Homosexuals and Rainbow flag under attack in Soviet Georgia.

Homosexuals and their rainbow flag is under attack in Soviet Georgia. They say they don't want homosexuals or homosexual propoganda.

Well, what's Sleepy Joe going to do? Will he proudly display the Homosexual Flag at the US Embassy in Tbilisi like he did in Rome?

Let the people of Georgia know that America Supports Sodomy?
I try to tell Homosexuals that Homosexuality is still illegal in many countries outside the United States/!
Homosexuality is a crime in many countries. Sodomy is not accepted in many parts of the world.
I try to tell Homosexuals that Homosexuality is still illegal in many countries outside the United States/!
Homosexuality is a crime in many countries. Sodomy is not accepted in many parts of the world.
Does that sign on the Statue of liberty say to send us all your queers and useless mofo's?
I try to tell Homosexuals that Homosexuality is still illegal in many countries outside the United States/!
Homosexuality is a crime in many countries. Sodomy is not accepted in many parts of the world.
Does that sign on the Statue of liberty say to send us all your queers and useless mofo's?

America has enough native born Sexual Perverts, I don't see the necessity of encouraging those from other countries to immigrate.
Not even fake Christians bugger each other in the ass.
I don't think so either. If a guy doesn't have a very short haircut and a somber business suit he's considered "gay." Except there's a lady. That's what the Mexicans and the Italians with the "code of omertà" and "respect" etc. always say. They're doing a lady in the V-hole and she's certified birth-controlled and available straight out of the doctor's office. Pretend she doesn't exist, they're Men who have Sex with Men at the men's health clinic, and they get HIV+AIDS and die if they out the street ladies.
I wish I could claim that I give a flying fuck about the plight of the faggots in other countries but the truth of the matter is that I don't care about them in this country.
I try to tell Homosexuals that Homosexuality is still illegal in many countries outside the United States/!
Homosexuality is a crime in many countries. Sodomy is not accepted in many parts of the world.
It must be difficult for you to plan your vacations.
I wish I could claim that I give a flying fuck about the plight of the faggots in other countries but the truth of the matter is that I don't care about them in this country.
Sounds like someone is having a lover's spat with the boyfriend.
I don't think so either. If a guy doesn't have a very short haircut and a somber business suit he's considered "gay." Except there's a lady. That's what the Mexicans and the Italians with the "code of omertà" and "respect" etc. always say. They're doing a lady in the V-hole and she's certified birth-controlled and available straight out of the doctor's office. Pretend she doesn't exist, they're Men who have Sex with Men at the men's health clinic, and they get HIV+AIDS and die if they out the street ladies.
Have you spoken with your primary care physician about reviewing your prescriptions? I think you need to.

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