How did this ever get by the HATERS at SNL and NBC?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
SNL - via Youtube ^

I know SNL hates Trump - but this pro-Trump SNL skit cracked me up. I'm amazed that any SNL writer could have written this, or that it would have been approved for airing:
Lorne Michaels really don't give a fuck. SNL doesn't hate Trump, NBC does.

Have you not seen "The Bubble"?
SNL - via Youtube ^

I know SNL hates Trump - but this pro-Trump SNL skit cracked me up. I'm amazed that any SNL writer could have written this, or that it would have been approved for airing:

I saw this many months ago. What's the point?

Wait --- you think this is a "pro-Rump" sketch? :lmao:

I'm amazed by people who just don't get comedy. You should take B vitamins.
I guess pog and biker look at a glass of water and say half empty, while the majority of thinking humans believe it is half full.....

It"s a bitch when the dog hits all the right policies, and the libtard bitch pulls out a gun and wants to kill him....typical violent liberal, but you 2 don't get it.....the 2 digit IQ crew, strikes again....what morons!
I guess pog and biker look at a glass of water and say half empty, while the majority of thinking humans believe it is half full.....

It"s a bitch when the dog hits all the right policies, and the libtard bitch pulls out a gun and wants to kill him....typical violent liberal, but you 2 don't get it.....the 2 digit IQ crew, strikes again....what morons!

You really need this explained to you huh? OK get your number 2 pencil out.

This sketch isn't about Rump at all. That's just the tool it's using. Directly it's lampooning the attitude of snowflakes who get so obsessed with this political shit that they'd, in this case, chastise a dog for his thoughts. That kind of consuming obsession. The joke is the desperate reaction of the dog owner and the other people ---- it's not what the dog is opining directly. It's not about the dog and it's not about Rump -- it's about the humans.

Like how I just separated "Rump" from "humans"? Hee hee, I kill me. Oh wait I forgot, you have no sense of humour so you won't get that. Will you.

So this is a sketch about inflating political partisanship to absurd levels. You know, kinda like you did starting this thread.
I guess pog and biker look at a glass of water and say half empty, while the majority of thinking humans believe it is half full.....

It"s a bitch when the dog hits all the right policies, and the libtard bitch pulls out a gun and wants to kill him....typical violent liberal, but you 2 don't get it.....the 2 digit IQ crew, strikes again....what morons!

You really need this explained to you huh? OK get your number 2 pencil out.

This sketch isn't about Rump at all. That's just the tool it's using. Directly it's lampooning the attitude of snowflakes who get so obsessed with this political shit that they'd, in this case, chastise a dog for his thoughts. That kind of consuming obsession. The joke is the desperate reaction of the dog owner and the other people ---- it's not what the dog is opining directly. It's not about the dog and it's not about Rump -- it's about the humans.

Like how I just separated "Rump" from "humans"? Hee hee, I kill me. Oh wait I forgot, you have no sense of humour so you won't get that. Will you.

So this is a sketch about inflating political partisanship to absurd levels. You know, kinda like you did starting this thread.
Nice fantasy skit .You should apply for a TV reviewers spot on the Atlantic, or The DemonRAT Underground....they'd love your spin!
I guess pog and biker look at a glass of water and say half empty, while the majority of thinking humans believe it is half full.....

It"s a bitch when the dog hits all the right policies, and the libtard bitch pulls out a gun and wants to kill him....typical violent liberal, but you 2 don't get it.....the 2 digit IQ crew, strikes again....what morons!

You really need this explained to you huh? OK get your number 2 pencil out.

This sketch isn't about Rump at all. That's just the tool it's using. Directly it's lampooning the attitude of snowflakes who get so obsessed with this political shit that they'd, in this case, chastise a dog for his thoughts. That kind of consuming obsession. The joke is the desperate reaction of the dog owner and the other people ---- it's not what the dog is opining directly. It's not about the dog and it's not about Rump -- it's about the humans.

Like how I just separated "Rump" from "humans"? Hee hee, I kill me. Oh wait I forgot, you have no sense of humour so you won't get that. Will you.

So this is a sketch about inflating political partisanship to absurd levels. You know, kinda like you did starting this thread.
Nice fantasy skit .You should apply for a TV reviewers spot on the Atlantic, or The DemonRAT Underground....they'd love your spin!

I simply explained to the comedically starved how it works.

Why do YOU think it works as a comedy sketch? Why is the line "your dog is a monster!" funny?
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I guess pog and biker look at a glass of water and say half empty, while the majority of thinking humans believe it is half full.....

It"s a bitch when the dog hits all the right policies, and the libtard bitch pulls out a gun and wants to kill him....typical violent liberal, but you 2 don't get it.....the 2 digit IQ crew, strikes again....what morons!

You really need this explained to you huh? OK get your number 2 pencil out.

