How Bad Have Scholars Messed Up?

Pretty much everything you were taught about history and "pre-history" is total bullshit

You're spot on about the astronomical capabilities of prior civilizations

Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one ever talks about the engineering capabilities either. They still cant figure out how these people built these pyramids with 20 ton slabs of stone cut and fitted together where you can't even stick a human hair into the cracks. There is a tower in Luxor Egypt that has 4 sides and identical precision carvings on each side. Looks like a computer did the cutting. Same thing with the faces on some of the Egyptian artifacts. The symmetry is impossible to achieve with the naked eye and by hand. They made a computer generated clear image of one of the statues and superimposed it on the original. The computer generated clear image disappeared it was so perfectly balanced.

It's as if prior civilizations had a disregard for gravity


The guy who built Coral Castle in Florida claims to have known the secret of the pyramids and also claims to have built is singlehandedly. There was a device that disappeared after he died which some think may have been an antigravity device that reversed the polarity of the stones making them easy to move. Some kids spied on him one night and claimed he was moving the stones as if they weighed nothing.
Yeah I can do that with some stone tools too! :lol:

That's from Baalbek, Lebanon. The stones on top are Roman and were built on orders from Augustus. The platform the sit upon, the Trilithlon are inconceivably large and look far more weathered than the Roman stones, locals say they date back to the time of Adam and Eve.

What prior civilization build that platform?

I think it was Sunshine that had it right. There had to be an advanced civilization prior to the Ice Age. I dont buy the alien theory just because you cant figure out how they did it.

But wouldn't it be funny if Giorgio Tsoukalous really wasn't crazy?
The science and math developed from 1400 to 1800 brought on the industrial revolution.

Not only did we get machines but also a flood of science based on "rigid rules" that helped advance our world at a faster rate the all of human history combined.

Who did most of that?
The science and math developed from 1400 to 1800 brought on the industrial revolution.

Not only did we get machines but also a flood of science based on "rigid rules" that helped advance our world at a faster rate the all of human history combined.

Who did most of that?

The Moors
Looks to me that scholars in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries have messed up on a number of occasions. The latest I have discovered is their miss in the importance of astronomy in the building of pyramids in Egypt (Giza) and Mexico (Teotihuacan). Both sites mimic the Orion constellation and are built based on mathematical computations using the circumference of the earth. The pyramid of the sun god in Mexico is exactly half the height of the one in Egypt. There is also a site in South Africa known as Adams Calendar that is a still functioning as a calendar and astrological observatory. People believe this site is at least 75K - 100K years old which would replace the Sumerian culture as the oldest example of civilization. How did they miss it out in the open after being alerted of its presence years before they finally got around to acknowledging it? Do we need to start questioning everything we have been taught?

I'm not so sure there is even a modest amount of agreement about Adam's Calendar or the significance thereof... The dates are impressive, but I can't find a single ACADEMIC study that proves that anything "was missed"..

I'm starting to not put much stock in standard academia which is the premise of this thread. i'm not even an astronomer and I can see from the layout it looks like Stonehenge. Whats worse is the Sumerian civilization had a myth that said they came from that area. I would at least be looking at it seriously now that they found it. I think human pride gets in the way too much. They should preface all their discoveries with "at this point we believe". That way they don't look so bad when they miss stuff. They should have learned from the discovery of Sumer itself. For the longest they said it was a mythical city until someone found it.

It's the DATES of those monuments and temples that matter. That's impressive enough.
But the fact is that ANY arraignments of stones in a circle will form an Astronomical calendar at some point in the circle. Would LIKE someone to explain the "clockworks" inside this site -- so folks can be informed..

I'm in the "we may never know" category on this one.
Looks to me that scholars in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries have messed up on a number of occasions. The latest I have discovered is their miss in the importance of astronomy in the building of pyramids in Egypt (Giza) and Mexico (Teotihuacan). Both sites mimic the Orion constellation and are built based on mathematical computations using the circumference of the earth. The pyramid of the sun god in Mexico is exactly half the height of the one in Egypt. There is also a site in South Africa known as Adams Calendar that is a still functioning as a calendar and astrological observatory. People believe this site is at least 75K - 100K years old which would replace the Sumerian culture as the oldest example of civilization. How did they miss it out in the open after being alerted of its presence years before they finally got around to acknowledging it? Do we need to start questioning everything we have been taught?

