How can a Porn Star, delay the rise of a Good President. Is this America,?

Damn do I really need to list them all? One is too many.

Again, any of them that claim a Democrat did it is telling the truth, but if any claim a Republican did it they are a liar.
I didn’t say she was a liar, i thought that behavior odd

Do you believe Tara Reade?
I watch the evening news, and wonder is this the United States of America, that I 'am living in?? President Trump wants to "Make America Great Again", and bring Jobs back from China, to America. Everything I buy now, is made in China.!!?$$ I see the news report, that a Porn Star, Stormy Daniels, was paid hush money, not to discuss her relationship with a President of the United States, Donald Trump. Is this really happening in America today?
We had Presidents owning Black Slaves, Thomas Jefferson, now this scandal ?? , with President Donald Trump??!!
What is going on with American politics,? The whole world is watching. We had a Civil War, China and Russia are getting ready to take over the entire Earth, ie Ukraine.?! And this is what we see on the evening news?!!
Are you White people sane.??!!in America??!!

Yet, I'm sure you had no issue about Clinton being impeached for having an affair with Lewinsky.
It's not even a real porn star.... it's an old woman that's taken 5,000 miles of stiff dick in several inputs for pocket change, and still owes President Trump $300K, plus interest, per a court order.

The entire planet is laughing and pointing at what the party that likes to fuck kids has turned this country into.... what the hell, I'm laughing at it too.... I'm not married to this shithole.

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She doesn't owe him a penny, the courts killed it.
I didn’t say she was a liar, i thought that behavior odd

Do you believe Tara Reade?
Is Jill Harth lying?

Is Kristin Anderson lying?

Is Temple Taggart McDowell lying?

Is Karena Virginia lying?

The list goes on, can all these women really just be lying?

It's possible Tara is telling the truth; I am not going to claim she is lying or dismiss her claim for the simple fact it damn well could have happened.
Oh, a simple redirection of the thread to a personal favorite, having nothing to do with the topic or OP Threadpost on How can a Porn Star, delay the rise of a Good President. Is this America.
Obama never won an election straight up. He liked to get his opponents disqualified or taken off the ballot.

One of them was accused of not filing properly, and another was accused of having an affair. He lost to Bobby Rush when he ran for US House of Representatives. When he ran for senate Jack Ryan withdrew because of a sex scandal. His last minute replacement was Allen Keyes, which he somehow beat. Allen Keyes has since died for some reason.
When he ran for president McCain was hand-picked for him. McCain wasn't suppose to win and never had much of a chance. Mitt Romney tried to beat him, and would have if the media hadn't started talking about Binders of Women and animal cruelty accusations. Mitt beat the crap out of him in the first debate, and Obama conspired with the debate moderator to bushwack Romney claiming that Romney lied about Obama never saying Benghazi was an act of terror. Obama tried to avoid talking about Benghazi because it was a major fuckup during his administration. Most people blamed Hillary for it. Obama claimed Benghazi was just protesters. Protesters don't bring RPGs and AK-47s with them.

The only foreign policy success Obama had was killing Bin Laden...and he had absolutely nothing to do with it. The only reason it even happened is because his Sec of Defense pushed for it.
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Have I ever claimed to be anything near perfect? Stupid question.

Yes, I have made mistakes. But I never cheated on a woman.

The rest of your post is irrelevant.
Magic Johnson, Most of the Hollywood stars, most of the Democrat Party elites have all cheated on their women, mostly because those are butt ugly women, but when the Don found Melania, he didnt need to swing anymore.

And why did the porn star wait all that time until 2016 to reveal that there was nothing burger there? Oh yeah, because Marxists/Demofascist love the Oct Surprise, that no one cared about.
Yet, I'm sure you had no issue about Clinton being impeached for having an affair with Lewinsky.
Clinton was impeached for a felony.
He plead no-contest to perjury and lost his license to practice law.

He should have been in jail but was allowed a plea-deal to keep out of prison.
I guess you are the most perfect being in the world? That you never made a mistake? If President Trump like many other men did a wrong doing, it is up to the person hurt, not you or me to cast stones. I look at President Trump as a businessman who can come in and do the right thing in bringing this country from the brink of extinction. You on the other hand would rather keep the status quo, where the guy sold US out to China, Russia all to put money in his pocket and damn the rest of US.

Richard Branson had a lot to say about Trump as a businessman.
Is Jill Harth lying?

Is Kristin Anderson lying?

Is Temple Taggart McDowell lying?

Is Karena Virginia lying?

The list goes on, can all these women really just be lying?

It's possible Tara is telling the truth; I am not going to claim she is lying or dismiss her claim for the simple fact it damn well could have happened.
I have no idea what their claims are. I think that Harth lady case is a little weird considering she dated him after she claims he harassed her

Glad you believe in Ms Reade

On Tuesday evening, the Times dropped another story that delved into the President’s financial past. Written by Buettner and Craig, and based upon “printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service transcripts” that the reporters obtained, the story further undermined the assiduously promoted fiction that Trump, before he became a reality-television star and entered politics, was a highly successful self-made businessman. He was anything but.
Obama never won an election straight up. He liked to get his opponents disqualified or taken off the ballot.

One of them was accused of not filing properly, and another was accused of having an affair. He lost to Bobby Rush when he ran for US House of Representatives. When he ran for senate Jack Ryan withdrew because of a sex scandal. His last minute replacement was Allen Keyes, which he somehow beat. Allen Keyes has since died for some reason.
When he ran for president McCain was hand-picked for him. McCain wasn't suppose to win and never had much of a chance. Mitt Romney tried to beat him, and would have if the media hadn't started talking about Binders of Women and animal cruelty accusations. Mitt beat the crap out of him in the first debate, and Obama conspired with the debate moderator to bushwack Romney claiming that Romney lied about Obama never saying Benghazi was an act of terror. Obama tried to avoid talking about Benghazi because it was a major fuckup during his administration. Most people blamed Hillary for it. Obama claimed Benghazi was just protesters. Protesters don't bring RPGs and AK-47s with them.

The only foreign policy success Obama had was killing Bin Laden...and he had absolutely nothing to do with it. The only reason it even happened is because his Sec of Defense pushed for it.

There were two separate groups that attacked in Benghazi.

The main reason Trump could avoid paying income taxes is that he was a lousy businessman—or at least that’s what he told the IRS (and what mountains of evidence suggest). If you want to set up a system where businesses can’t claim losses, let’s hear your proposal. But doing so could be unfair to a lot of people.

The true relevance of this story is political. Trump ran for president on the claim that he would run government like a successful businessman. He’s not one. He’s a marketer and promoter. Indeed, he’s arguably the most successful person in American history at pretending to be successful at something he wasn’t successful at.

It’s not just that. Trump is making money from countries ruled by strongmen he praises. Trump has even admitted he has a “conflict of interest” (his words) with regard to Turkey because he owns buildings there. He is in debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Because he never released his tax returns, as previous presidential candidates have for decades, voters couldn’t take any of this into account. Because he refused to put his interests in a blind trust, he is deeply conflicted.

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