How Can Anyone Defend This...

Hearing about children getting killed really breaks me up. I used to be pretty resiliant to this kind of stuff, but since I've had a little girl of my own this kind of stuff really gets to me. I couldn't imagine my little one being subject to such atrocities; and it breaks my heart to know that some other child did. I hope the one responsible is caught and punished.
(Reuters) - A Jewish couple and three of their children were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

Israeli troops set up roadblocks and were searching the area around the Jewish religious settlement of Itamar, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, for the killer or killers.

In a televised speech, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed shock that the parents and three of their children -- including a baby -- were "brutally murdered on Sabbath eve while sleeping."

Netanyahu, in what appeared to be a warning to settlers not to launch revenge attacks, urged Israelis not to take the law into their own hands after the killings.

Israel has been loosening restrictions on the movement of Palestinians and goods in the occupied territory but maintains a system of roadblocks and checkpoints.

Jewish couple and three children killed in West Bank | Reuters

what did they expect when they steal people's land?

So in your mind that family, those children deseved to be slaughterd ? More scum joins the chorus.
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Palestinians Celebrate Massacre of Jewish Family


Hey, let's celebrate our hero baby killer: Palestinian hands out sweets to Hamas policemen in Rafah

Islamic depravity hits bottom. Keeps digging:

Rafah residents hand out candy following massacre of Jewish family, three children in West Bank settlement of Itamar.
Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar where five family members were murdered in their sleep, including three children.

Residents handed out candy and sweets, one resident saying the joy “is a natural response to the harm settlers inflict on the Palestinian residents in the West Bank.”

Meanwhile, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said he “clearly and firmly denounces the terror attack, just as I have denounced crimes against Palestinians.

“We are against all types of violence,” Fayyad said during a tour in Bethlehem. “Our position has not changed. As we have said many times before, we categorically oppose violence and terror, regardless of the identity of the victims or the perpetrators.”

IDF and security forces have been scouring the West Bank area since late Friday night, and have arrested 20 Palestinians from the villages of Awarta, Zababdeh, Sanur and Siliya. The IAF employed unmanned aerial vehicle in an effort to search for the suspects.

The Hamas movement accused the Palestinian Authority’s security apparatus of arresting three of its activists near Qalqilya and Jenin.

“The report of five murdered Israelis is not enough to punish someone,” said Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri, adding, “However; we in Hamas completely support the resistance against settlers who murder and use crime and terror against the Palestinian people under the auspices of the Israeli occupation soldiers


Palestinian children are still made to 'celebrate' the Ramallah Lynchings today..

This degenerate, ghoulish behaviour, which almost defies belief is, in fact common practice by the Palestinians after murdering Israeli Jews.

The most well-known example was the Ramallah Lynching in 2000, where two IDF soldiers unfortunate to stray into the wrong area were killed and disembowelled in the streets by mobs of screaming Muslims.

To this day, the iconic image of the man holding up his blood-soaked hands to the crowd below him outside the police station where the slaughter took place, is still re-enacted by Palestinian children celebrating the event.

Palestinians Hand Out Sweets in Celebration of Massacre of Jewish Family -

Thats fucking disgusting.:evil:
(Reuters) - A Jewish couple and three of their children were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

Israeli troops set up roadblocks and were searching the area around the Jewish religious settlement of Itamar, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, for the killer or killers.

In a televised speech, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed shock that the parents and three of their children -- including a baby -- were "brutally murdered on Sabbath eve while sleeping."

Netanyahu, in what appeared to be a warning to settlers not to launch revenge attacks, urged Israelis not to take the law into their own hands after the killings.

Israel has been loosening restrictions on the movement of Palestinians and goods in the occupied territory but maintains a system of roadblocks and checkpoints.

Jewish couple and three children killed in West Bank | Reuters

what did they expect when they steal people's land?

So in your mind that family, those children deseved to be slaughterd ? More scum joins the chorus.

Blu is a fucking faggot piece of shit, so its not surprising.
(Reuters) - A Jewish couple and three of their children were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

Israeli troops set up roadblocks and were searching the area around the Jewish religious settlement of Itamar, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, for the killer or killers.

In a televised speech, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed shock that the parents and three of their children -- including a baby -- were "brutally murdered on Sabbath eve while sleeping."

