House panel votes to subpoena Kellyanne Conway


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
So..did she or didn't she..and does it really matter this hyper-partisan era?

"The House Oversight Committee has voted to subpoena White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, after the Office of Special Counsel found she violated the law prohibiting government employees from engaging in political speech on the job so many times OSC suggested she be removed from office.
The 25-16 vote fell largely along party lines, with outspoken Republican Rep. Justin Amash being the only Republican to approve the resolution to subpoena the president's top aide over her Hatch Act violations."

House panel votes to subpoena Kellyanne Conway over political speech
So..did she or didn't she..and does it really matter this hyper-partisan era?

"The House Oversight Committee has voted to subpoena White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, after the Office of Special Counsel found she violated the law prohibiting government employees from engaging in political speech on the job so many times OSC suggested she be removed from office.
The 25-16 vote fell largely along party lines, with outspoken Republican Rep. Justin Amash being the only Republican to approve the resolution to subpoena the president's top aide over her Hatch Act violations."

House panel votes to subpoena Kellyanne Conway over political speech
So they can scold her? What is the point of that?
So..did she or didn't she..and does it really matter this hyper-partisan era?

"The House Oversight Committee has voted to subpoena White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, after the Office of Special Counsel found she violated the law prohibiting government employees from engaging in political speech on the job so many times OSC suggested she be removed from office.
The 25-16 vote fell largely along party lines, with outspoken Republican Rep. Justin Amash being the only Republican to approve the resolution to subpoena the president's top aide over her Hatch Act violations."

House panel votes to subpoena Kellyanne Conway over political speech
So they can scold her? What is the point of that?

The Point is to gather more votes for Trump.... Even though they don't know it.
I don't know why they bother..... they know damn well he's just going to block it. In fact that's probably exactly why they're doing it.

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If they were to stop this type of crap, they would have to try and legislate. They are well aware that they don't know how to do that and don't want to let the party faithful realize haw inept they are.
Jeebus H. Fracking Criminy!!!!! GET BACK TO DOING WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO!!!!!!
It is called checks & balances. It is their job.

It's part of their job. Unfortunately they are ignoring all of their other responsibilities and have dedicated themselves to the zombie borg army. It's all going to end up in court.... it's all going to end up before the scotus and it's all going to be dismissed.

In the meantime the Democrats are losing valuable time leading up to the 2020 election. They might as well just put on MAGA caps now.

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So..did she or didn't she..and does it really matter this hyper-partisan era?

"The House Oversight Committee has voted to subpoena White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, after the Office of Special Counsel found she violated the law prohibiting government employees from engaging in political speech on the job so many times OSC suggested she be removed from office.
The 25-16 vote fell largely along party lines, with outspoken Republican Rep. Justin Amash being the only Republican to approve the resolution to subpoena the president's top aide over her Hatch Act violations."

House panel votes to subpoena Kellyanne Conway over political speech
So they can scold her? What is the point of that?

She needs to explain why the victims of Bowling Green aren't getting taken care of.

Jeebus H. Fracking Criminy!!!!! GET BACK TO DOING WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO!!!!!!
It is called checks & balances. It is their job.
Its called deflecting like a reality show that has been going on for decades. We get worn down and underhanded legislation is passed with the watered down legislation we were promised fronting it. Arguing about our borders when the government took care of it without all of this crap in the past before the 1965 immigration act and before the Democratic Party was taken over by the Progressive Socialists. With the help of the sell out Repubs the United States has slowly been going into the dustbin of history. Those checks sent out every month can be perilous.
So..did she or didn't she..and does it really matter this hyper-partisan era?

Seriously, you are asking whether or not seeing to it that government officials follow the law is worth pursuing? Because "partisan"?
Yup...this endless chasing the tail we engage in..trying to get the other side on some ridiculous law breaking, strikes me as counter-productive. How about this...we concede that all of Trump's officials are partisan--and leave it at that.

I would disband all of the hearing..all of the investigations--refer any suspected criminal activity to the Justice Dept.---and put together a comprehensive series of bills meant to reform...leaving all partisan bs...out of it.

Kelly's partisanship, while in poor taste, hurts nothing and no-one.

Roll out some legislation---and make everyone take a stand on the record. Everything from legalizing weed to a clear bill removing any exemptions the President currently enjoys from prosecution. Put out a bill that defines 'Executive Privilege'--let everyone take a the voters can decide!

Start the ball rolling on Congressional term limits--if it takes an amendment--start garnering siggies.

But no..instead let's decide if Kellyanne violated the Hatch Act.
So..did she or didn't she..and does it really matter this hyper-partisan era?

"The House Oversight Committee has voted to subpoena White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, after the Office of Special Counsel found she violated the law prohibiting government employees from engaging in political speech on the job so many times OSC suggested she be removed from office.
The 25-16 vote fell largely along party lines, with outspoken Republican Rep. Justin Amash being the only Republican to approve the resolution to subpoena the president's top aide over her Hatch Act violations."

House panel votes to subpoena Kellyanne Conway over political speech

Amash will never be reelected.

So..did she or didn't she..and does it really matter this hyper-partisan era?

Seriously, you are asking whether or not seeing to it that government officials follow the law is worth pursuing? Because "partisan"?
Yup...this endless chasing the tail we engage in..trying to get the other side on some ridiculous law breaking, strikes me as counter-productive. How about this...we concede that all of Trump's officials are partisan--and leave it at that.

I would disband all of the hearing..all of the investigations--refer any suspected criminal activity to the Justice Dept.---and put together a comprehensive series of bills meant to reform...leaving all partisan bs...out of it.

Kelly's partisanship, while in poor taste, hurts nothing and no-one.

Roll out some legislation---and make everyone take a stand on the record. Everything from legalizing weed to a clear bill removing any exemptions the President currently enjoys from prosecution. Put out a bill that defines 'Executive Privilege'--let everyone take a the voters can decide!

Start the ball rolling on Congressional term limits--if it takes an amendment--start garnering siggies.

But no..instead let's decide if Kellyanne violated the Hatch Act.

Good post, lots of good ideas. The president needs protection from prosecution however. If that wasn't the case every losing party would simply prosecute the president.
It would never stop and there would never be any exceptions.

Jeebus H. Fracking Criminy!!!!! GET BACK TO DOING WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO!!!!!!
It is why Dems hold the House


No it isn't. The Dems hold the house because 45 Republican congressman retired all at the same time and Paul Ryan worked closely with the Democrats to make sure those districts were not funded for defense of the seat.

Jeebus H. Fracking Criminy!!!!! GET BACK TO DOING WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO!!!!!!
It is why Dems hold the House


No it isn't. The Dems hold the house because 45 Republican congressman retired all at the same time and Paul Ryan worked closely with the Democrats to make sure those districts were not funded for defense of the seat.

Haha, now that is some embarrassing, overwrought bullshit. In what the rest of us call "reality", the democrats got 8 million more votes than the republicans.
Jeebus H. Fracking Criminy!!!!! GET BACK TO DOING WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO!!!!!!
It is called checks & balances. It is their job.

It's part of their job. Unfortunately they are ignoring all of their other responsibilities and have dedicated themselves to the zombie borg army. It's all going to end up in court.... it's all going to end up before the scotus and it's all going to be dismissed.

In the meantime the Democrats are losing valuable time leading up to the 2020 election. They might as well just put on MAGA caps now.

So, you have no idea of the legislation they have passed so far this year?

Impeachment is not up to the USSC.

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