Holder to Issa..McCarthy-era- line.."have you no shame"??!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Holder fired back by invoking the McCarthy-era line, "Have you no shame?"

To which Issa retorted, "Have YOU no shame?"

The actual line, uttered to McCarthy during a 1954 hearing by Army counsel Joseph Nye Welch, was, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" You can watch video of Welch's famous line here.

Fireworks as Issa compares Holder to Nixon's AG | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

My my... Holder compares hearings as to why the ATF agent killed by ATF weapons under orders signed by Holder.. is the same???

Of course it is! The poor Holder has NO legs to stand on because either he is LYING through his teeth OR he is totally unaware of his subordinates activities which makes him INCOMPETENT!
Someone on the panel mentioned impeachment this mawning. just saying. :eusa_clap:
A couple of people have mentioned impeachment. The impeachment should be of obama.
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Holder fired back by invoking the McCarthy-era line, "Have you no shame?"

To which Issa retorted, "Have YOU no shame?"

The actual line, uttered to McCarthy during a 1954 hearing by Army counsel Joseph Nye Welch, was, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" You can watch video of Welch's famous line here.

Fireworks as Issa compares Holder to Nixon's AG | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

My my... Holder compares hearings as to why the ATF agent killed by ATF weapons under orders signed by Holder.. is the same???

Of course it is! The poor Holder has NO legs to stand on because either he is LYING through his teeth OR he is totally unaware of his subordinates activities which makes him INCOMPETENT!

McCarthy received that response after he had questioned the loyalty of one of the Senator's staffers -- who turned out to be, wait for it....take a guess....that's right! The guy McCarthy had questioned the Senator about turned out to be working with a Communist spy ring
Holder, a law abiding citizen and public servant was merely responding to an ex? criminal given the power to investigate, "corruption".

But it might have been a charge to Republicans/conservatives at large.

You elect and appoint criminals to government. Have you no shame?
You elect and appoint criminals to government. Have you no shame?

Who is the "you" shit? Are you suggesting Democrats do not elect, and re-elect criminals at every level of government?
Holder, a law abiding citizen and public servant was merely responding to an ex? criminal given the power to investigate, "corruption".

But it might have been a charge to Republicans/conservatives at large.

You elect and appoint criminals to government. Have you no shame?

Sallow....you are a rational man....no one will answer this question of mine....maybe you will?

Several months ago, when Holder was questioned about his Knowledge of Fast and Furious, he said he had just heard about it a few weeks ago.
After he was pressed on it, he then clarified by saying it may have been several months ago.
Fine, I am OK with his clarification of what a few weeks meant.
However....I need to understand something...

He admitted little knowledge of the details of the operation becuase he has much on his plate and many scenarios playing out and he can not concentrate on all of them at once and the F and F program was one he was not completely concentrating on.

Ok. I understand...his is a very busy position. But I need to question something.

Fast and Furious was an operation where we, the US, was selling high tech armaments to the Mexican Drug Cartels...who are deemed by the Mexican government as the enem,y of Mexico. We did not inform the Mexican Government of the operation. We knew those arms were being shipped over the border of Mexico. Our intentions werre nobel, granted....but the bottom line is this...

The US was furnishing the enemy of our ally with Arms that could be used against our ally and this was done without the knowledge of our ally while using the border of our ally....something that can be deemed as an act of war.

Now...if that is not an operation that required Holders in depth knowledge, then what would?

Why did he feel the need to have in depth knowledge AND INVOLVEMENT as it pertains to a domestic criminal case involving two New Black Panthers...but he did not feel the need to have in depth knowledge of an action that can be deemed by an ally as an act of war?
You elect and appoint criminals to government. Have you no shame?

Who is the "you" shit? Are you suggesting Democrats do not elect, and re-elect criminals at every level of government?

Let's just check the current news items...

Former Gov of Illinois getting 15 years for corruption? Former Gov. of New Jersey's company "lost" a billion dollars that belongs to it's investors? Refresh my memory, Sallow...were those guys Democrats or Republicans?

