How Bad Have Scholars Messed Up?

Look at the layout then look at Orions belt. Same configuration as the stars and each other. When viewed from up above. Some free advice. Dont be a sheeple.


The pyramids were built so that idiots would think that they looked like Orion's belt 4,500 years later? That was incredible, how did they know there would be idiots who would make that argument?

Who said they did it for that reason? I merely pointed it out that earlier scholars did not even catch this. Astronomers were not part of their digs until later. Does this stuff threaten you somehow? You seem violently opposed to it.

THe important part here is to discover or propose A REASON for this being done deliberately in two separate cultures.. Or is the point that there was some form of communication (migration, exploration, etc) that passed this relevence between the cultures?

Seems to me that this "coincidence" stems from the "ancient alien" theories more than anything else.. (one of the stars in the belt is actually a galaxy (or is in proximity to a galaxy "far far away")). So the speculation would be tempting..

It's hard to look at Orion and NOT see a human form.. Including a belt.. But what significance do you propose this had on memorializing their leadership?
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Look at the layout then look at Orions belt. Same configuration as the stars and each other. When viewed from up above. Some free advice. Dont be a sheeple.


The pyramids were built so that idiots would think that they looked like Orion's belt 4,500 years later? That was incredible, how did they know there would be idiots who would make that argument?

Who said they did it for that reason? I merely pointed it out that earlier scholars did not even catch this. Astronomers were not part of their digs until later. Does this stuff threaten you somehow? You seem violently opposed to it.

Scholars also missed the fact that pyramids were actually landing pads for Goa'uld spaceships, what's your point?
They didnt prove anything except that they have a theory. So do the people that think aliens built it. Until they can build a pyramid to the tolerances that those were built without using machinery i have to call BS. Like I said you have to see the pyramids up close to appreciate how stupid and self serving their theories are.

I don't need to see Norte Dame up close to know that it took over 10 times as long to build, and was a much more difficult engineering feat than building the pyramids, but thanks for proving that you aren't interested in learning.

How are you qualified to teach someone anything making a stupid statement like that? That was the epitome of ignorant. You have no clue unless you see the engineering up close. Like I said show me who has duplicated their feat then you can teach me something.

What sort of qualification do I need to teach anyone about pyramid whackadoodle trash? All it takes is gullible idiots, and the willingness to lie for money.
I don't need to see Norte Dame up close to know that it took over 10 times as long to build, and was a much more difficult engineering feat than building the pyramids, but thanks for proving that you aren't interested in learning.

How are you qualified to teach someone anything making a stupid statement like that? That was the epitome of ignorant. You have no clue unless you see the engineering up close. Like I said show me who has duplicated their feat then you can teach me something.

What sort of qualification do I need to teach anyone about pyramid whackadoodle trash? All it takes is gullible idiots, and the willingness to lie for money.

Actually there is some compelling evidence that the pyramids of Giza match up EXTREMELY well with how Orions Belt looked 4500 years ago. Why no one knows but the evidence is there.

There are MANY anomalies around the world that make me believe that there was a more ancient civilization that was lost. The 3000 year old Nimrud Lense, the aforementioned Antikythera Mechanism, the Harappa culture of India, the city of Nan Madol, built on basalt blocks weighing up to 50 tons! Then of course you have the Stone Age tunnels built throughout Europe...12,000 years old..and still extant!

Puma Punku is the city pictured in your Inca photo but the Inca said it predated them.
The stones bear no chisel marks and the city was a modern city with operational sewage and water systems.

The Baalbeck stones are the largest worked stones in the world and weigh in at a colossal 1200 tons!

And then there's Gobleki Tepe a sophisticated temple complex that dates back to the end of the last ice age. Add to that the skulls that have been found of aurochs with bullet holes in back thousands of years ago....

No, man has been around and sophisticated for a very, very long time
Is that really all you have? :lol: i have the Pyramid of the Sun at 246 ft which is off by how many feet of being exactly half? Guess which measurement I'm going to believe? Why are both aligned with Orions belt? What does 6ft have to do with what I said? Try harder Quantum. I dont know what got a bug up your butt however you may want to let adults talk and sit this one out.

You of course, are going to believe the numbers you pulled from a stupid book over the measurements obtained by actual people that are trained in surveying techniques.

By the way, even if we use your numbers you are off by 12 feet, which means it still isn't "exactly half" of the height, which makes your statement 100% wrong. If you don't like being wrong, don't say stupid things.

