How can you be institutionally racist?

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020

Er, erm, er, I'll have to get back to you on that.

Lee Anderson MP asking local woke councillor a simple question on why she thinks her Fire department is institutionally racist. Yup, Rebecca Knox hasn't a clue on what she's on about.
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Any institution that has a written test and requires a minimum score on that written test will have results that "under-represent" humans of Black African ancestry. That is to say, if such people are, say, 10% of the population, the percentage of those passing the test will be less than ten percent. And the higher the required level on the written test, the greater the under-representation will be. This is because humans of Black African ancestry are a full standard deviation below "everybody else," when it comes to measured intelligence. The Bell Curve rules.

To give an extreme example, let us suppose that in order to successfully complete a Bachelor's Degree in molecular biology one has to have a measured IQ of at least 130. Such a high requirement would effectively screen out all but 5% of "everyone else," but it would screen out 99% of humans with Black African ancestry.

This, we are told, is "institutional racism." Hence, God is a racist.
Organizations like BLM, the NAACP, and the Klan have institutionalized racism. Of those three I listed, the first two have actually been legitimized.

Almost all important organizations run by enemies of white christian man.
But most of whites are too dumb to grasp it

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