Eric Holder's DOJ is a joke. That Barack Obama would put the guy who arranged the Marc Rich pardon in charge of our justice system was a travesty in the first place. Since then Holder's given us the New Black Panther debacle in Philly, the Gibson Guitar debacle in Nashville, the Boeing plant debacle in South Carolina and the Fast & Furious debacle on our southern border. Has there ever been an Attorney General who managed to combine incompetence with corruption in such a stunning manner?
...because either he is LYING through his teeth OR he is totally unaware of his subordinates activities which makes him INCOMPETENT!

I would say it's the former. Evidence that he's a liar includes:

Deputy Attorney General David Ogden said in 2009 that Holder knew:

Gunrunner: Video proof that Eric Holder knew about Gunrunner in 2009 « America's Watchtower

We also know that Holder was told via internal DOJ communications as early as 2010 about the operation:

In a July 2010 memo, Michael Walther, director of the National Drug Intelligence Center, told Holder straw buyers in the Operation Fast and Furious case “are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 firearms that were then supplied to the Mexican drug trafficking cartels.”

Also, on October 18, 2010, one of Holder’s chief deputies, Lanny Breuer, chief of the department’s Criminal Division, told Holder in a memo that prosecutors were ready to issue indictments in Operation Fast and Furious

Documents also show, contrary to earlier reports, the Justice Department was aware that ATF agents under the department’s direction were involved in the controversial practice known as “gun walking” — allowing illicit gun sales to proceed to track the traffickers to higher-ups. The department has said it did not allow guns to “walk.”

Further, Holder stated on May 3, 2011 that he had just heard about F&F. Yet, Obama himself said in March of that year that Holder knew:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujsbBzNOJ1M]Eric Holder Lied to Congress on Fast and Furious - YouTube[/ame]

Also, documents obtained by CBS News show Attorney General Eric Holder was sent briefings on F&F as far back as July 2010. That directly contradicts his statement to Congress.

Then let's not forget that just last Friday, the DOJ admitted that a letter provided by Assistant AG Ron Weich on Feb. 4, 2010 was a lie when he insisted “The allegation . . . that ATF ‘sanctioned’ or otherwise knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons . . . is false.” The ATF, Weich went on, “makes every effort to interdict weapons that have been purchased illegally and prevent their transportation to Mexico.”.

We also know that Weich’s letter was edited by Jason Weinstein, a deputy to Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, who forwarded various drafts to his boss. Is someone seriously suggesting Weich lied to Congress without his bosses knowledge? Really?

And why did the Obama administration recently sealed the court records relating to agent Terry’s murder? I wonder...

Obama and Holder are NOTORIOUS gun grabbers. Does anyone really believe that isn't what's behind this entire debacle?
Former Gov of Illinois getting 15 years for corruption? Former Gov. of New Jersey's company "lost" a billion dollars that belongs to it's investors? Refresh my memory, Sallow...were those guys Democrats or Republicans?

Marion Barry anyone?
Someone on the panel mentioned impeachment this mawning. just saying. :eusa_clap:

Ask Brian Terry and his family what they think of Eric Holder. He would still be alive today if it weren't for Eric Holder's crimes. He didn't have to die. Forget resignation,Holder should be arrested. He intentionally armed these Mexican Cartels. How many more will now die as a result of his crimes? He can try to play games and deflect all he wants,but he will have to pay.
Holder, a law abiding citizen and public servant was merely responding to an ex? criminal given the power to investigate, "corruption".

But it might have been a charge to Republicans/conservatives at large.

You elect and appoint criminals to government. Have you no shame?

Sallow....you are a rational man....no one will answer this question of mine....maybe you will?

Several months ago, when Holder was questioned about his Knowledge of Fast and Furious, he said he had just heard about it a few weeks ago.
After he was pressed on it, he then clarified by saying it may have been several months ago.
Fine, I am OK with his clarification of what a few weeks meant.
However....I need to understand something...