What makes you think they are aligned with Orion's belt? Does the orientation of Orion's belt change between Egypt and Mexico? I am just asking because the Pyramid of the sun is almost oriented to the northwest, and the Great Pyramid is oriented as close to north south as it was possible to get.

Some free advice, never try to defend idiotic theories with a person that has actually read the crap you are using, and compared it with reality.

Look at the layout then look at Orions belt. Same configuration as the stars and each other. When viewed from up above. Some free advice. Dont be a sheeple.


The first row of blocks in the great pyramid is a stone outcropping from the ground. I suspect the arrangement of the Egyptian pyramids had more to do with what would be a good foundation than Orion's belt. You can't build on sand. You have to find a spot that will support the building. Even so, they are still sinking into the Giza Plateau. The great pyramid sinks about 2 inches a year.

The Great Pyramid consists of two million limestone blocks, has the height of a forty-story building and the width of two and a half football fields. The foundation of the pyramid is bedrock chiselled with a precision of only 2 centimetres off perfect level. Even today with all our technical know-how and laser precision craftsmanship according to specialists we are not able to build a structure like the Great Pyramid which such precision! We simply do not have the mechanical technology available to carve the stones that construct the pyramid with the precision that has been used!
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The pyramids were built so that idiots would think that they looked like Orion's belt 4,500 years later? That was incredible, how did they know there would be idiots who would make that argument?

Who said they did it for that reason? I merely pointed it out that earlier scholars did not even catch this. Astronomers were not part of their digs until later. Does this stuff threaten you somehow? You seem violently opposed to it.

THe important part here is to discover or propose A REASON for this being done deliberately in two separate cultures.. Or is the point that there was some form of communication (migration, exploration, etc) that passed this relevence between the cultures?

Seems to me that this "coincidence" stems from the "ancient alien" theories more than anything else.. (one of the stars in the belt is actually a galaxy (or is in proximity to a galaxy "far far away")). So the speculation would be tempting..

It's hard to look at Orion and NOT see a human form.. Including a belt.. But what significance do you propose this had on memorializing their leadership?

That is a hell of a coincidence for both sites to be aligned with Orions belt and thus each other. I don't buy the alien theory at all. To me thats a cop out because they cant figure out how it was done. When one considers that the site in Teotihuacán was evidently pre planned and not a gradual building effort it points to some serious engineering power.

The 6 monoliths at Ollantaytambo are amazing as well. I believe the stones were moved from several miles away up the side of a steep mountain. The largest was estimated at about 50 tons. They are fitted together almost seamlessly with a layer of small slabs between them. You have to see where they are located on the mountain to appreciated the engineering feat it must have taken just to get them in place let alone fit together like they are. Mind you this was wall was not even finished yet. Some people say because of the Spanish invasion.


They explained how it was done, and even proved it was possible by dragging a block of stone themselves.

By the way, did you notice they pointed out that an actual ramp built at the time the pyramids were built still exists?

They didnt prove anything except that they have a theory. So do the people that think aliens built it. Until they can build a pyramid to the tolerances that those were built without using machinery i have to call BS. Like I said you have to see the pyramids up close to appreciate how stupid and self serving their theories are.

I don't need to see Norte Dame up close to know that it took over 10 times as long to build, and was a much more difficult engineering feat than building the pyramids, but thanks for proving that you aren't interested in learning.

All you are doing is proving my theory that the ancients knew way more than supposedly modern man thinks they knew. Norte Dame probably would have been like pitching a tent for them. Again please point out why no has been able to duplicate building a pyramid like the Egyptians and the one at Teotihuacán? It's not for lack of trying. They just cant do it.
It is entirely due to lack of trying that we haven't built pyramids. Hoover Dam has about the same mass as the Great Pyramid of Giza. We can build such structures if we're willing to expend the money and effort, but nobody is going to expend that much effort on a project that has no use.
How are you qualified to teach someone anything making a stupid statement like that? That was the epitome of ignorant. You have no clue unless you see the engineering up close. Like I said show me who has duplicated their feat then you can teach me something.

What sort of qualification do I need to teach anyone about pyramid whackadoodle trash? All it takes is gullible idiots, and the willingness to lie for money.

Actually there is some compelling evidence that the pyramids of Giza match up EXTREMELY well with how Orions Belt looked 4500 years ago. Why no one knows but the evidence is there.

There are MANY anomalies around the world that make me believe that there was a more ancient civilization that was lost. The 3000 year old Nimrud Lense, the aforementioned Antikythera Mechanism, the Harappa culture of India, the city of Nan Madol, built on basalt blocks weighing up to 50 tons! Then of course you have the Stone Age tunnels built throughout Europe...12,000 years old..and still extant!

