Homeschooling: the ultimate results

Make home schoolers meet the same standards a public school must meet. If you don't, your kid gets placed in public school

Public school standards suck and home schooled kids generally do better.

it is public schools which should be elevated to a higher standard

If public school is so bad, homeschool should have no problem meeting basic standards

As opposed to seeing the results which clearly shows home schooled kids do better. When the results speak for themselves AND THEY DO the problem is with the standards which others wish to impose.

Homeschooled kids do better? Why do homeschooler continue to propagate this lie? For every kid that wins the national spelling bee or geography bee, there is another kid who was homeschooled because momma and baby daddy got tired of getting phone calls from the school telling them their little bastard ditched school again and they are going to lock the parents up for truancy. That kid never gets tested and never shows up in the stats because they never graduate.

What bs lol.

Of homeschooled children, 66.7 percent have been found to graduate from a four-year college, whereas those who went to a public school had a 57.5 percent graduation rate.(1)The finding came as a result of a 2009 University of St. Thomas study that analyzed homeschool students' academics versus those in more traditional educational systems. Not only was there a higher college graduation rate, but compared to public, private and Catholic schooling, those who were homeschooled were found to have the highest GPA and also outperformed in college preparedness tests for reading, science and English.(2)
Homeschooled children have higher graduation rates, more social prowess

Yes. 66.7% of those who actually bothered to take the entrance exams and go to college. What percentage of all home schooled children does that represent?
Homeschooled kids do better? Why do homeschooler continue to propagate this lie? For every kid that wins the national spelling bee or geography bee, there is another kid who was homeschooled because momma and baby daddy got tired of getting phone calls from the school telling them their little bastard ditched school again and they are going to lock the parents up for truancy. That kid never gets tested and never shows up in the stats because they never graduate.

It is fact not a lie which you are using hyperbole rather than evidence to argue against

Did you read my post? Evidently you were homeschooled and never learned to read for content.

One example would disprove your theory. I provided that.

I stated fact not theory and a truly educated person knows that anecdotes ( which is your one example ) prove nothing.

You stated no evidence of any sort to undermine or challenge the facts and my facts were not absolutes but generalizations supported by evidence as many throughout the thread have shown,

My anecdotes are acquired through years of personal experience. What do you have? Stats that you haven't provided and if you did could be easily disproven in a matter of seconds.

As I said other provided them and you refuse to even look at them and it is irrelevant where anecdotes come from they are evidence of nothing at all.

You are arguing from authority without any credible authority which is a logical fallacy.

You actually admitted you have seen the stats proving you wrong but discount them do not like them.

You have offered nothing of any credibility to refute them

Yes, I am arguing from a position of authority because I have 20 years teaching experience, served as a school administrator, and have a Master's degree in Education. What is your level of experience?
Fine....if they are doing better, great for them
If mom home schools because she does not like to get up in the morning and class consists of watching TV all day then the kids should be placed in public school
So...they will be SO prepared for those things as an adult in the work force.
So...they will be SO prepared for those things as an adult in the work force.
Such things are usually not tolerated in most workplaces so yes they will be better prepared.


And factually true

Let me guess! You are self-employed and never worked for anyone else!

Am I right?
You are way wrong actually I have never owned a business and have always worked for others.

Then you are either lying or extremely insulated from reality.
This is a great thread. Look at the commie filth get all bent because parents recognize the purpose of nationalized public education.



Xi's new patriotic curriculum

""Today's life is rich, blessed, happy and joyous," she said. "Where does our happy life come from? Who gave it to us?"

"It comes from the blood of revolutionary martyrs! From the Red Army!" said a 9-year-old boy, Li Jiacheng. The class burst into applause, and Xie beamed."

For decades, the Chinese Communist Party has pushed a stiff regimen of ideological education on students, requiring tedious lessons on Marx and Mao and canned lectures on the virtues of patriotism and loyalty.
Because our public schools are just like those pics.....:lol: In some trumpanzee's warped mind.
Make home schoolers meet the same standards a public school must meet. If you don't, your kid gets placed in public school

Public school standards suck and home schooled kids generally do better.

it is public schools which should be elevated to a higher standard

So if public schools are bad, It's OK with you that home schoolers don't even have to be at least that good?

Yes it is.

