House Votes To Delay Obamacare By One Year; Checks To Senate Democrats - Shutdown '

I guess another question is, why are the Republicans so set against letting Obamacare go forward? If it is as bad as they say it is, they should let it go and blame the Democrats.

So what are they afraid of?

That'll it'll be successful and they'll look like fools for threatening to shut down the Govt. over it.

It's done. Time to stop throwing a hissy fit and move on to other business in Washington.

They look ridiculous.

Lets hope enough people wise up outside of their gerrymandered districts and they pay a price for this.

Not stopping a train wreck because you want to prove a point does not make sense.

They are not trying to stop this because they think it's a bad thing and they are not sitting there standing up for what they think is right. They aren't trying to help the American people.

They are politicians first and foremost and they think the people in their districts will give them money and votes if they keep this up.

That is the only reason they are doing this.

And if the Govt. does shut down, the ACA goes forward so what is the point of threatening a shut down? It will never pass. The Senate won't pass it and the President won't sign it.

They aren't that stupid. They know this isn't happening. They are showboating and nobody should be o.k. with that.
I guess another question is, why are the Republicans so set against letting Obamacare go forward? If it is as bad as they say it is, they should let it go and blame the Democrats.

So what are they afraid of?

That'll it'll be successful and they'll look like fools for threatening to shut down the Govt. over it.

It's done. Time to stop throwing a hissy fit and move on to other business in Washington.

They look ridiculous.

Lets hope enough people wise up outside of their gerrymandered districts and they pay a price for this.

Not stopping a train wreck because you want to prove a point does not make sense.

They are not trying to stop this because they think it's a bad thing and they are not sitting there standing up for what they think is right. They aren't trying to help the American people.

They are politicians first and foremost and they think the people in their districts will give them money and votes if they keep this up.

That is the only reason they are doing this.

Well of course. That charge can always be leveled at politicians, and in a sense, it's exactly what they're supposed to do - represent the interests of their constituents.

The point is, the people in their districts want them to keep this up.
I posted many times to shut it down. It doesn't realy shut down. It just doesn't allow the Gov't to borrow for paying the gap.

This Shut down scenario SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED THIS SUMMER. Why did they cook the books and DELAY the Ceiling debate. In the current spending proposals is BACK PAYMENT FOR COOKING THE BOOKS.............Which is why they are looking at 950 or so BILLION to fund for 2 months. Since the operating costs are at roughly 300 Billion a month, IF YOU INCLUDE INTEREST ON THE DEBT, we currently have a GAP OF 100 BILLION A MONTH.

One more thing on these numbers. We are getting Revenues of roughly 200 Billion a month. In 2 months that's 400 Billion. So when they finally pay the bills, including the Cooked Book, the Debt just went up by 550 BILLION.

Back to the Shutdown...........That really doesn't shut down. It shut's down the gap. By refusing to Increase the Debt Ceiling you have in EFFECT BALANCED THE BUDGET. You just cut off Uncle Sam's Credit Card. Now, they have to find areas to cut, and areas to tax to end the gap. Place the spending on the tables, place their tax ideas on the tables and play the game of BALANCE THE BUDGET. No walking away this time. Not for a few months of spending. This time we stop kicking the can down the road and FIX THIS MESS.........................

And this would END OBAMACARE..............................Because the House has the power of the purse.

So they refuse compromise. Both sides. You now have a 200 BILLION A MONTH BUDGET. How will you spend it...............................

Of course, the GOP doesn't have the balls to do this.
Nope. People start signing up on Tuesday. 4 million Floridians.....a good chunk of them in the county I live in......will at long last have access to affordable health insurance. Another 11 million or so now have seen the plan they have get better.

Oppose bill.
Run against in 12'
Repeal 42 times
Brainstorm "defund" talking point.
Try to defund.
Threaten shutdown over defund.
Come up with "delay" talking point.
Threaten shutdown over delay

Enough already, assholes.
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Remind me why gov't shutdown is bad.

Spend a week in Somalia.

That should answer your question.

I wasn't asking you, dumbshit.

And your answer sucked. My city and state government are not shutting down. Since they provide most of the services I actually use I will be unaffected.
The federal gov't doesnt provide any service that will be adversely affected that anyone really needs. So stick your fantasies of Wild West and mob rule up your ass.
I guess another question is, why are the Republicans so set against letting Obamacare go forward? If it is as bad as they say it is, they should let it go and blame the Democrats.

So what are they afraid of?

That'll it'll be successful and they'll look like fools for threatening to shut down the Govt. over it.

It's done. Time to stop throwing a hissy fit and move on to other business in Washington.

They look ridiculous.

Lets hope enough people wise up outside of their gerrymandered districts and they pay a price for this.

