House Passes 56th Obamacare Repeal

Here's a crazy idea.

Come up with a comprehensive health care reform plan that will actually work. Then sell it to the American people.

THEN repeal ObamaCare.

I know...I know...that's just crazy talk.

What is wrong with? ....Repeal Obamacare and then TRUST us to come up with something better
Over five years now. For over five years, all over the internet, I have been asking, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?"

I have never gotten an answer.

The GOP has no comprehensive legislation on the table. No one can link to a Republican bill that replaces ObamaCare with a better plan.

As I was just saying in another topic, they are far, far too cowardly to ever offer any solutions. They just know how to whine.

You are correct. They are too cowardly to advocate a singe healthcare bill

There is an element in the right that is dead set against ANY healthcare legislation. Along with the rightwing media, they will viciously attack any Republican who dares to support a healthcare plan or even worse......negotiate with the Democrats
America's New Single-Payer Majority

The Republican-led House of Representatives just unsuccessfully attempted to undo the Affordable Care Act for the 56th time.

While it's been well established that repealing Obamacare without a plausible replacement would leave tens of millions of people uninsured and worsen our deficits by accelerating the growth in healthcare costs, it's also important to note that this continued GOP crusade to get government out of health care runs directly counter to the stated will of the majority of Americans.

A new poll shows that more than half of Americans -- including 80 percent of Democrats and a quarter of Republicans -- support expanding health reform to "Medicare for All."
While Obamacare has been a step in the right direction, more and more people across the country understand that a single-payer healthcare system is the only way to guarantee quality care and at the same time reduce medical costs.

The United States spends almost twice as much per person on health care as any other country, yet our key outcomes -- life expectancy, infant mortality and preventable deaths -- too often lag behind our peers. A recent Commonwealth Fund study ranked the U.S. healthcare system dead last among 11 highly developed countries in terms of quality, efficiency and access to health care.

What are we doing wrong?

More: America's New Single-Payer Majority

Thankfully, Americans are evolving on healthcare.
What's Behind The GOP's Obamacare "Replacement"?

It’s Obamacare replacement season! Or at least, that’s what congressional Republicans want people to believe.

Nearly five years after the Affordable Care Act became law and two years into itsexpansion of health coverage to an estimated 10 million uninsured people, GOP lawmakers are renewing their so-far fruitless efforts to develop a health reform plan they can position as a “replacement” for President Barack Obama’s health care law.

It’s no coincidence that this is taking place in the run-up to a June Supreme Court ruling that could blow a giant hole in the Affordable Care Act. A decision against Obamacare would kick millions of people, mainly living in red states, off their health plans -- and leave them looking to the Republican Congress for a solution.

Congressional Republicans want Americans -- especially the nine on the Supreme Court -- to think the GOP can do in less than five months what it took Democrats decades to achieve: enact comprehensive health care reform legislation. But given that Republicans have been unable to reach consensus on much beyond repealing Obamacare in the last five years, that’s an ambitious timeline.

More: An Obamacare 'Replacement'? Don't Believe The Hype

Why can't the GOP do something to improve healthcare instead of always trying hinder?
Here's a crazy idea.

Come up with a comprehensive health care reform plan that will actually work. Then sell it to the American people.

THEN repeal ObamaCare.

I know...I know...that's just crazy talk.

Here is a crazy idea.

Abolish all state and federal regulations affecting health care including Medicare and Medicaid.

Let the Americans who want health insurance buy it in the free market place.


Why repeal obamacare? Because there was no healthcare crisis in the USA before ACA was passed. NO ONE in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. It was a fix for a problem that did not exist. It was nothing but a left wing attempt to nationalize medical care and make us all further slaves to the feds.

listen libs--------------------one more time-----------------not having insurance did not mean you did not get treated. Those of us who paid covered the bils of those who could not or did not. Exactly the same as under obozocare-------------except than now we now also have to pay for a new inefficient federal beaurocracy.

it was terrible legislation, passed by dems only in the most corrupt way possible and then obama lied about it over and over.


WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives on Tuesday voted for the 56th time to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care Act.

The vote was largely symbolic, because the measure is unlikely to pass the Senate and would face a certain veto from President Barack Obama if it did.

But Republicans insisted on the vote, casting it as a chance to send a message and let new GOP members have a chance to vote against a law that most of them contend destroys jobs, freedom and the Constitution.

More: House Passes 56th Anti-Obamacare Measure

I repeat - 56th Obamacare repeal. They are nothing if not persistent.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Maybe the 56th will be the charm.

