Elizabeth Warren Well Ahead In Massechusetts According To Poll


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Ruh oh Scotty whadayagonnadonow!?!?


U.S. Senate Matchup

Scott Brown - 42%
Elizbath Warren - 49%

Source: UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion

Massechusetts, and the rest of America for that matter, are fed up and we're ready for real champions of the people and fighters for the people to represent us.

I don't think Scott Brown stands a chance.

Watch out Congress, Elizabeth's comin'....and hell's coming with her!!

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
He's probably going to spend the next year campaigning.

Seems like a dumb question to me.
Just what we need, another loony toon loud mouthed hateful witch in Congress.

Of course you Democrats love them types.

Maxi Waters
and I'm sure I missed a couple

I'm tired of people with distorted senses of right and wrong. Neither Brown nor Warren is an "evil" person and no one with any sound moral sense would accuse either of them of that.

What Warren is, though, is evidence of the rising power of populist issues on the left. Scott Brown is far from a right-wing loon. (You can't be a right-wing loon and be elected a Senator in Massachusetts.) He's personable, he's kept his campaign promises, he speaks well, and unlike a lot of Republicans he's relatively sane. So her support is not anti-Brown, it's pro-Warren. And that means what you folks regard as extreme left-wing positions are increasingly popular.

Granted, this is Massachusetts we're talking about. But even in MA this sort of thing wouldn't have flown 10 or 12 years ago. Things have changed.
Elizabeth Warren is an unabashed champion of the rest of us, the rich have plenty of allies it's time the rest of us have at least one in Washington. The woman is fearless, politically clean and unbuyable, if nothing else she will make the rest of them look like the lobbyist whores they are.
Jesus Christ, you two numbnuts are why moonbats make people wanna throw up........
Jesus Christ, you two numbnuts are why moonbats make people wanna throw up........

if someone would tell me what it is that she has that we soooooo desperately need, i might vote for her.

so far, all i've been told is that she's a champion of the rest of us.

Ruh oh Scotty whadayagonnadonow!?!?


U.S. Senate Matchup

Scott Brown - 42%
Elizbath Warren - 49%

Source: UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion

Massechusetts, and the rest of America for that matter, are fed up and we're ready for real champions of the people and fighters for the people to represent us.

I don't think Scott Brown stands a chance.

Watch out Congress, Elizabeth's comin'....and hell's coming with her!!

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
A poll conducted by one of those northeastern bastions of liberalism?
Scott Brown, as it turned out is a left leaning moderate. He may as well caucus with the democrats. Who cares. The GOP was never going to count on this guy anyway.
Mass, was is and always will be a blue state. It's been written off by conservatives.
So go ahead and gloat, Malcom. We don't give shit about Taxachussetes.

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