Zone1 How can whites fix white racism?

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Whites can at least try to fix white racism by telling blacks to stop reinforcing it by committing all those crimes against us, and by not having all those illegitimate children that we are supposed to support on welfare.

Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of the fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of the stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.

There are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous Negroes. They are credits to their race. Unfortunately, they are not typical of it. That is why white racism persists.

Expressions of white racism have been suppressed. White racism persists because black social pathology persists. Indeed, black social pathology has gotten worse since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was signed, and since the War on Poverty was declared.
Mr. smasher! Show me some truth! Did you ever make a punter? I have a theory..

A theory you're a Hitler-ish kid from back in the day. That posted an upside-down Hitler pic to some black girl in Indiana in a library I gave you access to that was researching Martin Luther King Jr. If you know about that, you know who I am. ;)
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Blacks hate whites, Jews and Asians. Sweep your own porch...
This is a lie. I have many friends in all these groups.

What right wing whites claim about us is them projecting their own hate.
This is a bait thread. There are no constructive answers except from zincwarrior.

Now if we cannot use certain words to describe the behavior we see here, then such overt behavior should not be allowed in Zone 1.
Whites can at least try to fix white racism by telling blacks to stop reinforcing it by committing all those crimes against us, and by not having all those illegitimate children that we are supposed to support on welfare.

Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of the fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of the stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.

There are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous Negroes. They are credits to their race. Unfortunately, they are not typical of it. That is why white racism persists.

Expressions of white racism have been suppressed. White racism persists because black social pathology persists. Indeed, black social pathology has gotten worse since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was signed, and since the War on Poverty was declared.
Let's look at a pathology.

In 2020, Whites were fifty-one percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. A white offender committed fifty-four percent of the crimes against persons. Whites committed most property crimes (42%) and crimes against society (65%). Seven out of every ten arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

As blacks, we get lectured about black-on-black crime, but in 2020, blacks led in arrests in two categories in the Uniform Crime Report, murder and robbery. I am not going to pretend this is a good thing, but let’s look at the arrest categories whites led in:

Rape, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, Motor vehicle theft, Arson, Violent crime, Property crime, Other assaults, Forgery and counterfeiting, Fraud, Embezzlement, buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, Vandalism, carrying, possessing, Weapons, Prostitution and commercialized vice, Sex offenses besides rape and prostitution, Drug abuse violations, Gambling, Offenses against the family and children, Driving under the influence, Liquor laws, Drunkenness, Disorderly conduct, Vagrancy, All other offenses (except traffic), Suspicion, Curfew and loitering law violations.

So what we see is a pathology in a section of the white community that ignores their own violence and criminality while overstating that of other groups, specifically blacks. Ending white racism requres that non racist and anti racist white oppose white with the attitude and beliefs of the OP and all those who have either cosigned his mental illness or suffer from the same mental illness.
I use the word "Negro" all the time, as well as "colored folks", "Black folks", or even the "N" word, depending on the circle I'm in.

I take it you've never been around Black folks very much? Every other word is the "N" word.

Wikipedia has a whole page about the word "Negro", and they're a bunch of liberals.

"Negro superseded colored as the most polite word for African Americans at a time when black was considered more offensive."

Negro - Wikipedia

And if that isn't bad enough, how the heck does Wikipedia get away with a whole page devoted to the "N" word? You'll have to find it yourself.
I doubt you have, because you're still alive.
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