How can a party or ideology "win" in such an evenly-divided country?

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

Just watch the news. It’s obvious it can’t be done.
Heres the rub. Our two parties are more concerned with winning elections and being whores for special interest groups. Why pass any legislation when it’s proven more effective to use it as wedge issues to pander for votes. The people get screwed because we are not a priority. Almost every politician knows that keeping us divided works to their advantage.
One of the reasons I'm for term limits. These people would not behave the same way if they weren't in constant base ass-kissing/re-election mode.

I wonder about the people in the parties, though, and if they really do think that one day they'll "win" and just have total control.

I have no objection to term limits, but I’m not sure it solves the problem. Until we can control how money influences the political landscape, this US vs THEM mindset is going to continue ad nauseam.
I'd also be for publicly-funded elections, by the way, since the proliferation of media and social media has made traditional advertising less influential. Between that and term limits, and maybe a Balanced Budget Amendment of some kind, we'd be taking away the motivations that let these people behave like psychotic royalty.

We need to somehow change the system in which these people operate. There is no way they'd behave the same way if their REAL priorities were not fundraising, pleasing the whacked out base to avoid being primaried, and re-election. Over 90% of incumbents are re-elected because they're spending most of their time in office building and fortifying their power structure.
The brutal reality is the very people who can make these changes are the assholes benefiting from the current system.


W _ _

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

The divide must be embraced...much of this nation has morphed into something it’s never been and was never intended to become.
One third of our population is here uninvited, unwanted and against the will of the people....real Americans have become foreigners on their own soil and piece of shit unAmerican filth are siding with the trespassing criminals.
It’s time to Make America Racist Again and segregate entirely...the wetbacks among us must be chased out for order and unity to be restored.
Last edited:
If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

I suppose Trump has done a good job in this regard as he beat down the establishment to win.
Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.
Blue area protest
Blue protest.PNG

Red area protest
red protest.PNG

Blue area public housing

Red area public housing
Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

you are not wrong!
The Constitution was/is the brilliant result of intelligent, innovative collaboration between significantly disparate but reasonable adults.

That no longer appears to be something that we're capable of.

Yeah, the Founders, brilliant as they were, had the distinct advantage of a powerful external enemy against which to unite the disparate and viciously warring factions. They also settled their differences on the backs of the less fortunate, and left that for the next generations to solve. Cost north of half a million of lives, that one, and saddled the nation with its birth defect.

Retrospective eulogies are always nice, and they serve as a fine ornamental background for strident whines about the viciousness of the current-day barbarians and their substandard behavior. Oh, the good old days... if only we could bring them back, and settle our differences on the backs of some disfavored classes. No doubt, peace would break out among humankind, just as it was in the olden days.
The Constitution was/is the brilliant result of intelligent, innovative collaboration between significantly disparate but reasonable adults.

That no longer appears to be something that we're capable of.

Yeah, the Founders, brilliant as they were, had the distinct advantage of a powerful external enemy against which to unite the disparate and viciously warring factions. They also settled their differences on the backs of the less fortunate, and left that for the next generations to solve. Cost north of half a million of lives, that one, and saddled the nation with its birth defect.

Retrospective eulogies are always nice, and they serve as a fine ornamental background for strident whines about the viciousness of the current-day barbarians and their substandard behavior. Oh, the good old days... if only we could bring them back, and settle our differences on the backs of some disfavored classes. No doubt, peace would break out among humankind, just as it was in the olden days.
Shut the fuck up.

There is no 'winning' in a closely divided electorate, and yet whoever wins seemingly always declares a 'mandate'.

As in, "fuck you other half of the country, we're going to stick it up your ass now"

you lose, suckas, 'cause...........mandate.
Heres the rub. Our two parties are more concerned with winning elections and being whores for special interest groups. Why pass any legislation when it’s proven more effective to use it as wedge issues to pander for votes. The people get screwed because we are not a priority. Almost every politician knows that keeping us divided works to their advantage.
One of the reasons I'm for term limits. These people would not behave the same way if they weren't in constant base ass-kissing/re-election mode.

I wonder about the people in the parties, though, and if they really do think that one day they'll "win" and just have total control.

I have no objection to term limits, but I’m not sure it solves the problem. Until we can control how money influences the political landscape, this US vs THEM mindset is going to continue ad nauseam.
I'd also be for publicly-funded elections, by the way, since the proliferation of media and social media has made traditional advertising less influential. Between that and term limits, and maybe a Balanced Budget Amendment of some kind, we'd be taking away the motivations that let these people behave like psychotic royalty.

We need to somehow change the system in which these people operate. There is no way they'd behave the same way if their REAL priorities were not fundraising, pleasing the whacked out base to avoid being primaried, and re-election. Over 90% of incumbents are re-elected because they're spending most of their time in office building and fortifying their power structure.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

The divide must be embraced...much of this nation has morphed into something it’s never been and was never intended to become.
One third of our population is here uninvited, unwanted and against the will of the people....real Americans have become foreigners on their own soil and piece of shit unAmerican filth are siding with the trespassing criminals.
It’s time to Make America Racist Again and segregate entirely...the wetbacks among us must be chased out for order and unity to be restored.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

I suppose Trump has done a good job in this regard as he beat down the establishment to win.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

you are not wrong!

This thread is very interesting, and good job Mac! (we can say that, can't we?)

Mac has hit MOST of the talking points correctly, and so has everyone else, but 1!

What would that be, you ask?

