Theses and questions to the 'vaccine'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
  1. We are talking about gene therapy, not vaccination
  2. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.
  3. mRNA in animal experiments resulted in 100% mortality, therefore discontinued
  4. Why mass vaccination when mortality for COVID-19 is one per thousand?
  5. Long-term effects show up after maybe 15 months, at the latest after 15 years.
  6. It is a conditional or emergency approval. But what is the need?
  7. Especially concerning children? After the old, suddenly also children endangered?
  8. Our immune system has been trained for thousands of years and strengthened by simple means
  9. In the summer of 2020 there were no vaccinations and still less corona than today
  10. Why are we now betting on genetic manipulation with an uncertain outcome?
  11. Who is liable for damages and consequences of death? As always, no one or everyone?
  12. In the EU there are already over 8 000 vaccination deaths, GB 1 253 deaths, in the USA over 3 000
  1. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.

Untrue since it went through clinical trials before being authorized for use.
  1. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.

Untrue since it went through clinical trials before being authorized for use.


it should be at least 5 or 8 years, not 2 months
They have been testing SARS vaccines of the mRNA variety since 2002. SARS is a variant of a Corona beer er virus like the Covid19 is a variant of a Corona not beer virus.

We're here to help


  1. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.

Untrue since it went through clinical trials before being authorized for use.

2-3 months. That's doesn't show us much. We're starting to see now though what's happening with the injections. Another 5-8 years will give us a better picture.
  1. We are talking about gene therapy, not vaccination
  2. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.
  3. mRNA in animal experiments resulted in 100% mortality, therefore discontinued
  4. Why mass vaccination when mortality for COVID-19 is one per thousand?
  5. Long-term effects show up after maybe 15 months, at the latest after 15 years.
  6. It is a conditional or emergency approval. But what is the need?
  7. Especially concerning children? After the old, suddenly also children endangered?
  8. Our immune system has been trained for thousands of years and strengthened by simple means
  9. In the summer of 2020 there were no vaccinations and still less corona than today
  10. Why are we now betting on genetic manipulation with an uncertain outcome?
  11. Who is liable for damages and consequences of death? As always, no one or everyone?
  12. In the EU there are already over 8 000 vaccination deaths, GB 1 253 deaths, in the USA over 3 000
QAnon has gotten to you! You are in serious need of being deprogramed .You can get well again

4 Keys to Help Someone Climb Out of the QAnon Rabbit Hole ...

The greatest hurdle in trying to help a loved one who’s fallen down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole is that they probably don’t want to climb out. As the above quotation from A River Runs Through Itsuggests, extending a hand isn’t likely to help if a loved one doesn’t reach out and grab it or meet you halfway. A similar perspective comes from an old p…
  1. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.

Untrue since it went through clinical trials before being authorized for use.


it should be at least 5 or 8 years, not 2 months

The original polio vaccine conducted a trial of 1.3 million small children and lasted one year. Nearly 500,000 got the shot. The trials didn't 5 or 8 years . No one knew the so called "long term" effects all you snow flakes are complaining about. Back then polio wasn't even killing that many ppl per year. If anything the common flu these days kills 10x more ppl. But they went ahead and started vaccinating right away. We on the other hand have 600,000 dead in the midst of a pandemic, how long should we wait?
You failed to find the source in nature, which biology is already esoteric knowledge for a select few. Lab conspiracy theories fail.
  1. We are talking about gene therapy, not vaccination
  2. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.
  3. mRNA in animal experiments resulted in 100% mortality, therefore discontinued
  4. Why mass vaccination when mortality for COVID-19 is one per thousand?
  5. Long-term effects show up after maybe 15 months, at the latest after 15 years.
  6. It is a conditional or emergency approval. But what is the need?
  7. Especially concerning children? After the old, suddenly also children endangered?
  8. Our immune system has been trained for thousands of years and strengthened by simple means
  9. In the summer of 2020 there were no vaccinations and still less corona than today
  10. Why are we now betting on genetic manipulation with an uncertain outcome?
  11. Who is liable for damages and consequences of death? As always, no one or everyone?
  12. In the EU there are already over 8 000 vaccination deaths, GB 1 253 deaths, in the USA over 3 000
They banned the guy who invented the mrna procedure from YouTube cause science !

He was saying don't get your kids the "vax" ....and he's "vaxxed"

  1. We are talking about gene therapy, not vaccination
  2. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.
  3. mRNA in animal experiments resulted in 100% mortality, therefore discontinued
  4. Why mass vaccination when mortality for COVID-19 is one per thousand?
  5. Long-term effects show up after maybe 15 months, at the latest after 15 years.
  6. It is a conditional or emergency approval. But what is the need?
  7. Especially concerning children? After the old, suddenly also children endangered?
  8. Our immune system has been trained for thousands of years and strengthened by simple means
  9. In the summer of 2020 there were no vaccinations and still less corona than today
  10. Why are we now betting on genetic manipulation with an uncertain outcome?
  11. Who is liable for damages and consequences of death? As always, no one or everyone?
  12. In the EU there are already over 8 000 vaccination deaths, GB 1 253 deaths, in the USA over 3 000
They banned the guy who invented the mrna procedure from YouTube cause science !

