House to vote on Consumption Tax and abolish the IRS


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
And let the show begin!.... marching bands... circus clowns... come one come all and watch the show!!

This has about as much chance as getting anywhere as a vote to cut their own salaries.
It might get 100 votes overall.

And let the show begin!.... marching bands... circus clowns... come one come all and watch the show!!

This has about as much chance as getting anywhere as a vote to cut their own salaries.
It might get 100 votes overall.

It will get a lot more votes than you think.

This will get the libs on the record against progress.
And let the show begin!.... marching bands... circus clowns... come one come all and watch the show!!

This has about as much chance as getting anywhere as a vote to cut their own salaries.
It might get 100 votes overall.

If it can be proven to be a better and more equitable system, I would vote for it. I doubt that many career politicians would put so many IRS workers out of business, too bad.
And let the show begin!.... marching bands... circus clowns... come one come all and watch the show!!

This has about as much chance as getting anywhere as a vote to cut their own salaries.
It might get 100 votes overall.

:clap: :thewave:

$3,650.00 per worker ($7,300/couple) would be needed to fund the current budget. Pay more than that and it sounds like a good deal. Pay less than that, and you be getting robbed.
I propose a true flat tax. Not a flat percentage rate, but a flat fee for a say in how the government spends said taxation. No one has to pay it, but if they don't, no vote. The government would then be required to stay beneath its revenue stream, using the excess to begin paying down debt.
And let the show begin!.... marching bands... circus clowns... come one come all and watch the show!!

This has about as much chance as getting anywhere as a vote to cut their own salaries.
It might get 100 votes overall.

To clarify that doesn't look like a flat tax but a sales tax based on the Heading. Ah yes, its in the body of the story as well:
"Specifically, the bill gets rid of the national personal and corporate income taxes and abolishes the IRS — which is slated to hire 87,000 new agents unless congressional Republicans can stop it — as well as implements a national sales tax.

Additionally, the bill gets rid of the death, gift, and payroll taxes, and would replace the current tax code with a national consumption tax."
See: House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax

"As a former small business owner, I understand the unnecessary burden our failing income tax system has on Americans. The Fair Tax Act eliminates the tax code, replaces the income tax with a sales tax, and abolishes the abusive Internal Revenue Service. If enacted, this will invigorate the American taxpayer and help more Americans achieve the American Dream," Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., said."

First of all, and with regard to the selling point that the Fair Tax “… abolishes the abusive Internal Revenue Service …”, in its place Duncan’s proposal creates two new tax collecting agencies, an “Excise Tax Bureau” and the “Sales Tax Bureau", in addition to keeping the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms alive which will also be collecting taxes.

Also, the alleged “Fair Tax”, if adopted, does not abolish federal taxes calculated from various types of “incomes” as suggested. Congress will still maintain the power to lay and collect “excise taxes” calculated from profits and gains, such as the Corporate Excise tax of 1909. So, right from the beginning, Rep. Duncan is suggesting something that is not true. The same IRS abuses now suffered under income taxation will continue under the fraudulent and deceptive Fair Tax, carried out under its “Excise Tax Bureau”.

And if you think businesses and individuals subject to the Fair Tax are free from filling out annual tax returns, the shocking truth is, they will have to start filling out and filing Fair Tax returns, under the penalty of perjury, every month ___ that’s twelve frickin times a year! Additionally, even ordinary working people, who sell the property each has in their own labor, and work odd jobs, such as baby sitting, handyman jobs etc., to meet today’s high cost of living, not only will they have to file Fair Tax returns twelve times a year, but will have to register with the federal government to exercise their inalienable right to sell their labor.

If the above is not enough to make one recoil from the notoriously evil and deceptive Fair Tax proposal, the Fair Tax would also create another entitlement called the “family consumption allowance”, which is a monthly government check sent to every household in America which allows the purchase of a rationed supply of tax-free necessities of life, and puts our entire population on the public dole!

If Rep. Duncan has one ounce of honesty in him, he would reject the alleged Fait Tax and promote the Fair Share Balance Budget Amendment which actually would abolish all federal taxes calculated from lawfully earned profits, gains, wages, etc. and end the miseries suffered under the evil tax on incomes.


When Federal Reserve Notes were made a legal tender in violation of our Constitution, and a direct un-apportioned tax was imposed upon the people without their consent, America’s free enterprise, free market system was subjugated, and the tools of oppression were made available to some very immoral and nefariously evil people.
I fixed the title.... it's what you get when you post in a hurry...

Anyway... on the surface I would be 100% for this.
What is missing is what is the tax percentage going to be?
That determines everything. Is it going to include non taxable goods (food primarily)
I propose a true flat tax. Not a flat percentage rate, but a flat fee for a say in how the government spends said taxation. No one has to pay it, but if they don't, no vote. The government would then be required to stay beneath its revenue stream, using the excess to begin paying down debt.
Interesting. Could that be coupled with a balanced budget amendment?
I fixed the title.... it's what you get when you post in a hurry...

Anyway... on the surface I would be 100% for this.
What is missing is what is the tax percentage going to be?
That determines everything. Is it going to include non taxable goods (food primarily)
I am opposed to taxing food, but there are some states that do. Idaho is one.
The GOP had two years with Trump as the POTUS and control of both the House and the Senate....why did they not do this back then?
2020 spending was $6.6TR. Lets exclude SS and Medicare. That Leaves $4.731TR.

Interesting. If the population is 330mm, that means each person would have to pay $14.3K in sales taxes on average a year.

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