How "Constitutionally Vague" Can It Be If The President Doesn't Undertand "National Emergency?"

When Trump said he didn't need to do this, it was VERY clear that what he meant was if democrats had not been so obstructionist, he would not have to declare an emergency. Only democrats can't understand this simple concept.
When a nation is being invaded... that's a national emergency.

The influx of legal asylum seekers are hardly an invasion, which is defined as: "incursion of an army for conquest or plunder".

The asylum seekers are unarmed families looking for safety, and security, hardly an "army for conquest or plunder".

Anyone who calls the desperate families looking for a safe haven, an "invasion", needs a butterfly net and a jacket with long arm.
When a nation is being invaded... that's a national emergency.

The influx of legal asylum seekers are hardly an invasion, which is defined as: "incursion of an army for conquest or plunder".

The asylum seekers are unarmed families looking for safety, and security, hardly an "army for conquest or plunder".

Anyone who calls the desperate families looking for a safe haven, an "invasion", needs a butterfly net and a jacket with long arm.

Definition of invasion
1 : an act of invading especially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
2 : the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful​

Did you imagine we wouldn't notice how you elided the other definition?
One thing about the Act that created the recourse to a "National Emergency" authority: Is That it left unclear just what one is. Suggesting that, "I don't need to do this," just wanting to speed up what most would call a Legislative process-culminating in a vote--leaves too much to ambiguity. The only matter imminent so far in the "National Emergency:" Are the lawsuits being filed already, and today.

To be Constitutional, then the Authorizing Act itself has to offer clarity, usually through a definition of terms. It is apparent that the White House, most federal agencies, most state legislatures, two Federal Legislatures--and every citizen affected or not: Doesn't know anything about any "Emergency" basis. There is no widespread feeling of threat from applicant asylum-seekers: So-called, "Caravan after Caravan."

In 1939, for example, Both Cuba and the USA turned away 900 Jewish refugees Fleeing Nazi Germany. The outcome of that was repatriation to four other nations, not to Germany--about to attack all of Europe at any rate.

"Atrocity Prevention" is not widely regarded a "National Emergency:" Simply on the basis of refugees getting lawfully processed.

So in Law there is a concept, "Vagueness:" which offers the standard remedy--void the Act Itself.

"Vagueness is a doctrine of constitutional law; and grounds upon which a statute can be found to be inoperative. Every law must be sufficiently clear for the citizens to grasp its import."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes clearly misunderstand, "This Land Is My Land. . . . ."

59 national emergencies have been declared. 32 are still in effect. Obama declared 10 of them himself. And you believe the SC is going to declare the law unconstitutional now?

You stupid tool! Nobody objected to Trump's declaration of a National Emergency to deal with the Opioid Crisis last year, because there REALLY is a national emergency where 72,000 people per year are dying of opioid overdose. We have no problem with Trump or other Presidents declaring National Emergencies when there is an actual emergency.

In this case, Trump admits there is no emergency, and that he didn't need to do this but Congress wouldn't give him what he wanted. From his own mouth - there is no emergency.

So admitted is that there is no border, "National Emergency." The Republicans had been in control for two years, and couldn't come up with a definition either.

Then the partisan memberships change, is all: No National Emergency, except for the White House only taking the word of KGB officers, and Communist governments. In opposition is over $60.0 bil. real US fund funded Intelligence Agencies: Of no shown Communist sympathies. The Communist sympathies are the ones shown by Trump and McConnell and the brand.

Mexico, in the law, is not paying for the "National Emergency." Nor is China, North Korea, or the Kremlin.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Missing equation in the National Emergency: Mexico is supposed to pay for it(?)!"
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Grandpa Murked U poster proudly proclaims what even Ann Coulter has known all along: Supportive of the Trump Intention: "To Scam The Stupidest People In His Base'."

Anyone sees that Mexico refusing to pay up is not the basis of the National Emergency.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!{
(Maybe better sense is build a dam, or serious of dams, along the Rio Grande(?).)

Not familiar with the geography, are you?
One thing about the Act that created the recourse to a "National Emergency" authority: Is That it left unclear just what one is. Suggesting that, "I don't need to do this," just wanting to speed up what most would call a Legislative process-culminating in a vote--leaves too much to ambiguity. The only matter imminent so far in the "National Emergency:" Are the lawsuits being filed already, and today.

To be Constitutional, then the Authorizing Act itself has to offer clarity, usually through a definition of terms. It is apparent that the White House, most federal agencies, most state legislatures, two Federal Legislatures--and every citizen affected or not: Doesn't know anything about any "Emergency" basis. There is no widespread feeling of threat from applicant asylum-seekers: So-called, "Caravan after Caravan."

In 1939, for example, Both Cuba and the USA turned away 900 Jewish refugees Fleeing Nazi Germany. The outcome of that was repatriation to four other nations, not to Germany--about to attack all of Europe at any rate.

"Atrocity Prevention" is not widely regarded a "National Emergency:" Simply on the basis of refugees getting lawfully processed.

So in Law there is a concept, "Vagueness:" which offers the standard remedy--void the Act Itself.

"Vagueness is a doctrine of constitutional law; and grounds upon which a statute can be found to be inoperative. Every law must be sufficiently clear for the citizens to grasp its import."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes clearly misunderstand, "This Land Is My Land. . . . ."

59 national emergencies have been declared. 32 are still in effect. Obama declared 10 of them himself. And you believe the SC is going to declare the law unconstitutional now?
None of them were declared because the *president* couldn't get funding for his vanity project.

That's not an emergency.
From the last administration, there were several non-emergencies declared.

