House democrats ready bill to criminalize private gun sales

Brietbart, of course, was one of the websites that initially inspired modern usage of the term "fake news", and this is a prime example.

The headline says "criminalize private gun sales". That strongly and clearly infers that these guns sales will no longer be legal.

If you actually read the actual article, of course, that just isn't true. It's about background checks.

Yet folks see what they want to see, the headline is believed anyway, and they lose their shit, just as they have been conditioned to.

A perfect example of the alternate, closed-circuit, ideological/informational universe that has taken over much of the Right.
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The incoming Democrat House majority is readying legislation to criminalize private gun sales.
Ironically, the push comes nearly 227 years to the day after private gun ownership was hedged in by the Founding Fathers via the Second Amendment, which was ratified on December 15, 1791.

House Democrats Ready Bill to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

The very same mental cases who hooray this, yeah they did the same in Europe now they want them back oh I wonder why retreads. Guess reality will have to unfold in front of your dumb ass faces before you believe a gawd dam thing. That's happens when you have a nation full of indoctrinated morons.

That's not what is says, you guncrazy. It just means that private sales will also require background checks. Not permission, just background checks. Many states already do this and it's coming whether you like it or not. Universal Background checks are here to stay. Live with it. Or you don your battle gear and start the "Revolution" you want so badly. The sooner you do this the sooner we can get rid of you and the rest of us can get on with our lives.

Background checks are gun registration, just like 1938 Germany.

So it is OK for felons, etc to own guns.

If you stupid Liberals weren't such unreasonable assholes then maybe us Conservatives would be willing to compromise on a few reasonable restrictions.

However, since you dickheads are assholes and don't know the meaning of reasonableness and you agenda is not public safety then you can go fuck yourself.
It is ALREADY a FELONY to sell, or give a gun to someone that is prohibited to possessing one in a private sale. So, I guess they want to make it MORE ILLEGAL?
Brietbart, of course, was one of the websites that initially inspired modern usage of the term "fake news", and this is a prime example.

The headline says "criminalize private gun sales". That strongly and clearly infers that these guns sales will no longer be legal.

If you actually read the actual article, of course, that just isn't true. It's about background checks.

Yet folks see what they want to see, the headline is believed anyway, and they lose their shit, just as they have been conditioned to.

A perfect example of the alternate, closed-circuit, ideological/informational universe that has taken over much of the Right.
Private gun sales as they exist now, sans background checks, will in fact be criminalized.

Adding more hoops for those who obey the law to jump through criminalizes prior behavior, simple FACT Mac.

So it is OK for felons, etc to own guns.

If you stupid Liberals weren't such unreasonable assholes then maybe us Conservatives would be willing to compromise on a few reasonable restrictions.

However, since you dickheads are assholes and don't know the meaning of reasonableness and you agenda is not public safety then you can go fuck yourself.
If you fucking gun nuts would agree to work toward reducing gun violence & mass shootings.........

Here is where you are an asshole.

Show me when additional gun restrictions were done after the passing of the assault rifle ban in the 90's? Certainly there were additional laws passed banning automatic handguns or banning open carry or limited concealed carry restrictions added.
If you stupid Liberals weren't such unreasonable assholes then maybe us Conservatives would be willing to compromise on a few reasonable restrictions.

However, since you dickheads are assholes and don't know the meaning of reasonableness and you agenda is not public safety then you can go fuck yourself.
How this law might be twisted into draconian enforcement is anybodies guess with these Nazis today.

I do not trust gun control liberals with my toothbrush.
Talk about an exercise in futility. On another note since this CLEARLY goes against the constitution EVERY single person that votes for this should be arrested and charged with treason!

For what? Requiring background checks for all sales both dealer and private? That's been upheld in court already. Sooner or later, it was coming. The states with the loosest gun sales laws have been feeding the criminal elements of the other states for years with untraceable guns and untraceable buyers. The simplest fix is to require all sales to have a background check ran. It won't stop it but it will certainly slow it down. Law Abiding Citizens should not be contributing to criminal elements.
ALL gun laws that slow down,hinder or stop gun sales or limit gun size,barrel size,ammo clip size etc etc etc are ALL unconstitutional I don't give a shit what 9 tyrants in robes have to say about it,the constitution makes it clear SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED....guess the founders didn't realize how stupid the generations of the next 200 years would be.