------------------>To solve this problem, all we have to do is one thing---------------> FORCE CONGRESS TO DO THEIR JOB!

As I write this, all of you must understand that MOST of the rules and regulations you see, were NOT created and voted on by congress, as it SHOULD HAVE been. They were created by agencies and people, that NEVER run for election. They are the ruling class.

It used to be, that you could go to a congressperson or senators record, and decide by your interests, if they supported part, most, or none of what you believe in. No longer! Today, people in lower positions do the bidding of these congress critters. The congress critters know what is popular, and what is not. They won't touch an unpopular idea, at all, especially bringing it to a vote! Instead, they talk to their friends who they got appointed, and they institute it as much as they can, and they keep their hands clean, so when you look up their record, that little tidbit doesn't appear.

CONSIDER--------------> I am sure each and every one of you has heard what the DNC hopefuls for President have proclaimed, basically open borders, free this, free that, free everything.

OK, Leftists lika to hear this, do they not? But forgive me if I am wrong, but except for a couple of these candidates, are not most of these people congress people, and senators? Why aren't they today, this instant, creating legislation and bringing it to a vote? Why would YOU, or anyone else for that matter, try and block anything in court 1st, instead of bringing it to a vote in congress? 95 times out of 100, if congress passes a law, the SC will NOT find it unconstitutional. Check the record.

So, do I have to tell you why, or do you already know the REAL reason?

Because those NOT in a safe district, could NEVER vote for this nonsense, and get re-elected, that is why! In essence, BOTH parties have to lie to you, to get re-elected! If you notice, all of these Democratic wannabees, are ALL in safe seats, so they can say whatever the hell they want! But, put their ideas to a vote, and FORCE the rest of the party to vote for the ideas, and they LOSE EVERYTHING! In anything close to a moderate district or a purple state, they WILL BE REMOVED!

This is why I feel EOs that direct law, should be considered, UNCONSTITUTIONAL...…….regardless if a republican or Democrat uses the EO power. Make/let congress vote on it.

This is a very big reason, we are divided; no doubt about it. Republicans seen Obama as the driver, Democrats see Trump as the driver. According to our constitution, they should NOT be, it should be congress. In fact, the Presidents most POWERFUL tool is supposed to be the power of the VETO. In reality, the President doesn't even have the power of that anymore, because congress is NOT creating most of these rules and regulations, an unelected group of people are. The only thing an administration can do, is take it to court, which takes forever.

Now, as far as Trump being an evil type guy, who is really a dictator-----------> Ladies and Gentlemen of this board, do you realize that virtually EVERY rule and regulation Trump rescinded through EO, was actually rescinding the rule put in place by an Obama EO?!?!?!?!?!?! In other words------------> Obama could NOT get his rules through congress, so he EOd them, which is the only reason Trump could rescind them! IF congress would have passed them as law, Trump could NOT have rescinded them, and when you called him a dictator, you would have had a point!

But you see, like I said-------------->your/our congresscritters are to chickensh**. They will not put their a**es and jobs on the line for what they believe is true, and good. And it is NOT just the Democrats, it is the Republicans too. Both party's want a dictator to pass EOs, so they can keep their hands clean. And sure enough, most of us point at Obama and Trump as the problem, or the hero, depending upon which policies you like.

If you doubt me, just ask yourself this question---------------> Which leaders in the opposing party do you despise the most! When you are done answering that question, look up their district, or state, and low and behold you will discover, almost ALL of them are safe from the opposing party, so they can mouth off, and never compromise. And still, they WILL NOT HOLD VOTES in congress for the policies they push the most. That is exactly because------------------->they would be putting the rest of their party in danger, IF they held a vote on that issue.

And so, remember----------------->congress SUCKS, they deserve the rating they get, they are a bunch of pansies for either party, and if they did their job under the constitution, WE WOULD be able to come together more often. In politics, it is called horse trading. Today, it is called ELECT A PRESIDENT who can rule by EOs. And that is why we will never get anywhere, until we FORCE congress, to DO THEIR JOBS!
If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

It is because of the division that this can happen. The more we are divided, the easier we are to control. Fear is used to keep us divided, both sides are told the other side is the devil himself and must be destroyed.

Then the leaders of the two sides sit back behind closed doors and laugh their asses off at the sheep.
That is why single term limits would eliminate the clown show.
The only way to eliminate the clown show is to end the clown propaganda that rural dupes believe....... Breaking... Hillary Obama Democrats are honest, the rich do not pay enough in Taxes we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Everything you know is wrong. Five minutes of debate would end scumbags like Sean and Rush etc etc....
Heres the rub. Our two parties are more concerned with winning elections and being whores for special interest groups. Why pass any legislation when it’s proven more effective to use it as wedge issues to pander for votes. The people get screwed because we are not a priority. Almost every politician knows that keeping us divided works to their advantage.
One of the reasons I'm for term limits. These people would not behave the same way if they weren't in constant base ass-kissing/re-election mode.

I wonder about the people in the parties, though, and if they really do think that one day they'll "win" and just have total control.

I have no objection to term limits, but I’m not sure it solves the problem. Until we can control how money influences the political landscape, this US vs THEM mindset is going to continue ad nauseam.
I'd also be for publicly-funded elections, by the way, since the proliferation of media and social media has made traditional advertising less influential. Between that and term limits, and maybe a Balanced Budget Amendment of some kind, we'd be taking away the motivations that let these people behave like psychotic royalty.

