Homosexual marriage very unethical.

One wonders why this topic is so important to some? It sure as heck is not going to affect my life and since all creatures are God's creatures it's up to her to figure it out.

"The Old and New Testaments both regarded slavery as normal and nowhere categorically condemned it. Part of that heritage was the use of female slaves, concubines and captives as sexual toys, breeding machines, or involuntary wives by their male owners, which 2 Sam. 5:13, Judges 19-21 and Num. 31:18 permitted--and as many American slave owners did some 150 years ago, citing these and numerous other Scripture passages as their justification."

Homosexuality and the Bible by Walter Wink

You need to get more educated poindexter, AIDS and HIV doesn't exist in monkeys.

Obviously you have totally missed what I have said, and now repeated, and are now resorting to name calling, a crutch of the ignorant. You can talk to me when you regain your composure. Peace be with you.
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Obviously you have totally missed what I have said, and now repeated, and are now resorting to name calling, a crutch of the ignorant. You can talk to me when you regain your composure. Peace be with you.

The Bass isn't mad nor angry, and none of this has anything to do with sodomosexuality.
Wouldn't it be bi-sexuals spreading it in the straight community, then? Maybe we could make a law forcing them to pick a side and stay there. They also say the AIDS virus came from monkeys, but who is out there doing monkeys and people? And isn't it also pretty irresponsible, gay or not, to have sex with random people without being checked first for any disease. Maybe we could outlaw irresponsible people.

Homosexuals created a resistant strain of hepatitis "B" ,this I know is factul.
"How humans contracted the deadly virus remains a mystery although it is believed that it was contracted in the same way as chimps through hunting 'bush meat'.

It is generally believed that a chimpanzee hunter contracted the virus in the early part of the twentieth century by cutting himself while preparing the meat.

The virus then mutated into HIV and was passed through millions of human beings.

"The recombination of these monkey viruses happened in chimpanzees and the chimp transmitted it to humans on at least three occasions," said Frederic Bibollet-Ruche, co-author of the study to The Associated Press.

"The transfer between chimps and humans probably happened before 1930," said Bibollet-Ruche from the University of Alabama, Birmingham."

CNN.com - AIDS traced to African monkeys - Jun. 13, 2003
By Frankie Edozien
Republished from New York Post Online Edition
a new AIDS virus has been discovered in New York City.

February 12, 2005 — A frightening, never-before-seen “superstrain” of the AIDS virus – unimaginably aggressive and resistant to nearly all treatments – has been found in New York City, alarmed health officials announced yesterday.

A gay, 40-something city man recently diagnosed with the new virulent strain is believed to be the first known case in the world.

The most striking characteristic of the strain is that full-blown AIDS sets in with lightning speed after HIV infection – as quick as two to three months, in contrast to the nine- to 10-year lag that is normally the case when a victim is untreated.

“We’ve not seen a case like this before,” city Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden said at a press conference yesterday.

“We’ve identified this strain of HIV that is difficult or impossible to treat and which appears to progress rapidly to AIDS.”

Ronald Valdiserri, a deputy director at the federal Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, said: “We’re talking about a single case, but clearly the fact that we are dealing with such broad resistance of drugs and the rapid clinical progression is quite alarming.

New AIDS Super Bug
I thought that type of retarded thinking went out in the 80's....

AIDS hasn't been considered a gay problem for a very long time and, in fact, even as far back as 1994, heterosexual cases of AIDS were increasing at a higher rate than among the gay community.

While heterosexual transmission still accounts for a relatively small 9 percent of the total 103,500 cases reported in 1993, the increase documents a slow but sure shift in the demographics of the epidemic.

In 1985, when the total number of AIDS cases was far smaller than now, heterosexual transmission accounted for 1.9 percent. From 1985 to 1993, the proportion of cases attributed to sex among gay men decreased from 66.5 percent to 46.6 percent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Federal agency in Atlanta that issues the reports and is responsible for tracking the AIDS epidemic, added that the 9 percent figure for heterosexuals for 1993 was a conservative estimate. Changing Dynamics

Also increasing over that period of 1985-93 was the proportion of cases attributed to injecting drugs. Among women and heterosexual men the percentage went to 27.7, from 17.4, the centers said.

The centers received reports of 103,500 AIDS cases among people 13 years and older in 1993, compared with 49,016 in 1992, an increase of 111 percent.

Reflecting the changing dynamics of the AIDS epidemic since it was first recognized in 1981, principally in gay men, substantial increases in 1993 were reported in all areas of the United States. The increase was far greater in women (151 percent) than men (105 percent), the centers said.