Let's put the whole thing for all of us to read.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Does each state have the right to have it's own Well Regulated Militia? Yes, but only four or five actually has one. Are we in jepordy of of losing the security of a free state? That is taken care of each 2 and 4 years. The Right to bear arms? Now, that's up to interpretation on who it means and what weapons it means. Do you have the right to bear a fully loaded B-52? How about riding around the neighborhood with your Jeep with a Mah Duce strapped to the back? Why can't Santa bring me a Nuke for Christmas?

Or do we draw the line when it is determined that something may be detrimental to public safety.
There are COMMAS there for a reason its a BREAK in the sentence. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is all by its self. As I said our founders couldn't have imagined the stupidity of coming generations.

Or the power of the weapons less than 70 years down the road.

Which is more powerful: A few .223 rapidly-fired bullets, or an incendiary mortar round? Hmm?

Cannon ball? Lit keg of gunpowder?


So it is OK for felons, etc to own guns.

If you stupid Liberals weren't such unreasonable assholes then maybe us Conservatives would be willing to compromise on a few reasonable restrictions.

However, since you dickheads are assholes and don't know the meaning of reasonableness and you agenda is not public safety then you can go fuck yourself.
If you fucking gun nuts would agree to work toward reducing gun violence & mass shootings.........

Here is where you are an asshole.

Show me when additional gun restrictions were done after the passing of the assault rifle ban in the 90's? Certainly there were additional laws passed banning automatic handguns or banning open carry or limited concealed carry restrictions added.

You are confused Moon Bat. You wouldn't know what "reasonableness" was if it bit you in your Libtard ass.

You can never trust a dickhead Liberal to be reasonable. They are not smart enough to be reasonable and they are assholes, especially with gun control because their agenda is not public safety but to take away the ability of the America people to oppose the government making this country a socialist shithole.

For instance, if you Moon Bat shitheads were really concerned about public safety you would be condemning the Democrat leadership of the dozen or so big city shitholes where the great majority of the gun crime in this country takes place among minority Democrat voters. Big city shitholes where many of them already have strict gun control laws.

The discussion on reasonable gun laws is just like abortion. You fucking asshole Liberals are so hell bent on killing children on demand, for the sake of convenience that you are unwilling to compromise in the areas that most Conservatives would probably agree with you on.

Like I said Moon Bat, go fuck yourself. You ain't worth shit.
If you stupid Liberals weren't such unreasonable assholes then maybe us Conservatives would be willing to compromise on a few reasonable restrictions.

However, since you dickheads are assholes and don't know the meaning of reasonableness and you agenda is not public safety then you can go fuck yourself.
How this law might be twisted into draconian enforcement is anybodies guess with these Nazis today.

I do not trust gun control liberals with my toothbrush.

Trusting a Liberal is like trusting a vicious poison snake that promises you that if you take care of it then it won't bite you.
Brietbart, of course, was one of the websites that initially inspired modern usage of the term "fake news", and this is a prime example.

The headline says "criminalize private gun sales". That strongly and clearly infers that these guns sales will no longer be legal.

If you actually read the actual article, of course, that just isn't true. It's about background checks.

Yet folks see what they want to see, the headline is believed anyway, and they lose their shit, just as they have been conditioned to.

A perfect example of the alternate, closed-circuit, ideological/informational universe that has taken over much of the Right.
Private gun sales as they exist now, sans background checks, will in fact be criminalized.

Adding more hoops for those who obey the law to jump through criminalizes prior behavior, simple FACT Mac.
Yes, changes could be made. But that's still not criminalizing the whole thing.

So it is OK for felons, etc to own guns.