We need to somehow change the system in which these people operate. There is no way they'd behave the same way if their REAL priorities were not fundraising, pleasing the whacked out base to avoid being primaried, and re-election. Over 90% of incumbents are re-elected because they're spending most of their time in office building and fortifying their power structure.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

The divide must be embraced...much of this nation has morphed into something it’s never been and was never intended to become.
One third of our population is here uninvited, unwanted and against the will of the people....real Americans have become foreigners on their own soil and piece of shit unAmerican filth are siding with the trespassing criminals.
It’s time to Make America Racist Again and segregate entirely...the wetbacks among us must be chased out for order and unity to be restored.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

I suppose Trump has done a good job in this regard as he beat down the establishment to win.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

you are not wrong!

This thread is very interesting, and good job Mac! (we can say that, can't we?)

Mac has hit MOST of the talking points correctly, and so has everyone else, but 1!

What would that be, you ask?

------------------>To solve this problem, all we have to do is one thing---------------> FORCE CONGRESS TO DO THEIR JOB!

As I write this, all of you must understand that MOST of the rules and regulations you see, were NOT created and voted on by congress, as it SHOULD HAVE been. They were created by agencies and people, that NEVER run for election. They are the ruling class.

It used to be, that you could go to a congressperson or senators record, and decide by your interests, if they supported part, most, or none of what you believe in. No longer! Today, people in lower positions do the bidding of these congress critters. The congress critters know what is popular, and what is not. They won't touch an unpopular idea, at all, especially bringing it to a vote! Instead, they talk to their friends who they got appointed, and they institute it as much as they can, and they keep their hands clean, so when you look up their record, that little tidbit doesn't appear.

CONSIDER--------------> I am sure each and every one of you has heard what the DNC hopefuls for President have proclaimed, basically open borders, free this, free that, free everything.

OK, Leftists lika to hear this, do they not? But forgive me if I am wrong, but except for a couple of these candidates, are not most of these people congress people, and senators? Why aren't they today, this instant, creating legislation and bringing it to a vote? Why would YOU, or anyone else for that matter, try and block anything in court 1st, instead of bringing it to a vote in congress? 95 times out of 100, if congress passes a law, the SC will NOT find it unconstitutional. Check the record.

So, do I have to tell you why, or do you already know the REAL reason?

Because those NOT in a safe district, could NEVER vote for this nonsense, and get re-elected, that is why! In essence, BOTH parties have to lie to you, to get re-elected! If you notice, all of these Democratic wannabees, are ALL in safe seats, so they can say whatever the hell they want! But, put their ideas to a vote, and FORCE the rest of the party to vote for the ideas, and they LOSE EVERYTHING! In anything close to a moderate district or a purple state, they WILL BE REMOVED!

This is why I feel EOs that direct law, should be considered, UNCONSTITUTIONAL...…….regardless if a republican or Democrat uses the EO power. Make/let congress vote on it.

This is a very big reason, we are divided; no doubt about it. Republicans seen Obama as the driver, Democrats see Trump as the driver. According to our constitution, they should NOT be, it should be congress. In fact, the Presidents most POWERFUL tool is supposed to be the power of the VETO. In reality, the President doesn't even have the power of that anymore, because congress is NOT creating most of these rules and regulations, an unelected group of people are. The only thing an administration can do, is take it to court, which takes forever.

Now, as far as Trump being an evil type guy, who is really a dictator-----------> Ladies and Gentlemen of this board, do you realize that virtually EVERY rule and regulation Trump rescinded through EO, was actually rescinding the rule put in place by an Obama EO?!?!?!?!?!?! In other words------------> Obama could NOT get his rules through congress, so he EOd them, which is the only reason Trump could rescind them! IF congress would have passed them as law, Trump could NOT have rescinded them, and when you called him a dictator, you would have had a point!

But you see, like I said-------------->your/our congresscritters are to chickensh**. They will not put their a**es and jobs on the line for what they believe is true, and good. And it is NOT just the Democrats, it is the Republicans too. Both party's want a dictator to pass EOs, so they can keep their hands clean. And sure enough, most of us point at Obama and Trump as the problem, or the hero, depending upon which policies you like.

If you doubt me, just ask yourself this question---------------> Which leaders in the opposing party do you despise the most! When you are done answering that question, look up their district, or state, and low and behold you will discover, almost ALL of them are safe from the opposing party, so they can mouth off, and never compromise. And still, they WILL NOT HOLD VOTES in congress for the policies they push the most. That is exactly because------------------->they would be putting the rest of their party in danger, IF they held a vote on that issue.

And so, remember----------------->congress SUCKS, they deserve the rating they get, they are a bunch of pansies for either party, and if they did their job under the constitution, WE WOULD be able to come together more often. In politics, it is called horse trading. Today, it is called ELECT A PRESIDENT who can rule by EOs. And that is why we will never get anywhere, until we FORCE congress, to DO THEIR JOBS!
Since we started with the GOP rules on reconciliation and filibuster, nothing can be done except cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else unless the Democrats get 60 votes. That is all the GOP cares about.I say the next time the Democrats get in they should pass a living wage one-month vacation cheap college and trainingHealthcare and daycare and then let the Republicans repeal them and see how they do with that. This is ridiculous.
Heres the rub. Our two parties are more concerned with winning elections and being whores for special interest groups. Why pass any legislation when it’s proven more effective to use it as wedge issues to pander for votes. The people get screwed because we are not a priority. Almost every politician knows that keeping us divided works to their advantage.
One of the reasons I'm for term limits. These people would not behave the same way if they weren't in constant base ass-kissing/re-election mode.

