How can we create stronger, sustainable growth in the economy?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.

Equal opportunity is a tremendous policy, no doubt about it. President Trump's business, the Trump Organization is an EOE.

However, I don't see where this is generator for economic activity or growth by itself. You have to mining, and drilling and manufacturing. There is no reason why America can't produce more oil, more gas and more coal than any other country.
By not having too many job killing government regulations.
By getting good trade deals.
By using tariffs to create a level playing field
By moving factories back to the US, especially for crucial items like pharmaceuticals and medical PPE
By generally doing what Trump, Navarro, and Lightheizer did before COVID-19 hit.
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.

If you think that's the only problem, you are, again, way oversimplifying things.

Big business is so cuddled up to our federal government you can't tell the difference.

With over 20% of GDP being spent by the federal can easily see where something needs to change.
Borrow to spend is digging a hole deeper- individual effort, not restricted by legislation favoring cronies-
I didn't have access to the NYT article and so will stick with my belief that the reason the country's economy boomed after WWII was the fact that our industrial power remained intact throughout the war and afterwards while elsewhere the industrial world was in shambles. Minorities advanced with our economy during that period but that advancement was limited by housing restrictions, education restraints, along with pure prejudice.

I recall in late 1950's and early 60's when a lot of our goods were labelled Made in Japan and were viewed as cheap junk. My how that reversed by after the 1973-74 Arab oil embargo. But what really set things back during the 1980's and 1990's was the transition of the US into a service economy with cheap foreign labor was looked upon to provide for our material goods at low commodity prices. Couple that with the innovation of the personal computer and the internet, which resulted in a lot of these service jobs going away as our technology eliminated the need of middle people.

My quick answer to provide for a strong economy is to be widely diversified between jobs in education, technology, medicine, industry, and services with the government not picking a winner but only stepping in when one of these is lagging and in need of a boost.
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.
Elect Repugs. When a democRat is elected president the first thing that happens the Stock Market falls and the economy isn't far behind.
To answer the OPs title question:
Never ever put a leftist in charge of the country. Ever!
We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.

There is equal opportunity in employment. The disparities in education come from the people who have been mismanaging our urban school districts for decades, the Democratic Party.
Higher wages....Done. when unemoyment pays more than the pittance wages people earn something is incredibly awfully immorally wrong with wages.
More racist left wing rants? Do lefties really think talented Black Americans still work as freaking elevator operators and janitors? Proof that democrats long for the good old days when Blacks knew their place.
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.
Fella America is not the country it was then. Good or bad, right or wrong... at that time less than 30% of women worked. There was a much smaller labor force, and thus labor had a much stronger bargaining position than today where over 90% of women work and then add in technology, robotics and outsourcing. And THIS is why there is wage stagnation and ever eroding benefits.
Everything else you say - is laughable nonsense.
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.
How can we create stronger, sustainable growth in the economy?

Kill every fucking progressive in the United States. End of story, poverty and misery all goes away that quick.
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.
How can we create stronger, sustainable growth in the economy?

Kill every fucking progressive in the United States. End of story, poverty and misery all goes away that quick.


Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.
America after WW 2 was the defacto boss of the world. Much of the world that had production was bombed out. Our factories were running at full tilt after we changed over to a consumer economy. Then the other nations rebuilt. Steel was the first to go starting in the 1950's. For we never retooled and foreign factories were more modern. The workers did not help with their strikes. The auto industry went a couple of decades later. With the help of a couple oil crisis and the greed of the auto workers. Textiles were destroyed and the American employees were not exactly at the top of the earnings scale. Industry after industry met fierce competition. Our local, state, city and federal government budget increased massively. Taxes out of the wazoo. Feminism with women in the workplace caused many more problems.(Please don't ask or insult. I am not winning anything there.) Bretton Woods agreement made our currency the world currency of trade. Fully 90% of trade used our dollars as the middleman. And we received a cut. But we had to pay those nations in dollars or gold if they asked for gold when they wanted their investments/financials/trade back. France and DeGaulle did this in 1971. We apparently did not have the amount he needed in gold at Fort Knox. Nixon was forced to cut the last string to the gold standard and we went to a basket of currencies and then used oil as our backing. Saudi Arabia became a good friend or partner for that. But our budgets and deficits mushroomed after that as we could print money like there was no tomorrow. Well here we are.
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.
America after WW 2 was the defacto boss of the world. Much of the world that had production was bombed out. Our factories were running at full tilt after we changed over to a consumer economy. Then the other nations rebuilt. Steel was the first to go starting in the 1950's. For we never retooled and foreign factories were more modern. The workers did not help with their strikes. The auto industry went a couple of decades later. With the help of a couple oil crisis and the greed of the auto workers. Textiles were destroyed and the American employees were not exactly at the top of the earnings scale. Industry after industry met fierce competition. Our local, state, city and federal government budget increased massively. Taxes out of the wazoo. Feminism with women in the workplace caused many more problems.(Please don't ask or insult. I am not winning anything there.) Bretton Woods agreement made our currency the world currency of trade. Fully 90% of trade used our dollars as the middleman. And we received a cut. But we had to pay those nations in dollars or gold if they asked for gold when they wanted their investments/financials/trade back. France and DeGaulle did this in 1971. We apparently did not have the amount he needed in gold at Fort Knox. Nixon was forced to cut the last string to the gold standard and we went to a basket of currencies and then used oil as our backing. Saudi Arabia became a good friend or partner for that. But our budgets and deficits mushroomed after that as we could print money like there was no tomorrow. Well here we are.
Back under Nixon, i was buying gold at around $400 an ounce. With all that currency that has been printed, that same ounce of gold is over $2000. The only way we can get the dollar back on track, it to stop paying lazy liberal fucks to sit on their asses and either put them to work, send them to Cuba or bury them. I am tired of paying 60% of my income to keep those fucks alive. Let someone else deal with their shit...
Not a sugar high created by a budget busting tax cut aimed at Wall St. profits and the top 10%. Here's how.......

"The economy thrived after World War II in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder, to make better use of their talents and potential. In 1960, cutting-edge research from economists at the University of Chicago and Stanford University has documented, more than half of Black men in America worked as janitors, freight handlers or something similar. Only 2 percent of women and Black men worked in what economists call “high-skill” jobs that pay high wages, like engineering or law. Ninety-four percent of doctors in the United States were white men.

That disparity was by design. It protected white male elites. Everyone else was barred entry to top professions by overt discrimination, inequality of schooling, social convention and, often, the law itself."

The Chicago and Stanford economists calculated that the simple, radical act of reducing discrimination against those groups was responsible for more than 40 percent of the country’s per-worker economic growth after 1960. Clearly there are more opportunities now for previously oppressed people than in the post WWII era.

But over the past several decades, some barriers to advancement for women and nonwhite men have grown back.

"A recent and devastating one is co-authored by a University of Tennessee economic historian,"

We need to do better creating equal opportunities for all both in employment and education.

vote out every single democrat party member currently in office....that's how.

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