I'm not so sure there is even a modest amount of agreement about Adam's Calendar or the significance thereof... The dates are impressive, but I can't find a single ACADEMIC study that proves that anything "was missed"..

I'm starting to not put much stock in standard academia which is the premise of this thread. i'm not even an astronomer and I can see from the layout it looks like Stonehenge. Whats worse is the Sumerian civilization had a myth that said they came from that area. I would at least be looking at it seriously now that they found it. I think human pride gets in the way too much. They should preface all their discoveries with "at this point we believe". That way they don't look so bad when they miss stuff. They should have learned from the discovery of Sumer itself. For the longest they said it was a mythical city until someone found it.

Want to to know why I know you are off your rocker?

The original height of the Great Pyramid was 146.59 m (480.94 ft). The Height of the Pyramid of the Sun is 71.2 m (233.5 ft). That is not exactly half the height of anything, much less the Pyramid of Khufu.

I used to love Chariots of the Gods, and all that von Daniken shit, then I grew up.
Looks to me that scholars in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries have messed up on a number of occasions. The latest I have discovered is their miss in the importance of astronomy in the building of pyramids in Egypt (Giza) and Mexico (Teotihuacan). Both sites mimic the Orion constellation and are built based on mathematical computations using the circumference of the earth. The pyramid of the sun god in Mexico is exactly half the height of the one in Egypt. There is also a site in South Africa known as Adams Calendar that is a still functioning as a calendar and astrological observatory. People believe this site is at least 75K - 100K years old which would replace the Sumerian culture as the oldest example of civilization. How did they miss it out in the open after being alerted of its presence years before they finally got around to acknowledging it? Do we need to start questioning everything we have been taught?

Pretty much everything you were taught about history and "pre-history" is total bullshit

You're spot on about the astronomical capabilities of prior civilizations

Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one ever talks about the engineering capabilities either. They still cant figure out how these people built these pyramids with 20 ton slabs of stone cut and fitted together where you can't even stick a human hair into the cracks. There is a tower in Luxor Egypt that has 4 sides and identical precision carvings on each side. Looks like a computer did the cutting. Same thing with the faces on some of the Egyptian artifacts. The symmetry is impossible to achieve with the naked eye and by hand. They made a computer generated clear image of one of the statues and superimposed it on the original. The computer generated clear image disappeared it was so perfectly balanced.

You really need to keep up with modern scholarship.

How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built?
The science and math developed from 1400 to 1800 brought on the industrial revolution.

Not only did we get machines but also a flood of science based on "rigid rules" that helped advance our world at a faster rate the all of human history combined.

Who did most of that?

The Moors

Conversion to Islam proceeded at a steadily increasing pace. The muladíes (Muslims of ethnic Iberian origin) are believed to have comprised the majority of the population of Al-Andalus by the end of the 10th century.[20][21]

The Muslim community in the Iberian peninsula was itself diverse and beset by social tensions. The Berber people of North Africa, who had provided the bulk of the invading armies, clashed with the Arab leadership from the Middle East.[f] Over time, large Moorish populations became established, especially in the Guadalquivir River valley, the coastal plain of Valencia, the Ebro River valley and (towards the end of this period) in the mountainous region of Granada.[21]

Córdoba, the capital of the caliphate, was the largest, richest and most sophisticated city in western Europe. Mediterranean trade and cultural exchange flourished. Muslims imported a rich intellectual tradition from the Middle East and North Africa. Muslim and Jewish scholars played an important part in reviving and expanding classical Greek learning in Western Europe. The Romanised cultures of the Iberian peninsula interacted with Muslim and Jewish cultures in complex ways, thus giving the region a distinctive culture.[21] Outside the cities, where the vast majority lived, the land ownership system from Roman times remained largely intact as Muslim leaders rarely dispossessed landowners, and the introduction of new crops and techniques led to an expansion of agriculture.[citation needed]

In the 11th century, the Muslim holdings fractured into rival Taifa kingdoms, allowing the small Christian states the opportunity to greatly enlarge their territories.[21] The arrival from North Africa of the Islamic ruling sects of the Almoravids and the Almohads restored unity upon the Muslim holdings, with a stricter, less tolerant application of Islam, and saw a revival in Muslim fortunes. This re-united Islamic state experienced more than a century of successes that partially reversed Christian gains.

No question that islam from the 8th to 13th century did a great bit to advance humanity. ;) Probably as much as the greeks and the holy roman empire.

