How about we trade places?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.
You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.

Can I pick my own wife?

You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.

If we did, I sure wouldn't be as big of a bitchy whinebag as you are.
You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.

Ok , I want to be black 19 years old, 7' 4" 250 lbs going to college at University of North Carolina...

You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.

I wouldn’t trade places with you for all the money in the world. You are a bitter, downtrodden individual who just wants to blame others (whites) for your worthless life.
Do I have to be the Black guy who is called Uncle Tom because I want to study, get good grades, stay out of trouble and better my life by "playing The White Man's game"?

I'd rather be the Black guy with drive and determination, parents that keep my nose to the grindstone and friends who support my goals.
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You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.

Well, I dunno. I'm kind of particular about my lawn. Something tells me you're a lazy ass. If we trade places, you're not gonna let my lawn go to heck, are ya?

I'll trade you places, though. Your side could use a competent representative. Because you aren't worth a flying fuck in the activism department. You're one of the worst representatives for you cause that I've ever seen. No wonder you're not accomplishing anything.
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But I don't want to be a bitter racist black man that thinks he's owed reparations!

Waiting on that check that's never going to come..

That sounds like agony.

Cargo cultists I do believe they're called.
Patrols of the Australian Government venturing into the "uncontrolled" central highlands of New Guinea in 1946 found the primitive people there swept up in a wave of religious excitement. Prophecy was being fulfilled: The arrival of the Whites was the sign that the end of the world was at hand. The natives proceeded to butcher all of their pigs-animals that were not only a principal source of subsistence but also ,symbols of social status and ritual preeminence in their culture. They killed these valued animals in expression of the belief that after three days of darkness "Great Pigs" would appear from the sky. Food, firewood and other necessities had to be stock-piled to see the people through to the arrival of the Great Pigs. Mock wireless antennae of bamboo and rope had been erected to receive in advance the news of the millennium. Many believed that with the great event they would exchange their black skins for white ones.

This bizarre episode is by no means the single event of its kind in the murky history of the collision of European civilization with the indigenous cultures of the southwest Pacific. For more than 100 years traders and missionaries have been reporting similar disturbances among the peoples of Melanesia, the group of Negro-inhabited islands (including New Guinea, Fiji, the Solomons and the New Hebrides) lying between Australia and the open Pacific Ocean. Though their technologies were based largely upon stone and wood, these peoples had highIy developed cultures, as measured by the standards of maritime and agricultural ingenuity, the complexity of their varied social organizations and the elaboration of religious belief and ritual. They were nonetheless ill prepared for the shock of the encounter with the Whites, a people so radically different from themselves and so infinitely more powerful. The sudden transition from the society of the ceremonial stone ax to the society of sailing ships and now of airplanes has not been easy to make.
Although the news of such a movement in one area has doubtless often inspired similar movements in other areas, the evidence indicates that these cults have arisen independently in many places as parallel responses to the same enormous social stress and strain. Among the movements best known to students of Melanesia are the "Taro Cult" of New Guinea, the "Vailala Madness" of Papua, the "Naked Cult" of Espiritu Santo, the "John Frum Movement" of the New Hebrides and the "Tuka Cult" of the Fiji Islands.

At times the cults have been so well organized and fanatically persistent that they have brought the work of government to a standstill. The outbreaks have often taken the authorities completely by surprise and have confronted them with mass opposition of an alarming kind. In the 1930s, for example, villagers in the vicinity of Wewak, New Guinea, were stirred by a succession of "Black King" movements. The prophets announced that the Europeans would soon leave the island, abandoning their property to the natives, and urged their followers to cease paying taxes, since the government station was about to disappear into the sea in a great earthquake. To the tiny community of Whites in charge of the region, such talk was dangerous. The authorities jailed four of the prophets and exiled three others. In yet another movement, that sprang up in declared opposition to the local Christian mission, the cult leader took Satan as his god.

Troops on both sides in World War II found their arrival in Melanesia heralded as a sign of the Apocalypse. The G.I.s who landed in the New Hebrides, moving up for the bloody fighting on Guadalcanal, found the natives furiously at work preparing airfields, roads and docks for the magic ships and planes that they believed were coming from "Rusefel" (Roosevelt), the friendly king of America.

50 Years Ago: Cargo Cults of Melanesia

You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.
Have you been denied entrance to a school or a job or a seat at a table because of your skin color? Or are you referring to something else when you essentially say blacks have it tough?

I was thrown out of St Paul's Cathedral in London once. Does that count??

You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.

Ah, hate to break this to you, Sparky but there are "whites" that have it far worse than you do! How about I grant you that wish and you trade places with an out of work white coal worker from Appalachia? Or do you just want to trade place with the RICH white folks?

'Cause if you do...then it's not a racial're just jealous of other people's success!
You racists think we blacks are given so much and have it is easy, how about we trade places?.

Ah, hate to break this to you, Sparky but there are "whites" that have it far worse than you do! How about I grant you that wish and you trade places with an out of work white coal worker from Appalachia? Or do you just want to trade place with the RICH white folks?

'Cause if you do...then it's not a racial're just jealous of other people's success!

I know you want to deny the truth, but I'm the OP in this thread. So how about you trading places with me? Would you want to spend 57 years black? Cause the coal miner makes on average 42,000 per year. It took me about 1.5 years to make that running a NFP . So I'd be drawing unemployment on that 42,000. I could start a business with that and what I saved.

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