Netanyahu, in what appeared to be a warning to settlers not to launch revenge attacks, urged Israelis not to take the law into their own hands after the killings.

Israel has been loosening restrictions on the movement of Palestinians and goods in the occupied territory but maintains a system of roadblocks and checkpoints.

Jewish couple and three children killed in West Bank | Reuters

what did they expect when they steal people's land?

So in your mind that family, those children deseved to be slaughterd ? More scum joins the chorus.

its no different than israel bombing elementary schools
None of those are laws. Those are no more than recommendations.

With 57 Muslim countries who vote as a block in the General Assembly it is understandable how so many resolutions get passed. Like the recent one on Blasphemy which only affects Muslims but is a resolution for the world to follow the Islamic Blasphemy Law.

Yes, indeed. But the thing is that none of these are binding resolutions and NONE are law.

Israel has one, at most two accomplices, who consistently vote w/ the apartheid State in the U.N. Others may vote w/ them occasionally but most don't.

So, it isn't enough for you that infants and toddlers are butchered simply for being alive? Now you want to disrespect a people too, the only country that offers freedom in that entire ME area.

Did you belong to the KKK and claim that blacks deserved to be hung because they were of color???

You probably claim to be a tolerant liberal too.
As an aside, how many fathers or heads of households would knowingly move their families into an area where violence of this nature is possible? Surely there must be some sort of responsibility on the fathers part. You don't see too many open Klan members moving into Compton do ya?

You are all for the Caste system, too?

Why should a family have to worry about being slaughtered in their sleep inside their own home? If there was no legal opposition to the building of the house, the buying of the house, why should there be an objection to actually living in the house?

Liberty and freedom don't seem to mean much to some of the posters here.
As an aside, how many fathers or heads of households would knowingly move their families into an area where violence of this nature is possible? Surely there must be some sort of responsibility on the fathers part. You don't see too many open Klan members moving into Compton do ya?

Who told these settlers that it was safe to raise a family in a war zone on some else's land?

How many people take their families with them to Afghanistan?

Where, in what country is the welcome and safety of jews advertised/proclaimed/assured? This wasteland in 1948 was returned to the people that lived there for eons. The people that were rejected from officially settling there (Palestinians) by the surrounding Arab nations continued the way of life they have lived since the inception of the "religion of peace": kill your brother, kill your neighbor, kill the next community, kill the next nation. The "religion of peace" has followers that are intent on upholding this tradition down to killing little children.
Do you support the killing of little children because you couldn't have what the parents purchased?
Do you support the killing of little children because you don't like the parents?
Do you support the killing of little children because you belong to a different religion than the parents?
Do you support the killing of little children because you want to eliminate that "race"?

Do you believe that individuals have the eternal right to make choices for themselves?
Understanding what a motive is and condoning or shifting blame for an act are two entirely separate things.

In my opinion a bad act should be evaluated as a bad act.

A viscious murder of innocents is a viscious murder regardless of the motive.

Unintended casualties of war are one thing.

Deliberately slashing the throat of a mother and three small children quite another.

And in my opinion, nobody who values the sanctity of life or anything that is good and decent and profitable can justify that act in any way or use anything other than insanity to excuse the murderer who did it.

What would you do if someone pulled a truck up in your back yard, dumped a load of lumber, and started constructing a house?

This is what monotheistic (Abrahamic) religion does to people. They willingly put themselves in danger, not to mention break the law, to prove a point. Sad that.

Did they legally purchase/win the land? If they did, I should do nothing, it is theirs, not mine.
(Reuters) - A Jewish couple and three of their children were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

Israeli troops set up roadblocks and were searching the area around the Jewish religious settlement of Itamar, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, for the killer or killers.

In a televised speech, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed shock that the parents and three of their children -- including a baby -- were "brutally murdered on Sabbath eve while sleeping."

Netanyahu, in what appeared to be a warning to settlers not to launch revenge attacks, urged Israelis not to take the law into their own hands after the killings.

Israel has been loosening restrictions on the movement of Palestinians and goods in the occupied territory but maintains a system of roadblocks and checkpoints.

Jewish couple and three children killed in West Bank | Reuters

I'm sure some zionist hater will try to defend it.

