How Did You Choose Your Screen Name?

Some are obvious. Some I look at and wonder what's the meaning behind that? What's the reason behind yours, if you care to share? Mine is easy and no it's not the rock band. Benjamin Blutstein was an American student at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was killed in a bombing attack in 2002. Blutstein is German for Bloodrock. Now you know.

In 2008, the management of the message board I was on changed, only left wing speech was allowed. I would not be censored, so I left for the wilds of Coultervakia and assumed this name. A couple of people here were also at Coultervakia - greatest board ever - though this gets close. Yahoo shut us down, apparently were we foul mouthed miscreants....
I would love to hear [MENTION=31918]Unkotare[/MENTION] explain his choice!

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

sexual practices related to shit
Some are obvious. Some I look at and wonder what's the meaning behind that? What's the reason behind yours, if you care to share? Mine is easy and no it's not the rock band. Benjamin Blutstein was an American student at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was killed in a bombing attack in 2002. Blutstein is German for Bloodrock. Now you know.

In 2008, the management of the message board I was on changed, only left wing speech was allowed. I would not be censored, so I left for the wilds of Coultervakia and assumed this name. A couple of people here were also at Coultervakia - greatest board ever - though this gets close. Yahoo shut us down, apparently were we foul mouthed miscreants....

-- and Pot heads.
When I got invited to come here I lurked for a couple of days. There was this a thread that was pretty active and I thought really deserving of a trollish nave to jump into, so I picked the most trollishly appropriate name I could think of for that thread. I didn't expect to stick around or like the place.

Who knew.

Scratch that....

xotoxi was taken....
No special significance. I used whatever popped into my head at the time. Good name for a race horse. :)
I would love to hear [MENTION=31918]Unkotare[/MENTION] explain his choice!

It's too bad you wouldn't understand since your language skills don't extend beyond Google-translate, and your emotional arrested-development prevents you from bettering yourself.
My name was taken. All of my screen names were taken. All the good names were taken. I tried archaic names. Those were taken. Screen names should not be a 45 minute process. You should see my email names. My former one was dangit because it was another 45 minute process.

This is probably for the best. ;)

I thought Disir came from dissing folks! Isn't that the word? Dissing? That would make Disir sense. lol... I was way off on NLT. I thought he was a BLT minus the L & T! LOL.

Dís - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Was on a first date a few years back when I got attacked by a gang of random, hostile but for some reason, grinning, sharts.

They bit me, thus making me a part of their gang, and here I am.

Look out: You never know when we'll show up to surprise you.

(But not eating beans greatly lessens your odds of meeting us. Just sayin'.)

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