House passes covid bill as republicans unify against helping Americans.

Not one republican vote.

Because only pennies on the dollar actually go to Covid relief
Your crazy conspiracy theories are not reality. Sorry for your luck.
So Joe Manchin
Not one republican vote.

Same bullshit every time they lose elections. They will force it to reconciliation by not being willing to work with Democrats, then use the reconciliation as their excuse for not working with Democrats. Rince, repeat. It's the Gingrich/McConnell method for a minority party having outsized power..
Good. I don't want the $ 15 minimum wage to pass.

$12 would seem reasonable to me on a two or three-step phase in. But it'll need to be done in a separate bill. The whine about how this will kill small business owners is BS. It's like they believe that the small restauranteur is still charging the same price for a cheeseburger as they were twelve years ago. ;)
Not one republican vote.

Of course, now that there's a Democrat back in the White House the Republicans have found Jesus again, but I'm curious to know, how much debt do you think this country can sustain before it becomes a major problem for all of us?
Debt is just organizational numbers to keep record of where money is spent against resources that are used correct ??? Otherwise if living in a natural resources packed blessed nation, then the idea is what amount can be assessed as to how wealthy this nation actually is ?

So do the Democrat's feel that we have an infinite amount of natural resources along with trade policies that which allows them to create wealth backed up by our national resources in which should outweigh any spending they could do in the next hundred years ??? Who sets the boundaries on the numbers used, and why are the boundaries set low and restrictive, otherwise if the nation is actually using just a fraction of what it's total resources are ?? How many more numbers in population can the nation withstand before it gets anywhere near the amount that would endanger resources whether broad or condensed in areas where that population might go ??

Are the numbers used in a class warfare type situation, where as only certain numbers are allowed to be reached before alarm bells begin to sound ?? Otherwise the wrong type of numbers might be growing, and therefore the numbers must be looked at in those ways ??

What about the numbers ? What do they truly represent ??
They Represent President Bezos.
With a broader answer, what do the numbers mean or represent ? How wealthy is our nation ? How much can it stand as far as resource depletion goes ? How many people can it stand in numbers, even though condensed into areas where resources might run scarce ?? What do the numbers say to us, and who controls the numbers, and are they controlled for the right reason's ??? Do other nation's seek to expand because they've depleted to much of their own resource's, so they begin eyeballing other nation's resources (China for example eyeballing ours), in order to expand and/or to take over by various means or ways in doing so ???

Who is helping from within to hurry our demise ???
We have raised minimum wage 22 times. Why arent happy meals $100? Why isn't unemployment 80%
Not one republican vote.

Because almost 90% of the Bill has nothing to do with COVID. Endowments for ART? Money for "Social Justice" ? Money to bail out Commiefornia and NYC? PS---Using CNN as a source takes the reality OUT of the OP.
Crazy conspiracy theories are not helpful.
Not one republican vote.

Same bullshit every time they lose elections. They will force it to reconciliation by not being willing to work with Democrats, then use the reconciliation as their excuse for not working with Democrats. Rince, repeat. It's the Gingrich/McConnell method for a minority party having outsized power..
there is no "working with" the demonRATS..their way, or their way. no democracy. brainless, vile scum ...demonRATS are
Not one republican vote.

Good for the repubs for opposing this socialist pork bill.
Bailing out mismanaged liberal shitholes is not covid relief.
less than 10% goes to actual covid relief
You guys are all posting the same debunked conspiracy theory. It's like you all share the same pitiful excuse for a brain.
Not one republican vote.

Of course, now that there's a Democrat back in the White House the Republicans have found Jesus again, but I'm curious to know, how much debt do you think this country can sustain before it becomes a major problem for all of us?
Ask AOC. The Green New Deal will cost 30 TRILLION. And she has a degree in Economics! (Snicker)
And it's never even made it to the floor.

Next deflection please, this one's busted.
Not one republican vote.

30 trillion dollars in debt hurts all americans and those not yet born,,,

And it’s supported by 80% including 53% of Republican voters. I’m sure it will be an easy sell for them at townhall time.
Only 9% of the money goes to Americans. It is a bailout for irresponsible Blue States.
Fake news.
And it’s supported by 80% including 53% of Republican voters. I’m sure it will be an easy sell for them at townhall time.

The Republicans who voted against it will be supported by the true, ideological Conservatives in the Republican Party. Those are the only people whose support they should be concerned with.
At that point, we had people working at McDonalds fulltime eligible for Food Stamps.
Uh... you have that at $12/hour as well. $12/hr is under $25K per year, and that's with a full 40 hours a week, with no benefits or paid time off. Pretty much all of those people are eligible for food stamps, medicaid, rent assistance, etc. Did you not know that?

We have raised minimum wage 22 times. Why don't we have 400% unemployment and $20 happy meals already?
It's getting there. Been to McDonalds lately?
At that point, we had people working at McDonalds fulltime eligible for Food Stamps.
Uh... you have that at $12/hour as well. $12/hr is under $25K per year, and that's with a full 40 hours a week, with no benefits or paid time off. Pretty much all of those people are eligible for food stamps, medicaid, rent assistance, etc. Did you not know that?

We have raised minimum wage 22 times. Why don't we have 400% unemployment and $20 happy meals already?
It's getting there. Been to McDonalds lately?
not been to micky D's but prices at wendys has skyrocketed,, and quality of service has gone to shit,,
Republicans love being the minority party. They did the same with the TARP in 2009: Go on TV and yell about socialist Obama passing it, and then go to town hall meetings and say "I've brought all sorts of money to our state".

They can vote no without issue.
Their gullible parishioners will believe whatever they are told to.
Not one republican vote.

Elections have consequences....another $2trn in debt! Yay! Free money to sit home and get fat. Yay!

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