How do conservatives plan on winning?


they are clinging to historically failed ideas like always.

Deception (the poster) has it right
The GOP is imploding. But make no mistake, there is only one conservativve in the race and he isn't going to get the seat because he's actually a conservative instead of a statist neocon.

Your argument is a sham in regards to upbringing. All the candidates are wealthy, including Obama. Being brought up in a working family doesn't signal that you know a fucking thing about hard work and earning your own keep. That's obvious with his "fair share" and "more fair" rhetoric.

Buy a clue.
5 bucks says they don't run a candidate who will work on decreasing our national debt.

Wouldn't you winning that bet require at least one of the candidates to not have ALREADY campaigned on that? Because offhand, I can't think of a single one of them who hasn't talked about the need to decrease the national debt.
I see them aligning with the uber-wealthy against everyone else.
Look at their top candidates. One has a half-million credit line at Tiffany's to keep his trophy wife happy and HE'S the poorer one.

Good luck connecting with everyday Americans. You know...those people who AREN'T millionaires? It's going to be a pretty hard sell that a Wall Street insider who wrecked jobs for a living is a better choice than a guy who came in, somewhat cleaned up the mess left him and has started to fix things.

I can't wait for someone to ask Romney or Newt how much a gallon of milk or a pair of jeans cost.
When they can't answer satisfactorily, everyone will know just how out of touch they are with WORKING AMERICANS and that will seal their fate.

This is a Presidential election, not "The Price Is Right". I don't need a President who shops for his own milk. I need one who can uphold the Constitution, fix the mess Obama has made of the economy, and keep Iran from nuking us.

That, by the way, is the answer to the question. Conservatives plan to win by nominating someone who actually understands the job, puts forth a solid plan for fulfilling it, and leaving petty little leftist dipshits like you sitting in the corner, worrying over bullshit concerns like "Does he know how much milk costs?"

If your candidate doesn't know how WORKING FAMILIES put food on the table, how is he supposed to "fix" anything? If Romney's truck needs new tires, he just goes out and BUYS THEM. Do working families just go out and BUY new truck tires? Or do they have to BUDGET for them or cut back on luxuries for awhile? Romney DOESN'T AND HAS NEVER HAD TO! You can't tell me that a life of EXTREME PRIVILEDGE has prepared Mittens for championing the VERY FAMILIES HE THREW OUT OF WORK at Bain Capital?

And in case you forgot, Obama didn't WRECK the economy. It was BushCO and the conservatives who did it through tax cuts favoring the uber rich, deregulation of the financial sector and lax enforcement of the LAWS.
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I see them aligning with the uber-wealthy against everyone else.
Look at their top candidates. One has a half-million credit line at Tiffany's to keep his trophy wife happy and HE'S the poorer one.

Good luck connecting with everyday Americans. You know...those people who AREN'T millionaires? It's going to be a pretty hard sell that a Wall Street insider who wrecked jobs for a living is a better choice than a guy who came in, somewhat cleaned up the mess left him and has started to fix things.

I can't wait for someone to ask Romney or Newt how much a gallon of milk or a pair of jeans cost.
When they can't answer satisfactorily, everyone will know just how out of touch they are with WORKING AMERICANS and that will seal their fate.

I was just thinking about that (myself), a couple days, often Mitt goes to the grocery-store!!! After all.....that'd have to be another place he wears his jeans, right????

When they can't answer satisfactorily, everyone will know just how out of touch they are with WORKING AMERICANS and that will seal their fate.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid are "in touch" with working Americans?


Well, both Pelosi and Reid (I'll give the Messiah a pass since I am not convinced of his guilt in this)... but Pelosi and Reid both got rich by insider trading. That is illegal for the rest of us.... but not congress.... and neither of them sent a bill to the Messiah to stop their gravy train.

Likewise can be said for Gingrich.

But, not Romney. He didn't use his position to illegally obtain financial gains. :eusa_angel:

Republicans were in control of BOTH HOUSES of congress for 6 years and did NOTHING and you blame Pelosi and Reid? What prevented conservatives from passing a no insider trading bill? Oh, NOTHING. So whining about Pelosi and Reid not doing anything about it is pretty disingenuous when rethugs had THREE TIMES as much opportunity to do it and did NOTHING.

Oh and you might want to learn a bit about the the 44 MILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT that Bain took when they underfunded

Apparently they liked what they saw. Soon after, in October 1993, Bain Capital, co-founded by Mitt Romney, became majority shareholder in a steel mill that had been operating since 1888.
It was a gamble. The old mill, renamed GS Technologies, needed expensive updating, and demand for its products was susceptible to cycles in the mining industry and commodities markets.
Less than a decade later, the mill was padlocked and some 750 people lost their jobs. Workers were denied the severance pay and health insurance they'd been promised, and their pension benefits were cut by as much as $400 a month.
What's more, a federal government insurance agency had to pony up $44 million to bail out the company's underfunded pension plan. Nevertheless, Bain profited on the deal, receiving $12 million on its $8 million initial investment and at least $4.5 million in consulting fees.

