House votes to revoke IRS funding for 87,000 new agents.

I am an enemy of the Duopoly in power.

That is why people like you have such a problem with me.
I have no problem with you. you are wrong about many things but I think you are pretty intelligent and well spoken. Its more fun to debate when the other person has some brains. With most of our resident libs all they are capable of doing is parroting the left's prescribed talking points of the day, never an original thought or cognizant review of the facts.
Random thought (a bit tangential to this thread):

The duopoly is not the real problem. The real problem is that the People have permitted each major Political Party to allow or require that our legislators default on their actual duties and responsibilities.

As an example, it certainly looks like the local GOP honchos in Nassau County, Long Island, NY completely and utterly FAILED to even try to vet the then candidate, Santos. Of course I blame Santos for being such a massive liar. But I also blame that local GOP for abdicating their responsibilities.

There are legions of other examples. The very creepy and dishonest Connecticut Sen. Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal immediately springs to mind.
Gridlock. It's a good thing.
Sometimes. And it’s rare that I agree with you. But yes. Sometimes gridlock is better.

Other times, however, compromise is better. I’m not talking about compromise of principle or morality. But compromise on details. Like:

“ if we agree to support some particular spending bill at all, which we really don’t want to do, then you [our opponents] will need to agree to some unrelated provision that we want but which you don’t want. And maybe we will also have to agree to modify the amount of spending, too.”
This is sad but true. Our country would be so much better if people would break the shackles of party attachment and vote for a person not influenced by lobbyists.
yes, and that applies to all elections at all levels, sadly government positions are generally bought, not voted for.
Attention.....Attention All Dead From The Neck Up MAGA MAGGOTS....there was never any play to hire 87,000 IRS Agents. That piece Reich Wing Propaganda was brought to by the same people who thought Traitor Card (that do not exist) with NFT (which are NOT real).

Just like the stupid as shit and absolutely unnecessary "Born Alive Act", every State and every Territory in the United States have laws against murder you dumb fuck Cons.
Attention.....Attention All Dead From The Neck Up MAGA MAGGOTS....there was never any play to hire 87,000 IRS Agents. That piece Reich Wing Propaganda was brought to by the same people who thought Traitor Card (that do not exist) with NFT (which are NOT real).

Just like the stupid as shit and absolutely unnecessary "Born Alive Act", every State and every Territory in the United States have laws against murder you dumb fuck Cons.
bullshit, that was exactly the plan and it was funded by the pelosi/schumer congress, some of the 87 K were replacements for retirements or those who moved to other jobs, but the hiring total was 87,000
So people who make profits should get refunds? How fucking sick in the head are you?
So, people who, in year 1, pay taxes but also qualify for a refund shouldn’t get their refund in year two just because they made more money in year two?

You’re demented.

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