I wonder about the people in the parties, though, and if they really do think that one day they'll "win" and just have total control.

I have no objection to term limits, but I’m not sure it solves the problem. Until we can control how money influences the political landscape, this US vs THEM mindset is going to continue ad nauseam.
I'd also be for publicly-funded elections, by the way, since the proliferation of media and social media has made traditional advertising less influential. Between that and term limits, and maybe a Balanced Budget Amendment of some kind, we'd be taking away the motivations that let these people behave like psychotic royalty.

We need to somehow change the system in which these people operate. There is no way they'd behave the same way if their REAL priorities were not fundraising, pleasing the whacked out base to avoid being primaried, and re-election. Over 90% of incumbents are re-elected because they're spending most of their time in office building and fortifying their power structure.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

The divide must be embraced...much of this nation has morphed into something it’s never been and was never intended to become.
One third of our population is here uninvited, unwanted and against the will of the people....real Americans have become foreigners on their own soil and piece of shit unAmerican filth are siding with the trespassing criminals.
It’s time to Make America Racist Again and segregate entirely...the wetbacks among us must be chased out for order and unity to be restored.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

I suppose Trump has done a good job in this regard as he beat down the establishment to win.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

you are not wrong!

This thread is very interesting, and good job Mac! (we can say that, can't we?)

Mac has hit MOST of the talking points correctly, and so has everyone else, but 1!

What would that be, you ask?

------------------>To solve this problem, all we have to do is one thing---------------> FORCE CONGRESS TO DO THEIR JOB!

As I write this, all of you must understand that MOST of the rules and regulations you see, were NOT created and voted on by congress, as it SHOULD HAVE been. They were created by agencies and people, that NEVER run for election. They are the ruling class.

It used to be, that you could go to a congressperson or senators record, and decide by your interests, if they supported part, most, or none of what you believe in. No longer! Today, people in lower positions do the bidding of these congress critters. The congress critters know what is popular, and what is not. They won't touch an unpopular idea, at all, especially bringing it to a vote! Instead, they talk to their friends who they got appointed, and they institute it as much as they can, and they keep their hands clean, so when you look up their record, that little tidbit doesn't appear.

CONSIDER--------------> I am sure each and every one of you has heard what the DNC hopefuls for President have proclaimed, basically open borders, free this, free that, free everything.

OK, Leftists lika to hear this, do they not? But forgive me if I am wrong, but except for a couple of these candidates, are not most of these people congress people, and senators? Why aren't they today, this instant, creating legislation and bringing it to a vote? Why would YOU, or anyone else for that matter, try and block anything in court 1st, instead of bringing it to a vote in congress? 95 times out of 100, if congress passes a law, the SC will NOT find it unconstitutional. Check the record.

So, do I have to tell you why, or do you already know the REAL reason?

Because those NOT in a safe district, could NEVER vote for this nonsense, and get re-elected, that is why! In essence, BOTH parties have to lie to you, to get re-elected! If you notice, all of these Democratic wannabees, are ALL in safe seats, so they can say whatever the hell they want! But, put their ideas to a vote, and FORCE the rest of the party to vote for the ideas, and they LOSE EVERYTHING! In anything close to a moderate district or a purple state, they WILL BE REMOVED!

This is why I feel EOs that direct law, should be considered, UNCONSTITUTIONAL...…….regardless if a republican or Democrat uses the EO power. Make/let congress vote on it.

This is a very big reason, we are divided; no doubt about it. Republicans seen Obama as the driver, Democrats see Trump as the driver. According to our constitution, they should NOT be, it should be congress. In fact, the Presidents most POWERFUL tool is supposed to be the power of the VETO. In reality, the President doesn't even have the power of that anymore, because congress is NOT creating most of these rules and regulations, an unelected group of people are. The only thing an administration can do, is take it to court, which takes forever.

Now, as far as Trump being an evil type guy, who is really a dictator-----------> Ladies and Gentlemen of this board, do you realize that virtually EVERY rule and regulation Trump rescinded through EO, was actually rescinding the rule put in place by an Obama EO?!?!?!?!?!?! In other words------------> Obama could NOT get his rules through congress, so he EOd them, which is the only reason Trump could rescind them! IF congress would have passed them as law, Trump could NOT have rescinded them, and when you called him a dictator, you would have had a point!

But you see, like I said-------------->your/our congresscritters are to chickensh**. They will not put their a**es and jobs on the line for what they believe is true, and good. And it is NOT just the Democrats, it is the Republicans too. Both party's want a dictator to pass EOs, so they can keep their hands clean. And sure enough, most of us point at Obama and Trump as the problem, or the hero, depending upon which policies you like.

If you doubt me, just ask yourself this question---------------> Which leaders in the opposing party do you despise the most! When you are done answering that question, look up their district, or state, and low and behold you will discover, almost ALL of them are safe from the opposing party, so they can mouth off, and never compromise. And still, they WILL NOT HOLD VOTES in congress for the policies they push the most. That is exactly because------------------->they would be putting the rest of their party in danger, IF they held a vote on that issue.

