Hospital Staff Caught Plotting to 'Scare' the Public on COVID-19


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Imagine a virus so bad you need to always lie about how bad it is to make it look worse.

A leaked Zoom call between doctors and marketing staff at Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center in North Carolina has gone viral. It shows staff plotting to “scare” the public with inflated COVID numbers. “I guess my feeling at this point and time is maybe we need to be completely a little bit more scary [sic] to the public,” says Dr. Mary Rudyk, who served as the former chief of medical staff. “There are many people still hospitalized that we are considering post-covid but we’re not counting in those numbers, so how do we include those post-covid people in the numbers of the patients we have in the hospital?”
Most COVID guidance and science these days is political. I see very little logic, common sense or hard data to justify any of our governments totalitarian mandates. It's just another example of how liberals are damn near incapable of running anything.

What I see is always one sided, there is no room for possibilities, or other facts or information aside from the extremes.

When it's presented it's always about the scary figures. Like they will talk numbers of deaths but never talk about how many of those were of people who died of other causes but also had covid and lump them in as a covid death, how many people did vs how many infected, contributing factors like overall health and so on.

It's always only the worst case scenarios with covid, never the medium to mild cases. Never any information that gives someone hope. And never the whole story.

But we all know money, power and control are things that are easiest to get when you anger people or scare people.
Most COVID guidance and science these days is political. I see very little logic, common sense or hard data to justify any of our governments totalitarian mandates. It's just another example of how liberals are damn near incapable of running anything.
Hey, CDC. I am a fat fucking commie who cannot stop eating and drinking and smoking. What should I do to make sure I minimize my risk of death by COVID?


MASK AND 3 VACCINE SHOTS! Dont worry about exercise and eating well and taking vitamins and hydrating.
Imagine a virus so bad you need to always lie about how bad it is to make it look worse.

A leaked Zoom call between doctors and marketing staff at Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center in North Carolina has gone viral. It shows staff plotting to “scare” the public with inflated COVID numbers. “I guess my feeling at this point and time is maybe we need to be completely a little bit more scary [sic] to the public,” says Dr. Mary Rudyk, who served as the former chief of medical staff. “There are many people still hospitalized that we are considering post-covid but we’re not counting in those numbers, so how do we include those post-covid people in the numbers of the patients we have in the hospital?”
All people have to do is read the news or watch the 6:30 news every day to see all of the scary stories. Every day they have a new story on about some right wing denier who has caught or died of Covid. But, never one story about someone dying from the vaccine. And, with over 7500 now reported deaths to the CDC shortly after vaccination, apparently they will not admit even one of them actually died from the vaccine and these stories certainly do not make the news.
Most COVID guidance and science these days is political. I see very little logic, common sense or hard data to justify any of our governments totalitarian mandates. It's just another example of how liberals are damn near incapable of running anything.
And they seemingly deny that the vaccinated spread Covid, even when their very own science proves that they do. In their obsession with the unvaccinated, they seem perfectly fine with a football stadium filled with 80,000 fully vaccinated people being a superspreader event.
According to lefties, no one has died FROM the vaccine.

Its so weird to see the LEFT blindly following the GOVERNMENT.

HOLY SHIT. The days of the left being the COOL KIDS and defying authority are long gone.

Now the left are communist shills and do the bidding of the rich and powerful.

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