hmm .. and I am not talking about other nations. I am talking about right here at home. Republicans, Democrats, Neocons, Liberals .. All are but labels upon us. We are truly infinite beings behind eyes that have a tough time seeing past the illusion and consequently take them as real. But wait, what does this have to do about politics .. well the politicians know this to be true and divide us and keep us quarreling so that they can push any agenda through that they want. Bush is a puppet, and the United States of Advertising is now a country of fear - fear of Big Brother and fear of Little Brother - those "normal, average" people who run around telling people what true freedom is and how others should lead their lives. Yeah I hear you - keep spouting off all these chants of fighting for FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM - and then go pass the Patriot Act, ban gay marriage, end women's choice, etc etc etc which take away that which you just yelled about till your face was red. True freedom is the freedom to do anything as long as it doesn't impose upon others that right.