If you stupid Liberals weren't such unreasonable assholes then maybe us Conservatives would be willing to compromise on a few reasonable restrictions.

However, since you dickheads are assholes and don't know the meaning of reasonableness and you agenda is not public safety then you can go fuck yourself.
If you fucking gun nuts would agree to work toward reducing gun violence & mass shootings.........

Here is where you are an asshole.

Show me when additional gun restrictions were done after the passing of the assault rifle ban in the 90's? Certainly there were additional laws passed banning automatic handguns or banning open carry or limited concealed carry restrictions added.

You are confused Moon Bat. You wouldn't know what "reasonableness" was if it bit you in your Libtard ass.

You can never trust a dickhead Liberal to be reasonable. They are not smart enough to be reasonable and they are assholes, especially with gun control because their agenda is not public safety but to take away the ability of the America people to oppose the government making this country a socialist shithole.

For instance, if you Moon Bat shitheads were really concerned about public safety you would be condemning the Democrat leadership of the dozen or so big city shitholes where the great majority of the gun crime in this country takes place among minority Democrat voters. Big city shitholes where many of them already have strict gun control laws.

The discussion on reasonable gun laws is just like abortion. You fucking asshole Liberals are so hell bent on killing children on demand, for the sake of convenience that you are unwilling to compromise in the areas that most Conservatives would probably agree with you on.

Like I said Moon Bat, go fuck yourself. You ain't worth shit.

So a city puts in gun control efforts & the bad guys drive to a red state & buy all they need.
Private gun sales as they exist now, sans background checks, will in fact be criminalized.
Adding more hoops for those who obey the law to jump through criminalizes prior behavior, simple FACT Mac.
Yes, changes could be made. But that's still not criminalizing the whole thing.
I have made half a dozen or so private gun sales. While I did ask for ID to make sure they were legal adults, and wrote their name down and DL, I did not do a back ground check.

ALL of those sales would be illegal under the proposed law, so how is that not 'the whole thing', Mac?
Private gun sales as they exist now, sans background checks, will in fact be criminalized.
Adding more hoops for those who obey the law to jump through criminalizes prior behavior, simple FACT Mac.
Yes, changes could be made. But that's still not criminalizing the whole thing.
I have made half a dozen or so private gun sales. While I did ask for ID to make sure they were legal adults, and wrote their name down and DL, I did not do a back ground check.

ALL of those sales would be illegal under the proposed law, so how is that not 'the whole thing', Mac?
Because most sales would still happen.

This is a like a pro-choice advocate saying that an added restriction would mean that all abortion had been criminalized.

That just wouldn't be true. That wouldn't be intellectually honest. We have more than enough hyperbole flying around as it is.
Again, it is already a Felony to sell a gun to a prohibited person in a private sale. Both parties can, and do go to jail when this occurs.
You assfucks keep saying we should geep guns from the criminals & you are whining about stopping it.

Yeah, like it has ever kept a criminal from buying a gun on the street or using a straw buyer to get one. Once again you posted without stopping to think how foolish you comment was.

which is why these kinds of laws are obviously designed to restrict the law abiding, not criminals.

When a law abiding citizen sells a gun to a criminal and it gets used for criminal activity, the law abiding citizen isn't a criminal, right? But when that same citizen is required to, and abides by the law, to not sell that gun to anyone that can't pass a background check he is still a law abiding citizen. If the Citizen is required to only sell to people that can pass a background check and sells it without the background check, guess what. He's no longer a law abiding citizen. He's a criminal and should be treated as such. The buying of guns in states like Texas and Arizona by people with vans with the express intention of transporting and selling them to gangs in metro cities can be stopped cold just by a simple background check and Law Abiding Citizens. And those that decide they are going to sell outside the law anyway should be labeled criminals and prosecuted as such. Since Colorado passed the universal background check laws, we are no longer on the state list for such nonsense. Law Abiding Citizens follow the Laws even when they don't agree with them. Criminals don't and criminals get busted. After a bust like that, after the state gets through with their penny ante punishment, the Feds bring the big guns and punishments.

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