Holt War...? Holy crap!


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
<center><h1><a href=http://villagevoice.com/issues/0416/schanberg.php>George Bush's global holy war threatens our Presidency—and perhaps the future of our nation</a></h1></center>

by Sydney H. Schanberg

April 20th, 2004 12:00 PM

<blockquote>Who can dispute that Americans of all political and personal beliefs can now see that the nation is at a turning point in its history. It is hard to think otherwise.

The president has led us into a war of civilizations and cultures. He says he is guided in all decisions by "the Almighty." He has done nothing that would give us reason to doubt that he truly believe this in his bones. Eerie, is it not, that the Al Qaeda killers who follow Osama bin Laden and seek to destroy the United States claim they have God on their side, too.

Is this an argument for moral equivalence? Absolutely not. Moreover, moral equivalency is not the grave issue before the American citizenry today. The state of our presidency—and perhaps the future of our country—is.

The president, who was led to born-again religion by Texas evangelists some years ago, after a wayward youth, spoke again of the will of God at his recent speech-cum-press conference. Referring to the war in Iraq, he said, "[F]reedom is not this country's gift to the world. Freedom is the Almighty's gift to every man and woman in this world." Then he added: "And, as the greatest power on the face of the earth, we have an obligation" to carry out the Lord's mission.

Some of Mr. Bush's own supporters have grown increasingly anxious about Iraq and its ramifications. In part, this is because of the continuing accumulation of documentary evidence that the president and his coterie of more secular hawks took the nation into a pre-emptive war against Iraq on the basis of hyped intelligence and false claims. The claims were that Iraq (1) was linked to the September 11, 2001, suicide-plane attacks on New York and Washington, (2) possessed large stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and (3) posed a serious, urgent threat to the United States.

Many presidents have invoked God in speeches and policy decisions, especially during times of war when soldiers were dying for country. And most presidents have told lies of various kinds during their tenures. But I know of no president, certainly no modern president, who said he was acting in God's name while telling lies in order to prod the country into a war against an adversary that, though a vile dictatorship, was no real threat to our security—and had no significant link to the bin Laden forces that attacked us in 2001.</blockquote>

Dubbyuh is nothing more, and nothing less, than an opportunistic hypocrite who uses religion a means of inflaming the emotions of the nation to serve his own ends.
Now I see why your brain is fried and you live and breathe thinking about Bush. If you read nothing more than anti-Bush propaganda, then you'll eventually fall prey to their idiocy.

Your sources are laughable. You lose more and more credibility every time you post another one of these biased op/ed articles. I mean really, Village Voice? That paper is free in NYC and still nobody bothers with it! LOL
Really bully. THis war is about stabilizing the world and saving civilization from barbarians trapped in the 7th century by tryrannical mullahs.
I think Bullypit is a very angry person and currently is directing his personal frustrations on Bush. If Bush were not president, his anger would be directed at someone else.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Now I see why your brain is fried and you live and breathe thinking about Bush. If you read nothing more than anti-Bush propaganda, then you'll eventually fall prey to their idiocy.

Your sources are laughable. You lose more and more credibility every time you post another one of these biased op/ed articles. I mean really, Village Voice? That paper is free in NYC and still nobody bothers with it! LOL

Say what you want about that article, but the Village Voice is quite a popular paper. It is the largest weekly newspaper in the U.S., anyway.

They do bash Bush alot, though, I can see why you don't read it.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Say what you want about that article, but the Village Voice is quite a popular paper. It is the largest weekly newspaper in the U.S., anyway.

They do bash Bush alot, though, I can see why you don't read it.

Popularity doesn't equate to credibility. The National Enquirer and Star also sell huge amounts as well. Would you go to either of those for your political news?
The Cincinnati area's equivalent to the Village Voice is a leftist rag known as, "Everybody's News." The other day, I lined my parrot's cage with it, but he refused to use it. He said, "Why be redundant?"
And just because one thinks a publication is a leftist ragf doesn't mean it lacks credibility to hundreds of thousands of folks who have different views than yourself.
Originally posted by nycflasher
And just because one thinks a publication is a leftist ragf doesn't mean it lacks credibility to hundreds of thousands of folks who have different views than yourself.

And just because hundreds of thousands read it that doesn't make it credible, even if they think it is. Bias is bias. Besides, how serious can a paper be that has pages upon pages of personal ads and allows ads from hookers? LOL
I happen to think Das Kapital is a leftist rag, too. Hope that doesn't make me intolerant.
Originally posted by jimnyc
And just because hundreds of thousands read it that doesn't make it credible, even if they think it is. Bias is bias. Besides, how serious can a paper be that has pages upon pages of personal ads and allows ads from hookers? LOL

He-he, I just like it because it's free :p:
That it allows ads from hookers is a bonus, he-he.

But yeah, numbers don't make something credible just popular.
Hence the election of GW (har-har-har)...
Originally posted by musicman
I happen to think Das Kapital is a leftist rag, too. Hope that doesn't make me intolerant.

You're entitled to your opinion.

I think tolerance has more to do with respecting views you don't neccesarily share, so as long as you respect someone's right to differ that would make you tolerant...right?

Nitpicking I guess. But I like words.
Originally posted by nycflasher

We do need to have that drink sometime.
When I'm back in the City in a couple of weeks I'll let you know.

Don't forget, I'm in lower westchester actually, only about 15mins from CT!
Originally posted by nycflasher
You're entitled to your opinion.

I think tolerance has more to do with respecting views you don't neccesarily share, so as long as you respect someone's right to differ that would make you tolerant...right?

Nitpicking I guess. But I like words.

I'll fight to the death for your right to disagree with me.
Originally posted by jimnyc
And just because hundreds of thousands read it that doesn't make it credible, even if they think it is. Bias is bias. Besides, how serious can a paper be that has pages upon pages of personal ads and allows ads from hookers? LOL

I don't read the Voice often but have seen decent articles from them, down here creative loafing has better journalism than the AJC for the most part and I fully endorse personal ads and ads for hookers :)
Originally posted by Aquarian
I don't read the Voice often but have seen decent articles from them, down here creative loafing has better journalism than the AJC for the most part and I fully endorse personal ads and ads for hookers :)

Hey, that quote in your sig. is great.

Reminds me of a bumper sticker: No one is free while others are oppressed.

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