And so, remember----------------->congress SUCKS, they deserve the rating they get, they are a bunch of pansies for either party, and if they did their job under the constitution, WE WOULD be able to come together more often. In politics, it is called horse trading. Today, it is called ELECT A PRESIDENT who can rule by EOs. And that is why we will never get anywhere, until we FORCE congress, to DO THEIR JOBS!
Since we started with the GOP rules on reconciliation and filibuster, nothing can be done except cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else unless the Democrats get 60 votes. That is all the GOP cares about.I say the next time the Democrats get in they should pass a living wage one-month vacation cheap college and trainingHealthcare and daycare and then let the Republicans repeal them and see how they do with that. This is ridiculous. beggars are absolutely fascinating...
LefTard Logic:
“I’m a total piece of shit, I can’t figure out how to pay my own way, I breathe oxygen on U.S. soil so someone else should be FORCED to pay my way...Oh, and pay the way for tens of millions of wetbacks as well.”
Heres the rub. Our two parties are more concerned with winning elections and being whores for special interest groups. Why pass any legislation when it’s proven more effective to use it as wedge issues to pander for votes. The people get screwed because we are not a priority. Almost every politician knows that keeping us divided works to their advantage.
One of the reasons I'm for term limits. These people would not behave the same way if they weren't in constant base ass-kissing/re-election mode.

I wonder about the people in the parties, though, and if they really do think that one day they'll "win" and just have total control.

I have no objection to term limits, but I’m not sure it solves the problem. Until we can control how money influences the political landscape, this US vs THEM mindset is going to continue ad nauseam.
I'd also be for publicly-funded elections, by the way, since the proliferation of media and social media has made traditional advertising less influential. Between that and term limits, and maybe a Balanced Budget Amendment of some kind, we'd be taking away the motivations that let these people behave like psychotic royalty.

We need to somehow change the system in which these people operate. There is no way they'd behave the same way if their REAL priorities were not fundraising, pleasing the whacked out base to avoid being primaried, and re-election. Over 90% of incumbents are re-elected because they're spending most of their time in office building and fortifying their power structure.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

The divide must be embraced...much of this nation has morphed into something it’s never been and was never intended to become.
One third of our population is here uninvited, unwanted and against the will of the people....real Americans have become foreigners on their own soil and piece of shit unAmerican filth are siding with the trespassing criminals.
It’s time to Make America Racist Again and segregate entirely...the wetbacks among us must be chased out for order and unity to be restored.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

I suppose Trump has done a good job in this regard as he beat down the establishment to win.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

you are not wrong!

This thread is very interesting, and good job Mac! (we can say that, can't we?)

Mac has hit MOST of the talking points correctly, and so has everyone else, but 1!

What would that be, you ask?

------------------>To solve this problem, all we have to do is one thing---------------> FORCE CONGRESS TO DO THEIR JOB!

As I write this, all of you must understand that MOST of the rules and regulations you see, were NOT created and voted on by congress, as it SHOULD HAVE been. They were created by agencies and people, that NEVER run for election. They are the ruling class.

It used to be, that you could go to a congressperson or senators record, and decide by your interests, if they supported part, most, or none of what you believe in. No longer! Today, people in lower positions do the bidding of these congress critters. The congress critters know what is popular, and what is not. They won't touch an unpopular idea, at all, especially bringing it to a vote! Instead, they talk to their friends who they got appointed, and they institute it as much as they can, and they keep their hands clean, so when you look up their record, that little tidbit doesn't appear.

CONSIDER--------------> I am sure each and every one of you has heard what the DNC hopefuls for President have proclaimed, basically open borders, free this, free that, free everything.

OK, Leftists lika to hear this, do they not? But forgive me if I am wrong, but except for a couple of these candidates, are not most of these people congress people, and senators? Why aren't they today, this instant, creating legislation and bringing it to a vote? Why would YOU, or anyone else for that matter, try and block anything in court 1st, instead of bringing it to a vote in congress? 95 times out of 100, if congress passes a law, the SC will NOT find it unconstitutional. Check the record.

So, do I have to tell you why, or do you already know the REAL reason?

Because those NOT in a safe district, could NEVER vote for this nonsense, and get re-elected, that is why! In essence, BOTH parties have to lie to you, to get re-elected! If you notice, all of these Democratic wannabees, are ALL in safe seats, so they can say whatever the hell they want! But, put their ideas to a vote, and FORCE the rest of the party to vote for the ideas, and they LOSE EVERYTHING! In anything close to a moderate district or a purple state, they WILL BE REMOVED!

This is why I feel EOs that direct law, should be considered, UNCONSTITUTIONAL...…….regardless if a republican or Democrat uses the EO power. Make/let congress vote on it.

This is a very big reason, we are divided; no doubt about it. Republicans seen Obama as the driver, Democrats see Trump as the driver. According to our constitution, they should NOT be, it should be congress. In fact, the Presidents most POWERFUL tool is supposed to be the power of the VETO. In reality, the President doesn't even have the power of that anymore, because congress is NOT creating most of these rules and regulations, an unelected group of people are. The only thing an administration can do, is take it to court, which takes forever.

Now, as far as Trump being an evil type guy, who is really a dictator-----------> Ladies and Gentlemen of this board, do you realize that virtually EVERY rule and regulation Trump rescinded through EO, was actually rescinding the rule put in place by an Obama EO?!?!?!?!?!?! In other words------------> Obama could NOT get his rules through congress, so he EOd them, which is the only reason Trump could rescind them! IF congress would have passed them as law, Trump could NOT have rescinded them, and when you called him a dictator, you would have had a point!

But you see, like I said-------------->your/our congresscritters are to chickensh**. They will not put their a**es and jobs on the line for what they believe is true, and good. And it is NOT just the Democrats, it is the Republicans too. Both party's want a dictator to pass EOs, so they can keep their hands clean. And sure enough, most of us point at Obama and Trump as the problem, or the hero, depending upon which policies you like.