No one should defend this, and no one should assume who it was committed by or that it was politically or religiously motivated until the perpetrator is caught.

To do otherwise is trying to use this tragedy for political gain, like PC is doing.
Hearing about children getting killed really breaks me up. I used to be pretty resiliant to this kind of stuff, but since I've had a little girl of my own this kind of stuff really gets to me. I couldn't imagine my little one being subject to such atrocities; and it breaks my heart to know that some other child did. I hope the one responsible is caught and punished.

This is the epitome of cowardice.
They will be, if not in this life, then in the next one. In the book Jerimiah, there is a verse about cowards being laid down (afterlife) with women and children that were murdered in battle. (They will have to listen to the screams and calls for justice until judgement day.) This might also fullfill the islamic promise of 72 virgins: you have to get past the blood and the screams but they are yours!
As an aside, how many fathers or heads of households would knowingly move their families into an area where violence of this nature is possible? Surely there must be some sort of responsibility on the fathers part. You don't see too many open Klan members moving into Compton do ya?

You are all for the Caste system, too?

Why should a family have to worry about being slaughtered in their sleep inside their own home? If there was no legal opposition to the building of the house, the buying of the house, why should there be an objection to actually living in the house?

Liberty and freedom don't seem to mean much to some of the posters here.

Yeah it sure as hell doesn't.
There WAS no Palestinian government there. I doubt very seriously there were any birth certificates issued to anybody born there at that time. You're right though that Britain was a protector rather than the owner of the land that had been allocated by the League of Nations for all areas without a central government and unable to stand on their own. But from 1920 on, the British Mandate intended that area to be a homeland for displaced Jews--much more land than the Jews eventually wound up with.

"Davis explains, "I don’t describe myself as a Palestinian Jew, I actually happen to be a Palestinian Jew, I was born in Jerusalem in 1943 in a country called Palestine and the title of my birth certificate is 'Government of Palestine'."

Palestinian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia!!! Is that the best you got, you fucking loser! :rofl:

I have heard Davis say the same thing in a speech. It is accurate.

Sliming the source is a typical response from a propagandist loser.
what did they expect when they steal people's land?

So in your mind that family, those children deseved to be slaughterd ? More scum joins the chorus.

its no different than israel bombing elementary schools

I didn't catch the news report that discovered a weapons cache under the Jewish family's home. Did I miss that? Were there terrorists using the family members (school children) as human shields?

Are you just another leftist/communist/socialist/muslim extremist/homosexual activist that believes there is wrong, unless you agree with their ultimate goal and don't care how they get there?
(Reuters) - A Jewish couple and three of their children were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

Israeli troops set up roadblocks and were searching the area around the Jewish religious settlement of Itamar, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, for the killer or killers.

In a televised speech, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed shock that the parents and three of their children -- including a baby -- were "brutally murdered on Sabbath eve while sleeping."

Netanyahu, in what appeared to be a warning to settlers not to launch revenge attacks, urged Israelis not to take the law into their own hands after the killings.

Israel has been loosening restrictions on the movement of Palestinians and goods in the occupied territory but maintains a system of roadblocks and checkpoints.

Jewish couple and three children killed in West Bank | Reuters

Who is defending it?

Read through this thread and you will have your answer xotoxi.
So in your mind that family, those children deseved to be slaughterd ? More scum joins the chorus.

its no different than israel bombing elementary schools

I didn't catch the news report that discovered a weapons cache under the Jewish family's home. Did I miss that? Were there terrorists using the family members (school children) as human shields?

Are you just another leftist/communist/socialist/muslim extremist/homosexual activist that believes there is wrong, unless you agree with their ultimate goal and don't care how they get there?

Blu is faggot who like taking cock in all his holes every chance he gets.:cool:
How many people on this board cheered for Israel as it killed children by the hundreds in Gaza?
OP = How Can Anyone Defend This...

How many people on this board cheered for Israel as it killed children by the hundreds in Gaza?

This is about the murder of a Jewish family and defending their deaths.

Is that what you do with this P F? Read the OP.

How many people on this board cheered for Israel as it killed children by the hundreds in Gaza?

Then create a thread in comparison of the deaths. I will enter. Quit hijacking this one unless you are defending the deaths of this family.

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