Science in the medieval Islamic world, also known as Islamic science or Arabic science, is the science developed and practised in the Islamic world during the Islamic Golden Age (c.750 CE – c.1258 CE). During this time, Indian, Asyriac, Iranian and especially Greek knowledge was translated into Arabic. These translations became a wellspring for scientific advances, by scientists from the Islamic civilization, during the Middle Ages.[1

Jabir ibn Hayyan
(ca. 8th – 9th centuries) was an alchemist who used extensive experimentation and produced many works on science and alchemy which have survived to the present day. Jabir described the laboratory techniques and experimental methods of chemistry. He identified many substances including sulfuric and nitric acid. He described processes including sublimation, reduction and distillation. He utilized equipment such as the alembic and the retort. There is considerable uncertainty as to the actual provenance of many works that are ascribed to him.[23][24]

The Banu Musa brothers, Jafar-Muhammad, Ahmad and al-Hasan
(ca. early 9th century) were three Persian sons of a colorful astronomer and astrologer. They were scholars close to the court of caliph al-Ma’mun, and contributed greatly to the translation of ancient works into Arabic. They elaborated the mathematics of cones and ellipses, and performed astronomic calculations. Most notably, they contributed to the field of automation with the creations of automated devices such as the ones described in their Book of Ingenious Devices.[25][26][27]
Ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (801–873) was a philosopher and polymath scientist heavily involved in the translation of Greek classics into Arabic. He worked to reconcile the conflicts between his Islamic faith and his affinity for reason; a conflict that would eventually lead to problems with his rulers. He criticized the basis of alchemy and astrology, and contributed to a wide range of scientific subjects in his writings. He worked on cryptography for the caliphate, and even wrote a piece on the subject of time, space and relative movement.[28]

The eye according to Hunain ibn Ishaq. From a manuscript dated circa 1200.Hunayn ibn Ishaq
(809–873) was one of the most important translators of the ancient Greek works into Arabic. He was also a physician and a writer on medical subjects. His translations interpreted, corrected and extended the ancient works. Some of his translations of medical works were used in Europe for centuries. He also wrote on medical subjects, particularly on the human eye. His book Ten Treatises on the Eye was influential in the West until the 17th century.[29]

Abbas ibn Firnas (810–887)
was an Andalusian scientist, musician and inventor. He developed a clear glass used in drinking vessels, and lenses used for magnification and the improvement of vision. He had a room in his house where the sky was simulated, including the motion of planets, stars and weather complete with clouds, thunder and lightning. He is most well known for reportedly surviving an attempt at controlled flight.[30]

What happened after the 13th century is islam collapsed and all the knowledge, trade want into Europe. Pretty much people like Kepler, Newton, etc took past knowledge and advanced it. Would you agree?

Read up...
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Scientific developments[edit]

Key ideas and people that emerged from the 16th and 17th centuries:
First printed edition of Euclid's Elements in 1482.
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres in 1543, which advanced the heliocentric theory of cosmology.

Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564) published De Humani Corporis Fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body) (1543), which discredited Galen's views. He found that the circulation of blood resolved from pumping of the heart. He also assembled the first human skeleton from cutting open cadavers.

Franciscus Vieta (1540–1603) published In Artem Analycitem Isagoge (1591), which gave the first symbolic notation of parameters in literal algebra.

William Gilbert (1544–1603) published On the Magnet and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet the Earth in 1600, which laid the foundations of a theory of magnetism and electricity.

Tycho Brahe (1546–1601) made extensive and more accurate naked eye observations of the planets in the late 16th century. These became the basic data for Kepler's studies.

Sir Francis Bacon (1561–1626) published Novum Organum in 1620, which outlined a new system of logic based on the process of reduction, which he offered as an improvement over Aristotle's philosophical process of syllogism. This contributed to the development of what became known as the scientific method.

Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) improved the telescope, with which he made several important astronomical discoveries, including the four largest moons of Jupiter, the phases of Venus, and the rings of Saturn, and made detailed observations of sunspots. He developed the laws for falling bodies based on pioneering quantitative experiments which he analyzed mathematically.

Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) published the first two of his three laws of planetary motion in 1609.

William Harvey (1578–1657) demonstrated that blood circulates, using dissections and other experimental techniques.

René Descartes (1596–1650) published his Discourse on the Method in 1637, which helped to establish the scientific method.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) constructed powerful single lens microscopes and made extensive observations that he published around 1660, opening up the micro-world of biology.

