How come Obama isn't standing up for the hundred thousand the GOP is poisoning in Flint?

How come the EPA knew about this Flint water mess for months ... but did nothing about it?

EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public

The EPA was given incorrect information from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
Who runs that?

Sure you want to go that route? I mean if you are implying what I think, the same can be applied to Obama for every federal government wrong. How do you feel about that?
It's why I'm doing this to Snyder. Do you remember how the GOP used the bp oil spill in 2010 midterms? Fucking hypocrisy

So you admit it is not Snyder's fault, good. In fact, Flint's mayor, a Democrat, wants him to stay on and help with the correction process. By implication, you can see I do not blame Obama for things done by federal bureaucrats. Maybe just maybe, there can be a move toward common ground for America.
How come the EPA knew about this Flint water mess for months ... but did nothing about it?

EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public

The EPA was given incorrect information from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
Who runs that?

Sure you want to go that route? I mean if you are implying what I think, the same can be applied to Obama for every federal government wrong. How do you feel about that?
It's why I'm doing this to Snyder. Do you remember how the GOP used the bp oil spill in 2010 midterms? Fucking hypocrisy

So you admit it is not Snyder's fault, good. In fact, Flint's mayor, a Democrat, wants him to stay on and help with the correction process.
She's not gonna rock the boat. She's got him by the balls
It's never the GOP's fault. I know

I guess you could do the research and see my statements are accurate, or just continue to prove yourself to be the hack we know you are.
Maybe your GOP governor will poison you with lead too one day. You want to take that chance? Not me

We have a municipal water system here and I am in Michigan. I will sleep just fine and enjoy our tap water at about a 64 ounce per day consumption rate. What you miss in all of this is this is Michigan, we are surrounded by a huge resource of fresh water. We value that resource. I live at the headwaters of the St. Joe River which eventually empties into the Mississippi. We are held to very strict water standards for that very reason.
How come Obama isn't standing up for the hundred thousand the GOP is poisoning in Flint?

law'da mersa, dey iz to meny whaat fols in dat der playce donchna unnua stan .., boy!!
How come the EPA knew about this Flint water mess for months ... but did nothing about it?

EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public
How come the EPA knew about this Flint water mess for months ... but did nothing about it?

EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pointed the finger at Michigan officials on Tuesday for "resistance" to working with federal regulators to make the drinking water in Flint safe.
Behind the scenes, the EPA and the state were clashing on whether Michigan needed to treat the water in order to control corrosion, a July 2015 email shows.
"Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the state of Michigan was responsible for implementing the regulations to protect their residents' drinking water. While EPA worked within the framework of the law to repeatedly and urgently communicate the steps the state needed to take to properly treat its water, those necessary actions were not taken as quickly as they should have been," the agency said.

EPA Faults State 'Failures and Resistance' in Flint Water Crisis

You gotta admit, the duplicity of the GOP is hilarious. They want to abolish the EPA but as soon as the GOP does something terrible, they want to blame it on the agency they want to abolish.
Sure you want to go that route? I mean if you are implying what I think, the same can be applied to Obama for every federal government wrong. How do you feel about that?

You mean like the Republicans have been doing since Obama was elected?

Hell, now Obamas responsible for soldies having PtSD.

Obama, the most powerful President EVER. According to most Republicans.

However, let me ask you something. Do Republican leaders EVER take responsibility for actions and consequences while they are in a leadership position?

I have never seen that happen. Have you?
Sure you want to go that route? I mean if you are implying what I think, the same can be applied to Obama for every federal government wrong. How do you feel about that?

You mean like the Republicans have been doing since Obama was elected?

Hell, now Obamas responsible for soldies having PtSD.

Obama, the most powerful President EVER. According to most Republicans.

However, let me ask you something. Do Republican leaders EVER take responsibility for actions and consequences while they are in a leadership position?

I have never seen that happen. Have you?
The GOP says huh when you mention Boosh jr...
You gotta admit, the duplicity of the GOP is hilarious. They want to abolish the EPA but as soon as the GOP does something terrible, they want to blame it on the agency they want to abolish.

And of course they (republicas) hate them some Federal government.

Right up till they start asking for more money.

Obama needs to tell the Repubs in the state of Mi that they will be having an extra state tax to pay.

they elected the asshole Snyder. Let them pay for the clean up.
How come the EPA knew about this Flint water mess for months ... but did nothing about it?

EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public
How come the EPA knew about this Flint water mess for months ... but did nothing about it?

EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pointed the finger at Michigan officials on Tuesday for "resistance" to working with federal regulators to make the drinking water in Flint safe.
Behind the scenes, the EPA and the state were clashing on whether Michigan needed to treat the water in order to control corrosion, a July 2015 email shows.
"Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the state of Michigan was responsible for implementing the regulations to protect their residents' drinking water. While EPA worked within the framework of the law to repeatedly and urgently communicate the steps the state needed to take to properly treat its water, those necessary actions were not taken as quickly as they should have been," the agency said.

EPA Faults State 'Failures and Resistance' in Flint Water Crisis

You gotta admit, the duplicity of the GOP is hilarious. They want to abolish the EPA but as soon as the GOP does something terrible, they want to blame it on the agency they want to abolish.