He admitted little knowledge of the details of the operation becuase he has much on his plate and many scenarios playing out and he can not concentrate on all of them at once and the F and F program was one he was not completely concentrating on.

Ok. I understand...his is a very busy position. But I need to question something.

Fast and Furious was an operation where we, the US, was selling high tech armaments to the Mexican Drug Cartels...who are deemed by the Mexican government as the enem,y of Mexico. We did not inform the Mexican Government of the operation. We knew those arms were being shipped over the border of Mexico. Our intentions werre nobel, granted....but the bottom line is this...

The US was furnishing the enemy of our ally with Arms that could be used against our ally and this was done without the knowledge of our ally while using the border of our ally....something that can be deemed as an act of war.

Now...if that is not an operation that required Holders in depth knowledge, then what would?

Why did he feel the need to have in depth knowledge AND INVOLVEMENT as it pertains to a domestic criminal case involving two New Black Panthers...but he did not feel the need to have in depth knowledge of an action that can be deemed by an ally as an act of war?

I am bumping the above question...I am sick and tired of those that say Holder is honest and a victim of a witch hunt continuing to ignoire these questions of mine. I dont actually exepct an answer....I would like to hear someone rationalize it.

STOP IGNORING IT...it is a valid qustion.....4 times and no one has yet to answer it over the past week......
Holder really does believe he's gonna cleverly weasel his way out of this one. But he's just wrong. Brian Terry is dead and so are countless others because of Holder. He will not be let off the hook. Personally,i feel the man should be wearing an orange jumpsuit for what he did. And if the President knew,he should too.
There isn't any need for any lengthy debate on this matter. Quite simply...


... and then sentenced and sent to prison.

Next his boss.
Holder is too arrogant to resign even amidst his lying, be will not step down. Luckily, he's only got less than a year before he and the rest of this corrupt admin will be voted out.
Holder really does believe he's gonna cleverly weasel his way out of this one. But he's just wrong. Brian Terry is dead and so are countless others because of Holder. He will not be let off the hook. Personally,i feel the man should be wearing an orange jumpsuit for what he did. And if the President knew,he should too.

No. They are dead becuase of the actions of the drug cartels. American bought weapons or Iranian bought weapons or black market bought weapons, they would be dead anyway.

The real question is why Holder either lied to congress about his knowledge of this bothced operation OR why he did not feel such a sensitive operation required his personal attention.

In essence, he is either a liar or inept at his job......and we need to know which it is...one should result in impeachment and the other should result in immediate termination of his appointment.
Holder, a law abiding citizen and public servant was merely responding to an ex? criminal given the power to investigate, "corruption".

But it might have been a charge to Republicans/conservatives at large.

You elect and appoint criminals to government. Have you no shame?

Sallow....you are a rational man....no one will answer this question of mine....maybe you will?

Several months ago, when Holder was questioned about his Knowledge of Fast and Furious, he said he had just heard about it a few weeks ago.
After he was pressed on it, he then clarified by saying it may have been several months ago.
Fine, I am OK with his clarification of what a few weeks meant.
However....I need to understand something...

He admitted little knowledge of the details of the operation becuase he has much on his plate and many scenarios playing out and he can not concentrate on all of them at once and the F and F program was one he was not completely concentrating on.

Ok. I understand...his is a very busy position. But I need to question something.

Fast and Furious was an operation where we, the US, was selling high tech armaments to the Mexican Drug Cartels...who are deemed by the Mexican government as the enem,y of Mexico. We did not inform the Mexican Government of the operation. We knew those arms were being shipped over the border of Mexico. Our intentions werre nobel, granted....but the bottom line is this...

The US was furnishing the enemy of our ally with Arms that could be used against our ally and this was done without the knowledge of our ally while using the border of our ally....something that can be deemed as an act of war.

Now...if that is not an operation that required Holders in depth knowledge, then what would?

Why did he feel the need to have in depth knowledge AND INVOLVEMENT as it pertains to a domestic criminal case involving two New Black Panthers...but he did not feel the need to have in depth knowledge of an action that can be deemed by an ally as an act of war?