AIDS Cases Increase Among Heterosexuals - New York Times
"How humans contracted the deadly virus remains a mystery although it is believed that it was contracted in the same way as chimps through hunting 'bush meat'.

It is generally believed that a chimpanzee hunter contracted the virus in the early part of the twentieth century by cutting himself while preparing the meat.

The virus then mutated into HIV and was passed through millions of human beings.

"The recombination of these monkey viruses happened in chimpanzees and the chimp transmitted it to humans on at least three occasions," said Frederic Bibollet-Ruche, co-author of the study to The Associated Press.

"The transfer between chimps and humans probably happened before 1930," said Bibollet-Ruche from the University of Alabama, Birmingham."

CNN.com - AIDS traced to African monkeys - Jun. 13, 2003

That bolded portion is a straight up lie, there are no cases of AIDS before the 1970s:

The 1959 HIV Sequence Discovery

In the interest of facilitating progress on this issue, much publicity has been given to the notion that HIV was discovered in a 1959 blood sample from Leopoldville, Zaire;9 and that scientific consensus holds 1931 as the approximate date of HIV origination.7 These superstitions have led to common, yet false, declarations that HIV/AIDS originated well before the polio vaccination era and the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) that much evidence below links to the “punctuated origin” of AIDS.

For the record, according to the authors of the 1959 discovery, they never found, nor alleged to have found, HIV, or anything like a full virus. According to these authors, even “attempts to amplify HIV-1 fragments of >300 base pairs (bp) were unsuccessful, . . . However, after numerous attempts, four shorter sequences were obtained” that only represented small portions of two of the six genes of the complete AIDS virus.9

This is why Gao et al, referred to the 1959 sequences as “the oldest trace of the AIDS pandemic . . . although the precise timing and circumstance of early events in the SIVcpz/HIV-1 zoonosis remain obscure.”22 [Editor’s note for the lay reader, “SIVcpz” is short for “simian immunodeficiency virus from the chimpanzee.” This is know to be the closest viral relative to the human AIDS virus, HIV-1.]

Unfortunately, regarding the 1959 sequences, Zhu et al., left much room for misinterpretation if not wild speculation by stating that given the “‘starburst phylogeny,’ HIV-1 was probably introduced into humans shortly before that time frame, about a decade or two earlier than previously estimated. . . .” 10 (Emphasis added.) They speculated the zoonosis might have occurred “considerably earlier than the late 1940s.” Obviously, this account is irrelevant to “the extraordinary synchrony in the 1970s of ten or more distinguishable epidemics” discovered by Myers et al. 10 Therefore, this later group of researchers concluded that, with the exception of the 1959 sequences suggesting viral ancestry, “Clinical, serological and molecular retrospective studies have all failed to produce any evidence of AIDS or HIV prior to the 1970s.” 10 (Emphasis added.) As Myers et al., had initially advanced, the early to mid-1970s “Big Bang” origin of HIV/AIDS is further supported by most recent scientific evidence.10


Read the entire link.
Don't diseases become drug resistant because they mutate and old drugs are no longer effective?

It's pretty stupid to claim that gays created a resistant strain.
Don't diseases become drug resistant because they mutate and old drugs are no longer effective?

It's pretty stupid to claim that gays created a resistant strain.

The virus mutated among the Homosexual Men.It became resistant within
the Homosexual community.
as far as homosexual mairrage goes
I dont presume to speak for god or interput gods plan
the fact is that scientificly we are given a sex urge for the sake of reproduction
when someone diverts from that they are not acting according to their nature
so its a kind of oddity
or unnatural act
what people want to do with their privates
and what people wish to consider normal is fully up to them and theirs
basicly though I think it's a case of a psycological disorder or a
a birth defect in orientation
i really dont know or care
I think we have laws that protect peoples right to behave in this way and not to be harmed for doing so
if they wish to form a civil union
then simply sign over power of attorney to one another and have ceremony
thats protected and covered by law
also a homosexual couple can create wills amd living wills to cover everything else
all of which is allready recognised by the government and by the people
so let these folks do what they want leave them alone and let God decide when he see's them how to deal with them
no special treatment
no harm
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The state should not interfere with religion so I feel that homosexual marriage should be allowed.
But if you are going to do that then you also have to let a brother marry a sister too.
Also if you do allow homosexual marriage you have to get rid of the consummation law because homosexuals cant consummate a marriage because they can not have sex.
Two lesbians doing the scissors or one guy putting it up another's butt is not sex.
It may be considered a sex act but the true definition of sex is when a man puts his wee wee in a women's woo woo. If you don't believe me look it up in the dictionary.

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