John Boehner stated Republicans could never get to repeal & replace


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As we know John Boehner (former house leader) quit in 2015, because he just couldn't stand the Tea Party politicians in the house that continually said NO to everything. I was watching one program where he actually stated he had to sneak in the back door of the White House to meet with Barack Obama on an issue, because if anyone saw him a 100 different conspiracy theories would come out of it.

Date of this article February 23, 2017.
"Former Speaker John Boehner said Republicans were “wildly optimistic” on the campaign trail in promising voters a full and immediate repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare. “[Congressional Republicans are] going to fix Obamacare — I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen,” Boehner said, according to a report by Politico. Politico said Boehner made the comments about the ACA, which could disgruntle Republicans who campaigned heavily against the law, at the HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition, a gathering of health care professionals, scientists and scholars held in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday. During the keynote address, Boehner, who retired from Congress in 2015, was reported to have labeled the Republican’s repeal-and-replacement strategy as “happy talk.”
Boehner also stated that the GOP is fragmented over what the right health care policy is for the US. “I started laughing,” Boehner said. “Republicans never ever agree on healthcare.”

Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

SO WHAT HAPPENED: For 7 long years Republicans have railed against Obamacare. Over 30 house bills were set on Obama's desk for him to sign to repeal his own health care plan--LOL Ted Cruz and his midget minions in the house were continually threatening to defund Obamacare or shut down the government. 7 long years of "I am going to repeal Obamacare on the first day I am in office." That then went into I am going to "repeal & replace" Obamacare on the first day I am in office.

SO WHO VOTED AGAINST THIS NEW BILL: The very same Republicans that have railed against Obamacare over the last 7 years. Ted Cruz's Tea Party midget minions in the house that continually threatened to defund Obamacare & or shut down the goverment.

"The rag-tag rabble-rousing House Freedom Caucus may be the linchpin to repeal and replace Obamacare at this point.

Its members, however, are Public Enemy No. 1 on Capitol Hill.

The group of conservative agitators who've irked leadership, held the line against spending bills and rebelled against trade priorities of leaders have now helped delay a health care have now killed it.

Rep. Bradley Byrne, an Alabama Republican and member of the Republican Study Committee, a large group of fiscal conservatives, complained Thursday morning that the Freedom Caucus continues to throw out an expanding list of demands and suggested there was little to be done to get some in that group on board and it was time to move on.

"They don't know how to get to yes. They just don't."
Why (almost) everyone hates the Freedom Caucus -

It's clear Republicans never had a Health care plan. After all they could have thought about one over the last 7 years--they didn't--they just wanted to rail against Obamacare. The demand to vote on the bill yesterday was only symbolic. Because that was the date that Obamacare passed 7 years ago, and they just wanted to say--"look what we did."

It's clear that Republicans like to win elections on meaningless campaign rhetoric, but when the rubber meets the road they sure as hell can't lead.


Then the Republican Senate has had it's own issues. Primarily their constituents and the Welcome home party they have been receiving at their town halls.

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas

Then this is Salt Lake City, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty
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Boehner wanted to be rid of the bastards in the Republican party and the only way was to resign. Understandable.
Haven't been following all the ins and outs; but I'm not surprised. All the govt. officials are corporatecrats at the end of the day. And the libtards are stupid to gloat.
Boehner wanted to be rid of the bastards in the Republican party and the only way was to resign. Understandable.

Just wait you'll see Rush Limbaugh, and all the other Reich wing talk show hosts BLAME Paul Ryan for this flop turd--LOL You'll have Reich wingers all over this board threatening to primary Paul Ryan--LOL They won't blame themselves or the NO Republican politicians that they have installed in congress--most of whom Rush Limbaugh and all the others strongly supported.

That's what makes this so hysterically funny.

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Boehner wanted to be rid of the bastards in the Republican party and the only way was to resign. Understandable.

Just wait you'll see Rush Limbaugh, and all the other Reich wing talk show hosts BLAME Paul Ryan for this flop turd--LOL You'll have Reich wingers all over this board threatening to primary Paul Ryan--LOL They won't blame themselves or the NO politicians that they have installed in congress--most of whom Rush Limbaugh and all the others strongly supported.

That's what makes this so hysterically funny.
Let's face it, Ryan could not get wind passed after a plate of Boehns.
Don't count your chickens.

It's not over 'til it's over. You'll see.

It's definitely OVER--they have tabled this--they aren't going to work on it. They have stated they will now move onto tax reform which should end up being another "great success."--LOL
Boehner wanted to be rid of the bastards in the Republican party and the only way was to resign. Understandable.

Just wait you'll see Rush Limbaugh, and all the other Reich wing talk show hosts BLAME Paul Ryan for this flop turd--LOL You'll have Reich wingers all over this board threatening to primary Paul Ryan--LOL They won't blame themselves or the NO politicians that they have installed in congress--most of whom Rush Limbaugh and all the others strongly supported.

That's what makes this so hysterically funny.
Let's face it, Ryan could not get wind passed after a plate of Boehns.

It's the Freedom Caucus aka the Tea Party that always says NO--I just gave you the article read it.

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Boehner wanted to be rid of the bastards in the Republican party and the only way was to resign. Understandable.