Home schoolers overwhelmingly ARE in fact better educated than public schools which merely goes to show when people are left alone they will manage for themselves without state coercion which invariably fails

Are you basing that on all home schooled students, or just the ones who take college entrance exams? Many don't bother with those exams. You still didn't answer the question though.
I clearly did answer it.


As in yes it is ok and explained why.

NOT taking a college entrance exam does not indicate a lack of education so your singling out that example is irrelevant.

Not taking an entrance exam does indicate you can't use them in your example of how home schooled children compare to public schooled children. Your comparison is just taking the top home schoolers and comparing them to all public schooled children.
So if public schools are bad, It's OK with you that home schoolers don't even have to be at least that good?

Yes it is.

***Home schoolers overwhelmingly ARE in fact better educated than public schools which merely goes to show when people are left alone they will manage for themselves without state coercion which invariably fails

You keep forgetting the word "some" at the beginning of your statement.

No I did not because it would not be accurate.

As a public school teacher, I had countless students that were homeschooled and then the parents woke up and enrolled them in public school. Most of them were two to three years behind in their math skills.

I know the problem. You live in La-La land!
You are ignorant of the problem and offering no evidence to support your weak position.

Others have posted evidence which you can only whine about
Of course he is. He's a career educator.
Make home schoolers meet the same standards a public school must meet. If you don't, your kid gets placed in public school

Public school standards suck and home schooled kids generally do better.

it is public schools which should be elevated to a higher standard

If public school is so bad, homeschool should have no problem meeting basic standards

As opposed to seeing the results which clearly shows home schooled kids do better. When the results speak for themselves AND THEY DO the problem is with the standards which others wish to impose.

Homeschooled kids do better? Why do homeschooler continue to propagate this lie? For every kid that wins the national spelling bee or geography bee, there is another kid who was homeschooled because momma and baby daddy got tired of getting phone calls from the school telling them their little bastard ditched school again and they are going to lock the parents up for truancy. That kid never gets tested and never shows up in the stats because they never graduate.

It is fact not a lie which you are using hyperbole rather than evidence to argue against

Some use of punctuation would make reading your tripe a little less tedious.
I think many parents can make great homeschool teachers. Ones that are motivated, educated and innovative

I doubt that most American parents fit the bill
I think most American parents do fit the bill.

Apparently you are unwilling to even put that to the test by getting out of their way and letting them control the education of their kids.

There is your error.

You do know that 50% of all parents are below average.
I used to have a woman live next to me who was a Jesus freak

Of course her two young kids were homeschooled. Class consisted of reading the bible

The kids were dumb as rocks and sort of creepy
They wanted Pissertites to slay. They could not find them, not knowing the victims were the Perizzites. So the neighbordhood was saved, selah.
Homeschooled kids do better? Why do homeschooler continue to propagate this lie? For every kid that wins the national spelling bee or geography bee, there is another kid who was homeschooled because momma and baby daddy got tired of getting phone calls from the school telling them their little bastard ditched school again and they are going to lock the parents up for truancy. That kid never gets tested and never shows up in the stats because they never graduate.

It is fact not a lie which you are using hyperbole rather than evidence to argue against

Did you read my post? Evidently you were homeschooled and never learned to read for content.

One example would disprove your theory. I provided that.

I stated fact not theory and a truly educated person knows that anecdotes ( which is your one example ) prove nothing.

You stated no evidence of any sort to undermine or challenge the facts and my facts were not absolutes but generalizations supported by evidence as many throughout the thread have shown,

My anecdotes are acquired through years of personal experience. What do you have? Stats that you haven't provided and if you did could be easily disproven in a matter of seconds.

As I said other provided them and you refuse to even look at them and it is irrelevant where anecdotes come from they are evidence of nothing at all.

You are arguing from authority without any credible authority which is a logical fallacy.

You actually admitted you have seen the stats proving you wrong but discount them do not like them.

You have offered nothing of any credibility to refute them

It is not that I do not like them. I know that the statistics are biased because I have an extensive background in mathematics and statistics. What do you have?
Thanks to home schooling, there are millions of children all across the US that think that just because they have certain genitals they are a certain sex and that there are only two genders.

Anyone who believes the American school system of the last century has not created our great nation makes a "dubious and highly ignorant statement."
Home schoolers normally are good at general concrete tasks but can't abstract.

