House Votes To Delay Obamacare By One Year; Checks To Senate Democrats - Shutdown '

Funny story for the day is that House Republicans are reported to have been boozing it up on the House floor before and during the vote. No doubt plenty here will defend them.
I guess another question is, why are the Republicans so set against letting Obamacare go forward? If it is as bad as they say it is, they should let it go and blame the Democrats.

So what are they afraid of?

That'll it'll be successful and they'll look like fools for threatening to shut down the Govt. over it.

It's done. Time to stop throwing a hissy fit and move on to other business in Washington.

They look ridiculous.

Lets hope enough people wise up outside of their gerrymandered districts and they pay a price for this.
I guess another question is, why are the Republicans so set against letting Obamacare go forward? If it is as bad as they say it is, they should let it go and blame the Democrats.

So what are they afraid of?

I'm not sure what Republicans are afraid of. What I'm afraid of is corporatist fascism. And our nation is diving into it headfirst. ACA is only part of that equation, but I'll applaud any effort to fight it.
You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

Right...introducing Pricing Competition is going to help all the insurance companies, where currently 1 company can control 80%+ of the market in some regions. I'm sure all the big name insurance companies are LOVING obamacare.

Are new health care companies being formed? We have one hospital in our immediate area how is there going to be competition? What I see is a big influx of people who were not paying now paying with the same health care companies we had before. Even if that wealth is somewhat more divided it only means that the Health Care industry as a whole will profit richly from Obamacare. That is just my opinion we will have to wait and see. I know what I pay now, I wait to see what will happen.
You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

Right...introducing Pricing Competition is going to help all the insurance companies, where currently 1 company can control 80%+ of the market in some regions. I'm sure all the big name insurance companies are LOVING obamacare.

Are new health care companies being formed? We have one hospital in our immediate area how is there going to be competition? What I see is a big influx of people who were not paying now paying with the same health care companies we had before. Even if that wealth is somewhat more divided it only means that the Health Care industry as a whole will profit richly from Obamacare. That is just my opinion we will have to wait and see. I know what I pay now, I wait to see what will happen.

Hospital =/= insurance company

And yes, ACA is letting smaller insurance companies get access to way more people then previous. Also Insurance Companies aren't happy about spending 80% of their premium on the health care costs and not just profit however they like.

Yes....Obviously ACA is a dream come true for health insurance companies
The mandate was delayed for all companies that will be subject to it.
Congress is not exempt. This lie has been debunked in this forum 15 times in the past two weeks.

Congress, along with any other company that pays for health insurance, is exempt. Exempt in that they are getting their health care paid for by the government. So maybe they are not exempt from the law they certainly are exempt from the effect. Very unlike a whole lot of Americans. But that is just politics and democrats taking care of their own is nothing surprising.

Why Congress is (or isn't) exempt from Obamacare

No. You are wrong. There are a dozen threads on tha lie. Go find one and learn.

I provided you a link that supports what you are saying I am not going to argue your side. But as I said the staff will see no effect from Obamacare. Their health care will be paid for by the government. I guess what you are saying is they are not exempt from actually purchasing insurance on Obama exchanges? I don't know if that is true or not.

What they are exempt from, and what I said, is from paying for insurance, in other words the effect of Obama care. Whether you wish to believe it or not there are those who are going to be cut off from group coverage, I know because I have already been told that I am cut off from what I was promised at the end of 2014 with no stated compenstation. See that is the effect of Obama care that the congressional staffers are exempt. There are also a good many people who will have to start paying for Health Care they do not wish to pay for, again the effect of Obamacare to which the staffers are exempt.

No one is exempt from the law, it was passed it is the law of the land. But MANY are now being exempted from the effects of the law. That ain't right.
You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

So much of the support for ACA rests on the wink-and-a-nudge presumption that it will usher in single payer, or at least a 'public option'. If this is really want Democrat leadership had in mind, here's what they'd do:

They'd drop the individual mandate. If they did that, but left most of the other provisions in place, the critical mass of opposition to the law would dissipate. Insurance companies would begin dropping like flies and government provided insurance would be the only viable option.

The fact that they don't do this, that they won't even consider it, makes plain who is calling the shots. Obama's main failing, the one I can never forgive him for, is giving into the insurance lobby - giving them essentially everything they asked for. He sold us out, utterly.
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I guess another question is, why are the Republicans so set against letting Obamacare go forward? If it is as bad as they say it is, they should let it go and blame the Democrats.

So what are they afraid of?