Just wait you'll see Rush Limbaugh, and all the other Reich wing talk show hosts BLAME Paul Ryan for this flop turd--LOL You'll have
Reich wingers all over this board threatening to primary Paul Ryan--LOL They won't blame themselves or the NO politicians that they have installed in congress--most of whom Rush Limbaugh and all the others strongly supported.

That's what makes this so hysterically funny.


Republicans are in agreement on repealing Obamacare, but not on what to replace it with, which is why Trump wisely demanded both repeal and replacement simultaneously.

This bill is not dead and gone as the vote was not held. Trump is simply in the 'walk away from the table' phase of his negotiations. Now this might very well be the final end of any negotiations, but I wouldnt bet on it. IF enough deals are quietly made in background over the next few months it could be put up for a vote again, but only when they know that they have enough votes to pass it.
Republicans are in agreement on repealing Obamacare, but not on what to replace it with, which is why Trump wisely demanded both repeal and replacement simultaneously.

This bill is not dead and gone as the vote was not held. Trump is simply in the 'walk away from the table' phase of his negotiations. Now this might very well be the final end of any negotiations, but I wouldnt bet on it. IF enough deals are quietly made in background over the next few months it could be put up for a vote again, but only when they know that they have enough votes to pass it.
It's easy to tear down but quite a different matter to build.
As we know John Boehner (former house leader) quit in 2015, because he just couldn't stand the Tea Party politicians in the house that continually said NO to everything. I was watching one program where he actually stated he had to sneak in the back door of the White House to meet with Barack Obama on an issue, because if anyone saw him a 100 different conspiracy theories would come out of it.

Date of this article February 23, 2017.
"Former Speaker John Boehner said Republicans were “wildly optimistic” on the campaign trail in promising voters a full and immediate repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare. “[Congressional Republicans are] going to fix Obamacare — I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen,” Boehner said, according to a report by Politico. Politico said Boehner made the comments about the ACA, which could disgruntle Republicans who campaigned heavily against the law, at the HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition, a gathering of health care professionals, scientists and scholars held in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday. During the keynote address, Boehner, who retired from Congress in 2015, was reported to have labeled the Republican’s repeal-and-replacement strategy as “happy talk.”
Boehner also stated that the GOP is fragmented over what the right health care policy is for the US. “I started laughing,” Boehner said. “Republicans never ever agree on healthcare.”

Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

SO WHAT HAPPENED: For 7 long years Republicans have railed against Obamacare. Over 30 house bills were set on Obama's desk for him to sign to repeal his own health care plan--LOL Ted Cruz and his midget minions in the house were continually threatening to defund Obamacare or shut down the government. 7 long years of "I am going to repeal Obamacare on the first day I am in office." That then went into I am going to "repeal & replace" Obamacare on the first day I am in office.

SO WHO VOTED AGAINST THIS NEW BILL: The very same Republicans that have railed against Obamacare over the last 7 years. Ted Cruz's Tea Party midget minions in the house that continually threatened to defund Obamacare & or shut down the goverment.

"The rag-tag rabble-rousing House Freedom Caucus may be the linchpin to repeal and replace Obamacare at this point.

Its members, however, are Public Enemy No. 1 on Capitol Hill.

The group of conservative agitators who've irked leadership, held the line against spending bills and rebelled against trade priorities of leaders have now helped delay a health care have now killed it.

Rep. Bradley Byrne, an Alabama Republican and member of the Republican Study Committee, a large group of fiscal conservatives, complained Thursday morning that the Freedom Caucus continues to throw out an expanding list of demands and suggested there was little to be done to get some in that group on board and it was time to move on.

"They don't know how to get to yes. They just don't."
Why (almost) everyone hates the Freedom Caucus -

It's clear Republicans never had a Health care plan. After all they could have thought about one over the last 7 years--they didn't--they just wanted to rail against Obamacare. The demand to vote on the bill yesterday was only symbolic. Because that was the date that Obamacare passed 7 years ago, and they just wanted to say--"look what we did."

It's clear that Republicans like to win elections on meaningless campaign rhetoric, but when the rubber meets the road they sure as hell can't lead.


Then the Republican Senate has had it's own issues. Primarily their constituents and the Welcome home party they have been receiving at their town halls.

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas

Then this is Salt Lake City, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

Boehner quit because he was as useless as a wart on a toad's azz.
The nice GOP congressmen in Washington want to free us from government dependency so we can make better healthcare choices without the stigma of taking handouts from society.....How about a Big Beautiful Round of GO FUCK YOURSELVES
Don't count your chickens.

It's not over 'til it's over. You'll see.
Right now the GOP looks so bipolar and Trump so inept that it may well be that Trump will only last one term and the GOP majorities in Congress only 2 years -- for whatever that's worth -- which would appear to be worth nothing at all.

So don't count your own chickens before they are dead Markle .
Bucs, we don't have to pretend we're something else to make a point. We wanted it repealed and replaced - now! No fucking 6 stage weasel deals that fall short
Kennedy and Thomas -- if you old boyz are going to step down and retire then you better get with it. Now is your chance.

Ginsberg -- please croak -- you old ugly ogre.
Yep. Obamacare is like the Titanic and the Pub plan was a missing life boat

Enjoy the trip to the bottom folks

Yep. Obamacare is like the Titanic and the Pub plan was a missing life boat

Enjoy the trip to the bottom folks

ACA is doing just fine.

Leave it alone.

Work on infrastructure projects and tax reform instead.

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