How Could Anyone Deny Manmade Climate Change?

Wow, Tyrone, you have let slip your belief in Der Fuhrer. I thought of this with what you just said. Sieg Heil !!!!

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Damn they played the "Hitler Card" on me at the Climatethreads wooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooo because Science is the New Hitler ..............
What you said , not science was why I said you reminded me of Hitler, sorry you are too stupid to know the difference.
What you said , not science was why I said you reminded me of Hitler, sorry you are too stupid to know the difference.

People who believing Science are like Hitler I understand that are a genius LOL
LOL no one cares what outlier clowns like you all one cares about your "Climate fraud" leaders believe that all are isolated LOL

I love it ...what you all believe is OK with me ...why would I care you all are un important ...what is important is what Science and the world leaders believe and they believe in AGW LOL
Zieg Heil !!! So if a world leader told you to jump into a active volcano to save the planet, you would oblige them? Friggen lemming, that is what you are.
Zieg Heil !!! So if a world leader told you to jump into a active volcano to save the planet, you would oblige them? Friggen lemming, that is what you are.
so if Exxon told you to jump off a cliff you would do it...
Oh, not the Exxon evil corporation theme again, oh my.... No , I am someone who thinks for myself, not drink from the liberal kool aid that comes out of the rainbow house on Pennsylvania ave. Why is it when the dinosaur was roaming the land, and the temperature there was much higher than it was here, do the "scientists" not add those temperatures into the figures? Because is would show that the Earth has since been a lot cooler today. But we cant use that because there was no industrial dinosaurs riding around in Automobiles having fun taking their families out on picnics and enjoying life. Since liberals cannot be happy(unless they are fucking people who just want to be happy) they must force upon the rest of US their misery. Then when everyone is poor and miserable, then that is "FAIRNESS". It is the liberal way. Shame you don't go jump into a very deep lake, dive down and hold your breath for 1000 seconds. Then you would of decreased the CO2 footprint by 1 and start saving the planet. Everytime I tell liberals they could save the planet this way, they tell me to go F ck myself. Don't liberals love the planet and should do whatever it takes to save it? Take the first step, remove yourself from society , take a dive in the deepend. Do the liberal thing.
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
what someone who loses an argument says...........
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
what someone who loses an argument says...........

Well, JustCrazy, you'd be the expert on that, since you are constantly losing every must really suck to be as severely retarded as you obviously are.
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
what someone who loses an argument says...........

Well, JustCrazy, you'd be the expert on that, since you are constantly losing every must really suck to be as severely retarded as you obviously are.
what someone who loses an argument says....
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
what someone who loses an argument says...........

Well, JustCrazy, you'd be the expert on that, since you are constantly losing every must really suck to be as severely retarded as you obviously are.
what someone who loses an argument says....

What retards like JustCrazy say when they have no argument.
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
what someone who loses an argument says...........

Well, JustCrazy, you'd be the expert on that, since you are constantly losing every must really suck to be as severely retarded as you obviously are.
what someone who loses an argument says....

What retards like JustCrazy say when they have no argument.
And still WINNING
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
what someone who loses an argument says...........

Well, JustCrazy, you'd be the expert on that, since you are constantly losing every must really suck to be as severely retarded as you obviously are.
what someone who loses an argument says....

What retards like JustCrazy say when they have no argument.
And still WINNING
In your highly delusional excuse for a mind, JustCrazy, you imagine that you are "winning" not sure what, but it is certainly not this argument. More like the prize for the most retarded denier cult fool on the're winning that one hands down....against really stiff competition too....
In your highly delusional excuse for a mind, JustCrazy, you imagine that you are "winning" not sure what, but it is certainly not this argument. More like the prize for the most retarded denier cult fool on the're winning that one hands down....against really stiff competition too....
And you prove that people project, what you see in others, is who you are, a delusional, perverted, bigoted, redneck. It is funny, when I was young I never understood that there really were extreme lunatics in the World, but as I got old, and especially since the internet, I have learned alot. What these message boards and the internet have revealed, because you have anonymity to be yourself, what it has showed me is that all the bigoted hate that has been the history of America, is simply human nature and now you have found your own type of person to hate, in your bigoted mind. You are sick, the disease of mankind. You prove it with everyone of your posts.
In your highly delusional excuse for a mind, JustCrazy, you imagine that you are "winning" not sure what, but it is certainly not this argument. More like the prize for the most retarded denier cult fool on the're winning that one hands down....against really stiff competition too....
And you prove that people project, what you see in others, is who you are, a delusional, perverted, bigoted, redneck. It is funny, when I was young I never understood that there really were extreme lunatics in the World, but as I got old, and especially since the internet, I have learned alot. What these message boards and the internet have revealed, because you have anonymity to be yourself, what it has showed me is that all the bigoted hate that has been the history of America, is simply human nature and now you have found your own type of person to hate, in your bigoted mind. You are sick, the disease of mankind. You prove it with everyone of your posts.

In real life thunder is probably a meek milquetoast sort who rarely speaks up for himself...he exhibits the sort of anger that terribly abused children exhibit when they grow up...even though the abuse is past, they remain intimidated by anyone and everyone with whom they perceive that they have any sort of conflict. He can't enter a conversation with anyone and remain on an equal status once it is clear that they disagree....he becomes intimidated...begins calling names....shouts....and in general reverts to an angry 5 year old.... You have to feel sorry for people who underwent such abuse as children that they can't get past it as adults...
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
Now you have hurt my feelings. Boo Hoo, typical of a liberal. I am still waiting for someone to explain why the Arctic Ice is melting(above 32 degrees) yet polar votex's coming into America(caused by God) have temperatures below 32 degrees.
It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
what someone who loses an argument says...........

Well, JustCrazy, you'd be the expert on that, since you are constantly losing every must really suck to be as severely retarded as you obviously are.
what someone who loses an argument says....

What retards like JustCrazy say when they have no argument.

It is the climate at which the liberal opens his front door, sticks up the index finger(that is the one next to the thumb) and says, Global Warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.

You are a clueless retard with your head up your ass, androgynoustwit.

Too bad you're far too stupid to have the mental capacity to recognize just how extremely stupid you are.
what someone who loses an argument says...........

Well, JustCrazy, you'd be the expert on that, since you are constantly losing every must really suck to be as severely retarded as you obviously are.
what someone who loses an argument says....

What retards like JustCrazy say when they have no argument.
And still WINNING
In your highly delusional excuse for a mind, JustCrazy, you imagine that you are "winning" not sure what, but it is certainly not this argument. More like the prize for the most retarded denier cult fool on the're winning that one hands down....against really stiff competition too....
and yet you're arguing posts rather than topic. That sir is an automatic winner for me. WINNING. without back radiation, there is absolutely no way for CO2 to matter. And when you can present evidence of back radiation, which you can't, then the discussion can move forward. But calling me names is just a losers mentality.

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