I'm not sure what Republicans are afraid of. What I'm afraid of is corporatist fascism. And our nation is diving into it headfirst. ACA is only part of that equation, but I'll applaud any effort to fight it.

exactly. our komsomol parrots with nonexistent brains here don't want to think - and the biggest red flag there is - if it is so good, why all obama donors are exempt from it?
You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

So much of the support for ACA rests on the wink-and-a-nudge presumption that it will usher in single payer, or at least a 'public option'. If this is really want Democrat leadership had in mind, here's what they'd do:

They'd drop the individual mandate. If they did that, but left most of the other provisions in place, the critical mass of opposition to the law would dissipate. Insurance companies would begin dropping like flies and government provided insurance would be the only viable option.

The fact that they don't do this, that they won't even consider it, makes plain who is calling the shots. Obama's main failing, the one I can never forgive him for, is giving into the insurance lobby - giving them essentially everything they asked for. He sold us out, utterly.

yet you still voted for him :lol:
You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

So much of the support for ACA rests on the wink-and-a-nudge presumption that it will usher in single payer, or at least a 'public option'. If this is really want Democrat leadership had in mind, here's what they'd do:

They'd drop the individual mandate. If they did that, but left most of the other provisions in place, the critical mass of opposition to the law would dissipate. Insurance companies would begin dropping like flies and government provided insurance would be the only viable option.

The fact that they don't do this, that they won't even consider it, makes plain who is calling the shots. Obama's main failing, the one I can never forgive him for, is giving into the insurance lobby - giving them essentially everything they asked for. He sold us out, utterly.

yet you still voted for him :lol:

What? Where'd you get that idea?

Also, to clarify, I'm not in favor of the above scenario. I'd be adamantly opposed to government financing our health care. I'm merely pointing out the lie in the Democrats rationalizations. They're lying to themselves as well as the rest of us.
You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

So much of the support for ACA rests on the wink-and-a-nudge presumption that it will usher in single payer, or at least a 'public option'. If this is really want Democrat leadership had in mind, here's what they'd do:

They'd drop the individual mandate. If they did that, but left most of the other provisions in place, the critical mass of opposition to the law would dissipate. Insurance companies would begin dropping like flies and government provided insurance would be the only viable option.

The fact that they don't do this, that they won't even consider it, makes plain who is calling the shots. Obama's main failing, the one I can never forgive him for, is giving into the insurance lobby - giving them essentially everything they asked for. He sold us out, utterly.

That is what make what my friend say so infuriating. This is ALL Obama it is ALL democrat. They had to sell out America to get the moderates of their own party to buy in. Remember the Corn Husker kick back? If this bill is bad it is because it is bad not because the Republicans are trying to stop a train wreck.

Here too is another infuriating thing. They keep telling us how little people with pay. Yet it is always with the disclaimer that they will be receiving credits, in other words someone else will be paying for their health care costs. But the middle class, you are once again screwed no one is going to pay anything for them. The Rich, could care less they are making money hand over fist with Obama Care.

The real problem, those on one end want everything for free those on the other end want it expensive so they make more money. The majority in the middle are going to be torn apart.
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You know what irks me a bit is how rich the Health Care insurance providers are going to become. How Obama took care of them and the drug company. Drugs are perhaps the biggest expense for most people and Obama did absolutely nothing to help he hurt. Maybe closing the doughnut hole is something good but stealing 80 billion from medicare to make insurance companies richer doesn't seem fair.

So much of the support for ACA rests on the wink-and-a-nudge presumption that it will usher in single payer, or at least a 'public option'. If this is really want Democrat leadership had in mind, here's what they'd do:

They'd drop the individual mandate. If they did that, but left most of the other provisions in place, the critical mass of opposition to the law would dissipate. Insurance companies would begin dropping like flies and government provided insurance would be the only viable option.

The fact that they don't do this, that they won't even consider it, makes plain who is calling the shots. Obama's main failing, the one I can never forgive him for, is giving into the insurance lobby - giving them essentially everything they asked for. He sold us out, utterly.

That is what make what my friend say so infuriating. This is ALL Obama it is ALL democrat. They had to sell out America to get the moderates of their own party to buy in. Remember the Corn Husker kick back? If this bill is bad it is because it is bad not because the Republicans are trying to stop a train wreck.

Here too is another infuriating thing. They keep telling us how little people with pay. Yet it is always with the disclaimer that they will be receiving credits, in other words someone else will be paying for their health care costs. But the middle class, you are once again screwed no one is going to pay anything for them. The Rich, could care less they are making money hand over fist with Obama Care.

The real problem, those on one end want everything for free those on the other end want it expensive so they make more money. The majority in the middle are going to be torn apart.

I'll bet you would still vote for Obama.

Me? WTF???
I guess another question is, why are the Republicans so set against letting Obamacare go forward? If it is as bad as they say it is, they should let it go and blame the Democrats.

So what are they afraid of?

That'll it'll be successful and they'll look like fools for threatening to shut down the Govt. over it.