Puma Punku is the city pictured in your Inca photo but the Inca said it predated them.
The stones bear no chisel marks and the city was a modern city with operational sewage and water systems.

The Baalbeck stones are the largest worked stones in the world and weigh in at a colossal 1200 tons!

And then there's Gobleki Tepe a sophisticated temple complex that dates back to the end of the last ice age. Add to that the skulls that have been found of aurochs with bullet holes in back thousands of years ago....

No, man has been around and sophisticated for a very, very long time

There is also compelling evidence that people who work in retail are better at handstands than people who don't and that and that people who eat the bottom of their muffin first want to know the sex of their baby.

Both of those facts show exactly how much your claim is worth.
They didnt prove anything except that they have a theory. So do the people that think aliens built it. Until they can build a pyramid to the tolerances that those were built without using machinery i have to call BS. Like I said you have to see the pyramids up close to appreciate how stupid and self serving their theories are.

I don't need to see Norte Dame up close to know that it took over 10 times as long to build, and was a much more difficult engineering feat than building the pyramids, but thanks for proving that you aren't interested in learning.

All you are doing is proving my theory that the ancients knew way more than supposedly modern man thinks they knew. Norte Dame probably would have been like pitching a tent for them. Again please point out why no has been able to duplicate building a pyramid like the Egyptians and the one at Teotihuacán? It's not for lack of trying. They just cant do it.

Which modern man are you talking about? Anyone who looks at history honestly knows exactly how much people knew back then, it isn't like stacking blocks together is hard. Most 2 year olds can do it.
It is entirely due to lack of trying that we haven't built pyramids. Hoover Dam has about the same mass as the Great Pyramid of Giza. We can build such structures if we're willing to expend the money and effort, but nobody is going to expend that much effort on a project that has no use.

The Japanese did attempt to duplicate the effort and they failed miserably even when they cheated. At this point its a status thing. The first to figure it out has bragging rights. The Hoover Dam was not built using the tools the Egyptians had.
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I don't need to see Norte Dame up close to know that it took over 10 times as long to build, and was a much more difficult engineering feat than building the pyramids, but thanks for proving that you aren't interested in learning.

All you are doing is proving my theory that the ancients knew way more than supposedly modern man thinks they knew. Norte Dame probably would have been like pitching a tent for them. Again please point out why no has been able to duplicate building a pyramid like the Egyptians and the one at Teotihuacán? It's not for lack of trying. They just cant do it.

Which modern man are you talking about? Anyone who looks at history honestly knows exactly how much people knew back then, it isn't like stacking blocks together is hard. Most 2 year olds can do it.

Its been proven you are wrong. Know one knows exactly what they knew. If they did they could duplicate their feats using their same methods they claim to know about. They cant. Can you explain that fact vs your illogical perception?
Nobody ever wonders how white people built their amazing structures.

Non-white people, of course, are obviously incapable of similar feats of large-scale engineering. Hence it musta been aliens, or a secret technology which is essentially "magic".
All you are doing is proving my theory that the ancients knew way more than supposedly modern man thinks they knew. Norte Dame probably would have been like pitching a tent for them. Again please point out why no has been able to duplicate building a pyramid like the Egyptians and the one at Teotihuacán? It's not for lack of trying. They just cant do it.

Which modern man are you talking about? Anyone who looks at history honestly knows exactly how much people knew back then, it isn't like stacking blocks together is hard. Most 2 year olds can do it.

Its been proven you are wrong. Know one knows exactly what they knew. If they did they could duplicate their feats using their same methods they claim to know about. They cant. Can you explain that fact vs your illogical perception?

The fact that they can't get hundreds of thousands of people that it takes to actually build a pyramid to commit to 20 years of working in a desert does not mean that it can't be done, it just means no one wants to do it.
Nobody ever wonders how white people built their amazing structures.

Non-white people, of course, are obviously incapable of similar feats of large-scale engineering. Hence it musta been aliens, or a secret technology which is essentially "magic".

You just called Asclpias a racist, and he thanked you for it. Does that make him even dumber than you thought?
Which modern man are you talking about? Anyone who looks at history honestly knows exactly how much people knew back then, it isn't like stacking blocks together is hard. Most 2 year olds can do it.

Its been proven you are wrong. Know one knows exactly what they knew. If they did they could duplicate their feats using their same methods they claim to know about. They cant. Can you explain that fact vs your illogical perception?