Not stopping a train wreck because you want to prove a point does not make sense.

They are not trying to stop this because they think it's a bad thing and they are not sitting there standing up for what they think is right. They aren't trying to help the American people.

They are politicians first and foremost and they think the people in their districts will give them money and votes if they keep this up.

That is the only reason they are doing this.

And if the Govt. does shut down, the ACA goes forward so what is the point of threatening a shut down? It will never pass. The Senate won't pass it and the President won't sign it.

They aren't that stupid. They know this isn't happening. They are showboating and nobody should be o.k. with that.
That makes no sense. Wouldn't Republicans in Congress be better off agreeing to whatever so they can be hailed as "bipartisan"? Doesnt the press constantly criticize them for not working with Obama? What do they gain by doing just that?
No, they hear from their constituents, and they know it is right, that Obamacare is the biggest disaster to befall this country since 9/11. Worse probably. It is already affecting millions of people who are being dropped from company health plans.
Not stopping a train wreck because you want to prove a point does not make sense.

They are not trying to stop this because they think it's a bad thing and they are not sitting there standing up for what they think is right. They aren't trying to help the American people.

They are politicians first and foremost and they think the people in their districts will give them money and votes if they keep this up.

That is the only reason they are doing this.

And if the Govt. does shut down, the ACA goes forward so what is the point of threatening a shut down? It will never pass. The Senate won't pass it and the President won't sign it.

They aren't that stupid. They know this isn't happening. They are showboating and nobody should be o.k. with that.
That makes no sense. Wouldn't Republicans in Congress be better off agreeing to whatever so they can be hailed as "bipartisan"? Doesnt the press constantly criticize them for not working with Obama? What do they gain by doing just that?
No, they hear from their constituents, and they know it is right, that Obamacare is the biggest disaster to befall this country since 9/11. Worse probably. It is already affecting millions of people who are being dropped from company health plans.

Millions! And they are hopping mad! They are protesting in the streets!
Not stopping a train wreck because you want to prove a point does not make sense.

They are not trying to stop this because they think it's a bad thing and they are not sitting there standing up for what they think is right. They aren't trying to help the American people.

They are politicians first and foremost and they think the people in their districts will give them money and votes if they keep this up.

That is the only reason they are doing this.

And if the Govt. does shut down, the ACA goes forward so what is the point of threatening a shut down? It will never pass. The Senate won't pass it and the President won't sign it.

They aren't that stupid. They know this isn't happening. They are showboating and nobody should be o.k. with that.
That makes no sense. Wouldn't Republicans in Congress be better off agreeing to whatever so they can be hailed as "bipartisan"? Doesnt the press constantly criticize them for not working with Obama? What do they gain by doing just that?
No, they hear from their constituents, and they know it is right, that Obamacare is the biggest disaster to befall this country since 9/11. Worse probably. It is already affecting millions of people who are being dropped from company health plans.

Wow, exaggerate much. Worst disaster since 9/11? Maybe even worse than 9/11? Millions being dropped from company health plans?

Good grief!!

I can't take you seriously after a post like that.
They are not trying to stop this because they think it's a bad thing and they are not sitting there standing up for what they think is right. They aren't trying to help the American people.

They are politicians first and foremost and they think the people in their districts will give them money and votes if they keep this up.

That is the only reason they are doing this.

And if the Govt. does shut down, the ACA goes forward so what is the point of threatening a shut down? It will never pass. The Senate won't pass it and the President won't sign it.

They aren't that stupid. They know this isn't happening. They are showboating and nobody should be o.k. with that.
That makes no sense. Wouldn't Republicans in Congress be better off agreeing to whatever so they can be hailed as "bipartisan"? Doesnt the press constantly criticize them for not working with Obama? What do they gain by doing just that?
No, they hear from their constituents, and they know it is right, that Obamacare is the biggest disaster to befall this country since 9/11. Worse probably. It is already affecting millions of people who are being dropped from company health plans.

Wow, exaggerate much. Worst disaster since 9/11? Maybe even worse than 9/11? Millions being dropped from company health plans?

Good grief!!

I can't take you seriously after a post like that.

My wife and I are going to be dropped by my company, so yes it is going to happen.
It's in Reid and Obama's hands right now.

If they government shuts down, it's their fault.

Not that shutting the government down is such a bad idea.
It's in Reid and Obama's hands right now.

If they government shuts down, it's their fault.

Not that shutting the government down is such a bad idea.

Obama and Reid want the shut down. They see it as something to blame on the Republican House so they can use it in the elections next year. Their worse nightmare is that Republicans cave and send them a clean Continuing Resolution.

