Homeschooling: the ultimate results

If mommy doesn't know the answer she is smart enough to find the one who does...
Home schooled kids are smarter, no matter how much you protest.

Nothing crazed about where we stand in the world. We don't even make the top ten in education, but we are #2 in ignorance.
  1. South Korea (1.30)
  2. Japan (1.03)
  3. Singapore (0.99)
  4. Hong Kong (0.96)
  5. Finland (0.92)
  6. United Kingdom (0.67)
  7. Canada (0.60)
  8. Netherlands (0.58)
  9. Ireland (0.51)
  10. Poland (0.50
    education | Ranking America

yah... our educational levels aren't where they should be because religious zealots refuse to allow their kids to learn science. that is only one reason blue states have higher educational levels than red states....

Mississippi anyone?

Except when the Bible actually was taught in schools our standing in the education community was much better. #1 in fact.
So actually, it is the reverse of what you say that is true.

See? You would have know that if you had been home schooled... :)

The bible is still taught in school, but do you think the only difference now is that we no longer force students to go through religious indoctrination?
If mommy doesn't know the answer she is smart enough to find the one who does...
Home schooled kids are smarter, no matter how much you protest.

Nothing crazed about where we stand in the world. We don't even make the top ten in education, but we are #2 in ignorance.
  1. South Korea (1.30)
  2. Japan (1.03)
  3. Singapore (0.99)
  4. Hong Kong (0.96)
  5. Finland (0.92)
  6. United Kingdom (0.67)
  7. Canada (0.60)
  8. Netherlands (0.58)
  9. Ireland (0.51)
  10. Poland (0.50
    education | Ranking America

    And as far as science vs Bible, who said it first? There are 10 dimensions. 4 seen, 6 unseen?
None of those countries rely on homeschooling
If mommy doesn't know the answer she is smart enough to find the one who does...
Home schooled kids are smarter, no matter how much you protest.

Nothing crazed about where we stand in the world. We don't even make the top ten in education, but we are #2 in ignorance.
  1. South Korea (1.30)
  2. Japan (1.03)
  3. Singapore (0.99)
  4. Hong Kong (0.96)
  5. Finland (0.92)
  6. United Kingdom (0.67)
  7. Canada (0.60)
  8. Netherlands (0.58)
  9. Ireland (0.51)
  10. Poland (0.50
    education | Ranking America

yah... our educational levels aren't where they should be because religious zealots refuse to allow their kids to learn science. that is only one reason blue states have higher educational levels than red states....

Mississippi anyone?

Except when the Bible actually was taught in schools our standing in the world wide educational community was much better. #1 in fact.
So actually, it is the reverse of what you say that is true.

See? You would have know that if you had been home schooled... :slap:
If more kids understood that evolution was a myth they would do better in school
If mommy doesn't know the answer she is smart enough to find the one who does...
Home schooled kids are smarter, no matter how much you protest.

Nothing crazed about where we stand in the world. We don't even make the top ten in education, but we are #2 in ignorance.
  1. South Korea (1.30)
  2. Japan (1.03)
  3. Singapore (0.99)
  4. Hong Kong (0.96)
  5. Finland (0.92)
  6. United Kingdom (0.67)
  7. Canada (0.60)
  8. Netherlands (0.58)
  9. Ireland (0.51)
  10. Poland (0.50
    education | Ranking America

yah... our educational levels aren't where they should be because religious zealots refuse to allow their kids to learn science. that is only one reason blue states have higher educational levels than red states....

Mississippi anyone?

Except when the Bible actually was taught in schools our standing in the world wide educational community was much better. #1 in fact.
So actually, it is the reverse of what you say that is true.

See? You would have know that if you had been home schooled... :slap:
If more kids understood that evolution was a myth they would do better in school

Online schools are great for some kids, but most do not learn as well.

Ever tried taking an on-line PE class?

How about chorus?



They do that in co-ops. Face it, modern home schoolers have good resources at their fingertips.

Yeah, right!