Golly, looks like he underfunded a pension, fired 750 people AND took a government bailout ALL on ONE DEAL!

The IGNORANCE displayed by conservatives makes my head hurt and puts fear into my heart for our great country.
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I see them aligning with the uber-wealthy against everyone else.
Look at their top candidates. One has a half-million credit line at Tiffany's to keep his trophy wife happy and HE'S the poorer one.

Good luck connecting with everyday Americans. You know...those people who AREN'T millionaires? It's going to be a pretty hard sell that a Wall Street insider who wrecked jobs for a living is a better choice than a guy who came in, somewhat cleaned up the mess left him and has started to fix things.

I can't wait for someone to ask Romney or Newt how much a gallon of milk or a pair of jeans cost.
When they can't answer satisfactorily, everyone will know just how out of touch they are with WORKING AMERICANS and that will seal their fate.

This is a Presidential election, not "The Price Is Right". I don't need a President who shops for his own milk. I need one who can uphold the Constitution, fix the mess Obama has made of the economy, and keep Iran from nuking us.

That, by the way, is the answer to the question. Conservatives plan to win by nominating someone who actually understands the job, puts forth a solid plan for fulfilling it, and leaving petty little leftist dipshits like you sitting in the corner, worrying over bullshit concerns like "Does he know how much milk costs?"

If your candidate doesn't know how WORKING FAMILIES put food on the table, how is he supposed to "fix" anything? If Romney's truck needs new tires, he just goes out and BUYS THEM. Do working families just go out and BUY new truck tires? Or do they have to BUDGET for them or cut back on luxuries for awhile? Romney DOESN'T AND HAS NEVER HAD TO! You can't tell me that a life of EXTREME PRIVILEDGE has prepared Mittens for championing the VERY FAMILIES HE THREW OUT OF WORK at Bain Capital?

And in case you forgot, Obama didn't WRECK the economy. It was BushCO and the conservatives who did it through tax cuts favoring the uber rich, deregulation of the financial sector and lax enforcement of the LAWS.

Really, dumbass? You really think there's a possibility that any of our candidates don't understand the basic concept of "Go to work, get a paycheck every two weeks, wonder how to pay all the bills"? They're not DEMOCRATS.

Now perhaps you can tell me SPECIFICALLY how this "intimate knowledge of being poor" you're touting is going to change the macroeconomics involved in public policy and putting our economy on the road to recovery. I get tired of people gassing about how the President needs to know this or that, with no clue as to how it's going to affect his job.

In case you haven't noticed, "Bush's fault" doesn't carry much weight with people three years into Obama's term, and will carry less and less as this fourth year progresses. Bush was supposed to prevent 9/11 less than a year after he took office, but we're supposed to both believe that Obama hasn't had time to do more for the economy in THREE YEARS than to stand in the middle of the mess, wringing his hands, AND feel sorry for him and his plight? Fool, please. Try it on someone as stupid and gullible as you are, because I'm not buying.

Oh, and if you want to try that whole "Obama and his policies SAVED us from having things MUCH WORSE", you'd better have some evidence.
I don't think they do...have you heard Limbaugh lately? He's seen the writing on the wall...
I'm not surprised.​

I used to listen to him, back when we were headed towards '96....when Clinton was running for re-election. It was the same, then.

After spending most of '96....ranting & raving, pissing &'d gotten to a point (much later than this; closer to August) where his attitude was pretty much...."O.K., FINE!!! RE-ELECT HIM!!"....then, he'd get into his prediction-mode (of all-those-things that never seem to happen), when Clinton was re-elected.

For all those that have the time & inclination to hear a MAJOR pork-meltdown, now would be the time to start listening-to-him!! How comical, when he (eventually) realizes how few people (actually) pay any attention, to him. I'm guessin' he'll be dumpin' his (latest) wife, soon....and, get back to the comfort o' partying with his guy-"friends"....while he works-thru another lost-election.

I see them aligning with the uber-wealthy against everyone else.
Look at their top candidates. One has a half-million credit line at Tiffany's to keep his trophy wife happy and HE'S the poorer one.

Good luck connecting with everyday Americans. You know...those people who AREN'T millionaires? It's going to be a pretty hard sell that a Wall Street insider who wrecked jobs for a living is a better choice than a guy who came in, somewhat cleaned up the mess left him and has started to fix things.

I can't wait for someone to ask Romney or Newt how much a gallon of milk or a pair of jeans cost.
When they can't answer satisfactorily, everyone will know just how out of touch they are with WORKING AMERICANS and that will seal their fate.

By pointing to obama's record
By pointing out his divisive rhetoric
By pointing out the inflation in goods, services, and gas prices since he took office
by pointing out that there are less net jobs today, with more american citizens in total, then when he took office
By pointing out that he has added more to the debt than any previous president
By pointing out he wants to return to pre-bush tax rates which would make my 5 figure income's taxes go up 3%
By pointing out hte LONG LIST of republican legislative bills to help the economy which the democrats have obstructed in the senate.

I'm sure there is more
Yeah.....there is......