Isaac Newton (1643–1727) built upon the work of Kepler and Galileo. He showed that an inverse square law for gravity explained the elliptical orbits of the planets, and advanced the law of universal gravitation. His development of infinitesimal calculus opened up new applications of the methods of mathematics to science. Newton taught that scientific theory should be coupled with rigorous experimentation, which became the keystone of modern science.

I'll admit that islam during the golden age did a lot to advance science. Can you agree that these people did a lot too?

Sir Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St. Alban,[
1][a] Kt., QC (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. After his death, he remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution.

James Clerk Maxwell FRS FRSE
(13 June 1831 – 5 November 1879) was a Scottish[1][2] mathematical physicist.[3] His most prominent achievement was to formulate a set of equations that describe electricity, magnetism, and optics as manifestations of the same phenomenon, namely the electromagnetic field.[4]

Enrico Fermi (Italian: [enˈri.ko ˈfeɾ.mi];
29 September 1901 – 28 November 1954) was an Italian physicist, best known for his work on Chicago Pile-1 (the first nuclear reactor), and for his contributions to the development of quantum theory, nuclear and particle physics, and statistical mechanics.
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I'm not so sure there is even a modest amount of agreement about Adam's Calendar or the significance thereof... The dates are impressive, but I can't find a single ACADEMIC study that proves that anything "was missed"..

I'm starting to not put much stock in standard academia which is the premise of this thread. i'm not even an astronomer and I can see from the layout it looks like Stonehenge. Whats worse is the Sumerian civilization had a myth that said they came from that area. I would at least be looking at it seriously now that they found it. I think human pride gets in the way too much. They should preface all their discoveries with "at this point we believe". That way they don't look so bad when they miss stuff. They should have learned from the discovery of Sumer itself. For the longest they said it was a mythical city until someone found it.

Want to to know why I know you are off your rocker?

The original height of the Great Pyramid was 146.59 m (480.94 ft). The Height of the Pyramid of the Sun is 71.2 m (233.5 ft). That is not exactly half the height of anything, much less the Pyramid of Khufu.

I used to love Chariots of the Gods, and all that von Daniken shit, then I grew up.

Is that really all you have? :lol: i have the Pyramid of the Sun at 246 ft which is off by how many feet of being exactly half? Guess which measurement I'm going to believe? Why are both aligned with Orions belt? Try harder Quantum. I dont know what got a bug up your butt however you may want to let adults talk and sit this one out.
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Pretty much everything you were taught about history and "pre-history" is total bullshit

You're spot on about the astronomical capabilities of prior civilizations

Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one ever talks about the engineering capabilities either. They still cant figure out how these people built these pyramids with 20 ton slabs of stone cut and fitted together where you can't even stick a human hair into the cracks. There is a tower in Luxor Egypt that has 4 sides and identical precision carvings on each side. Looks like a computer did the cutting. Same thing with the faces on some of the Egyptian artifacts. The symmetry is impossible to achieve with the naked eye and by hand. They made a computer generated clear image of one of the statues and superimposed it on the original. The computer generated clear image disappeared it was so perfectly balanced.

You really need to keep up with modern scholarship.

How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built?

So you have a link from the guys that cant figure out how it was done and I'm supposed to think its legit? :lol: If they could do it why haven't they been able to duplicate it? The last time the Japanese tried they met with massive failure even while cheating and using modern transportation. Seems like they would have at least had the pic as evidence. Unless you have a link for someone duplicating the feat of building a pyramid exactly like the ancients did I will just laugh at you. You obviously have never seen the pyramids up close.
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I'm starting to not put much stock in standard academia which is the premise of this thread. i'm not even an astronomer and I can see from the layout it looks like Stonehenge. Whats worse is the Sumerian civilization had a myth that said they came from that area. I would at least be looking at it seriously now that they found it. I think human pride gets in the way too much. They should preface all their discoveries with "at this point we believe". That way they don't look so bad when they miss stuff. They should have learned from the discovery of Sumer itself. For the longest they said it was a mythical city until someone found it.

Want to to know why I know you are off your rocker?

The original height of the Great Pyramid was 146.59 m (480.94 ft). The Height of the Pyramid of the Sun is 71.2 m (233.5 ft). That is not exactly half the height of anything, much less the Pyramid of Khufu.

I used to love Chariots of the Gods, and all that von Daniken shit, then I grew up.

Is that really all you have? :lol: i have the Pyramid of the Sun at 246 ft which is off by how many feet of being exactly half? Guess which measurement I'm going to believe? Why are both aligned with Orions belt? What does 6ft have to do with what I said? Try harder Quantum. I dont know what got a bug up your butt however you may want to let adults talk and sit this one out.