He was saying don't get your kids the "vax" ....and he's "vaxxed"

View attachment 504292

Governments care a sh.. about any recommendation.
Only the jab makes you free.
  1. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.

Untrue since it went through clinical trials before being authorized for use.

2-3 months. That's doesn't show us much. We're starting to see now though what's happening with the injections. Another 5-8 years will give us a better picture.

No software is virus free when you have people injecting viruses on the internet and on OS systems almost every day...
  1. We are talking about gene therapy, not vaccination
  2. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.
  3. mRNA in animal experiments resulted in 100% mortality, therefore discontinued
  4. Why mass vaccination when mortality for COVID-19 is one per thousand?
  5. Long-term effects show up after maybe 15 months, at the latest after 15 years.
  6. It is a conditional or emergency approval. But what is the need?
  7. Especially concerning children? After the old, suddenly also children endangered?
  8. Our immune system has been trained for thousands of years and strengthened by simple means
  9. In the summer of 2020 there were no vaccinations and still less corona than today
  10. Why are we now betting on genetic manipulation with an uncertain outcome?
  11. Who is liable for damages and consequences of death? As always, no one or everyone?
  12. In the EU there are already over 8 000 vaccination deaths, GB 1 253 deaths, in the USA over 3 000
They banned the guy who invented the mrna procedure from YouTube cause science !

He was saying don't get your kids the "vax" ....and he's "vaxxed"

View attachment 504292

Governments care a sh.. about any recommendation.
Only the jab makes you free.
Did you turn down all shots all through your life?
  1. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.

Untrue since it went through clinical trials before being authorized for use.


it should be at least 5 or 8 years, not 2 months

The original polio vaccine conducted a trial of 1.3 million small children and lasted one year. Nearly 500,000 got the shot. The trials didn't 5 or 8 years . No one knew the so called "long term" effects all you snow flakes are complaining about. Back then polio wasn't even killing that many ppl per year. If anything the common flu these days kills 10x more ppl. But they went ahead and started vaccinating right away. We on the other hand have 600,000 dead in the midst of a pandemic, how long should we wait?

That is incorrect.
The Salk vaccine went through 2 years of experimental testing first, before another year of clinical testing, and Salk even tested it on himself and his family.
It still was not released to the public until 1957, 9 years after work started on it in 1948.

But there was never any risk from the Salk vaccine at all.
But still thousands did get polio from a defective batch, paralyzing hundreds and killing 10.
It was not some vat grown RNA experiment, but simply an actual polio virus that had been killed.
There is almost no way the Salk vaccine could go wrong.

There are a gazillion ways this mRNA vaccine could easily go wrong.
The mRNA vaccines cause the immune system to trigger on the corona spike, which itself is mimicking the natural exosome spike.
It should not require much to imagine what would happen if the mRNA vaccine were to sensitize the immune system to exosomes by accident?
  1. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.

Untrue since it went through clinical trials before being authorized for use.

2-3 months. That's doesn't show us much. We're starting to see now though what's happening with the injections. Another 5-8 years will give us a better picture.

No software is virus free when you have people injecting viruses on the internet and on OS systems almost every day...

That is not true.
It is easy to make software invulnerable to hackers, viruses, injection, trojan horses, attacks, etc.
Linux for example, has very few in comparison, and that is open software, so it is easy for people to look for holes.

The problem with Windows is COM, (Common Object Model).
It is layers on RPC, and is how MS programmers interface with remote objects.
The problem being that COM allows you to call remote object methods directly, without any means of verifying if you should be allowed to. A library had initialization code that can do a user look up. Method calls can't do that.
  1. We are talking about gene therapy, not vaccination
  2. mRNA has never been used on humans, let alone tested.
  3. mRNA in animal experiments resulted in 100% mortality, therefore discontinued
  4. Why mass vaccination when mortality for COVID-19 is one per thousand?
  5. Long-term effects show up after maybe 15 months, at the latest after 15 years.
  6. It is a conditional or emergency approval. But what is the need?
  7. Especially concerning children? After the old, suddenly also children endangered?
  8. Our immune system has been trained for thousands of years and strengthened by simple means
  9. In the summer of 2020 there were no vaccinations and still less corona than today
  10. Why are we now betting on genetic manipulation with an uncertain outcome?
  11. Who is liable for damages and consequences of death? As always, no one or everyone?
  12. In the EU there are already over 8 000 vaccination deaths, GB 1 253 deaths, in the USA over 3 000
They banned the guy who invented the mrna procedure from YouTube cause science !

He was saying don't get your kids the "vax" ....and he's "vaxxed"

View attachment 504292

Governments care a sh.. about any recommendation.
Only the jab makes you free.
Did you turn down all shots all through your life?

These mRNA vaccine are unlike all others, and far riskier.
This is compounded by the fact covid-19 can't survive in a human population most likely, so no vaccine is needed.
Its not coming back.

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