I am bumping the above question...I am sick and tired of those that say Holder is honest and a victim of a witch hunt continuing to ignoire these questions of mine. I dont actually exepct an answer....I would like to hear someone rationalize it.

STOP IGNORING IT...it is a valid qustion.....4 times and no one has yet to answer it over the past week......

What the fuck do you want? If he lied about it he should be tried and convicted. Period.
Sallow....you are a rational man....no one will answer this question of mine....maybe you will?

Several months ago, when Holder was questioned about his Knowledge of Fast and Furious, he said he had just heard about it a few weeks ago.
After he was pressed on it, he then clarified by saying it may have been several months ago.
Fine, I am OK with his clarification of what a few weeks meant.
However....I need to understand something...

He admitted little knowledge of the details of the operation becuase he has much on his plate and many scenarios playing out and he can not concentrate on all of them at once and the F and F program was one he was not completely concentrating on.

Ok. I understand...his is a very busy position. But I need to question something.

Fast and Furious was an operation where we, the US, was selling high tech armaments to the Mexican Drug Cartels...who are deemed by the Mexican government as the enem,y of Mexico. We did not inform the Mexican Government of the operation. We knew those arms were being shipped over the border of Mexico. Our intentions werre nobel, granted....but the bottom line is this...

The US was furnishing the enemy of our ally with Arms that could be used against our ally and this was done without the knowledge of our ally while using the border of our ally....something that can be deemed as an act of war.

Now...if that is not an operation that required Holders in depth knowledge, then what would?

Why did he feel the need to have in depth knowledge AND INVOLVEMENT as it pertains to a domestic criminal case involving two New Black Panthers...but he did not feel the need to have in depth knowledge of an action that can be deemed by an ally as an act of war?

I am bumping the above question...I am sick and tired of those that say Holder is honest and a victim of a witch hunt continuing to ignoire these questions of mine. I dont actually exepct an answer....I would like to hear someone rationalize it.

STOP IGNORING IT...it is a valid qustion.....4 times and no one has yet to answer it over the past week......

What the fuck do you want? If he lied about it he should be tried and convicted. Period.

I want those that continually say that Holder is an honest man and excellent at what he does to rationalize to me how they can say that taking into consideration the facts that I laid out for them.

But no one will....including you.....unless of course you dont see him as an able AG or an honest AG.....but as I showed in my questiuon...it MUST BE one or the other....unless someone can rationalize otherwise.
Holder fired back by invoking the McCarthy-era line, "Have you no shame?"

To which Issa retorted, "Have YOU no shame?"

The actual line, uttered to McCarthy during a 1954 hearing by Army counsel Joseph Nye Welch, was, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" You can watch video of Welch's famous line here.

Fireworks as Issa compares Holder to Nixon's AG | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

My my... Holder compares hearings as to why the ATF agent killed by ATF weapons under orders signed by Holder.. is the same???

Of course it is! The poor Holder has NO legs to stand on because either he is LYING through his teeth OR he is totally unaware of his subordinates activities which makes him INCOMPETENT!

McCarthy received that response after he had questioned the loyalty of one of the Senator's staffers -- who turned out to be, wait for it....take a guess....that's right! The guy McCarthy had questioned the Senator about turned out to be working with a Communist spy ring

You must be of the age as I that as a child I saw the McCarthy hearings and never knew what that was about.. I was 11 and thought the hearings were the only thing TV was about!

Then that lead me to remember this... TV series I also watched:
"I Led Three Lives"!!!

Herbert A. Philbrick, who chronicled his years of spying on the Communist Party for the F.B.I. in his autobiography, died Monday at his home in North Hampton, his family said. He was 78.

As a top member of the New England chapter of the Communist Party in a Boston suburb, Mr. Philbrick channeled information on the party to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The name of his book, "I Led Three Lives" (McGraw-Hill, 1950) was inspired by his separate lives as a family man working in advertising, as a spy and as a Communist. It was turned into a popular television series in the mid-1950's.

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