How Confident Are the Infectious Experts in the Efficacy of the Vaccines They Have Taken?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Most of them still won’t go to a movie, eat at a restaurant, or let their vaccinated kid go to school without a muzzle, half won’t even go to an outdoor sporting event or concert.

What's safe to do during summer's Covid surge? STAT asked the experts
Most of them still won’t go to a movie, eat at a restaurant, or let their vaccinated kid go to school without a muzzle, half won’t even go to an outdoor sporting event or concert.

View attachment 537206 What's safe to do during summer's Covid surge? STAT asked the experts
So they favor precautions, rather than throwing caution to the winds? Go figure. I'm no expert, but it sounds like common sense, to me. Sure, the vast majority of the people getting sick enough to have to stay in the hospital are unvaccinated, but having a milder case for a couple of weeks is no picnic.
I did go to a Covid hotspot for vacation, just getting back in the last two weeks. Now we are planning our ski trip for winter. Difference is, we are talking about adding two travel days on both ends and talking about driving to the Rockies or beyond. Last ski trip, 3 out of 5 caught Covid on the plane.
Just watched a video on Youtube further explaining how a mRNA "vaccine" works.

So apparently the mRNA is coded with bits and pieces of the virus that won't cause infection.
And that gets your cells to register the parts of the virus as something that doesn't belong, so your cells send signals to your immune system to create anti-bodies to fight off the real virus if it shows up. (this is the way I understood it)

This mRNA is man-made, and therefore the creators also "code" the virus to do what they want it to do. does the patient know what their mRNA injection has been coded to do? Obviously they can be coded to do anything that Big Pharma or the government how do WE THE PEOPLE know for a FACT that the injections being given are for COVID and not for something else? Does this explain all the so-called "boosters"? Are people being shot up with differently coded mRNA "vaccines"?

Things that make you go HMMMMMM.........
Just watched a video on Youtube further explaining how a mRNA "vaccine" works.

So apparently the mRNA is coded with bits and pieces of the virus that won't cause infection.
And that gets your cells to register the parts of the virus as something that doesn't belong, so your cells send signals to your immune system to create anti-bodies to fight off the real virus if it shows up. (this is the way I understood it)

This mRNA is man-made, and therefore the creators also "code" the virus to do what they want it to do. does the patient know what their mRNA injection has been coded to do? Obviously they can be coded to do anything that Big Pharma or the government how do WE THE PEOPLE know for a FACT that the injections being given are for COVID and not for something else? Does this explain all the so-called "boosters"? Are people being shot up with differently coded mRNA "vaccines"?

Things that make you go HMMMMMM.........
Don't let your paranoia run away with you. No. They cannot be coded to do anything they want at this time, otherwise, we would be cancer free. How do we know are not for something else? The paranoid will never know or believe. They are not out to get you, O ye of little faith. Everything I have seen says the boosters are just a 3rd dose of the same vaccine a person took the first times.
Good luck to you and yours.

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