Jim Webb to Run as Independent

maybe Lincoln Chafee can also run as an independant,,,then at the end of election night, they will show Chaffee at last place with 42 total votes.
I don't even know who that is. But I personally support Trump anyway.

Webb is, IMO, better than Trump in many ways, but thanks to the ideological control of the left on the Democratic Party, you will never have a chance to vote for him unless Webb goes third party.
Webb has zero name recognition on the national level so democrat party leaders would be fools to support him much beyond bus fare home. Especially now when they're trying to lure Biden in the race.
Webb has zero name recognition on the national level so democrat party leaders would be fools to support him much beyond bus fare home. Especially now when they're trying to lure Biden in the race.

This is what is wrong with the Big Wigs in the Professional Political Class; they are out of touch as they take short cuts too much now, using pollsters, and 'survey groups' to get their feel for what the public wants instead of going straight to the public themselves.

Webb doesnt have 'name recognition' yet, so what? That is what advertising is for.

Webb is a far better candidate than Clinton is and the rest but he wont get any chance at the Democratic nod because
1) Hillary has her turn now.
2) Webb is not black and has a cock, both of which disqualify him in the view of half or more of the Democratic Party.
3) he is way too honest for the whores that lead that party.

IF Webb runs third party and the GOP nominates an establishment pick and the Dems nominate Hitlary, I think Webb might win, but I know for sure that I would be voting for him.
I don't even know who that is. But I personally support Trump anyway.
Webb is a dirty bastard. However, he is well known. If you do not know who he is then you are uninformed. How can you support anybody if you are uninformed as to all of the candidates?

You, sir, are the reason we are in the fucked up mess in which we find ourselves - ignorant electorate. If you do not know anything about politics then stay the fuck home on Election Day. We do not need your kind voting.

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