The power to declare an emergency needs to be removed. Too nuch discretion. Zero restraint.
None of them after congress denied funding for the *presidents* useless vanity project.
If the Court signs off on this, we're totally fucked. Democrats will whip out the emergency card every time they can't get something rammed through Congress. Go team!
More likely the concept "vague" can apply. Thousands of years ago, comparing. Moses effectively told Israel to not screw one another, but to screw everyone else instead. Gouge them with interest rate loans, (Deut 23:19-20). These were a people only a few centuries removed from the Rain Forest. The suckers seemed willing to pay up. The arithmetic worked well for Israel.

The actual context would be described in New Testament, several centuries later. In Matthew 25:14-30, the rich do get richer. The poor can't keep up. The one unsuspecting, (confused) servant just buries the one Talent with which the servant was entrusted. Anyone might say that the arithmetic context was becoming known to the story-teller, but not to the victims. For the victims, there was no specified context known well-enough to remedy. "Look at the loot," a majority of the victims would note. The crisis-creating Householder rewards: Anyone might say, "Israel." Finally, what had been vague, was more specified.

Several centuries later, Israel would become mostly eradicated in Europe. Even more centuries later, the US legislatures would go even further and start to apply the remedy in Matthew 20:1-16. Popes, Prophets, and Caliphs--and Communists--would do no such thing.

The Republicans would create an equal-amount, per child Tax credit--to buffer the fixed percentage computing of the payroll tax. That was especially gouging the poor, now called, "Regressive." The Clinton Administration would expand that. Carter Administration inflation was effectively casting the usual markets of commerce into "Outer Darkness." The Reagan-Bush people ineptly tried to remedy the consequent downturn with deficit spending, most rewarding defense contractors--their upper middle class. The Bush Administration was propelling itself headlong into an Economic Crisis. A second Bush Administration would actually bring that off.

What had happened. Two Tax Cuts for the rich didn't work. The lower incomes needing the money were not longer on the Tax rolls.

The Obama Administration would come up with the Matthew 20 based remedy. The Make Work Pay Refundable Tax Credit had a household based equal amount per adult computing The amount could total $800.00 per year: A high-percentage bundle for a low-income household. The Republicans had abandoned their own original Tax credit basis: And take the Refundable Credit away within two years.

The Democrats would be blamed for the lackluster recover.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly, teaching and presentation is not possible without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort. We are a nation of laws: And the teachers, and lawyers, and legislators, and clergies: Might be said to be supportive of what otherwise has been vague(?). There being no deity, there at least can be arithmetic and remedy!)
When a nation is being invaded... that's a national emergency.

The influx of legal asylum seekers are hardly an invasion, which is defined as: "incursion of an army for conquest or plunder".

The asylum seekers are unarmed families looking for safety, and security, hardly an "army for conquest or plunder".

Anyone who calls the desperate families looking for a safe haven, an "invasion", needs a butterfly net and a jacket with long arm.

Oh but it it is. You see, when they become majority, who do you think becomes minority? The American people. Consequently, first world country will also become history.

What is exceptionally cruel about the coming war is that it won't be fought between armies, but inside the country, with everyone a participant. On the other hand, idiots like the above do deserve it.
If the Court signs off on this, we're totally fucked. Democrats will whip out the emergency card every time they can't get something rammed through Congress. Go team!
They are going to do it anyway. They smell the prize.
Obama declared emergencies left and right... but now that there is an actual emergency that's relevant to Americans... no way.
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If the Court signs off on this, we're totally fucked. Democrats will whip out the emergency card every time they can't get something rammed through Congress. Go team!
--------------------------------------- sounds like a reason to keep Trump , Pence and similar around at least for MY lifetime DBlack .
Since no one denies that nobody knows whether or not an Emergency exists---other than refugees seeking asylum, being processed lawfully: The Actual legal basis for the "National Emergency" is void--That Act Is Un-Lawful--and the spending is illegal, to be returned to original appropriations.

If the money is spent there will be lawful basis for impeachment: On both sides, On both sides.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many can come to Lands of Many Nations: And set about herding sheep. Many will say that they will be doing what Indigenous tribes do not want to do for themselves(?)! Agribusiness knows about this, already(?)!)
The President decides if an emergency exists.
Authoritarian much?
That's the law, asshole.
If you don't like the law, then get it changed. Don't call me a Nazi simply because I report what the law says.

The ability to explain a "National Emergency" needs to be clarified.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Right now only Communist Sympathizers, friendly to Putin over USA, or friendly more to North Korea, have the authority to declare a National Emergency.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Noting how political climates, and accusations, can turn on a dime!)

The way I understand it-------->Trump LEGALLY has now 5.3, or 5.4 billion to spend on the wall. The emergency monies will not even be needed until after the 2020 election.

The only question that remains is...……...which take is correct-------------> Walls do, or do NOT work. Your side had better be correct, because if the wall significantly lowers drugs and illegal immigration flowing into this country, Trump will sashay to re-election in 2020, and your side is going to be fretting more over the House instead of the Presidency-)
When a nation is being invaded... that's a national emergency.

Yup and we have the millions of invaders that are in the country to prove it. Its been a problem for decades.

The wall will prevent them from getting in. Once its up we can boot those that are here, all eleven million of them, the hell out.

These law breakers cost we tax payers billions every year. Not to mention the rapes, burglaries and murders they commit every year.

They all need to get the boot out.
Mostly, data since 1620 would suggest a far wider Immigration Problem than 20,000 asylum-seekers somewhere in Mexico, with origins south of there.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe new arrivals will commence creating reservation status for any now here, slimed by the "Pochahontas" derisive brand, apparently claiming likely eradication of any genetically connected to pre-invasion arrivals.)
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