Essay writing is an example. Generally, they can create a general essay structure but they can't demonstrate critical thinking or sold conclusions with the "why" of the emphasis being important. So if you need a rote task worker, hire a home schooler that does not require critical or constructive thinking.
Link? Proof?
Jake never provides links or proof. Ever. It's always basically whatever he pulls out of his ass. :)
WQ and Unky have failed to tell the reader the OP has not verified succinctly and accurately the thesis, which I countered with common sense.

I don't have to do anything else at all in refutation until the lame brain Alt Right commie cons can verify with objective standards of proof that its thesis is accurate.

The Alt Right commiecons here are the very proof with home schooled as a whole is so sub-standard in comparison with even public school systems.
I have a nephew who was home schooled, and today, he is the union shop steward in a Peterbilt Truck assembly plant, so it is not as if he didn't learn any skills at all.

Of course. Some home school parents are concerned and capable of giving their children a great education. The one on one teaching is much better than a large class. However, it's wrong to say all parents are educated enough to give their children a quality education, and pointing to the ones lucky enough to have parents do as the expected outcome of home schooling is just wrong. With required standards home schooling could be a great idea. Without them lots of children are missing the chance at a better, more productive life.

You don't have to have a great education yourself to give your child one. There are resources that make that possible.

Of course there are. That's where the ones with the high SATs come from. Many don't take advantage of those resources, and nothing in federal law says they have to. If there were requirements for parents to use those resources, or to determine if the child is being taught anything, then home schooling might be a viable option.
Make home schoolers meet the same standards a public school must meet. If you don't, your kid gets placed in public school

Public school standards suck and home schooled kids generally do better.

it is public schools which should be elevated to a higher standard
Interesting comparison....when you do that you count ALL public school students including those in Special Ed?...speaking of which...what about those special ed students? Home school them? Private school them?
First of all... Our public school system has made our nation the greatest in the world

Secondly, nobody is forced to use the public school system

First of all that is very arguable. While no one I know of is claiming education in general is a bad thing your assertion that it is THE cause of American greatness is a dubious and highly ignorant statement.

Second yes many ARE forced to do so through truancy laws.
Free public school education has been the great equalizer in this country
And once again that is merely a general opinion not something which can be demonstrated.
It has been demonstrated millions of times over
No it never has the burden is on you to demonstrate it not some vague other.
Poor children from struggling families could never afford an education
Free public education made it possible to succeed
So if public schools are bad, It's OK with you that home schoolers don't even have to be at least that good?

Yes it is.

***Home schoolers overwhelmingly ARE in fact better educated than public schools which merely goes to show when people are left alone they will manage for themselves without state coercion which invariably fails

You keep forgetting the word "some" at the beginning of your statement.

No I did not because it would not be accurate.

As a public school teacher, I had countless students that were homeschooled and then the parents woke up and enrolled them in public school. Most of them were two to three years behind in their math skills.

I know the problem. You live in La-La land!
Oh god I're a TEACHER. That explains both your stupidity and your dishonesty.
I owe my success as a renowned messageboard poster to my excellent teachers

I see they failed you
It is fact not a lie which you are using hyperbole rather than evidence to argue against

Did you read my post? Evidently you were homeschooled and never learned to read for content.

One example would disprove your theory. I provided that.

I stated fact not theory and a truly educated person knows that anecdotes ( which is your one example ) prove nothing.

You stated no evidence of any sort to undermine or challenge the facts and my facts were not absolutes but generalizations supported by evidence as many throughout the thread have shown,

My anecdotes are acquired through years of personal experience. What do you have? Stats that you haven't provided and if you did could be easily disproven in a matter of seconds.

As I said other provided them and you refuse to even look at them and it is irrelevant where anecdotes come from they are evidence of nothing at all.

You are arguing from authority without any credible authority which is a logical fallacy.

You actually admitted you have seen the stats proving you wrong but discount them do not like them.

You have offered nothing of any credibility to refute them

Yes, I am arguing from a position of authority because I have 20 years teaching experience, served as a school administrator, and have a Master's degree in Education. What is your level of experience?

Grandiose claims on the internet are not credible and I have stated what evidence I am referring to some of which you have cited but not refuted
Yep, teaching bigotry and hatred of tens of millions of your follow Americans is such a wonderful things.

There's a reason 90% of kids go to public school! Parents don't have the fucking time when they have to work to make a rich man richer to just have a roof over their goddamn head.

Manufacturing jobs are the kind of jobs that enable One Income Families.

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