Holder Weighs Dismantling the Ferguson Police Dept.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The racist emails holder is whining about called obozo a chimp just like millions of people called george bush a chimp when he was prez!!!


march 6 2015
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. vowed a firm response on Friday to what he called “appalling” racial misconduct by law enforcement officials in Ferguson, Mo., suggesting he was prepared to seek the dismantling of the police force there if necessary.

“We are prepared to use all the powers that we have, all the power that we have, to ensure that the situation changes there,” Mr. Holder told reporters here after returning from Columbia, S.C., where he appeared with President Obama at a town hall-style meeting at Benedict College. “That means everything from working with them to coming up with an entirely new structure.”

Asked if that included dismantling the police force, Mr. Holder said: “If that’s what’s necessary, we’re prepared to do that.”

His remarks came after two police supervisors in Ferguson resigned after being linked to racist emails turned up by a Justice Department investigation.

The two supervisors, Capt. Rick Henke and Sgt. William Mudd, left the force on Thursday, the city’s information office said Friday. A third employee, Mary Ann Twitty, clerk of the Municipal Court, was fired on Wednesday for her role in the emails.

Officials did not say whether any of the three actually wrote the emails, or whether other employees were involved in writing or forwarding them.
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did not say whether any of the three actually wrote the emails, or whether other employees were involved in writing or forwarding them.]

HAHAHA. Talk about a kangaroo court. Holder doesn't even know who wrote the emails but he's firing people anyway!!

We need to demand holder explain why it's ok to call a white president a chimp but not a black one.
He should. He should dismantle it...and appoint himself as chief.

Id LOVE to see his ideas for suppressing violent crime in a poor ghetto in action. He'll fight violent crime with hugs and gold star stickers for those who behave!
Chief Holder policy manual section 1-A: No white officer shall use any force on a minority until a minority supervisor arrives to approve it. Those officers who are concerned that a minority supervisor wont be available- be aware that from this day forwad ALL supervisors will be minorities.
Where is his authority to dismantle a local government agency?

Good question. There is none.

An even better question is, when is the city of Ferguson going to realize that Holder is a toothless tiger threatening to gum them to death and tell him to pound sand and tell Obama to not appoint any more racists?
Great idea.

Dismantle the police force entirely and let the good times roll.

It's not as tho any black people owned any businesses there.....

We'll see the same white flight we saw in Detroit when blacks took the city by a violent coup and threatened "justice" against whites. I quite imagine that white people are packing their bags already.
Great idea.

Dismantle the police force entirely and let the good times roll.

It's not as tho any black people owned any businesses there.....

We'll see the same white flight we saw in Detroit when blacks took the city by a violent coup and threatened "justice" against whites. I quite imagine that white people are packing their bags already.

Yep. The first whites to flee...will be white cops. Hope these cities get some great minority cops. Thats all they'll get.
Hell, based on the demographics I've heard about Ferguson from time to time, the White Flight already took place, quite some time ago, didn't it?
Where is his authority to dismantle a local government agency?

Get serious. That's like asking where does obozo get authority to legalize 10 million foreign invaders. The black mafia in DC does whatever it wants and the bought-off GOP looks the other way.
The racist emails holder is whining about called obozo a chimp just like millions of people called george bush a chimp when he was prez!!!


march 6 2015
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. vowed a firm response on Friday to what he called “appalling” racial misconduct by law enforcement officials in Ferguson, Mo., suggesting he was prepared to seek the dismantling of the police force there if necessary.

“We are prepared to use all the powers that we have, all the power that we have, to ensure that the situation changes there,” Mr. Holder told reporters here after returning from Columbia, S.C., where he appeared with President Obama at a town hall-style meeting at Benedict College. “That means everything from working with them to coming up with an entirely new structure.”

Asked if that included dismantling the police force, Mr. Holder said: “If that’s what’s necessary, we’re prepared to do that.”

His remarks came after two police supervisors in Ferguson resigned after being linked to racist emails turned up by a Justice Department investigation.

The two supervisors, Capt. Rick Henke and Sgt. William Mudd, left the force on Thursday, the city’s information office said Friday. A third employee, Mary Ann Twitty, clerk of the Municipal Court, was fired on Wednesday for her role in the emails.

Officials did not say whether any of the three actually wrote the emails, or whether other employees were involved in writing or forwarding them.

"Appaling racial misconduct..."

Um, better not google old US-made WWII posters then.
Hell, based on the demographics I've heard about Ferguson from time to time, the White Flight already took place, quite some time ago, didn't it?

The city says it's 70% black which means it's really 90% as all cities lie about how many blacks they have. So yeah, white flight happened long ago.

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