Here's a crazy idea.

Come up with a comprehensive health care reform plan that will actually work. Then sell it to the American people.

THEN repeal ObamaCare.

I know...I know...that's just crazy talk.

Here is a crazy idea.

Abolish all state and federal regulations affecting health care including Medicare and Medicaid.

Let the Americans who want health insurance buy it in the free market place.



you're right, your idea is crazy. Free market premium costs have become so high millions of people can't afford them. Back to square 1 ... only the wealthy survive. Cut Medicare and you eliminate millions more from ever seeing a Dr.

stuck in square 1 ... BRILLIANT !
NO ONE in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. It was a fix for a problem that did not exist. It was nothing but a left wing attempt to nationalize medical care and make us all further slaves to the feds.

listen libs--------------------one more time-----------------not having insurance did not mean you did not get treated. Those of us who paid covered the bils of those who could not or did not.

You got insurance Red? If so, why? You stupid? Just like to pay for people who go get heath care for free?
You some sort of sucker fish or something? Paying insurance premiums to help cover those that just get that "free emergency room medical care"?

Or are you a leech? A leech on society that gets health care from the medical system and doesn't pay for it?
Is that it. People owe you your health care because you've been oppressed? And don't want to pay for it.

I leech or a sucker fish. Which one red? Because EVERY ONE needs health care and some way to pay for it.
To bad the Republican party you support couldn't, wouldn't, didn't offer any alternative plans or even improve upon this less than perfect Obamacare plan. Why was that they can't help?
House passes repeal
Senate passes repeal
Obama vetoes ^^^ legislation.

next contestant please.
Put that on top of what Christie and his state legislators are doing, selling water companies to the highest bidder. Watch out for the cost of water to go sky high.

Here's a crazy idea.

Come up with a comprehensive health care reform plan that will actually work. Then sell it to the American people.

THEN repeal ObamaCare.

I know...I know...that's just crazy talk.

Here is a crazy idea.

Abolish all state and federal regulations affecting health care including Medicare and Medicaid.

Let the Americans who want health insurance buy it in the free market place.



you're right, your idea is crazy. Free market premium costs have become so high millions of people can't afford them. Back to square 1 ... only the wealthy survive. Cut Medicare and you eliminate millions more from ever seeing a Dr.

stuck in square 1 ... BRILLIANT !
this bill should have never been passed with only DEMOCRATS voting for it.

You People who were Republican didn't get a SAY and they just STEAMROLLED over YOUR Representation in Congress anyway.

It's cost you BILLIONS of dollars, millions of people lost their insurance because of it, yet here some sit wailing because you the people want this POS repealed.

you voted Democrats out of Congress because OscamCare now stand up to have it Repealed
NO ONE in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. It was a fix for a problem that did not exist. It was nothing but a left wing attempt to nationalize medical care and make us all further slaves to the feds.

listen libs--------------------one more time-----------------not having insurance did not mean you did not get treated. Those of us who paid covered the bils of those who could not or did not.

You got insurance Red? If so, why? You stupid? Just like to pay for people who go get heath care for free?
You some sort of sucker fish or something? Paying insurance premiums to help cover those that just get that "free emergency room medical care"?

Or are you a leech? A leech on society that gets health care from the medical system and doesn't pay for it?
Is that it. People owe you your health care because you've been oppressed? And don't want to pay for it.

I leech or a sucker fish. Which one red? Because EVERY ONE needs health care and some way to pay for it.
To bad the Republican party you support couldn't, wouldn't, didn't offer any alternative plans or even improve upon this less than perfect Obamacare plan. Why was that they can't help?

calm down, yes, everyone needs healthcare. What we don't need is a government run system that does not deliver and costs trillions.

What I said is true. Before obamacare no one in the USA (even illegals) was denied medical treatment, there was no healthcare crisis!

What you seem to want is free medical care for YOU, and everyone else has to pay your bills via taxes. The government is not your momma. The government does not owe you medical care, food, housing, a job, or happiness. Those things are up to you to provide for yourself.

If you can't afford medical treatment medicaid, medicare, and charities will pay your bills. We don't need another govt program. What we have is just fine.