You should say "some", but that would defeat your argument, wouldn't it?

It's up to the parents and students to access them, just like parents and students in government schools have resources they can choose to access.

Note that I never said they could not. Please explain the resources available in a small farming community more then 50 miles away from the nearest large city. You simply cannot make blanket statements as homeschools supporters have a strong tendency to do.

First off, they have a great advantage in biology, since it's literally out in the barn. Then, online curricula place everything at the parents' fingertips. This isn't the 1950's any more.

Do you ever consider how few people living in rural areas have access to the Internet?

Ever take a welding class on-line? How about chemistry labs?

How about any other number of classes that need to be hands-on?
Are you saying the racial makeup of the local school doesn’t play into the decision to homeschool?

I'm saying people decide to home school for many reasons. Insisting they're racist is just plain hateful and stupid.

Unfortunately, in many cases it is true. It is not plain hateful and stupid.

You can find racists everywhere, but to make a blanket statement that all home schooling parents are doing it because they are IS hateful and stupid.

I think you need to look up the term "blanket statement" because you obviously do not understand it.

To say parents home school so their kids don't have to play with Negros isn't a blanket statement?

Please quote where I said anything of the sort.

Whether you believe it or not, for some disgusting people out there, it is a consideration. Just look at some of the posts on this forum.
If mommy doesn't know the answer she is smart enough to find the one who does...
Home schooled kids are smarter, no matter how much you protest.

Nothing crazed about where we stand in the world. We don't even make the top ten in education, but we are #2 in ignorance.
  1. South Korea (1.30)
  2. Japan (1.03)
  3. Singapore (0.99)
  4. Hong Kong (0.96)
  5. Finland (0.92)
  6. United Kingdom (0.67)
  7. Canada (0.60)
  8. Netherlands (0.58)
  9. Ireland (0.51)
  10. Poland (0.50
    education | Ranking America

    And as far as science vs Bible, who said it first? There are 10 dimensions. 4 seen, 6 unseen?

Do you have any idea how that ranking was produced?

Look at what the top schools have in common.

BTW, Hong Kong is not a country. It is part of China. You would think the people who did the ranking might notice that.
If mommy doesn't know the answer she is smart enough to find the one who does...
Home schooled kids are smarter, no matter how much you protest.

Nothing crazed about where we stand in the world. We don't even make the top ten in education, but we are #2 in ignorance.
  1. South Korea (1.30)
  2. Japan (1.03)
  3. Singapore (0.99)
  4. Hong Kong (0.96)
  5. Finland (0.92)
  6. United Kingdom (0.67)
  7. Canada (0.60)
  8. Netherlands (0.58)
  9. Ireland (0.51)
  10. Poland (0.50
    education | Ranking America

yah... our educational levels aren't where they should be because religious zealots refuse to allow their kids to learn science. that is only one reason blue states have higher educational levels than red states....

Mississippi anyone?

Except when the Bible actually was taught in schools our standing in the world wide educational community was much better. #1 in fact.
So actually, it is the reverse of what you say that is true.

See? You would have know that if you had been home schooled... :slap:
If more kids understood that evolution was a myth they would do better in school

If the parents want their kids to go on to college, they have to take the SAT's just like everyone else. We don't see large numbers of home schooled children suffering because they didn't get s good education. Just the opposite.

How do you know?

Because of there was an epidemic of them, it would make the news just like failing government schools do.

With no monitoring, who is to complain? You think the home school parents are going to demand less home schooling?

Where are the uneducated of today coming from, home schools or government schools?

The reality remains, parents can give their kids a good education at home.

It is a possibility, but not the reality for most.

Most? No.
If the parents want their kids to go on to college, they have to take the SAT's just like everyone else. We don't see large numbers of home schooled children suffering because they didn't get s good education. Just the opposite.

How do you know?

Because of there was an epidemic of them, it would make the news just like failing government schools do.

With no monitoring, who is to complain? You think the home school parents are going to demand less home schooling?

