House committee passes resolution calling on US to send long-range missiles to Ukraine


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
What's this? Republicans are now pushing Biden to provide more aid to Ukraine?

The Hill
The Hill

House committee passes resolution calling on US to send long-range missiles to Ukraine​

Story by Brad Dress • Yesterday 1:34 PM


House committee passes resolution calling on US to send long-range missiles to Ukraine
House committee passes resolution calling on US to send long-range missiles to Ukraine© Provided by The Hill
The House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a resolution Wednesday calling for the Biden administration to supply Ukraine with long-range missiles, upping the pressure on the White House and Pentagon to provide a key piece of advanced weaponry U.S. officials have long resisted sending.
The resolution calls for the U.S. to immediately provide the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to Ukraine, which would allow Ukrainian forces to strike at targets up to 200 miles away.
It also calls for the transfer of similar weapons systems from the U.S. and its allies to Ukraine, saying the failure to provide long-range missiles will prolong the war against Russia.
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the chairman of the committee, said, “ATACMS are critical to Ukraine’s success in the counteroffensive.”
“There’s no reason to give Ukraine just enough to bleed but not enough to win,” he said. “It’s been my criticism all along — if we’re going to be helping them, either go all in or get out.”

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RINO warmongers. The Uniparty of War is all that matters in Washington.
I recall toward the end of the movie "Patton" which asserted that GSP wanted to drive through Berlin and meet up with MacArthur in Baruun-Urt by the spring of 1947. Of course I am embellishing there a bit, but imagine if we had just reached the logical conclusion that soviet communism was an even greater threat than hitler wanted to be, and went to war with the russians when we actually had a political and military reason to do so.

Exactly what do we have against the russians right now? The people aren't commies longing to drag us to collective farms or industrial gulags. After 50 years of geo-political tension the USSR shit the bed, and was not an enemy anymore. Instead of shifting gears and converting to a long term strategy of peaceful co-existence we EXPANDED our military footprint and increased hostility towards a defeated foe. Worked great to make the krauts less aggressive post WW1 didn't it?

Oh wait...
Originally posted by Pete7469
Exactly what do we have against the russians right now? The people aren't commies longing to drag us to collective farms or industrial gulags. After 50 years of geo-political tension the USSR shit the bed, and was not an enemy anymore. Instead of shifting gears and converting to a long term strategy of peaceful co-existence we EXPANDED our military footprint and increased hostility towards a defeated foe. Worked great to make the krauts less aggressive post WW1 didn't it?

Post of the month!

For they have sown the wind...

Hosea 8:7
I recall toward the end of the movie "Patton" which asserted that GSP wanted to drive through Berlin and meet up with MacArthur in Baruun-Urt by the spring of 1947. Of course I am embellishing there a bit, but imagine if we had just reached the logical conclusion that soviet communism was an even greater threat than hitler wanted to be, and went to war with the russians when we actually had a political and military reason to do so.

Exactly what do we have against the russians right now? The people aren't commies longing to drag us to collective farms or industrial gulags. After 50 years of geo-political tension the USSR shit the bed, and was not an enemy anymore. Instead of shifting gears and converting to a long term strategy of peaceful co-existence we EXPANDED our military footprint and increased hostility towards a defeated foe. Worked great to make the krauts less aggressive post WW1 didn't it?

Oh wait...
That's what Putin says, but when the world voted in the UNGA it condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine and demanded Russia withdraw, and increasing majorities of Americans and Europeans are not only supporting aid to Ukraine but demanding increasing aid to Ukraine and now even the Republican lead House is pushing Biden to sharply increase aid to Ukraine. But you and Putin see things another way.
That's what Putin says, but when the world voted in the UNGA it condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine and demanded Russia withdraw, and increasing majorities of Americans and Europeans are not only supporting aid to Ukraine but demanding increasing aid to Ukraine and now even the Republican lead House is pushing Biden to sharply increase aid to Ukraine. But you and Putin see things another way.
Me, Putin, and hundreds of millions of people who do not want a corrupt potato starting WW3.

All of this shit is the result of leftwing globalist criminals fuckin with people that could have been left alone.

Did we need to bomb Serbia in the 90's? How many people even know who Slobodan was or why he was a "criminal"? Isn't that where WW1 got rolling? Serbs shooting people, krauts not liking it, russians saying it's ok and the frogs agreeing?

We got involved beyond selling people guns and ammo why?

Now the "peacenik" bed wetters are thirsty for russian blood after they shucked the chains of communism?

Go fuckin figure.

Our worst enemies aren't blowing shit up because of Israel and troops too close to Mecca. They're burning down our cities because George Kirby died of an overdose.
Nobody wants WWIII, and nobody with any sense believes this could lead to WWIII.
Nobody with any sense believes a potato got 81 million legitimate votes. No one thought in 1914 that some dumbass eurowiene with a fuckin nagant pistol could start WW1 either I'll bet.
Nobody with any sense believes a potato got 81 million legitimate votes. No one thought in 1914 that some dumbass eurowiene with a fuckin nagant pistol could start WW1 either I'll bet.
In other words, you don't know enough about the war in Ukraine to comment of why you think it would leak to "WWIII".
In other words, you don't know enough about the war in Ukraine to comment of why you think it would leak to "WWIII".
History repeating itself?

We involve ourselves in shit we shouldn't be concerned with while tens of thousands of Americans are homeless, hordes of illiterate, unskilled, unvetted, uninspected migrants howl at our border, our bridges are falling apart, freakishly stupid people govern us and you believe involving ourselves in a european war benefits us in



I don't give a shit if we SELL guns to everyone on both sides. With some ammo.

Oh wait... the ukrainians already paid for that shit didn't they. They just mailed the check to the wrong bank accounts I suppose?
History repeating itself?

We involve ourselves in shit we shouldn't be concerned with while tens of thousands of Americans are homeless, hordes of illiterate, unskilled, unvetted, uninspected migrants howl at our border, our bridges are falling apart, freakishly stupid people govern us and you believe involving ourselves in a european war benefits us in


So now you're not opposed to aid to Ukraine because of fears of WWII, but because you are concerned with the lack of social welfare programs? Why not just tell the truth that you are only opposing aid to Ukraine and endorsing Russian imperialism because you think it will harm Biden, despite the fact that you are with him on creating more social welfare programs?
So now you're not opposed to aid to Ukraine because of fears of WWII, but because you are concerned with the lack of social welfare programs? Why not just tell the truth that you are only opposing aid to Ukraine and endorsing Russian imperialism because you think it will harm Biden, despite the fact that you are with him on creating more social welfare programs?

I don't want to be overtly on the side of Ukraine and openly supporting them for some politically desired outcome. Sell them both guns. I don't give a shit. Stop projecting your ignorance of the matter on to me. I obviously know more about everything than you know about anything.


I don't want to be overtly on the side of Ukraine and openly supporting them for some politically desired outcome. Sell them both guns. I don't give a shit. Stop projecting your ignorance of the matter on to me. I obviously know more about everything than you know about anything.

lol You're a legend in your own mind.
lol You're a legend in your own mind.
And if he is , it is uninformed low IQs like yourself who give him good reason to think so . Am guessing you are in your eighties so adult education classes are not a realistic option for you.

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