This sketch isn't about Rump at all. That's just the tool it's using. Directly it's lampooning the attitude of snowflakes who get so obsessed with this political shit that they'd, in this case, chastise a dog for his thoughts. That kind of consuming obsession. The joke is the desperate reaction of the dog owner and the other people ---- it's not what the dog is opining directly. It's not about the dog and it's not about Rump -- it's about the humans.

Like how I just separated "Rump" from "humans"? Hee hee, I kill me. Oh wait I forgot, you have no sense of humour so you won't get that. Will you.

So this is a sketch about inflating political partisanship to absurd levels. You know, kinda like you did starting this thread.
Nice fantasy skit .You should apply for a TV reviewers spot on the Atlantic, or The DemonRAT Underground....they'd love your spin!

I simply explained to the comedically starved how it works.

Why do YOU think it works as a comedy sketch?
Occasionally, truth is funnier than your fiction!
I guess pog and biker look at a glass of water and say half empty, while the majority of thinking humans believe it is half full.....

It"s a bitch when the dog hits all the right policies, and the libtard bitch pulls out a gun and wants to kill him....typical violent liberal, but you 2 don't get it.....the 2 digit IQ crew, strikes again....what morons!
The Engineer who see it as the glass is to small.
Lorne Michaels really don't give a fuck. SNL doesn't hate Trump, NBC does.

Have you not seen "The Bubble"?

Oh I don't think so. Rump is a boon to NBC, CBS, ABC, any media at all. Freak shows always sell.
If that were the case the Hildebeast would be sullying up our White House.

I just said "freak shows" sell, not "the same old thing".

You know --- people who deliberately paint themselves orange.... go onstage to pull their pants down, dance retarded gyrations to mock a congenital disability and talk about their dick.... incite riots.... claim they can shoot somebody and not lose a voter.... incite those same voters to shoot their opponent.... strut out onto a stage in an Alfred Hitchcock impression arrogantly declaring "I alone can fix it".... make up fables about "thousands and thousands on rooftops" and fail to acknowledge no such thing happened.... outright lie about historical numbers and facts, and then fail to acknowledge the fuckups.... stay up all night sending whiny tweets about the slightest slight.... hail Nazi skinheads as "very fine people"... wander aimlessly in front of a queen and then publicly confess their own ignorance about her country, while maintaining that they have property there yet don't know what country it's in.... shove a prime minister out of the way.... engage a death-grip 'handshake' on other PMs.... claim a country that didn't even exist "burned the White House"... toss around ethnic slurs.... create soft porn pics with their own daughter .... that sort of thing.

THAT is a freak show. It sells because it's so far out of the bounds of decorum. It's the jacknifed tractor trailer on fire after having just hit a tanker truck and a school bus and they all went down the cliff. It's not that anyone "wants" it but since it's there you can't help but watch.

The Same Old Thing pretty much puts us to sleep.
Lorne Michaels really don't give a fuck. SNL doesn't hate Trump, NBC does.

Have you not seen "The Bubble"?

Oh I don't think so. Rump is a boon to NBC, CBS, ABC, any media at all. Freak shows always sell.
If that were the case the Hildebeast would be sullying up our White House.

I just said "freak shows" sell, not "the same old thing".

You know --- people who deliberately paint themselves orange.... go onstage to pull their pants down, dance retarded gyrations to mock a congenital disability and talk about their dick.... incite riots.... claim they can shoot somebody and not lose a voter.... incite those same voters to shoot their opponent.... strut out onto a stage in an Alfred Hitchcock impression arrogantly declaring "I alone can fix it".... make up fables about "thousands and thousands on rooftops" and fail to acknowledge no such thing happened.... outright lie about historical numbers and facts, and then fail to acknowledge the fuckups.... stay up all night sending whiny tweets about the slightest slight.... hail Nazi skinheads as "very fine people"... wander aimlessly in front of a queen and then publicly confess their own ignorance about her country, while maintaining that they have property there yet don't know what country it's in.... shove a prime minister out of the way.... engage a death-grip 'handshake' on other PMs.... claim a country that didn't even exist "burned the White House"... toss around ethnic slurs.... create soft porn pics with their own daughter .... that sort of thing.

THAT is a freak show. It sells because it's so far out of the bounds of decorum. It's the jacknifed tractor trailer on fire after having just hit a tanker truck and a school bus and they all went down the cliff. It's not that anyone "wants" it but since it's there you can't help but watch.

The Same Old Thing pretty much puts us to sleep.
Much like your post.
Lorne Michaels really don't give a fuck. SNL doesn't hate Trump, NBC does.

Have you not seen "The Bubble"?

Oh I don't think so. Rump is a boon to NBC, CBS, ABC, any media at all. Freak shows always sell.
If that were the case the Hildebeast would be sullying up our White House.