Where are the uneducated of today coming from, home schools or government schools?

The reality remains, parents can give their kids a good education at home.
Nothing shows homeschool kids do better than if they were in a public school environment

Likewise, no evidence they do worse. First hand accounts, moreover, are overwhelmingly positive.
I'm saying people decide to home school for many reasons. Insisting they're racist is just plain hateful and stupid.

Unfortunately, in many cases it is true. It is not plain hateful and stupid.

You can find racists everywhere, but to make a blanket statement that all home schooling parents are doing it because they are IS hateful and stupid.

I think you need to look up the term "blanket statement" because you obviously do not understand it.

To say parents home school so their kids don't have to play with Negros isn't a blanket statement?
Not for many on this board, no, it is not.

This board doesn't come close to representing the real world, where reside those tarred by that very broad brush.
Yep, teaching bigotry and hatred of tens of millions of your follow Americans is such a wonderful things.

There's a reason 90% of kids go to public school! Parents don't have the fucking time when they have to work to make a rich man richer to just have a roof over their goddamn head.

Manufacturing jobs are the kind of jobs that enable One Income Families.

It may take me some time to process this post. I really don't have the slightest idea what you are trying to say. But, speaking from personal experience, my stepfather had a manufacturing job at Ford when I was growing up, and the only thing it enabled for me was the fact that if I wanted lunch money for school, I had to work everyday after school and all day Saturday all through high school. Of course, years later, after I had moved out, the union had managed to get him a stock option and profit sharing plan that enabled him to retire with a little dignity.

That's counter to the information I've had about manufacturing jobs, especially old school car plants.

There might be something unusual about your earlier situation, unusual expenses or something.

Nope. The facts were simple. My step father had a manufacturing job at Ford, because he quit school in the 7th grade to support his mother, brothers and sisters after his father died, and that was the best job he could get. He worked all of his life at a job he hated, and we were poor. There was absolutely nothing about his working for 50 years at Ford manufacturing that anyone could possibly find positive, other than the fact that it kept food on the table at home. As for us kids, we all started work by the age of 14, and never asked for a dime thereafter. We all went to public school, and we all prospered.

Are you extremely old?

Nope. But retired.
Unfortunately, in many cases it is true. It is not plain hateful and stupid.

You can find racists everywhere, but to make a blanket statement that all home schooling parents are doing it because they are IS hateful and stupid.

I think you need to look up the term "blanket statement" because you obviously do not understand it.

To say parents home school so their kids don't have to play with Negros isn't a blanket statement?
Not for many on this board, no, it is not.

This board doesn't come close to representing the real world, where reside those tarred by that very broad brush.
You are mumbling.
They do that in co-ops. Face it, modern home schoolers have good resources at their fingertips.

Yeah, right!

You should say "some", but that would defeat your argument, wouldn't it?

It's up to the parents and students to access them, just like parents and students in government schools have resources they can choose to access.

Note that I never said they could not. Please explain the resources available in a small farming community more then 50 miles away from the nearest large city. You simply cannot make blanket statements as homeschools supporters have a strong tendency to do.

First off, they have a great advantage in biology, since it's literally out in the barn. Then, online curricula place everything at the parents' fingertips. This isn't the 1950's any more.

Do you ever consider how few people living in rural areas have access to the Internet?

Ever take a welding class on-line? How about chemistry labs?

How about any other number of classes that need to be hands-on?

You do realize that government schools in those same locations have the same kinds of issues, right? In some areas, home schooled kids have access to government school facilities for things difficult to do at home. In addition, remote areas typically don't tick parents off so much they teach their kids at home.

The reality remains, parents can give their kids a good education at home.
You can find racists everywhere, but to make a blanket statement that all home schooling parents are doing it because they are IS hateful and stupid.

I think you need to look up the term "blanket statement" because you obviously do not understand it.

To say parents home school so their kids don't have to play with Negros isn't a blanket statement?
Not for many on this board, no, it is not.

This board doesn't come close to representing the real world, where reside those tarred by that very broad brush.
You are mumbling.

