Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Well lets see how that plays out..

Like this call for a "hit".

Gabrielle Giffords warns Sarah Palin there will be consequences. - YouTube

Yeah, let's compare the two statements, dip shit...


"There are consequences to that action"

One is violent rhetoric, the other is not. Since you suffer from terminal stupidity, I'll give you a hint...


Alls I'm sayin' it's lets see how it works out.

Like when O'Reilly brayed on about "Tiller the Baby killer", someone actually shot him in a church.

Like when Palin put targets on Democrats, someone actually shot her and many other people.

Let's see how it plays out.

Because you'd have a point if some nut decides to take out tea party types (Which I really don't want to happen).

But I'm thinking..it's not going to happen.


When the right says things, people get shot. I agree with you, lets see what happens.
Fabricate? Hoffa said "lets take those bastards out". It wasn't a rallying cry, it was a call to violence and murder. Obama should distance himself from these nut cases if he has any sense but it's all he has left.
That quote didn't come from the rebels in Libya. It was spoken monday by union leader Don Hoffa in Detroit while introducing the president. "Let's take those sons of bitches out". Barry seemed to revel in the revolutionary spirit.

Unlike democracy, at the core of socialism you will always find force.....Barry's union thugs fill the bill...

1. Obama is not a socialist 2. The name is Barrack 3. They're not union thugs, they're workers trying make their voices heard in a world where the GOP declared all out war on collective bargaining 4. Plenty of speakers at Tea Party/GOP rallies have used similar, if not worse, language than what was used by Hoffa.
Fabricate? Hoffa said "lets take those bastards out". It wasn't a rallying cry, it was a call to violence and murder. Obama should distance himself from these nut cases if he has any sense but it's all he has left.
There's no room left under that inept cocksuckers bus.......He's already filled the undercarriage with his various scumbag associates he's had to toss under it.
The Right might be in a bit better position to feign righteous indignation over the Hoffa remarks had they not in overwhelming consensus repeatedly defended comparable rhetoric from their own heroes.
Oh, you mean the ridiculous leftist claims that Palin inspired Laughner?

Good Gaea, how long are you morons gonna be pushing that lie?

Palin inspired Laughner? Nah...he started out crazy. I'm sure the rhetoric didn't help any, but most of his rhetoric was in his head.

More likely the reference was to Glenn Beck and Byron Williams or O'Reilly and the guy that killed Doctor Tiller.

Or maybe that guy in, where was it, Sweden maybe... that killed all those kids at that camp. He like that Atlas Jugs, Pam Geller.
So, you push different lies. Yawn.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtlNuF74Fz0]Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube[/ame]


What do you guys think? I have much to say but can't post it
That quote didn't come from the rebels in Libya. It was spoken monday by union leader Don Hoffa in Detroit while introducing the president. "Let's take those sons of bitches out". Barry seemed to revel in the revolutionary spirit.

Unlike democracy, at the core of socialism you will always find force.....Barry's union thugs fill the bill...

1. Obama is not a socialist 2. The name is Barrack 3. They're not union thugs, they're workers trying make their voices heard in a world where the GOP declared all out war on collective bargaining 4. Plenty of speakers at Tea Party/GOP rallies have used similar, if not worse, language than what was used by Hoffa.

1. Right, he's a Marxist. 2. He goes by "Barry" as well. 3. Yes, they are thugs. 4. Linkypoo?

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