February 12, 2010

[ame=]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]

Don't tell the Democrats... but we have a cunning plan. A plan so cunning, you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid are "in touch" with working Americans?


Obama's parent's weren't running for frickin President. Mittens was.
You think a single parent kid knows more about working families than some privledged snot-nosed silver-spoon little twerp kid who's daddy was running for PRESIDENT?

That was like shooting a goldfish in a dixie cup with a RPG.

What in the fuck are you babbling about?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......."....shooting a goldfish in a dixie cup with a RPG."

I'm thinkin' that's his way o' talkin'-about HOW EASY IT IS, SMACKIN' THE SHIT OUTTA TEABAGGERS.

I see them aligning with the uber-wealthy against everyone else.
Look at their top candidates. One has a half-million credit line at Tiffany's to keep his trophy wife happy and HE'S the poorer one.

Good luck connecting with everyday Americans. You know...those people who AREN'T millionaires? It's going to be a pretty hard sell that a Wall Street insider who wrecked jobs for a living is a better choice than a guy who came in, somewhat cleaned up the mess left him and has started to fix things.

I can't wait for someone to ask Romney or Newt how much a gallon of milk or a pair of jeans cost.
When they can't answer satisfactorily, everyone will know just how out of touch they are with WORKING AMERICANS and that will seal their fate.

By pointing to obama's record
By pointing out his divisive rhetoric
By pointing out the inflation in goods, services, and gas prices since he took office
by pointing out that there are less net jobs today, with more american citizens in total, then when he took office
By pointing out that he has added more to the debt than any previous president
By pointing out he wants to return to pre-bush tax rates which would make my 5 figure income's taxes go up 3%
By pointing out hte LONG LIST of republican legislative bills to help the economy which the democrats have obstructed in the senate.

I'm sure there is more
Yeah.....there is......

February 12, 2010

[ame=]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]


Obama's record? You mean like 22 months of positive economic growth?
Divisive rhetoric? Asking millionaires to pay the same tax rate as their gardeners is divisive?

Inflation ?

Golly, it's lower NOW that it was under Bush, huh?
The reason there are fewer net jobs is that government jobs have been cut, huh?

Added more to the debt?


Bush's policies added 5 TIMES as much to the debt and what did we get for those tax cuts and Iraq? Oh, NOTHING!

Whining about the pre-bush tax rates? How about we go back to the top tax rates like they had under that PINKO COMMIE EISENHOWER and you pay frickin 90%? How'd you LIKE THAT? The rich have seen their tax rates cut from over 90% to under 35% today and you WHINE about having to give 3% back? Well, I guess as long as YOU get what you want, to HELL with the country, right? Good thing that while YOU were growing up, people didn't think that way or you couldn't have enjoyed all the benefits of government spending gave you.

Not passing job-creating bills passed in the house?
Boo hoo. Do you even UNDERSTAND how the legislative process in our country WORKS? Apparently not. If you want to pass your house bill in the Senate, you have to NEGOTIATE...not simply write what you want and demand they pass it.

Your ignorance on the issues seems to be boundless. Perhaps we would BOTH be better served if you went back and did some basic research into the assumptions you've put forth and see if they have ANY basis in reality other than being repeated ad nauseum on right wing radio and internet.
Given the weakness of their nominee (Romney or Gingrich) the GOP as to hope for two things:

First, that the unemployment rate is NOT showing a clear downward trajector (hope for the worst, great),


Second, that they can come up with a clear and believable response when Obama points at them and says "A Republican was in office when this mess happened, and they want to take us back to those days?"

They have not yet offered a strong response to that one.

I see them aligning with the uber-wealthy against everyone else.
Look at their top candidates. One has a half-million credit line at Tiffany's to keep his trophy wife happy and HE'S the poorer one.

Good luck connecting with everyday Americans. You know...those people who AREN'T millionaires? It's going to be a pretty hard sell that a Wall Street insider who wrecked jobs for a living is a better choice than a guy who came in, somewhat cleaned up the mess left him and has started to fix things.

I can't wait for someone to ask Romney or Newt how much a gallon of milk or a pair of jeans cost.
When they can't answer satisfactorily, everyone will know just how out of touch they are with WORKING AMERICANS and that will seal their fate.

This is a Presidential election, not "The Price Is Right". I don't need a President who shops for his own milk. I need one who can uphold the Constitution, fix the mess Obama has made of the economy......


Sorry,'re gonna have to come-back & try-again, tomorrow!!!

January 13, 2008

"The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments:

* Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy.

*The "bad debt" problem is not just "sub-prime" folks who should never have have taken out mortgages in the first place. It includes credit card debt, "high quality" mortgages, car loans, and other leverage that have recently become a consumer way of life.

*Pressure on consumers is leading to a reduction in consumer spending (70% of economy), which, in turn, will lead to a reduction in spending by companies that sell stuff to consumers.

*The question now is not "will there be a recession?" but "how bad will it get?"

*The most optimistic forecasts in a NYT gloom-and-doom round-up are for three crappy quarters, regardless of what the Fed does. Less optimistic forecasts suggest that we are, well, screwed.

After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried this one since last summer (see below). We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."


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