I think it will backfire on them. Only the left base will be listening to them, and they are not going to vote for Republicans next year anyway.
They are not trying to stop this because they think it's a bad thing and they are not sitting there standing up for what they think is right. They aren't trying to help the American people.

They are politicians first and foremost and they think the people in their districts will give them money and votes if they keep this up.

That is the only reason they are doing this.

And if the Govt. does shut down, the ACA goes forward so what is the point of threatening a shut down? It will never pass. The Senate won't pass it and the President won't sign it.

They aren't that stupid. They know this isn't happening. They are showboating and nobody should be o.k. with that.
That makes no sense. Wouldn't Republicans in Congress be better off agreeing to whatever so they can be hailed as "bipartisan"? Doesnt the press constantly criticize them for not working with Obama? What do they gain by doing just that?
No, they hear from their constituents, and they know it is right, that Obamacare is the biggest disaster to befall this country since 9/11. Worse probably. It is already affecting millions of people who are being dropped from company health plans.

Wow, exaggerate much. Worst disaster since 9/11? Maybe even worse than 9/11? Millions being dropped from company health plans?

Good grief!!

I can't take you seriously after a post like that.

Given the lasting ill effects to the economy, yes worse than 9/11. Millions of people currently covered under some health plan will lose that plan. That is simply fact.
I realize that anything that goes against your own beliefs is to be ridiculed and dismissed, evidence notwithstanding. But at least try to be clever about it.
Yeah, it's clear they should at least delay it. And they should eliminate the Mandate all-together. If it goes as is, it's gonna be a monumental disaster. Just wait till Thousands of loyal Obamabots get a visit from the IRS Gestapo. They're gonna be shocked at what their Dear Leader has done to them.
So, it's okay that Obama decided to ignore the new law of the land to help the wealthiest companies, yet the fucking idiots will shut down government before they will delay Obamacare for the little people.

Come on, libs, tell me why that is fair and why you agree with that. And why is congress exempt from Obamacare if they think it's good? Is it really okay that they are allowed to ignore any law they wish for their own benefit or for the best interest of the big companies? Where in the constitution does it say that government is above the law?

The mandate was delayed for all companies that will be us jet to it.
Congress is not exempt. This lie has been debunked in this forum 15 times in the past two weeks.

There was nothing in the law to allow a delay. Obama acted outside the law.
There was nothing in the law to allow Congress special rights. Obama acted outside the law.
Which part of that do you not get?

Congress didn't get special rights.

That's a lie perpetrated by you folks.
That makes no sense. Wouldn't Republicans in Congress be better off agreeing to whatever so they can be hailed as "bipartisan"? Doesnt the press constantly criticize them for not working with Obama? What do they gain by doing just that?
No, they hear from their constituents, and they know it is right, that Obamacare is the biggest disaster to befall this country since 9/11. Worse probably. It is already affecting millions of people who are being dropped from company health plans.

Wow, exaggerate much. Worst disaster since 9/11? Maybe even worse than 9/11? Millions being dropped from company health plans?

Good grief!!

I can't take you seriously after a post like that.

My wife and I are going to be dropped by my company, so yes it is going to happen.

Quite simply?

This doesn't seem true.
Yeah, it's clear they should at least delay it. And they should eliminate the Mandate all-together. If it goes as is, it's gonna be a monumental disaster. Just wait till Thousands of loyal Obamabots get a visit from the IRS Gestapo. They're gonna be shocked at what their Dear Leader has done to them.

They already are. The unions were squarely in Obama's camp. And they are among the ones protesting Ocare most loudly.
Today's Tennessean details that the state programs to insure lower income people and people with small businesses will end because of Ocare.
If they eliminate the mandate then it all goes to hell. The numbers rely on coercing healthy young people to buy more insurance coverage than they need, subsidizing older sicker people.
The mandate was delayed for all companies that will be us jet to it.
Congress is not exempt. This lie has been debunked in this forum 15 times in the past two weeks.

There was nothing in the law to allow a delay. Obama acted outside the law.
There was nothing in the law to allow Congress special rights. Obama acted outside the law.
Which part of that do you not get?

Congress didn't get special rights.

That's a lie perpetrated by you folks.

So what did they get?
Third World here we come. They should delay it, and then scrap it or at least dramatically change it. The Mandate has to go. It's simply Un-American.
There was nothing in the law to allow a delay. Obama acted outside the law.
There was nothing in the law to allow Congress special rights. Obama acted outside the law.
Which part of that do you not get?

Congress didn't get special rights.

That's a lie perpetrated by you folks.

So what did they get?

They "get" to keep the health insurance they always had.

As was the intention of the law.

It wasn't a law that was meant to affect people with's meant to affect people without insurance.

Personally, I think EVERYONE should be on the insurance congress gets.

But you folks VEHEMENTLY oppose that.

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