If you doubt me, just ask yourself this question---------------> Which leaders in the opposing party do you despise the most! When you are done answering that question, look up their district, or state, and low and behold you will discover, almost ALL of them are safe from the opposing party, so they can mouth off, and never compromise. And still, they WILL NOT HOLD VOTES in congress for the policies they push the most. That is exactly because------------------->they would be putting the rest of their party in danger, IF they held a vote on that issue.

And so, remember----------------->congress SUCKS, they deserve the rating they get, they are a bunch of pansies for either party, and if they did their job under the constitution, WE WOULD be able to come together more often. In politics, it is called horse trading. Today, it is called ELECT A PRESIDENT who can rule by EOs. And that is why we will never get anywhere, until we FORCE congress, to DO THEIR JOBS!
Since we started with the GOP rules on reconciliation and filibuster, nothing can be done except cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else unless the Democrats get 60 votes. That is all the GOP cares about.I say the next time the Democrats get in they should pass a living wage one-month vacation cheap college and trainingHealthcare and daycare and then let the Republicans repeal them and see how they do with that. This is ridiculous.

How do you know you can't get 60 votes? Did you try? Why didn't you? Don't you think good policy would have American citizens calling their congress people and senators?

Tell all of us...…….WHAT ARE BOTH SIDES AFRAID OF? And if you come back with some super-duper-party-pooper answer, you are considered, NO LONGER WORTHY OF A DISCUSSION!
One of the reasons I'm for term limits. These people would not behave the same way if they weren't in constant base ass-kissing/re-election mode.

I wonder about the people in the parties, though, and if they really do think that one day they'll "win" and just have total control.

I have no objection to term limits, but I’m not sure it solves the problem. Until we can control how money influences the political landscape, this US vs THEM mindset is going to continue ad nauseam.
I'd also be for publicly-funded elections, by the way, since the proliferation of media and social media has made traditional advertising less influential. Between that and term limits, and maybe a Balanced Budget Amendment of some kind, we'd be taking away the motivations that let these people behave like psychotic royalty.

We need to somehow change the system in which these people operate. There is no way they'd behave the same way if their REAL priorities were not fundraising, pleasing the whacked out base to avoid being primaried, and re-election. Over 90% of incumbents are re-elected because they're spending most of their time in office building and fortifying their power structure.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

The divide must be embraced...much of this nation has morphed into something it’s never been and was never intended to become.
One third of our population is here uninvited, unwanted and against the will of the people....real Americans have become foreigners on their own soil and piece of shit unAmerican filth are siding with the trespassing criminals.
It’s time to Make America Racist Again and segregate entirely...the wetbacks among us must be chased out for order and unity to be restored.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

I suppose Trump has done a good job in this regard as he beat down the establishment to win.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

you are not wrong!

This thread is very interesting, and good job Mac! (we can say that, can't we?)

Mac has hit MOST of the talking points correctly, and so has everyone else, but 1!

What would that be, you ask?

------------------>To solve this problem, all we have to do is one thing---------------> FORCE CONGRESS TO DO THEIR JOB!

As I write this, all of you must understand that MOST of the rules and regulations you see, were NOT created and voted on by congress, as it SHOULD HAVE been. They were created by agencies and people, that NEVER run for election. They are the ruling class.

It used to be, that you could go to a congressperson or senators record, and decide by your interests, if they supported part, most, or none of what you believe in. No longer! Today, people in lower positions do the bidding of these congress critters. The congress critters know what is popular, and what is not. They won't touch an unpopular idea, at all, especially bringing it to a vote! Instead, they talk to their friends who they got appointed, and they institute it as much as they can, and they keep their hands clean, so when you look up their record, that little tidbit doesn't appear.

CONSIDER--------------> I am sure each and every one of you has heard what the DNC hopefuls for President have proclaimed, basically open borders, free this, free that, free everything.

OK, Leftists lika to hear this, do they not? But forgive me if I am wrong, but except for a couple of these candidates, are not most of these people congress people, and senators? Why aren't they today, this instant, creating legislation and bringing it to a vote? Why would YOU, or anyone else for that matter, try and block anything in court 1st, instead of bringing it to a vote in congress? 95 times out of 100, if congress passes a law, the SC will NOT find it unconstitutional. Check the record.

So, do I have to tell you why, or do you already know the REAL reason?

Because those NOT in a safe district, could NEVER vote for this nonsense, and get re-elected, that is why! In essence, BOTH parties have to lie to you, to get re-elected! If you notice, all of these Democratic wannabees, are ALL in safe seats, so they can say whatever the hell they want! But, put their ideas to a vote, and FORCE the rest of the party to vote for the ideas, and they LOSE EVERYTHING! In anything close to a moderate district or a purple state, they WILL BE REMOVED!

This is why I feel EOs that direct law, should be considered, UNCONSTITUTIONAL...…….regardless if a republican or Democrat uses the EO power. Make/let congress vote on it.

This is a very big reason, we are divided; no doubt about it. Republicans seen Obama as the driver, Democrats see Trump as the driver. According to our constitution, they should NOT be, it should be congress. In fact, the Presidents most POWERFUL tool is supposed to be the power of the VETO. In reality, the President doesn't even have the power of that anymore, because congress is NOT creating most of these rules and regulations, an unelected group of people are. The only thing an administration can do, is take it to court, which takes forever.