I just said "freak shows" sell, not "the same old thing".

You know --- people who deliberately paint themselves orange.... go onstage to pull their pants down, dance retarded gyrations to mock a congenital disability and talk about their dick.... incite riots.... claim they can shoot somebody and not lose a voter.... incite those same voters to shoot their opponent.... strut out onto a stage in an Alfred Hitchcock impression arrogantly declaring "I alone can fix it".... make up fables about "thousands and thousands on rooftops" and fail to acknowledge no such thing happened.... outright lie about historical numbers and facts, and then fail to acknowledge the fuckups.... stay up all night sending whiny tweets about the slightest slight.... hail Nazi skinheads as "very fine people"... wander aimlessly in front of a queen and then publicly confess their own ignorance about her country, while maintaining that they have property there yet don't know what country it's in.... shove a prime minister out of the way.... engage a death-grip 'handshake' on other PMs.... claim a country that didn't even exist "burned the White House"... toss around ethnic slurs.... create soft porn pics with their own daughter .... that sort of thing.

THAT is a freak show. It sells because it's so far out of the bounds of decorum. It's the jacknifed tractor trailer on fire after having just hit a tanker truck and a school bus and they all went down the cliff. It's not that anyone "wants" it but since it's there you can't help but watch.

The Same Old Thing pretty much puts us to sleep.
Much like your post.

Excellent. :thup: That means a lot of people will read it.
Lorne Michaels really don't give a fuck. SNL doesn't hate Trump, NBC does.

Have you not seen "The Bubble"?

Oh I don't think so. Rump is a boon to NBC, CBS, ABC, any media at all. Freak shows always sell.
If that were the case the Hildebeast would be sullying up our White House.

I just said "freak shows" sell, not "the same old thing".

You know --- people who deliberately paint themselves orange.... go onstage to pull their pants down, dance retarded gyrations to mock a congenital disability and talk about their dick.... incite riots.... claim they can shoot somebody and not lose a voter.... incite those same voters to shoot their opponent.... strut out onto a stage in an Alfred Hitchcock impression arrogantly declaring "I alone can fix it".... make up fables about "thousands and thousands on rooftops" and fail to acknowledge no such thing happened.... outright lie about historical numbers and facts, and then fail to acknowledge the fuckups.... stay up all night sending whiny tweets about the slightest slight.... hail Nazi skinheads as "very fine people"... wander aimlessly in front of a queen and then publicly confess their own ignorance about her country, while maintaining that they have property there yet don't know what country it's in.... shove a prime minister out of the way.... engage a death-grip 'handshake' on other PMs.... claim a country that didn't even exist "burned the White House"... toss around ethnic slurs.... create soft porn pics with their own daughter .... that sort of thing.

THAT is a freak show. It sells because it's so far out of the bounds of decorum. It's the jacknifed tractor trailer on fire after having just hit a tanker truck and a school bus and they all went down the cliff. It's not that anyone "wants" it but since it's there you can't help but watch.

The Same Old Thing pretty much puts us to sleep.

Pogo is a case study on "How TDS can inflict an intelligent mind".
Lorne Michaels really don't give a fuck. SNL doesn't hate Trump, NBC does.

Have you not seen "The Bubble"?

Oh I don't think so. Rump is a boon to NBC, CBS, ABC, any media at all. Freak shows always sell.
If that were the case the Hildebeast would be sullying up our White House.

I just said "freak shows" sell, not "the same old thing".

You know --- people who deliberately paint themselves orange.... go onstage to pull their pants down, dance retarded gyrations to mock a congenital disability and talk about their dick.... incite riots.... claim they can shoot somebody and not lose a voter.... incite those same voters to shoot their opponent.... strut out onto a stage in an Alfred Hitchcock impression arrogantly declaring "I alone can fix it".... make up fables about "thousands and thousands on rooftops" and fail to acknowledge no such thing happened.... outright lie about historical numbers and facts, and then fail to acknowledge the fuckups.... stay up all night sending whiny tweets about the slightest slight.... hail Nazi skinheads as "very fine people"... wander aimlessly in front of a queen and then publicly confess their own ignorance about her country, while maintaining that they have property there yet don't know what country it's in.... shove a prime minister out of the way.... engage a death-grip 'handshake' on other PMs.... claim a country that didn't even exist "burned the White House"... toss around ethnic slurs.... create soft porn pics with their own daughter .... that sort of thing.

THAT is a freak show. It sells because it's so far out of the bounds of decorum. It's the jacknifed tractor trailer on fire after having just hit a tanker truck and a school bus and they all went down the cliff. It's not that anyone "wants" it but since it's there you can't help but watch.

The Same Old Thing pretty much puts us to sleep.

Pogo is a case study on "How TDS can inflict an intelligent mind".

TDS? Oh yes, Truth Demonstrated Succinctly. Thangyew.

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