You of course, are going to believe the numbers you pulled from a stupid book over the measurements obtained by actual people that are trained in surveying techniques.

By the way, even if we use your numbers you are off by 12 feet, which means it still isn't "exactly half" of the height, which makes your statement 100% wrong. If you don't like being wrong, don't say stupid things.

What makes you think they are aligned with Orion's belt? Does the orientation of Orion's belt change between Egypt and Mexico? I am just asking because the Pyramid of the sun is almost oriented to the northwest, and the Great Pyramid is oriented as close to north south as it was possible to get.

Some free advice, never try to defend idiotic theories with a person that has actually read the crap you are using, and compared it with reality.
No one ever talks about the engineering capabilities either. They still cant figure out how these people built these pyramids with 20 ton slabs of stone cut and fitted together where you can't even stick a human hair into the cracks. There is a tower in Luxor Egypt that has 4 sides and identical precision carvings on each side. Looks like a computer did the cutting. Same thing with the faces on some of the Egyptian artifacts. The symmetry is impossible to achieve with the naked eye and by hand. They made a computer generated clear image of one of the statues and superimposed it on the original. The computer generated clear image disappeared it was so perfectly balanced.

You really need to keep up with modern scholarship.

How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built?

So you have a link from the guys that cant figure out how it was done and I'm supposed to think its legit? :lol: If they could do it why haven't they been able to duplicate it? The last time the Japanese tried they met with massive failure even while cheating and using modern transportation. Seems like they would have at least had the pic as evidence. Unless you have a link for someone duplicating the feat of building a pyramid exactly like the ancients did I will just laugh at you. You obviously have never seen the pyramids up close.

They explained how it was done, and even proved it was possible by dragging a block of stone themselves.

By the way, did you notice they pointed out that an actual ramp built at the time the pyramids were built still exists?
Want to to know why I know you are off your rocker?

The original height of the Great Pyramid was 146.59 m (480.94 ft). The Height of the Pyramid of the Sun is 71.2 m (233.5 ft). That is not exactly half the height of anything, much less the Pyramid of Khufu.

I used to love Chariots of the Gods, and all that von Daniken shit, then I grew up.

Is that really all you have? :lol: i have the Pyramid of the Sun at 246 ft which is off by how many feet of being exactly half? Guess which measurement I'm going to believe? Why are both aligned with Orions belt? What does 6ft have to do with what I said? Try harder Quantum. I dont know what got a bug up your butt however you may want to let adults talk and sit this one out.

You of course, are going to believe the numbers you pulled from a stupid book over the measurements obtained by actual people that are trained in surveying techniques.

By the way, even if we use your numbers you are off by 12 feet, which means it still isn't "exactly half" of the height, which makes your statement 100% wrong. If you don't like being wrong, don't say stupid things.

What makes you think they are aligned with Orion's belt? Does the orientation of Orion's belt change between Egypt and Mexico? I am just asking because the Pyramid of the sun is almost oriented to the northwest, and the Great Pyramid is oriented as close to north south as it was possible to get.

Some free advice, never try to defend idiotic theories with a person that has actually read the crap you are using, and compared it with reality.

Look at the layout then look at Orions belt. Same configuration as the stars and each other. When viewed from up above. Some free advice. Dont be a sheeple.

You really need to keep up with modern scholarship.

How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built?

So you have a link from the guys that cant figure out how it was done and I'm supposed to think its legit? :lol: If they could do it why haven't they been able to duplicate it? The last time the Japanese tried they met with massive failure even while cheating and using modern transportation. Seems like they would have at least had the pic as evidence. Unless you have a link for someone duplicating the feat of building a pyramid exactly like the ancients did I will just laugh at you. You obviously have never seen the pyramids up close.

They explained how it was done, and even proved it was possible by dragging a block of stone themselves.

By the way, did you notice they pointed out that an actual ramp built at the time the pyramids were built still exists?

They didnt prove anything except that they have a theory. So do the people that think aliens built it. Until they can build a pyramid to the tolerances that those were built without using machinery i have to call BS. Like I said you have to see the pyramids up close to appreciate how stupid and self serving their theories are.
Is that really all you have? :lol: i have the Pyramid of the Sun at 246 ft which is off by how many feet of being exactly half? Guess which measurement I'm going to believe? Why are both aligned with Orions belt? What does 6ft have to do with what I said? Try harder Quantum. I dont know what got a bug up your butt however you may want to let adults talk and sit this one out.