Now, as far as Trump being an evil type guy, who is really a dictator-----------> Ladies and Gentlemen of this board, do you realize that virtually EVERY rule and regulation Trump rescinded through EO, was actually rescinding the rule put in place by an Obama EO?!?!?!?!?!?! In other words------------> Obama could NOT get his rules through congress, so he EOd them, which is the only reason Trump could rescind them! IF congress would have passed them as law, Trump could NOT have rescinded them, and when you called him a dictator, you would have had a point!

But you see, like I said-------------->your/our congresscritters are to chickensh**. They will not put their a**es and jobs on the line for what they believe is true, and good. And it is NOT just the Democrats, it is the Republicans too. Both party's want a dictator to pass EOs, so they can keep their hands clean. And sure enough, most of us point at Obama and Trump as the problem, or the hero, depending upon which policies you like.

If you doubt me, just ask yourself this question---------------> Which leaders in the opposing party do you despise the most! When you are done answering that question, look up their district, or state, and low and behold you will discover, almost ALL of them are safe from the opposing party, so they can mouth off, and never compromise. And still, they WILL NOT HOLD VOTES in congress for the policies they push the most. That is exactly because------------------->they would be putting the rest of their party in danger, IF they held a vote on that issue.

And so, remember----------------->congress SUCKS, they deserve the rating they get, they are a bunch of pansies for either party, and if they did their job under the constitution, WE WOULD be able to come together more often. In politics, it is called horse trading. Today, it is called ELECT A PRESIDENT who can rule by EOs. And that is why we will never get anywhere, until we FORCE congress, to DO THEIR JOBS!
Since we started with the GOP rules on reconciliation and filibuster, nothing can be done except cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else unless the Democrats get 60 votes. That is all the GOP cares about.I say the next time the Democrats get in they should pass a living wage one-month vacation cheap college and trainingHealthcare and daycare and then let the Republicans repeal them and see how they do with that. This is ridiculous. beggars are absolutely fascinating...
LefTard Logic:
“I’m a total piece of shit, I can’t figure out how to pay my own way, I breathe oxygen on U.S. soil so someone else should be FORCED to pay my way...Oh, and pay the way for tens of millions of wetbacks as well.”
Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill with ID card and end this crap this GOP scam forever.just because we believe in a good safety net for the unfortunate does not mean we need it personally, brainwashed functional moron.
One of the reasons I'm for term limits. These people would not behave the same way if they weren't in constant base ass-kissing/re-election mode.

I wonder about the people in the parties, though, and if they really do think that one day they'll "win" and just have total control.

I have no objection to term limits, but I’m not sure it solves the problem. Until we can control how money influences the political landscape, this US vs THEM mindset is going to continue ad nauseam.
I'd also be for publicly-funded elections, by the way, since the proliferation of media and social media has made traditional advertising less influential. Between that and term limits, and maybe a Balanced Budget Amendment of some kind, we'd be taking away the motivations that let these people behave like psychotic royalty.

We need to somehow change the system in which these people operate. There is no way they'd behave the same way if their REAL priorities were not fundraising, pleasing the whacked out base to avoid being primaried, and re-election. Over 90% of incumbents are re-elected because they're spending most of their time in office building and fortifying their power structure.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

The divide must be embraced...much of this nation has morphed into something it’s never been and was never intended to become.
One third of our population is here uninvited, unwanted and against the will of the people....real Americans have become foreigners on their own soil and piece of shit unAmerican filth are siding with the trespassing criminals.
It’s time to Make America Racist Again and segregate entirely...the wetbacks among us must be chased out for order and unity to be restored.

If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided, that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together, and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

I suppose Trump has done a good job in this regard as he beat down the establishment to win.

Getting along is way overrated. Rural and urban will never have the same interests, needs and wants. It is Ridiculous to even try to get along....

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

Yet those rural and urban areas came together and gave us the Constitution. Lucky for all of us our founding fathers were not as ignorant as you.

The problem is one agenda currently seeks a "one size fits all" approach to every single problem.

you are not wrong!

This thread is very interesting, and good job Mac! (we can say that, can't we?)

Mac has hit MOST of the talking points correctly, and so has everyone else, but 1!

What would that be, you ask?

------------------>To solve this problem, all we have to do is one thing---------------> FORCE CONGRESS TO DO THEIR JOB!

As I write this, all of you must understand that MOST of the rules and regulations you see, were NOT created and voted on by congress, as it SHOULD HAVE been. They were created by agencies and people, that NEVER run for election. They are the ruling class.

It used to be, that you could go to a congressperson or senators record, and decide by your interests, if they supported part, most, or none of what you believe in. No longer! Today, people in lower positions do the bidding of these congress critters. The congress critters know what is popular, and what is not. They won't touch an unpopular idea, at all, especially bringing it to a vote! Instead, they talk to their friends who they got appointed, and they institute it as much as they can, and they keep their hands clean, so when you look up their record, that little tidbit doesn't appear.

CONSIDER--------------> I am sure each and every one of you has heard what the DNC hopefuls for President have proclaimed, basically open borders, free this, free that, free everything.

OK, Leftists lika to hear this, do they not? But forgive me if I am wrong, but except for a couple of these candidates, are not most of these people congress people, and senators? Why aren't they today, this instant, creating legislation and bringing it to a vote? Why would YOU, or anyone else for that matter, try and block anything in court 1st, instead of bringing it to a vote in congress? 95 times out of 100, if congress passes a law, the SC will NOT find it unconstitutional. Check the record.

So, do I have to tell you why, or do you already know the REAL reason?

