House Democrat Chief of Staff & Former D-Schiff Aide Caught Defacing Rep R-Taylor Greene $360 Poster

Pointing out the continuous, and even juvenile, criminal behavior of your masters is a pleasure, not something to whimper over.

The sad thing is sheep like you have surrendered any morals, ethics, and sense of right or wrong to follow self-serving liars, thieves, and traitors who don't give a damn about you, as you have convinced yourselves they do.

It's like a pig on a farm convincing itself the farmer must love it because the farmer is treating it so 'well' and fattening it up.

Yeah, you're still not equals, you're still a pig to them, & they're still going to slaughter you.

Good luck with that.

“The sad thing is sheep like you have surrendered any morals, ethics, and sense of right or wrong to follow self-serving liars, thieves, and traitors who don't give a damn about you, as you have convinced yourselves they do.”

You’ve just summed up the Republican party in spades. Trump didn’t care about the American people and you still support him, while calling Democratic voters gullible and stupid.
“The sad thing is sheep like you have surrendered any morals, ethics, and sense of right or wrong to follow self-serving liars, thieves, and traitors who don't give a damn about you, as you have convinced yourselves they do.”

You’ve just summed up the Republican party in spades. Trump didn’t care about the American people and you still support him, while calling Democratic voters gullible and stupid.
Was a Republican breaking the law in this story?
Demafascist brownshirts actually had plans to assassinate a Justice, and one actually shot a Congressman and opened fire on a softball game full of GOP Congressmen. We all noticed your silence....

MTG had her life threatened as well...with death threats:

...but 'Conservatives are the biggest threat to our Democracy'...

Right wingers have threatened AOC's life, on more than one occasion, and you've said NOTHING about any of that. In fact, you cheered on those who threatened the Squad.
You are fool or a liar. Never condoned life threats to anyone. Now answer my original point if you dare.
Yes she was. She was posting hate speech in the halls of Congress, which violated the rules.
Fuck your PC.


Take your PC and stick it way up there and rotate on it

And fuck you too.

You miserable Stalinist lefties get nothing BUT hate speech from me

I hate commies and I hate Nazis, and now you're a little bit of both which means you're on my shit list too.

You miserable fuckers have no respect for private property, or private anything else for that matter. You have no right to even TOUCH anyone else's property, fucktard. Vandalism is a CRIME, you two bit lying sack of leftist shit.
Ah, she said MTG was breaking the law….so, which house rule covers your “decent person” clause?
Also, does a “decent person“ deface others property?

You can read about what I said about the defacing issue if you wish. It's in my first reply.
The House Democrat Chief of Staff for Democrat Congressman Jake Auchincloss (MA), who also previously worked for D-Adam Schiff, Timothy Hysom, 51, has been caught on security camera by the Capitol Police criminally defacing a poster owned by R-Marjorie Taylor Greene outside of her office .

The Capitol Police filed charges and put out an arrest warrant for Hyson....

View attachment 660245
Copy of Hyson arrest warrant & Photos of Hyson defacing poster

....but not so fast. Remember, the usual laws that apply to everyone else do NOT apply to Democrats!

Once this matter was brought to the attention of US AG Garland and his DOJ brown Shirts, the charges were dropped, the arrest warrant canceled.

The DOJ informed Grerne that it refused to prosecute because it did not believe a federal judge would prosecute crime ... specifically the crime by a Democrat against her.

Democrats then rallied around Hyson, because they were (easily) offended (snowflakes) by the poster which proclaimed there are only 2 genders - male and female.

Democrats called reminding people of the fact 'bullying'..

(This coming from leftists who can't even answer the question, "What is a woman" and who think biological males can have babies...)

Traitors used to be hanged. God I miss those days.
Aw gee. Another lying story from the Gateway Pundit.

Maybe she's just leaving a deliberately offensive poster out there to piss people off, and so she can claim "victim" when it happens.
Be accountable and PROVE gateway pundit is lying. Has Gateway Pundit used fake documents to throw an election like Dan Rather and CBS did in 2004?

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