House Speaker John Boehner to Harry Reid: "Go f*** yourself."

All congress persons should be required to be armed whil in session.
I hear that an armed society is a polite society.

I heard that you seem incapable of staying on topic since the recent shooting. Such a shame that your attention span seems to be that of the shooter.

I thought the thread was about congress not bein nice and polite to each other.
I offered a soloution.
All congress persons should be required to be armed whil in session.
I hear that an armed society is a polite society.

I heard that you seem incapable of staying on topic since the recent shooting. Such a shame that your attention span seems to be that of the shooter.

I thought the thread was about congress not bein nice and polite to each other.
I offered a soloution.

You offered a troll.

I am not surprised. The quality of your posts has gone to shit since the election.
All congress persons should be required to be armed whil in session.
I hear that an armed society is a polite society.

I heard that you seem incapable of staying on topic since the recent shooting. Such a shame that your attention span seems to be that of the shooter.

I thought the thread was about congress not bein nice and polite to each other.
I offered a soloution.

The worst case scenario is a gunfight at the OK Corral...wait....I take that back...
So this is like hearing about a highschool gym confrontation in the boys locker room.Reid calls Boehner a "dictator" and in response Boehner tells Reid to go fuck himself. After which Reid responds "what are you talking about?"*What's not being widely reported is that Reid claimed he was not responsible because he doesn't write his speeches and IT was in the speech. To which Reid's chief of staff reportedly told Boehner that they would never write a speech like that and it didn't come from them.I thought Reid was some ex bad ass boxer? Who the hell pusses out like that in a confrontation around their own words?*No wonder we're so fucked with pussies like these leading us.*And I'm referring to both after hearing Boehners weak ass apology.*Its worse than the dumb ass politics of a highschool locker room. Pathetic

I don't get it, did Reid say it or didn't he? Who cares who wrote it, if Reid says it then he has to be responsible for what comes out of his mouth.

Aside from that, it's a ridiculous claim anyway. Boehner allows the House repubs to vote their conscience. I don't doubt there's some arm twisting and threats going on, that's been going on since the 1st Congress back in 1789. I'd be willing to wager he's not in Pelosi's league when it comes to autocratic rule. Or Obama's either for that matter.
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Owe Bama should all hold hands and each fuck themselves while doing so and they should do this right in the middle of the south bound lanes of I-95 just outside of DC.
Reid was a real prick for saying what he did when he did.
Boehner was out-of-line with the "Go Fuck Yourself", but I might have said the same myself.

They're both a couple of bone-heads.
Take a look at any thread on this board. Our elected officials reflect us. If we can't get along, why on earth should we expect it from them? We need to change this culture before it destroys us and our children.
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Owe Bama should all hold hands and each fuck themselves while doing so and they should do this right in the middle of the south bound lanes of I-95 just outside of DC.
That would put me in a precarious situation; I use those lanes :cool:
So this is like hearing about a highschool gym confrontation in the boys locker room.Reid calls Boehner a "dictator" and in response Boehner tells Reid to go fuck himself. After which Reid responds "what are you talking about?"*What's not being widely reported is that Reid claimed he was not responsible because he doesn't write his speeches and IT was in the speech. To which Reid's chief of staff reportedly told Boehner that they would never write a speech like that and it didn't come from them.I thought Reid was some ex bad ass boxer? Who the hell pusses out like that in a confrontation around their own words?*No wonder we're so fucked with pussies like these leading us.*And I'm referring to both after hearing Boehners weak ass apology.*Its worse than the dumb ass politics of a highschool locker room. Pathetic

I don't get it, did Reid say it or didn't he? Who cares who wrote it, if Reid says it then he has to be responsible for what comes out of his mouth.

Aside from that, it's a ridiculous claim anyway. Boehner allows the House repubs to vote their conscience. I don't doubt there's some arm twisting and threats going on, that's been going on since the 1st Congress back in 1789. I'd be willing to wager he's not in Pelosi's league when it comes to autocratic rule. Or Obama's either for that matter.


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