It's done. Time to stop throwing a hissy fit and move on to other business in Washington.

They look ridiculous.

Lets hope enough people wise up outside of their gerrymandered districts and they pay a price for this.

Not stopping a train wreck because you want to prove a point does not make sense.
So much of the support for ACA rests on the wink-and-a-nudge presumption that it will usher in single payer, or at least a 'public option'. If this is really want Democrat leadership had in mind, here's what they'd do:

They'd drop the individual mandate. If they did that, but left most of the other provisions in place, the critical mass of opposition to the law would dissipate. Insurance companies would begin dropping like flies and government provided insurance would be the only viable option.

The fact that they don't do this, that they won't even consider it, makes plain who is calling the shots. Obama's main failing, the one I can never forgive him for, is giving into the insurance lobby - giving them essentially everything they asked for. He sold us out, utterly.

That is what make what my friend say so infuriating. This is ALL Obama it is ALL democrat. They had to sell out America to get the moderates of their own party to buy in. Remember the Corn Husker kick back? If this bill is bad it is because it is bad not because the Republicans are trying to stop a train wreck.

Here too is another infuriating thing. They keep telling us how little people with pay. Yet it is always with the disclaimer that they will be receiving credits, in other words someone else will be paying for their health care costs. But the middle class, you are once again screwed no one is going to pay anything for them. The Rich, could care less they are making money hand over fist with Obama Care.

The real problem, those on one end want everything for free those on the other end want it expensive so they make more money. The majority in the middle are going to be torn apart.

I'll bet you would still vote for Obama.

Me? WTF???

OOPS, my bad. Wrong place.
I guess another question is, why are the Republicans so set against letting Obamacare go forward? If it is as bad as they say it is, they should let it go and blame the Democrats.

So what are they afraid of?

That'll it'll be successful and they'll look like fools for threatening to shut down the Govt. over it.

It's done. Time to stop throwing a hissy fit and move on to other business in Washington.

They look ridiculous.

Lets hope enough people wise up outside of their gerrymandered districts and they pay a price for this.

Not stopping a train wreck because you want to prove a point does not make sense.

In fact, it's horribly irresponsible. If the Republicans are genuine in their opposition, they have a moral obligation to do the right thing and fight it with everything they can muster, regardless of the political risks.
The senate should just pass this as well. Delaying Obamacare is the next best thing to repealing it. It's a mess and they are not ready for people to sign up. We need military funding or bring all our troops home as those are the only two choices. I also like the medical device repealing as that would hurt so many people.

The ball is in the Dems court now and they can prevent a shutdown by making the smart choices, which are to delay Obamacare, fund the military and give the little people a break.

If the government gets shut down, it will be totally on the Dems for putting their selfish agenda above what is best for the country.

Delaying Obamacare is the next best thing to repealing it.

is it

then the pain of it is not felt until after the next election

we should give the kiddies the full effect of the utopia they wanted

forced into buying a product they didnt want to pay for

and raise taxes to pay for the utopia they demanded

so when they bring home 35 percent of the money

they worked for they can feel good in knowing that

it is going for a great cause

i think the kiddies will love it
That is what make what my friend say so infuriating. This is ALL Obama it is ALL democrat. They had to sell out America to get the moderates of their own party to buy in. Remember the Corn Husker kick back? If this bill is bad it is because it is bad not because the Republicans are trying to stop a train wreck.

Here too is another infuriating thing. They keep telling us how little people with pay. Yet it is always with the disclaimer that they will be receiving credits, in other words someone else will be paying for their health care costs. But the middle class, you are once again screwed no one is going to pay anything for them. The Rich, could care less they are making money hand over fist with Obama Care.

The real problem, those on one end want everything for free those on the other end want it expensive so they make more money. The majority in the middle are going to be torn apart.

I'll bet you would still vote for Obama.

Me? WTF???

OOPS, my bad. Wrong place.

np - it's just the second time in this thread I've been accused of voting for Obama.
Key Obamacare provision delayed ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Employer mandate delayed one year already.

Another Key Provision of 'Obamacare' Suffers Delay - US News and World Report

Caps on out-of-pocket expenses delayed until 2015 as insurer computer systems not ready

More Delays Strike ObamaCare - GOP

Federal Exchanges and State Exchanges are not ready.


Key provisions are not ready, and have been delayed for a year in some regards. The computer system is full of bugs/glitches and providers are having major software issues.

If they can't even debug their own system, how do they expect to protect the data.

The Republicans just did them a favor by putting the law off for a year bill. It gives them a year to fix their broken shit and work out the bugs. It also gets them past the elections on fixing this broken Sack Law.

The Dems should take advantage of the delays to get their shit together.

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