I'll type louder next time.
I'm saying people decide to home school for many reasons. Insisting they're racist is just plain hateful and stupid.

Unfortunately, in many cases it is true. It is not plain hateful and stupid.

You can find racists everywhere, but to make a blanket statement that all home schooling parents are doing it because they are IS hateful and stupid.

I think you need to look up the term "blanket statement" because you obviously do not understand it.

To say parents home school so their kids don't have to play with Negros isn't a blanket statement?

Please quote where I said anything of the sort.

Whether you believe it or not, for some disgusting people out there, it is a consideration. Just look at some of the posts on this forum.

For some, yes. For all, no. Go back over the post I responded to.
Yeah, right!

You should say "some", but that would defeat your argument, wouldn't it?

It's up to the parents and students to access them, just like parents and students in government schools have resources they can choose to access.

Note that I never said they could not. Please explain the resources available in a small farming community more then 50 miles away from the nearest large city. You simply cannot make blanket statements as homeschools supporters have a strong tendency to do.

First off, they have a great advantage in biology, since it's literally out in the barn. Then, online curricula place everything at the parents' fingertips. This isn't the 1950's any more.

Do you ever consider how few people living in rural areas have access to the Internet?

Ever take a welding class on-line? How about chemistry labs?

How about any other number of classes that need to be hands-on?

You do realize that government schools in those same locations have the same kinds of issues, right? In some areas, home schooled kids have access to government school facilities for things difficult to do at home. In addition, remote areas typically don't tick parents off so much they teach their kids at home.

The reality remains, parents can give their kids a good education at home.

What "same kind of issues"?

I taught in rural schools for the past 5 years. The vast majority of my students were farm kids. When I have to tell a student to go outside and scrap the manure off their boots, I think I can detect the manure in your posts.

Also, I think I am familiar enough with the areas to know that there are few homeschoolers and there are no facilities available to them.

I believe now you have gone to talking out of your ass like a typical homeschool supporter. I guess you believe that if can't dazzle them with your brilliance, you try to baffle them with bullshit.
Unfortunately, in many cases it is true. It is not plain hateful and stupid.

You can find racists everywhere, but to make a blanket statement that all home schooling parents are doing it because they are IS hateful and stupid.

I think you need to look up the term "blanket statement" because you obviously do not understand it.

To say parents home school so their kids don't have to play with Negros isn't a blanket statement?

Please quote where I said anything of the sort.

Whether you believe it or not, for some disgusting people out there, it is a consideration. Just look at some of the posts on this forum.

For some, yes. For all, no. Go back over the post I responded to.

That post is quoted above. Are you incapable or reading? My posts are in red. Show me where I said what you claimed. Your claim's text is in blue.
And once again that is merely a general opinion not something which can be demonstrated.
It has been demonstrated millions of times over
No it never has the burden is on you to demonstrate it not some vague other.
Poor children from struggling families could never afford an education
Free public education made it possible to succeed

Thanks for the history lesson. US Public Schools suck relative to the rest of the industrialized world. It's time to make major changes or close them down and find better alternatives.
Other nations have centrally controlled education
We farm it out to local communities

The idea is not which entity controls public education.....the question is accountability.

If you are stupid or lazy you do not advance in public education in England, as an example, past age 16. Accountability is built in every step of the way.

Those who do not want to be educated and disrupt public schools need to be culled from the herd. Public school on the taxpayer dime is a should not be a right.

I work in public is mostly a joke. Roughly a 1/3 of kids do not want to learn are really do not want to participate. That is obviously a personal choice. Those students absorb the bulk of time and energy in public schools, and it is an utter waste.

Schools need to clearly articulate expectations for all students. If the student is unwilling to meet basic expectations then it should become the parents problem. That would immediately vastly improve our public school system.

Your education is your responsibility....and your parents. Period. Since it's "free" you better fucking take full advantage of it. If you are unwilling to take basic responsibility for your own education I have zero sympathy.

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