Because those NOT in a safe district, could NEVER vote for this nonsense, and get re-elected, that is why! In essence, BOTH parties have to lie to you, to get re-elected! If you notice, all of these Democratic wannabees, are ALL in safe seats, so they can say whatever the hell they want! But, put their ideas to a vote, and FORCE the rest of the party to vote for the ideas, and they LOSE EVERYTHING! In anything close to a moderate district or a purple state, they WILL BE REMOVED!

This is why I feel EOs that direct law, should be considered, UNCONSTITUTIONAL...…….regardless if a republican or Democrat uses the EO power. Make/let congress vote on it.

This is a very big reason, we are divided; no doubt about it. Republicans seen Obama as the driver, Democrats see Trump as the driver. According to our constitution, they should NOT be, it should be congress. In fact, the Presidents most POWERFUL tool is supposed to be the power of the VETO. In reality, the President doesn't even have the power of that anymore, because congress is NOT creating most of these rules and regulations, an unelected group of people are. The only thing an administration can do, is take it to court, which takes forever.

Now, as far as Trump being an evil type guy, who is really a dictator-----------> Ladies and Gentlemen of this board, do you realize that virtually EVERY rule and regulation Trump rescinded through EO, was actually rescinding the rule put in place by an Obama EO?!?!?!?!?!?! In other words------------> Obama could NOT get his rules through congress, so he EOd them, which is the only reason Trump could rescind them! IF congress would have passed them as law, Trump could NOT have rescinded them, and when you called him a dictator, you would have had a point!

But you see, like I said-------------->your/our congresscritters are to chickensh**. They will not put their a**es and jobs on the line for what they believe is true, and good. And it is NOT just the Democrats, it is the Republicans too. Both party's want a dictator to pass EOs, so they can keep their hands clean. And sure enough, most of us point at Obama and Trump as the problem, or the hero, depending upon which policies you like.

If you doubt me, just ask yourself this question---------------> Which leaders in the opposing party do you despise the most! When you are done answering that question, look up their district, or state, and low and behold you will discover, almost ALL of them are safe from the opposing party, so they can mouth off, and never compromise. And still, they WILL NOT HOLD VOTES in congress for the policies they push the most. That is exactly because------------------->they would be putting the rest of their party in danger, IF they held a vote on that issue.

And so, remember----------------->congress SUCKS, they deserve the rating they get, they are a bunch of pansies for either party, and if they did their job under the constitution, WE WOULD be able to come together more often. In politics, it is called horse trading. Today, it is called ELECT A PRESIDENT who can rule by EOs. And that is why we will never get anywhere, until we FORCE congress, to DO THEIR JOBS!
Since we started with the GOP rules on reconciliation and filibuster, nothing can be done except cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else unless the Democrats get 60 votes. That is all the GOP cares about.I say the next time the Democrats get in they should pass a living wage one-month vacation cheap college and trainingHealthcare and daycare and then let the Republicans repeal them and see how they do with that. This is ridiculous.

How do you know you can't get 60 votes? Did you try? Why didn't you? Don't you think good policy would have American citizens calling their congress people and senators?

Tell all of us...…….WHAT ARE BOTH SIDES AFRAID OF? And if you come back with some super-duper-party-pooper answer, you are considered, NO LONGER WORTHY OF A DISCUSSION!
Republicans are bought off swine at this point. Only propaganda and the dupes like you make it possible.
There is no 'winning' in a closely divided electorate, and yet whoever wins seemingly always declares a 'mandate'.
As in, "fuck you other half of the country, we're going to stick it up your ass now"
you lose, suckas, 'cause...........mandate.
Yep. So we go back and forth, getting little actually accomplished.

Maybe that's the goal. Because we have to know, at least at SOME level, that behaving like children, demanding all or nothing, isn't going to work.

There are people who have a vested professional/financial interest in keeping this madness going, and they're in control right now.

And we're happy to dance for their amusement.
If you agree with me that (a) the sides of the spectrum are only getting more divided,

We don't. That's your hangup.

that (b) they're becoming less and less interested in working together,

Again, when the right rejects their own ideas (Romney/ObamaCare) because the scary black man suggested it, what's the common ground.

and that (c) the two "sides" are fairly evenly divided, here's a question:

They aren't. If we had straight up Democracy, the left would win on most issues.

What is the point of barely pushing through, on a purely partisan basis, agendas and legislation that only reflect "your side" of the country? Doesn't it seem temporary to you?

Oh, I don't know. BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO! That's why I push for things. Not because I want people to agree with me, not because I want to win agreement. I stand for things I stand for because they are the right things to do.

More to the point, the old stupid white people who stand in the way of progress are thankfully dying off... we can outwait them in the long term.

Doesn't it make sense that legislation that is the result of collaboration will likely be more permanent, since both "sides" have skin in the game?

Um, no. Usually, that's the way you maintain awful policies. "Civil Unions" were a comprimise to placate the religious bigots who just couldn't stand the thought of gays getting married.

What is your best argument for this country being ruled on a purely partisan basis, back and forth, back and forth?

Frankly, I worry more when there is agreement... that's when you get really bad policies. Like didn't anyone argue this out.
What is going to happen if your side gives up every time it's elected, but the other side pushes through? That should answer the question.

Peaceful separation is what we should be aiming for, but the parasitical left won't ever allow it. So it looks like a civil war as the gap widens.

You Trailer Trash in the Red States would be a third world country without the big cities to subsidize your lifestyle.

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