You of course, are going to believe the numbers you pulled from a stupid book over the measurements obtained by actual people that are trained in surveying techniques.

By the way, even if we use your numbers you are off by 12 feet, which means it still isn't "exactly half" of the height, which makes your statement 100% wrong. If you don't like being wrong, don't say stupid things.

What makes you think they are aligned with Orion's belt? Does the orientation of Orion's belt change between Egypt and Mexico? I am just asking because the Pyramid of the sun is almost oriented to the northwest, and the Great Pyramid is oriented as close to north south as it was possible to get.

Some free advice, never try to defend idiotic theories with a person that has actually read the crap you are using, and compared it with reality.

Look at the layout then look at Orions belt. Same configuration as the stars and each other. When viewed from up above. Some free advice. Dont be a sheeple.


The pyramids were built so that idiots would think that they looked like Orion's belt 4,500 years later? That was incredible, how did they know there would be idiots who would make that argument?
You of course, are going to believe the numbers you pulled from a stupid book over the measurements obtained by actual people that are trained in surveying techniques.

By the way, even if we use your numbers you are off by 12 feet, which means it still isn't "exactly half" of the height, which makes your statement 100% wrong. If you don't like being wrong, don't say stupid things.

What makes you think they are aligned with Orion's belt? Does the orientation of Orion's belt change between Egypt and Mexico? I am just asking because the Pyramid of the sun is almost oriented to the northwest, and the Great Pyramid is oriented as close to north south as it was possible to get.

Some free advice, never try to defend idiotic theories with a person that has actually read the crap you are using, and compared it with reality.

Look at the layout then look at Orions belt. Same configuration as the stars and each other. When viewed from up above. Some free advice. Dont be a sheeple.


The pyramids were built so that idiots would think that they looked like Orion's belt 4,500 years later? That was incredible, how did they know there would be idiots who would make that argument?

Who said they did it for that reason? I merely pointed it out that earlier scholars did not even catch this. Astronomers were not part of their digs until later. Does this stuff threaten you somehow? You seem violently opposed to it.
So you have a link from the guys that cant figure out how it was done and I'm supposed to think its legit? :lol: If they could do it why haven't they been able to duplicate it? The last time the Japanese tried they met with massive failure even while cheating and using modern transportation. Seems like they would have at least had the pic as evidence. Unless you have a link for someone duplicating the feat of building a pyramid exactly like the ancients did I will just laugh at you. You obviously have never seen the pyramids up close.

They explained how it was done, and even proved it was possible by dragging a block of stone themselves.

By the way, did you notice they pointed out that an actual ramp built at the time the pyramids were built still exists?

They didnt prove anything except that they have a theory. So do the people that think aliens built it. Until they can build a pyramid to the tolerances that those were built without using machinery i have to call BS. Like I said you have to see the pyramids up close to appreciate how stupid and self serving their theories are.

I don't need to see Norte Dame up close to know that it took over 10 times as long to build, and was a much more difficult engineering feat than building the pyramids, but thanks for proving that you aren't interested in learning.
Pyramids were built in Ancient Egypt as tombs, or burial places, for Egyptian pharaohs, or kings. They believed that the pyramids made you immortal. The Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, so it was very important to them to protect the bodies of their pharaohs. In order to keep the body of the pharaoh safe, the insides of the pyramids were like mazes with secret doors and dead-end passages. The pharaoh would be near the bottom or even underground. Other rooms contained things like jewelery and furniture that the Pharaoh might want in his next life (or afterlife).

Why did the Egyptians build pyramids
They explained how it was done, and even proved it was possible by dragging a block of stone themselves.

By the way, did you notice they pointed out that an actual ramp built at the time the pyramids were built still exists?

They didnt prove anything except that they have a theory. So do the people that think aliens built it. Until they can build a pyramid to the tolerances that those were built without using machinery i have to call BS. Like I said you have to see the pyramids up close to appreciate how stupid and self serving their theories are.

I don't need to see Norte Dame up close to know that it took over 10 times as long to build, and was a much more difficult engineering feat than building the pyramids, but thanks for proving that you aren't interested in learning.

How are you qualified to teach someone anything making a stupid statement like that? That was the epitome of ignorant. You have no clue unless you see the engineering up close. Like I said show me who has duplicated their feat then you can teach me something.

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