How Did Fox Do for Their First Debate?

That was a whole lotta dumb in one place.

Every single person on that stage, is mentally incapable of handling public office.
This coming from someone who voted for Barack twice and defends his cover-ups and cowardly ways.

IOW, these candidates are not on trial here... you are.
Well, everyone is deciding how the candidates did...How about Fox News? Did they come out a winner?
Fox is out to take Trump out. That angers me, especially their after analysis. As though the opinions of those 30 citizens speaks for the nation. "Trump is the big loser" was the big conclusion they could not wait to get out. I missed the first hour but I think their questions were pretty good. Personally, I cannot stand Megyn Kelly. She thinks she is the show and her humor makes me cringe and her look too much interested in a "look at me." So she turns me off as much as Oreilly and Hannity. And yet, I love Fox News 100 times over all the other networks.

Overall the debate was quite good. Huckabee looked good, so did Cruz, so did most. Jeb Bush is a downer. So is Rand Paul. But all these candidates made Obama, Hillary and the democrats look like total losers, if not the enemy of this nation.

The entire night was choreographed to stop trump and advance bush. I suspect the 30 member panel afterward was selected with that in mind. I find it entertaining that the bias and lack of fair play that is such an integral part of fox operations upsets so many trump supporters. I guess they just don't notice it until they are on the receiving end of it.
The rubes in the audience thought they were at a monster truck rally, and the "moderators" thought they were American Idol judges deciding who gets to go on to the next round. Fox even went out of its way to make it look like an American Idol set.

And why did they introduce the contestants twice? Is that the normal format for American Idol?
As someone who watches FOX I was disappointed how they did.
The first question right out of the box surprised me....
As someone who watches FOX I was disappointed how they did.
The first question right out of the box surprised me....

FOX hit on some hard questions for several of the candidates. They beat the liberal media to the punch on some of these issues and gave the candidates a wake-up call. Trump needed to be taken down a notch. He is even more arrogant than Obama, and that's saying something. But I recall them even suggesting that Bush had made insulting remarks about Trump which he immediately denied. They hit Christie with bridge-gate, they hit Ted Cruz about his comments about other candidates and his attitude in the Senate. And Rand Paul got attacked on a couple issues as well. Debates are meant to be a little mean spirited. They're meant to provoke a little to get candidates to expose who they really are. I think Trump got caught a bit with his pants down and he didn't like it.

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