There are two good privisions in ACA
1. insurance companies must take you with pre-existing conditions
2. no lifetime maximums on payments

Keep those and scrap the rest. Will the GOP controlled congress have the balls to do what is needed? We will see, but I doubt it.
House passes repeal
Senate passes repeal
Obama vetoes ^^^ legislation.

next contestant please.

if obozo vetoes it then his agenda will be evident to everyone. His goal of a socialist dictatorship in the USA will become even more clear. The will of the people was shown in the 2014 elections, obama does not give a shit about what the people want. He is smarter than all of you and will tell you what you want.
House passes repeal
Senate passes repeal
Obama vetoes ^^^ legislation.

next contestant please.

if obozo vetoes it then his agenda will be evident to everyone. His goal of a socialist dictatorship in the USA will become even more clear. The will of the people was shown in the 2014 elections, obama does not give a shit about what the people want. He is smarter than all of you and will tell you what you want.

Wrong answer. The will of the people was NOT shown in the 2014 elections. All 2014 did was show the will of the 1/3 of the population that did vote. In 2008 and in 2012 (when at least half of the nation voted and elected Obama) THAT is when the will of the people was shown.

All 2014 demonstrated was that elections can be bought.
House passes repeal
Senate passes repeal
Obama vetoes ^^^ legislation.

next contestant please.

if obozo vetoes it then his agenda will be evident to everyone. His goal of a socialist dictatorship in the USA will become even more clear. The will of the people was shown in the 2014 elections, obama does not give a shit about what the people want. He is smarter than all of you and will tell you what you want.

Wrong answer. The will of the people was NOT shown in the 2014 elections. All 2014 did was show the will of the 1/3 of the population that did vote. In 2008 and in 2012 (when at least half of the nation voted and elected Obama) THAT is when the will of the people was shown.

All 2014 demonstrated was that elections can be bought.

total bullshit. Are you claiming that everyone that did not bother to vote in 2014 would have voted for dems???? Are you in some kind of parallel universe where reality does not exist?

As to buying elections, 2008 and 2012 prove that elections can be bought, and that bribing the biased media works on uneducated voters.

in most recent polls 65-70% of americans do not like obamacare and want it repealed or changed. That dems-only POS legislation will go down in history as the worst bill ever, and passed in the most corrupt method ever used.

But I get it, you are unable to see reality with your head up obama's rectum.
House passes repeal
Senate passes repeal
Obama vetoes ^^^ legislation.

next contestant please.

if obozo vetoes it then his agenda will be evident to everyone. His goal of a socialist dictatorship in the USA will become even more clear. The will of the people was shown in the 2014 elections, obama does not give a shit about what the people want. He is smarter than all of you and will tell you what you want.

Wrong answer. The will of the people was NOT shown in the 2014 elections. All 2014 did was show the will of the 1/3 of the population that did vote. In 2008 and in 2012 (when at least half of the nation voted and elected Obama) THAT is when the will of the people was shown.

All 2014 demonstrated was that elections can be bought.

total bullshit. Are you claiming that everyone that did not bother to vote in 2014 would have voted for dems???? Are you in some kind of parallel universe where reality does not exist?

As to buying elections, 2008 and 2012 prove that elections can be bought, and that bribing the biased media works on uneducated voters.

in most recent polls 65-70% of americans do not like obamacare and want it repealed or changed. That dems-only POS legislation will go down in history as the worst bill ever, and passed in the most corrupt method ever used.

But I get it, you are unable to see reality with your head up obama's rectum.

I didn't say that. I said that the GOP is claiming some kind of "mandate", when in reality, only about 1/3 of the country voted, and considering that 2/3 of the country DID NOT VOTE, you can hardly consider it a "mandate".

Additionally, in elections where Dems did turn out in numbers (namely 2008 and 2012), Obama ended up winning both elections.

As far as you polls? If people are asked if they like Obamacare, they generally say no because of all the advertising and striking of the same chord that the GOP did. However.............if you ask them about specific parts of the ACA, they are overwhelmingly in favor of it.

Yanno.............I kinda do hope that the GOP is able to get the ACA repealed, because then there will be over 9 million voters who are currently insured that will lose insurance and vote Democrat in 2016.

As far as the ACA? hasn't killed any jobs, health care costs are going up at the slowest rate ever, the top 5 health insurance companies have seen their stocks rise anywhere from 19 to 34 percent, and insurance rates for most of the people have dropped.

But..................I understand why you don't like was something that a black man in the White House did.
@ redfish: You said: "if obozo vetoes it then his agenda will be evident to everyone."

Do you think there is a question in anyone's mind that he is in favor of Obamacare?

Is the next goal to pass legislation that will leave no doubt in anyone's mind that the sky is blue and the grass is green??????

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