Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 peopl

Where is your evidence it's all a bullshit lie?

The information in the article dude, or do you just not know what the phrase 'the government disappeared him' actually means historically?

It means a Death Squad killed the fucker and dumped his body somewhere. Idiocy like yours is simply inuring the public to the reality that I hope doesnt happen, at least not yet.

You cant reason with him. He applied to be a Las Vegas cop, got denied in his application, and has an axe to grind. Cop haters are either criminals or people who tried to be cops and couldn't cut it.
Outrageous behavior by police in the dimocrat-controlled-for-decades Windy City from whence community agitator Barry Obama slithered forth. Don't they realize those "disappeared," wasting away in their cells or holding pens could be out on the streets engaging in business as usual with results generally in a very positive ratio of dead criminal thugs to innocent bystanders? They're interferring with the natural order of life in the hoods, and that's a bad thing.

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