From your article that never mentions the GOP:

"The EPA wasn't quite as critical in November, when a top water official said in a memo to underlings that "different possible interpretations" of a rule governing corrosion control might have played a role in the state's failure to take immediate action."

Here is what I do not understand, if you have a chemistry background and know lead can be mobile with an acid applied and you also know the Flint River is acidic....this sounds like a major bureaucratic blunder, most likely from the MDEQ.
And of course they (republicas) hate them some Federal government.

Right up till they start asking for more money.

Obama needs to tell the Repubs in the state of Mi that they will be having an extra state tax to pay.

they elected the asshole Snyder. Let them pay for the clean up.

Your lack of understanding surrounding this issue is obvious moron. Take a step back to Granholm who brought our state to the brink of bankruptcy. She was so bad that Obama never placed anywhere in his cabinet or any other political appointment. We led the nation at various times in the last eight years in creating jobs, which was the result of government getting out of the way of private businesses.
Sure you want to go that route? I mean if you are implying what I think, the same can be applied to Obama for every federal government wrong. How do you feel about that?

You mean like the Republicans have been doing since Obama was elected?

Hell, now Obamas responsible for soldies having PtSD.

Obama, the most powerful President EVER. According to most Republicans.

However, let me ask you something. Do Republican leaders EVER take responsibility for actions and consequences while they are in a leadership position?

I have never seen that happen. Have you?

Pull your panties out of your butt. I am pointing it is not correct to blame the president for such things. Since you only understand tit for tat, most liberals spent eight years blaming Bush, then continued until yesterday. Everyone needs to quit.
We led the nation at various times in the last eight years in creating jobs, which was the result of government getting out of the way of private businesses.

LMAO. You mean the auto industry created all those jobs. Right? And who was it that bailed out the auto industry?
Was it OBAMA? Why yes I believe it was.

You voted for the nit wit gov that you have now didnt ya? the people of Flint need to send you Republicans a big bill for fucking up their lives.
We led the nation at various times in the last eight years in creating jobs, which was the result of government getting out of the way of private businesses.

LMAO. You mean the auto industry created all those jobs. Right? And who was it that bailed out the auto industry?
Was it OBAMA? Why yes I believe it was.

You voted for the nit wit gov that you have now didnt ya? the people of Flint need to send you Republicans a big bill for fucking up their lives.

Flint has been in trouble for decades, almost all of it under Democrat control. The recovery here as been from many industries including high tech. This is all factually based, unlike your hack posting.
By implication, you can see I do not blame Obama for things done by federal bureaucrats.

Rather than implying something, why not just come out with a statement that cant be misunderstood.

Like, none of this is Obamas fault and the gov of MI should pay a steep price and be held fully accountable. It should cost the gov of MI his job.

Now that I can understand.
The recovery here as been from many industries including high tech. This is all factually based, unlike your hack posting.

You live in MI. And want to claim that the resurgent auto industry was not the catalyst for the job creation? Including the tech jobs that more than likely have an application to the auto industry?

You did vote for Snyder didnt you. I noticed you wont own up to that. Why?

then you want to blame the people of Flint? For what? Living there?

You full of shit.
The Flint water system was built a long time ago under a Democrat led community. Flint is bankrupt from Democratic leadership. It was thought using the Flint River as a water source would save money. The water reacted with the lead joints and caused the problem. This was missed by expert EPA and DEQ bureaucrats, who approved the change.
The GOP leadership appointed by the GOP gov broke the law. I pointed that out in a previous link on another thread. They were supposed to add specified chemicals that protect the integrity of the lead pipes and didn't to save money. Those chemicals are mandated by federal law. The same safety laws Republicans want to get rid of for being too expensive. This isn't Benghazi. This is a GOP made disaster. Not trying to profit off the deaths of Americans. This is a prime example of what happens when you follow GOP policies.

What federal law mandates phosphoric acid be injected into all drinking water?

Probably the one listed in this CNN report:

How Flint, Michigan's tap water became toxic -

The U.S. Attorney and the federal Environmental Protection Agency are also investigating why the state chose to ignore federal law and go without the anti-corrosive agent, as the lawsuit contends. "Nobody has answered that question," Weaver said.

Here is the lawsuit:

Yeah, the pleadings of a class action suit are always assumed to be "fact.". My particular favorite is the lawyers going for a 14th amendment violation, just so they can say Snyder et al violated the US constitution.
So the buck stops at the top, except for Snyder, Crispie, Bush and other Republicans?

How can right wingers vote for those who take no responsibility for anything?

The voters can decide if they want to keep him when he is up for re-election, however what I have seen so far does not require him to resign.

I noticed you left out the governor of Louisiana and the mayor of New Orleans at time in your Katrina rant, typical.
The recovery here as been from many industries including high tech. This is all factually based, unlike your hack posting.

You live in MI. And want to claim that the resurgent auto industry was not the catalyst for the job creation? Including the tech jobs that more than likely have an application to the auto industry?

You did vote for Snyder didnt you. I noticed you wont own up to that. Why?

then you want to blame the people of Flint? For what? Living there?

You full of shit.

Flint built a water system and failed to upgrade it over time. Poor budgeting led to near bankruptcy. How is the rest of Michigan to blame?

Snyder has done a great job for Michigan, even the mayor of Flint wants him to stay.

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