The fact that they can't get hundreds of thousands of people that it takes to actually build a pyramid to commit to 20 years of working in a desert does not mean that it can't be done, it just means no one wants to do it.

Maybe you are not reading all of my response. The Japanese tried to build a smaller one (60ft in height) to scale and failed even cheating using modern transportation and stone cutting methods. What part of someone did attempt to do it are you missing?

Also please explain how they built the pyramid facing exact magnetic North Pole without even having a compass? The compass was not invented for multiple centuries after the Egyptian civilization was gone.
Nobody ever wonders how white people built their amazing structures.

Non-white people, of course, are obviously incapable of similar feats of large-scale engineering. Hence it musta been aliens, or a secret technology which is essentially "magic".

You just called Asclpias a racist, and he thanked you for it. Does that make him even dumber than you thought?

Just had to capture that. :lol:
Its been proven you are wrong. Know one knows exactly what they knew. If they did they could duplicate their feats using their same methods they claim to know about. They cant. Can you explain that fact vs your illogical perception?

The fact that they can't get hundreds of thousands of people that it takes to actually build a pyramid to commit to 20 years of working in a desert does not mean that it can't be done, it just means no one wants to do it.

Maybe you are not reading all of my response. The Japanese tried to build a smaller one (60ft in height) to scale and failed even cheating using modern transportation and stone cutting methods. What part of someone did attempt to do it are you missing?

Also please explain how they built the pyramid facing exact magnetic North Pole without even having a compass? The compass was not invented for multiple centuries after the Egyptian civilization was gone.

Maybe you can't understand English.

The fact that they can't get people to put in the needed effort does not prove it cannot be done. The fact that the Japanese couldn't do it, even though they spent all of 2 months trying, doesn't prove anything other than that it takes longer than two months to build a pyramid.
The fact that they can't get hundreds of thousands of people that it takes to actually build a pyramid to commit to 20 years of working in a desert does not mean that it can't be done, it just means no one wants to do it.

Maybe you are not reading all of my response. The Japanese tried to build a smaller one (60ft in height) to scale and failed even cheating using modern transportation and stone cutting methods. What part of someone did attempt to do it are you missing?

Also please explain how they built the pyramid facing exact magnetic North Pole without even having a compass? The compass was not invented for multiple centuries after the Egyptian civilization was gone.

Maybe you can't understand English.

The fact that they can't get people to put in the needed effort does not prove it cannot be done. The fact that the Japanese couldn't do it, even though they spent all of 2 months trying, doesn't prove anything other than that it takes longer than two months to build a pyramid.

I think you are having a hard time grasping facts. The Japanese attempted to build a significantly smaller pyramid, while cheating with modern methods, and could not get it done. Stew on that for awhile. Maybe read it 4 times in a row. What exactly is confusing you?

They spent all of 2 months looking like clowns. It wasnt a question of man power or time. They simply couldn't do it. The Egyptian government sent them home to put them out of their misery. They couldn't even cut the stone with the tools the scholars said the Egyptians used. Is that ringing any bells for you at all?
Maybe you are not reading all of my response. The Japanese tried to build a smaller one (60ft in height) to scale and failed even cheating using modern transportation and stone cutting methods. What part of someone did attempt to do it are you missing?

Also please explain how they built the pyramid facing exact magnetic North Pole without even having a compass? The compass was not invented for multiple centuries after the Egyptian civilization was gone.

Maybe you can't understand English.

The fact that they can't get people to put in the needed effort does not prove it cannot be done. The fact that the Japanese couldn't do it, even though they spent all of 2 months trying, doesn't prove anything other than that it takes longer than two months to build a pyramid.

I think you are having a hard time grasping facts. The Japanese attempted to build a significantly smaller pyramid, while cheating with modern methods, and could not get it done. Stew on that for awhile. Maybe read it 4 times in a row. What exactly is confusing you?

They spent all of 2 months looking like clowns. It wasnt a question of man power or time. They simply couldn't do it. The Egyptian government sent them home to put them out of their misery. They couldn't even cut the stone with the tools the scholars said the Egyptians used. Is that ringing any bells for you at all?

The Japanese did not cheat using modern methods, they totally failed using the methods known to have been employed during the period. You seem to think the fact that they didn't perfect the method, even though they didn't have any experience, and didn't really take the time to do it, proves you are right. All it proves is that you don't know what you are talking about. If you did, you wouldn't keep insisting they failed even though they cheated.
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