House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog

He is NOT going to an oil mogul anymore. He will not be the CEO. How does he benefit from a position he no longer has?
Rightwing Republican logic in action folks. You can't make this crap up.

LOL. I'm saving this one. Me a Republican? You're gonna make a lot of people sick with this one.
Right wing hacks call me a liberal or dem all the time. Couple of weeks ago I actually liked Clinton. LOL
Partisan hackery is for the birds
Makes ya stupid, that's for sure.
The ethics committee is a complete joke. It's been non-existant during the 0bama administration which was the most corrupt in history. They should just do away with it.

Right wing delusions and conspiracies are not the same as facts .

Your statement would be true IF we had delusions and conspiracies. We don't, just facts. Like the fact that the ethics committee did nothing throughout the 0bama administration despite its rampant corruption and lies.

If they were so rampant you should be able to name some .

So you are taking the "MEDIA" as the corruption barometer?

CNN gave Hillary debate questions. The media is not an unbiased watchdog of the Obama admin.

You made the statement about the Obama administration, so lay out the facts for us.
Rangel got reelected while he was under indictment and was convicted of 13 ethics violations.

Snowflakes are funny. Corruption doesn't seem to bother them at all.

I think he is referring to the background of the committee being left out of reports. An omission for a reason? Maybe. Does it make the story fake? Certainly not.

The facts do no match or even faintly resemble the story as presented.

The Congressional Ethics Committee is just fine, not in any way diminished. An off books witch hunt created by the Khmer Rouge was dissolved into the the actual Ethics Committed - a group that had never produced anything approaching a result.

A REAL bit of reporting would reveal who's cousin or brother in law was on this board pulling down $300K of tax payer money, while doing nothing.
]Give a couple examples of who should have been prosecuted?

And/or going forward, what types of things warrant a prosecution?

So, after 8 years, this "board" produced utterly nothing, not a hint or a scrap of wrong doing - but we should still fund it, because uh, um OBAMA ACKBAR.

These fucking sacred cows need to be slaughtered, just as this one was. They never did a damned thing, ever, just a bunch of party hacks sucking off the taxpayer tit.
It's difficult to take snowflakes seriously about corruption when they reelect corrupt elected officials.
[Define "fake news."

Stories that fail to provide accurate representations of events, such as thus fraudulent pile of shit.

The Congressional Ethics Committee is doing just fine; not "gutted," not diminished in any way.. The Pelosi Witch Hunt was merged into the legitimate group - that's all that happened.

This is why the NYT editorializes their headlines....they know that's all that snowflakes read.
WASHINGTON ― As one of their first actions in the new Congress, House Republicans are planning to significantly change the Office of Congressional Ethics, removing the entity’s independence, barring it from investigating anonymous complaints and even changing the group’s name.

Less than 24 hours before the House convenes and votes on its rules for the 115th Congress, Republicans adopted an amendment Monday night, 119 to 74, from Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) that would fundamentally change the OCE. The independent ethics board investigates complaints against members and issues reports to the Ethics Committee.

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the change would “functionally destroy” the office.

“Republicans claim they want to ‘drain the swamp,’ but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions,” Pelosi said. “Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress.”

More: House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog | The Huffington Post

Yep, it's no surprise that "ethics" would be the first casualty of the new Republican Congress. They are not only not draining the swamp - they are trying to hide the swamp. More governance behind closed doors - without releasing information to the public.

Bullshit criticism

Show me that in 2008 you came here protesting the fact that Harry Reid (D-USSR)

convened the Senate in SECRETE

They met on a snowy Christmas eve at 2 am and passed Obama Hellcare. A bill which had over 2000 pages and NONE of the Senators had a chance to read. But because the demo_rats had a supermajority it was enacted into law.


See, the NEW YORK TIMES does know how to write unbiased headlines:

This is an unbiased headline

Megyn Kelly Is Leaving Fox News for NBC
That ought to be good. I hope she gets her hair in order. It looks stupid.

Yep.. I much prefer this look:

You're right, we don't need no stinking ethics.
Agreed, and that is all we have had - 'stinking ethics'.

That's what usually happens when you put immoral, unethical people in charge of governing 'ethics', what happens when you put the criminals in charge of 'policing' themselves.

The 'Ethics Commission' should be an outside, independent, non-partisan, objective, public agency, one that has prosecutorial powers that can subpoena, indict, and file charges against or punish federal politicians who violate the law! It would then be up to the DOJ to follow-through and fully criminally prosecute them. 'CENSURING' federal politicians and anything short of that criminal prosecution should be in their power.

If a significant, honest, and proven case of political bias is shown / proven against any member on this council it should be able to strip them from their position on the Commission.

As it is, the foxes have been protecting themselves and the hen house, culminating in the most criminal administration in US history.
Does this logic apply to Cabinet picks as well? You know, putting an oil mogul in charge of things where conflict-of-interest is as intrinsic as the fact of having to breath air to live?
So you saw no conflicts with Hillary>sos>clinton foundation.

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