I stopped taking it because of that very reason.
So do eggs, do you want them banned too

Grow up you little fart

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